Minot Hacker: Mystery Series (My Murder Mysteries #1) (12 page)

BOOK: Minot Hacker: Mystery Series (My Murder Mysteries #1)
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Jessica laughed out loud.

“That will be helpful, considering she hates me as much as you.”

Devin looked up into the leafless trees taking a deep breath.

“She’s constantly texting and running off to talk on the phone. Then she runs out the door. I don’t know what to do about it. Do you think she’s dangerous?”

Laughing out loud Jessica nodded her head in an enthusiastic yes.

“Don’t turn your back on her, Dev. I know she’s your sister and maybe deep down you care about her. But there is a major malfunction in Kelly’s chemistry. She’s not right. And the truth is she never has been. It’s only a matter of time before she breaks something that can’t be fixed, you know? I just don’t want it to be you who she breaks.”

Devin smiled, showing off his dimples and looking Jessica squarely in the eyes. Inside he wanted to just lean in and kiss her. She looked so pretty without any make-up, her nose and cheeks red and that pretty pink hat peeking out from underneath the heavy hood of her coat.

For a moment Jessica thought the same thing but panicked. What if he was just teasing? What if she was reading Devin all wrong and he was just getting more handsome, more intense as they were getting older but still saw her as the little girl from down the street who ate a fly on a dare. She shook just a little at that mortifying memory. Blinking back the urge to kiss him she smiled back and patted Devin’s leg.

“I’ll tell you what, Dev, if that were my daughter and I couldn’t beat some sense into her I’d hire a couple of guys to do it. She really just needs a good swift kick in the ass.”

“Are you applying for that position?” Devin asked, folding his hands in front of him and nodding his head yes.

“Are you kidding? Not if she’s collecting an arsenal of blades. No. No. This is a job for someone bigger and badder than me.”

“I didn’t know there was such a person.” Devin said, standing up and rubbing his thighs to get the blood circulating. He reached his hand out to Jessica.

“Seriously, Dev, I don’t know what to do. I’m an only child. If she were my kid I’d kick her ass and then tell her how much I love her just before I had her locked in a padded cell and threw away the key. Maybe that means I shouldn’t have kids.” She said taking his hand and letting him help her up off the log.

“I was never big on the idea of having kids. It seems like there is so much to worry about.” Devin said, still holding Jessica’s hand.

“Yeah.” Jessica said feeling her cheeks start to burn with embarrassment as she held Devin’s hand.


“Well, besides, you wouldn’t want to have kids because yours would be ugly.” Jessica teased.

“The hell you say. My children would be hot.”

“That sounds totally inappropriate.”

“Only to someone whose mind is already in the gutter.”

Jessica laughed and bumped Devin with her hip.

They let go of each other’s hand but both Devin and Jessica still felt their warmth.


Chapter 3


After a few hours of trampling through the snow and getting more fresh air and exercise than two teenagers would ever need Devin and Jessica parted ways only to see each other at work in about two hours.

Devin stepped into his house and listened. He knew his mother was already gone for work and his dad would be out of the picture for a couple of weeks. Holding his breath he listened for his sister.

“Kelly, come down here and take out the garbage!” he yelled, knowing a command to do anything even remotely helpful would spur a rage in her she’d be unable to repress. But thankfully, nothing but silence came back from every corner of the house. Letting out his breath Devin went upstairs to take a fast shower and get ready for work.

He thought about what Jessica had said. He couldn’t say he loved his sister with any certainty. But he loved his parents. He thought about going in Jessica’s room and taking a look around but just as he pulled up the courage he heard the front door open and slam shut.

“That girl doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” He heard Kelly on her phone. She stomped up the stairs and into her room slamming that door, too.

“So much for that plan.” He grumbled to himself. Quickly he got dressed in khakis and a red polo shirt that had the words BrementownTheater embroidered on the left side. He quietly grabbed his wallet, slipped on his shoes and took a look around his room to make sure no valuables were left lying around. His phone and iPod were slipped into his coat pocket and for a brief second he thought of checking his parent’s room to make sure any jewelry or money was out of plain sight.

