Read Mine to Spell (Mine #2) Online

Authors: Janeal Falor

Mine to Spell (Mine #2) (35 page)

BOOK: Mine to Spell (Mine #2)
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The smirk wipes from the judge’s face, but Chancellor Ryan’s grin grows. “Glad you could finally join us.” He strides to me and leans over. Lukas tilts closer, but doesn’t interfere. I’m scared of what the Chancellor is going to do.

“Now,” the Chancellor whispers in my ear, “you are not going to cast a single spell during your next duel.”

I lean away from him and say loud enough for everyone to hear. “Excuse me?”

His forehead wrinkles, but he repeats it again, a little louder.

I don’t know if anyone else can hear him or not, but he’s clearly expecting me to comply. And why? Is this a threat of some kind, or am I just supposed to listen to him because he’s on the council?

“I don’t think so.”

But you’re supposed to—” He stops himself and scowls.

Supposed to what?” The drink, the one that makes me lose control of myself. He knew about it, probably set it up. What a surprise for him. “I think the only thing I’m supposed to do right now is defeat another opponent. If you’ll please excuse me.”

I brush past him, trying not to think about the vicious scowl on his face, and focus on the duel. The judge looks unhappier than ever, eyes darting between me and the chancellor.

“Enter,” he says.

I wish for more time to clear my thoughts and to find out if Zade found my guards. But there’s not time for a reprieve, even if worry for them is trying to distract me, I have to push the thoughts aside. I step into the ring. My opponent no longer looks bored. His eyes gleam as he takes me in, raising his hands toward me with a smirk.

I block before I even see the spell coming. Whatever the spell is, the look in his eye says it’s deadly. A black light, with red and orange twisting through it, hurtles toward my silver wall, and doesn’t just crash into it. It sinks into it, becoming part of it. My power stumbles, shield weakening as my power does.

Umpf. I shove my power into the shield as hard I can, but it’s not enough. The black spell continues seeping into my shield, getting closer and closer, tugging more and more power away from me. Draining me and destroying my shield.

The magic that usually dances within me is growing dim. I try to rein my power back in, to call some of it back to me, but it’s sluggish, as if it torn between being drained away and heeding my directions. My heart races with the certainty that if I can’t figure a way out of this, it will never beat again.

While keeping the ever-weakening shield up, I ready another spell to throw at him. But his spell is attacking from all around. Maybe he saw me sneak a spell around before because he hasn’t left an opening to do that now. I’ll have to surge through. Sweat beads on me. It’s risky, opening the shield up enough to let my spell out may let his in, but if I don’t, his spell is going to get through, and I don’t know if I’ll survive it.

I reach deep inside, but focusing while keeping the wall up is difficult. Death is nearing. Being out of breath from the jog here, I’m just tired. So tired. Exhaustion is weakening my limbs and magic. Making everything heavy. Which gives me an idea.

I gather the magic together, but focus on how weak I am, how my limbs drag and my arm struggles to stay raised. When my thoughts and magic are drenched with fatigue, I thrust it out with the last of my energy as fast and as hard as I can, leaving a spot in my shield open just big and long enough for it to sneak by. My opponent is so focused on his spell, he doesn’t even react to the dark blue and silver -glittering spell flying straight at his head. The instant it hits, he collapses to the ground.

His spell dissipates and I let my shield fall and sink to the ground. His spell never hit. I did, though. I hit him and effectively used a shield against his power sucking. I’ve won.

But my muscles ache. What little power is left inside me is bobbing weakly. Someone is booing, at me, certainly. Others are crying out. Something about death. They think I killed him. It’s possible, I suppose, though I shudder to think it. I’ve never tried a spell like this before.

Thoughts are struggling to surface. To make sense. Whatever else the case may be, I hope he’s still alive. I don’t want to lose, but I don’t want to kill someone either.

It’s getting harder and harder to care. To push past the darkness oozing over me. The world sways as I struggle to maintain myself. I sink further to the ground, and further. Everything is thick, weighty. Then the world once again goes black.



Chapter Forty-One



I’m lying down. Somewhere soft, but cold, except my right side, which is warm and welcoming. I shift closer to the warmth. It pulls me near and a sigh escapes me. Peace drifting through me. Then I realize the warmth smells spicy, sort of like Lukas. Why does it smell like Lukas? I open my eyes and see Lukas brushed up against my side. I jolt into a sitting position and turn away so he won’t see the heat flushing my cheeks.

The cold replacing his warmth is sudden and brisk from the slight wind that's picked up in the waiting area, but does nothing to ease the heat in my cheeks. It would be so much less troublesome if he hadn’t been the cause of my not paying enough attention to my surroundings this morning. The thought rids the heat in my face.

Did Zade find them? Are they well?”

He found Chadwick and Xyer. They’ll both be fine. Though your attacker was gone by the time he got there.” Answers from him would have been nice, but the wellbeing of those helping me is more important. Tension relaxes from me as he continues. “Someone knocked him unconscious, but he doesn’t remember who, or why it happened. Only that one moment he was following behind you, and the next, Zade was waking him up with a spell. He’ll be fine though. Just really embarrassed that he let his guard down.”

I know how he feels, though I’m sure his excuse is different than mine. It’s a really bad excuse. Finally, I face Lukas. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.”

But it is.”

You are not the one that attacked him or the one that can’t handle seeing a woman take control of her life. None of this is your fault.”

I almost stay silent, but it’s Lukas. “I didn’t notice anything happen to him.”

“It’s fine. He didn’t see it coming either.”

