Misguided Target (3 page)

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Authors: Jessica Page

Tags: #RNS

BOOK: Misguided Target
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Chapter 3


We drunkenly stumbled into my apartment, making out like two reckless teenagers. We'd clearly had one too many shots, but right now I couldn't care less. People might assume I'm slutty because of my job, but the truth was I rarely go home with guys. I especially didn't go home with ones that I barely knew, but there was just something about Kane I couldn't resist. I mean aside from the fact that he was ridiculously sexy — there was a mystery and a vulnerability to him that had me totally bewitched. I found myself craving closeness, desiring to know more about him. I sensed a little danger in him as well, which was apparent from those visible scars he wore on his skin like tattoos. Those brown eyes of his told me there were a lot of unseen scars below the surface, the kind of scars that a person only acquires after seeing and experiencing things most of us couldn't handle. I longed to find out more about that too. He was just so damned appealing.

My skin heated up against his hard body, which was pressed up against mine. I found my hands wanting to go everywhere at once and with each touch it was like a drug had taken over and I'd lost control of the dosage. I couldn't believe this was happening. I never intended for the night to end up like this. I went out with friends to blow off some steam, but the moment I spotted him walking into the bar I couldn't take my eyes off him. The way he kept running his hands through his already untidy dirty blond hair and how his dimples made his otherwise rugged features look younger somehow. And I'm not going to lie — his visibly hard body under his fitted sweater and jacket had done wonders to encourage my libido. So maybe I wasn't totally shocked we were in this situation. But the thing that had gotten me to approach him was his regal demeanor, which somehow screamed confidence and sadness at the same time. It was almost like he needed someone. Although it took a little bit for him to open, there was odd sense of familiarity about him that put me inexplicably at ease, like we were old friends or something.

I reached up his tall frame and wrapped my arms around his muscular neck as he deepened his kiss. I could taste the tequila on his breath as his tongue invaded my mouth. “Where's your room?” he asked breathlessly in between our flurried kisses.

“Down the hall to the right,” I answered as he grabbed my hand led me through the opened doors.

He stopped abruptly, staring down at me cupping my cheeks in his rough hands, “I didn't want to forget to tell you, you are so beautiful, Kendall.”

My heart raced at his words, “You're not so bad yourself,” I replied not letting him know how much his words were actually affecting me. They were simple ones in fact, I'd heard a hundred times over, and yet somehow the sincerity in his voice made them feel so real. I believed him and felt beautiful. Suddenly that's when James' haunting words sounded in my mind.
Never let yourself be seduced
. I was dangerously close to allowing him to do just that. I needed to keep my head on straight. I needed some distance from him to get myself in check before this went any further.

“Hold that thought, soldier. I'm going to go freshen up. Feel free to make yourself comfortable,” I said, breaking our kiss and motioning to the bed. “I'll be right back.”

I headed into my master bathroom and was a little surprised at the train wreck staring back at me in the mirror. To say I looked rough was a little bit of an understatement. I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth before scooping up my breasts to perk them up a bit. Giving myself one last look, I headed back into the room. I stopped dead in my tracks, seeing a very scarred and bare-chested Kane passed out cold in my bed.

I couldn't decide if I wanted to sigh, laugh or melt at how adorable he looked. I quietly approached him, running my fingers down the lines of his face, admiring how peaceful he looked. I hadn't noticed how tired he was. As disappointing as it was, I decided to let him sleep. I removed his boots and covered him up with a blanket. I shut off the lights and crawled into bed beside him, enjoying the warmth of his body next to mine. It didn't take long for me to join him in sleep.

I woke up a few hours later to Kane's whimpering cries. I sat up quickly, wrapping my arms around him, “Shhh…” I repeated, softly gently running my fingers through his hair as he continued to cry in his sleep. My heart ached as he desperately wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me tight. I wasn't sure what the hell he was dreaming about, but whatever it was it seemed to be causing him so much pain. It took about an hour, but he finally stopped crying fell back into deep peaceful sleep. I eventually drifted back into dreamless slumber as well.


