Mirror in the Forest: Book One (31 page)

BOOK: Mirror in the Forest: Book One
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“Are you alright?” He asked softly.

Jessica snapped back to the present, and smiled, “Yes, I’m sorry. I know you would never force me to do anything I don’t want to.”

Mark cocked his head a little and asked, “Well, then tell me what do you want to do?”

Jessica grinned making Mark smile. She took him by surprise when she kissed him again.

Chapter 33


Mark knew he was making a big mistake, and he didn’t exactly know why. He just couldn’t figure it out. Jessica was now eighteen, and even though she was still a little young for him, she had the maturity of a thirty year old. He knew he could be taking a big risk with his career; he could not help himself at that moment. He had to see her, and here she was, kissing him. He was not a perfect man, but he tried to be a good one. She was sweet, smart, and seemed to like him. Yet, there was still that nagging at the back of his mind that something was just not right with this girl.

However, as those thoughts raced through his mind, his body was telling him a different story as he responded to her body pressed against his and their lips met once again.

He decided to listen to his body this time and not his gut with this girl, which was usually a big mistake, nonetheless he forced those doubts from his mind for now. He eased Jessica into a standing position, and they let go for a moment as each tried to catch their breaths.

She smiled a little shyly at him, her lips were puffy from their kisses, and brown eyes suddenly looked huge and glazed over.

He took her by the hand, and he could feel the slight dampness in her palm. He squeezed it as they made their way to his bedroom, to let her know everything was going to be all right. He turned to look back at her as they made their way down the hallway into the main bedroom. The look she gave him confirmed that she was completely fine with what they were about to do.

“Nice bed,” she suddenly blurted out looking around the room.

He laughed slightly, and suddenly grabbed her and kissed her again. “It will look better with you in it,” he said with a slight huskiness in his voice.

She giggled and said, “At your service, Sheriff.”

He smiled and then they both began to undress each other. He was surprised when Jessica took a deep breath, and her transformation from the young, innocent virgin to a woman began to take hold.

She helped him pull her sweater off, and he placed his hands on her breasts through her bra as they began to kiss again. Her hands went right to his private area, and he moaned as she fingered his hard on from the outside of his jeans.

She then shocked him again, and unbuttoned his pants, but seemed to be having a little trouble with the zipper.

He chuckled when her face turned bright red. “I have it,” he said.

He unzipped his jeans, and his penis came out from his shorts, and fell right into her hand, and she was hesitant at first, but touched it softly. He groaned loudly, making her pull back a little doubting her abilities, but he reassured her with another kiss.

He reached his hands around her back, and unhooked her bra. Her young breasts fell right out, and her nipples were erect and very pink. He kissed her on the soft skin on her neck, then made his way down her chest, finally taking that soft succulent nipple into his mouth, and sucked on it ever so slightly. It was Jessica’s turn to moan loudly. He let go long enough to take her jeans off, and there she stood in just her underwear.

She was somewhat curvy, but he noticed her curves were becoming more toned as she played basketball at the high school. He could tell this was a body that recently lost weight.

Her skin was pale and smooth everywhere, and his eyes feasted on her breasts and down to where her underwear blocked his final destination.

She instinctively covered herself as he continued to eye her.

Her face fell a little, and she looked down. He could tell she was not experienced as a lover, and that she was probably bullied for so long she was embarrassed to be seen naked.

He walked up close to her, forcing her to look directly in his eyes. She looked like she almost wanted to cry. Finally, he leaned into her, and whispered, “You’re beautiful, and don’t ever let anyone else tell you otherwise.”

Jessica’s eyes began to tear up. “Really?”

“My hand to God,” he answered, truthfully.

She smiled brightly, and he could see a renewed confidence in her. Mark reached over and pulled her underwear aside, and lightly touching her womanhood. She moaned loudly, while he could feel her sweet wetness on his fingers as he moved them around.

He did something that took her by surprise; he took both of his hands, wrapping them around her waist lifting her against him. She realized what he was doing, and wrapped her legs around his middle area, looking down at him now with a grin plastered on her features.

She surrendered to him as he laid her on the bed, and began to take her nipple in his mouth again. He moved his mouth over her chest and across her stomach and down towards her private area. He removed her underwear and found a thatch of light brown hair.

He again found her wetness, and inserted a finger into her vagina, and with his thumb he gently rubbed her clitoris. She gasped in surprise, but then smiled from the feeling. His eyes met hers, and no words were needed. He found her hesitant to touch him, and that was fine with him. He knew she would learn eventually.

She finally found her courage, and began to trace his chest with her fingers all the while almost gasping for air from the feelings she was experiencing.

He then took his hand from her hot and wet area, and removed his underwear.

She gasped a little again, and then watched and waited to see what would happen next. He took her hand, and guided down to his penis, and showed her how to stroke it.

Her eyes widened, but she was soon stroking him so well, he thought he would come right in her hand. His eyes almost rolled to the back of his head.

He knew they were both ready. He suddenly fell on top of her, and whispered, “I need to be inside of you.”

“Yes!” She almost begged him grasping his shoulders with her hands, and almost digging her nails into his skin.

He reached over to her left and in the nightstand drawer was his stash of condoms.

Jessica looked over in surprise, but realized what they needed to do.

She watched closely as Mark put the condom on.

Tossing the condom packaging aside, he leaned over her again. The tip of his penis was playing with the opening of her vagina. She groaned again and said, “I need you.”

He knew he needed to be slow with her even though it was killing him as the pressure began to spread through his genitals.