Opening the door to his room he walked down the hall and checked his parents’ room. His mother had a few pieces of jewelry in a tiny dish on her nightstand. Her wedding ring that she couldn’t wear at work, a pair of earrings that looked valuable but Devin really couldn’t tell. He took the little dish and slipped it between the mattress and box spring of the bed.

Devin didn’t see anything else but he realized he wasn’t looking at the room with a criminal’s eyes like his sister would. Well, he did his best. And if he didn’t hurry he’d be late for work.

The evening went by at the theater without any real excitement. Devin and Jessica played one of their favorite games of “
if money were no object what movie would you remake?
” to help as they swept the theaters, cleaned the counters, mopped the floors at closing.

“I would remake Pretty Woman only I’d make it the way it would really happen. Julia Roberts would have meth-mouth and tattoos. Richard Gere would be popping Viagra and on the verge of bankruptcy.” Jessica said. “I’d pay to see that version.”

“So would I.” Devin said laughing. “I’d remake Rocky.”

“What? You can’t remake Rocky. That’s a classic.”

“I would only instead of boxing the guy would be into curling.”

“You mean with the brooms?” Jessica burst out laughing. She held her stomach as she doubled over unable to stop even when the theater manager came to see what all the noise was. Ted Dukase was his name and he stood with his hands on his hips studying the pair as if he were searching for signs of possible intoxication. Devin, as usual, stood completely still, shrugging his shoulders with a somber look on his face.

“What are you two doing?” Ted asked.

“I was cleaning up, Ted. I’m not sure what happened to Jess.” Devin jerked his thumb in Jessica’s direction making her laugh even harder.

“Alright.” Ted said. “You guys are done for the night. I’ll get the lights and lock up.”

Both Devin and Jessica scooted out of the theater in a flash just in case Ted decided to change his mind. Locking up took an extra half hour to forty-five minutes because every door had to be checked to make sure it was locked, all the stall in the bathroom had to be cleared out.

“Who in their right mind would want to spend the night in that smelly place?” Jessica said as they stood outside in the cold. Devin shrugged his shoulders.

“Want to come over and watch a movie?” He asked. “I’ll put on Pretty Woman.”

Jessica’s eyes lit up.

“Only if we can make up our own dialogue as we watch.”

“Of course.” Devin said, walking Jessica to her car. “See you at my house.”

She took off out of the parking lot and once again Devin was feeling conflicted. He could have kissed her right then too. He wanted to kiss her while she was laughing at his joke that even he thought was hilarious. What was wrong with him? When did Jessica become so perfect? He climbed in his car and left the theater.

“This was a great idea.” Jessica said pulling a blanket around them. “I love to hate this movie.” She sat next to Devin but not too close, crossing her legs Indian style underneath the blanket resting her knee on Devin’s thigh.

“What should we do tomorrow?” Devin asked.

“Hey, we’re getting in Toolbox Murders tomorrow. Remember? There is just something so cool about those old slasher movies from the 1980s. I love it.”

“Yeah, me too. They just don’t have that kind of creativity anymore.”

“You know, how lucky are we that we found each other and can appreciate these finer things in life together?” Jessica said leaning a little closer to Devin. He took her hand and held it up to his lips kissing it quickly. Jessica blushed but didn’t pull her hand away. Instead, she leaned in closer. Closing her eyes she let her lips touch Devin’s and for a brief moment, a few precious seconds, they kissed. Sometimes people talk about seeing fireworks or sparks flying when they talk about kissing someone. But it wasn’t like that for Devin and Jessica. To them it was like slipping into a warm tub. So comfortable and inviting they could relax and stay there forever. It was a kiss they had both been waiting for, wondering if it would ever happen, or should it ever happen. But now that it had they were happy to linger there.

“Devin!” The front door burst open and Kelly began screaming. “Devin!”

He pulled back from Jessica with a start and looked at her, his eyes apologetic even though he said nothing to her. Jessica blushed and bit her lower lip.

“Devin!” She screamed slamming the door shut behind her.

“What? What is the matter with you?” Devin shouted back, throwing off the blankets to stand up.

“I need your help! I’m serious…oh, great! What the hell is she doing here again?” Kelly stomped into the living room only to stop in her tracks as soon as she saw Jessica sitting on the couch, still partially covered by the blanket.