Except I didn’t see it coming because I was thinking about last night. About you and me.”

Ah.” He nods his head like he understands but then leans closer so I don’t think he does. “And if you weren’t thinking about us, you would have noticed someone sneaking up on a trained warlock even when that highly-trained warlock didn’t notice?”

When you put it that way…”

I know you’re scared to let yourself feel. I know this life hasn’t been easy. It hasn’t allowed for love that's good and true. But, Cyn, it’s not a bad thing. I’ll give you the time and space you need, but I hope you soon learn that bad things happen whether or not you love, but it’s love that can help pull you away from those bad things. And when you do learn, I’ll be here.”

I turn back away from him, not because of blushing or because of not wanting to see him, but because there’s so much tumbling about inside, it’s hard to focus on my feelings.

“How long have I been out?”

Only about five minutes.”

Much shorter than I thought. “The duel. What happened? I won, correct? My opponent, is he…dead?”

He’s silent a moment. “No. I don’t know what you did to him, but he’s alive. Just still unconscious.”

A tension I didn’t realize was sprung tightly inside me eases, leaving me feeling like I’ll topple. “I tried a sleep spell on him.”

“Ah. Lunk should have known to block it. Did you put much magic behind it?”

Everything I had left. Didn’t feel like much, I was really worn from being attacked this morning, and his spell was eating through my shield like nothing I’ve ever seen.”

It was enough. He’s out cold. They haven’t been able to wake him.”

I hope he wakes soon. “Do you know what spell he cast that would eat through my shield like that? It felt like death, but the other death spells haven’t felt like that.”

“I don’t know. Maybe he found a way to focus the spell on draining someone else’s magic, but he’d have to be strong to do so.”

That’s comforting. Next time I duel, someone’s spell may try to gnaw through my shield while draining me of my power.”

Don’t worry, Cyn, you only have to tap them with your sleep spell and they’ll be out before that can happen.”

The tone of his voice makes me smile despite myself, but it doesn’t last. “You don’t think my spell did any permanent damage, do you? Is he truly going to wake and be fine?”

“More so than he deserves. Don’t worry about him. Worry about you. You still have more duels to take care of.”

Speaking of more duels. “I shouldn’t be this aware. I was exhausted, both physically and mentally, after running and fighting. Never have I been so drained before, but I feel fine. If I haven’t slept the day away and missed all my duels, how is that possible?”

“That uh, may have been me.”

I lift my eyebrow at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I may have healed you.” He rubs his forehead. “I know you like doing things yourself, but you were unconscious, and I wanted to help.”

No, thank you. I appreciate you helping me.” If only he could rest my magic up as well. It’s not as sluggish as before but not jumping about either. “Wait, you said Xyer and Chadwick. What about Conrad?”

He presses his lips together like he doesn't want to tell me, and then he gives a sigh.“
He’s missing.”

Missing?” Fear clenches my muscles. “We should go find him.”

Your next duel starts soon.”

Blast.” Am I to have him on my conscience as well? Please let it not be so!

Let’s get to it, then. Others are looking for him, I’m sure he’ll be fine.” He stands. “May I walk you?”

Please. And I’ll do better at paying attention so if someone sneaks up on you, I’ll at least realize it happened. I’d prefer to still be alive at the end of the tournament, and well, if I have to die, it’d be better if it happened during a duel. To be killed off before then would be disappointing, to say the least.” Much more disappointing if they don’t find Conrad, though. If something bad happened to him…

We start walking together toward the duel, and Lukas says, “We should probably see if we can get you more guards.”

“More? I already feel bad enough that Conrad is gone, and there’s so many others watching over me. Is it really necessary?”

I know it’s hard, but if they’re going to sneak attack to the point where we’re getting knocked out and missing, we need someone else to make it harder for that to happen.”

They’re still going to try.” If I had known my actions all those months ago would have led to this, would I still have made the choices I did?

I can’t stop the attacks, but at least you can have more protection. Plus, it will be safer for the guards,” Lukas says. “Do you remember any more details from this morning?”

I sigh. “Nothing that can help.”

He stops, takes me by both shoulders right in the middle of the field, close by where my next duel takes place, a spot where everyone can see. “There is something that can help. Me. I will do everything I can. Understand?”

The depth of feeling behind his declaration pushes into me so strongly, it takes a moment to respond. “Yes.”

“Good. Now, let's go over everything again, and we’ll figure out what to do about it.”

I tell him what I remember from the attack, my voice shaking with memories and fear over the fact that Conrad is still missing. Will a day ever come when I, and those around me, won’t be persecuted?



Chapter Forty-Two



Soon it’s time for my next duel. Lukas stays close, along with Xyer. It’s difficult to concentrate, difficult to have enough energy. Somehow I win it and the next two, just not by much. My final duel of the day is only a few minutes away, and I’m slumped onto the wet grass. Lukas keeps prompting me to eat something, but food has no appeal. Just sleep.

But Lukas is here, prodding me to my feet.

It’s time already?” My voice feels thick, as if tainted by an entire bowl of honey.

Afraid so.”

Don’t think I can.”

He grabs both of my upper arms, steadying me. “You can do this. You’ll find the strength.”

Usually the words would boost me, stir my magic, and make me eager to fulfill his belief in me. Now, I want to plop my head onto his shoulder and doze off. My magic barely stirs within me, a faint trickle of its usual power. I’ll never regain enough of it by tomorrow to win, let alone have enough to win the next duel.

BOOK: Mine to Spell (Mine #2)
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