Ever so slightly he pushed inside, and it was just as he suspected. She was so hot, and so velvety, but oh so tight.

He finally was able to easily slip inside of her and stopped for a moment while she adjusted.

Her emotions were of surprise, just a slight pain, and then excitement. He could still feel her tension as she adjusted around his erection.

“Just relax, and let your fears go,” he softly ordered.

She looked up at him with her big brown eyes, and nodded to him. He could feel the tension leaving her muscles.  

At first he was slow, because he could still see her in slight pain, and she cringed a little. Then she started to smile, and her pain turned to pleasure, and little sighs began to escape her lips as he moved inside of her.

His thrusts began to move harder and faster. He positioned himself so Jessica could take him in fully, and she began to arch her back underneath him as he pushed her soft thighs further apart, and plunged deeper. Her fingers found his arms and they had them in a death grip.

She began to cry out a little, and he knew she was ready. He was kind of grateful, because he was about to explode.

She sucked in a deep breath, her eyes almost bugging out of her head, and Mark could feel the muscles in her vagina convulsing. Mark continued to thrust in and out of her. His breath was coming out quick and short.

Then, he felt the familiar pressure, and explosion as he came inside of her. All of his senses were on overload, his vision blurred, his mouth went dry, crying out while his ejaculation released.

He could not help, but grunt and groan when he was relieved.

He knew he was done after a moment, and collapsed on top of her. He felt her damp arms wrap around him in a light embrace.

He moved around a little, and finally found her face. He planted kisses everywhere and finally took her mouth into his.

She smiled gently up to him, and he knew because of him the woman was born.


Jessica woke up to late morning sunshine on her face. She blinked as she adjusted to the light coming into the bedroom. She was happy to wake up to a beautiful, unusually sunny day in Washington, because it matched her mood.

She gazed over at the clock, and noticed it was only after 11 AM. She didn’t remember much after they made love. All she remembered was Mark smiling as her eyes began to droop, then she had passed out feeling his muscular arms around her.

She sat up when she realized he was not in the bed with her. She blushed because she was still naked, and quickly covered herself with the sheet. She gazed around the room, and found some plain decorations, with a closet on the left, and a chair with a desk on the right.

He really needs a woman’s touch
, she mused.

She noticed a pair of sweats with the Sheriff’s department insignia embroidered on it, and a t-shirt with the same insignia sitting on the desk chair. Thinking they must have been for her, she got up and stretched. She found she was a little sore in her genital area, but nothing serious. She also knew she really had to go to the bathroom.

Jessica dressed in the sweatpants and T-shirt, putting her street clothes in a neat pile on the bed feeling like everything she ever heard about sex had been the truth, and found she now craved more of it. She wasn’t sure if she had an orgasm or not, but the way she felt when everything inside her seemed to explode, and all she could remember was bursts of stars in front of her eyes.

Her bare feet padded on the floor as she walked to the door of the bedroom, and started to wonder where Mark was. She frowned as she listened for any noises, but didn’t hear anything.

She spotted the bathroom, and did her business noticing the slight burn around her urethra, knowing it was just part of losing one’s virginity.

Finally, she made her way out to the living room to nothing. She pulled back the curtain and noticed his car still in the driveway.

Confused, she looked around, and heard a static noise coming from the back of the house.

She walked through the kitchen, and found the back door open, and noticed a screened in patio outside of the back door.

She wrinkled her nose when an awful smell flooded her nostrils. She knew that skunk-like smell anywhere, because she had smelled it on her parents a few times.

Smirking, she rushed through the back door to the surprise of the Sheriff, who was sitting there holding between his fingers on his right hand what she thought it was.  

“Shit….” he muttered, looking quite guilty.

Jessica’s eyes widened in feigned surprise, and she gave him an overly dramatic gasp, putting her hand over her heart. “I should call the Sheriff,” she said, breathlessly.

“Well, you might want to try the next county over, or you can make a citizen’s arrest,” he suggested, putting the joint out, and looking back up at her with guilty blue eyes. Jessica couldn’t help but notice he was bare chested despite the cool weather. The muscles in his arms and back rippled when he snuffed the joint out. It almost made her mouth water.

“Maybe, it depends on what you can do for me,” Jessica said, trying to stifle a laugh at his expense. It was rare he was embarrassed in front of her, and she took full advantage of it.

“What can I do for you?” He asked, the beginning of a smile touching his lips.

Jessica put her finger to her lips, and said, “Well a kiss for starters…..”

Mark grinned and stood. He took a sip of his soda and took her in his arms, and kissed her. He still smelled and tasted slightly of pot, but she didn’t mind.

“I’m sorry you had to see that. I was trying to finish before you woke up,” he said hugging her.

Jessica pulled back and shrugged. “Eh, my parents do it. I think everyone in this town does.”

“I would have the county jail full if I arrested everyone for it, including myself,” he answered. “I still think it should be legalized. So many unnecessary arrests because of a friggin’ plant.”

Jessica laughed a little and asked, “Is there a reason you need it?”

Mark shrugged and sat back down beckoning Jessica to take the other patio chair.

“Just once in a while. It mellows me out. I am definitely not a career user,” he explained.

Jessica nodded. “I believe you.”

Mark smiled and said, “I was going to join you again, but…..”

Jessica turned to see what he was referring to, and realized he was listening to the police scanner. That’s where the static was coming from.

“What?” She asked concerned.

“There are two fugitives who escaped the state penn this morning. I think they might be coming this way,” he answered.

Jessica gasped. “Will you have to go?”

“I might,” he said. “I already called the office, and told them I would be there shortly.”

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