“Don’t start, Kelly. What did you do now?” Devin said having heard this level of desperation in her voice before.

“You need to say I was home with you all night.” Devin was sure he heard her wrong but Jessica was all too aware of what she said. “I was home all night, just watching television.”

“Why would I have to say that Kelly? What’s going on?”

“You just have to promise me if anyone asks you’ll tell them I was home. If you don’t, Devin, I don’t know what I’ll do.” Tears filled his sister’s eyes but Devin was sure he saw the glint of a lie behind them. “I just don’t know what I’ll do.” She looked menacingly at Jessica.

“What did you do, Kelly?” Jessica asked with her eyes fixated on Kelly.

“This doesn’t concern you! This is between family and you aren’t family!”

“I can’t promise anything unless I know what’s going on.” Devin said, stepping in between his sister and Jessica.

Kelly stopped crying instantly and looked at her brother. Her face glowed like a ghoul with the thick black mascara she always wore running down her plump, pale cheeks.

“Then I can’t promise one of you won’t have a bad accident real soon. I can’t promise that won’t happen either.” She said through clenched teeth. “I can’t promise someone won’t jump you after work or after school. I can’t promise that at all.”

Devin studied his sister’s face. Her eyes were so intensely black they seemed to radiate heat as she glared right at him. Was his sister capable of hurting someone intentionally? She slapped her own mother to the floor. What did he think? Looking to his left a little to see Jessica was still there sitting on the edge of the couch he wondered what she was thinking. He wondered if she knew Kelly was talking about hurting
, not him.

“Fine. If anyone comes I’ll say you were home.” Devin said.

“Devin, you can’t cover for her. Whatever she did…”

“Shut up, Jessica!”

“Listen, you little delinquent, whatever you’re up to you’re on your own! Don’t drag us down with you!” Jessica yelled back.

“No one was even talking to you! Just shut your mouth!”

“You want to make me, little girl?”

“That’s enough!” Devon shouted over the two girls. “Now everyone just calm down!”

Nothing was said for several seconds as the trio just looked around, breathing heavily, giving each other dirty looks.


Jessica watched Kelly swallow hard before she looked up at her brother.

“You promised. Okay? You promised.” She said, nearly begging him as he walked toward the front door.

“Go to your room, Kelly.” Devin said seriously. “Don’t come out until I tell you.”

Not saying a word Kelly nodded her head and for the first time in her life did as she was told. Quietly she walked up the stairs and into her room.

Jessica had gotten off the couch and followed behind them. Now she stood looking at Devin, her eyebrows pursed together and her arms crossed over her chest.

Opening the door Devin was greeted by two policemen.

“Good evening. Does Kelly McGee live here?”

“Yeah, she’s my sister, officer. Anything I can help you with?”

“I’m Officer Schifford. This is my partner Officer Lex. Who are you?”

“Devin McGee, Kelly’s brother.”

“Mr. McGee, we were told that your sister checked into the Washington Motel with a man earlier tonight. That man was found trying to crawl out of the hotel room but died do to loss of blood from the stab wounds.”

Devin’s heart began to race as his eyes bounced from one officer to the other. Officer Schifford looked like he had made this stop at a hundred different residences tonight already and was getting very tired of the routine. His partner was busy looking Devin up and down from underneath shaggy eyebrows, looking past Devin to Jessica, then looking around the inside of the house, making a mental note of everything he was seeing.

“My sister is only sixteen years old.” Devin said trying to sound confident that whatever they were after wasn’t at the McGee home.

“Is she home?”

Feeling Jessica’s eyes on his back Devin turned around for a second to look at her then turned back to face the police officers.

“Yeah. She’s been home with us all night.”

“We’d like to talk to your sister for just a second.” Officer Lex said without the slightest hint of emotion in his voice.

“I think you guys should come back when our mom is home.” Devin said meekly.

“When will that be?” Officer Schifford asked, writing everything down in a little black notebook.

“Who are you?” Officer Lex said, calling down the hallway to Jessica who, with her arms still folded across her chest inched her way forward.

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