I tried to open my burning eyes, but my head was pounding so freaking bad that I couldn't. This had to be one of the worst hangovers I'd had in a long time, and that was saying something considering I'd been consuming copious amounts of alcohol the last couple of weeks. How long had I been sleeping? The last thing I remember was kissing Kendall and stumbling into her apartment like two sex crazed lunatics. Kendall. My eyes shot open and I found my arms clinging to Kendall's waist like a child. Had I actually slept like this? What the hell is wrong with me? How long had I been like this?

I glanced at the clock on her nightstand and saw it was almost 8:00 am, which surprised the hell out of me. I hadn't managed to sleep for more than four hours at a time for months now. According to the focused timeline I was currently replaying in my head from last night, it would appear as though I got close to a solid six hours. I couldn't remember if we had sex or not, but the fact that my pants were still on sort of answered that question. A mixture of annoyance and embarrassment shot through me; instead of coming here and having crazy sex with this incredibly sexy woman, I'd passed out and cuddled with her all night. To top it all off, the burning in my eyes had clearly been caused by tears. I fucking cried! Fuck!

I stared down at her sleeping figure. I could still smell her glorious apple shampoo under a heavy mask of alcohol. I'd been helplessly hypnotized by this woman all night, unable to look away. It was hard to put into words how beautiful, sexy and witty she was. Everything about her called out to me like a siren at sea, causing me to want to be near her. I've met women in countries all over the world and never has anyone affected me the way she did. It was that realization which caused an immense sadness to settle into my chest. I was a mess, and after everything that happened last night I couldn't imagine what she must think of me. She deserved better then what I was able to give her, and even though I knew in my heart that I'd never meet another woman like her I had to get out of here for both our sakes. I slowly removed my arms from her waist and shimmied my way up, quietly stepping off the bed without waking her.

She let out an adorable sigh before extending her arms out to find the blanket. I must have taken it off her accidently when I got up, so I carefully helped drape it over her, getting a good look at her killer curves. How could I have slept beside this woman all night and not had sex with her? I wanted to slap myself for being such a fucking idiot. Worst of all, I really like her and wish that I could see her again. I wished things were different and that I wasn't so screwed up. I would have loved to get to know her better, but for now getting as far away from her as possible was in her best interest.

I reached out gently running my thumb across her beautiful puffed out lips. She let out a dreamy sigh that caused me to rethink my whole plan. I wanted change my mind and lie back down beside her, but I couldn't. I'd always be grateful for her company last night. I'd really needed someone and I'd lucked out having a woman like her to spend it with. She'd been so amazing I had completely forgotten why I was in D.C in the first place, but I would have to deal with my asshole 'brother' at some point. The fact that I was abandoning her like a hypocrite killed me. I quickly threw my shirt and boots on grabbing my coat rushing out her apartment feeling so disgusted with myself. Fuck.


My eyes fluttered open confused at empty space beside me in my bed. “Kane?” I called gently, reaching to the empty spot on the bed as though he'd suddenly appear, “Kane…” I called again, looking around the empty room and wondering where he was. I got up and checked the rooms in my apartment, but he was gone. I put some coffee on thinking maybe he was doing that adorable thing some guys do in movies where the girl thinks the handsome man left, but he actually just went to out to get breakfast. Sadly, after thirty minutes it was painfully obvious he wasn't coming back. I couldn't believe he actually left! He didn't even bother to leave me a note or anything. What a douchebag! I wished so badly I'd gotten his number last night so I could call him to tell him off for being such an asshole.

I took a long, hot shower feeling unbelievably angry. I couldn't believe after everything that happened and everything he'd said last night that he'd just left. I thought we had a connection, but I guess not. I was unbelievably thankful that we hadn't had sex. Worst of all, I believed him when he told me that he thought I was beautiful. I feel like such a fool. So many men have said sweet things to me over the years, but I never allowed myself to believe them. Say what you will about my business, but at least when a client whispers sweet nothings in my ear I know it's business and not personal. Last night was totally personal for me, and for the first time in a long time I felt incredibly used and cheapened by someone I didn't even sleep with. This was absolute bullshit. Screw you

Chapter 4


There I was sitting in front of his house again, not sure if I could actually get myself to walk up to the door this time. I'd thought about this moment for years now and yet I had no clue how to approach this. What I would say to him? A part of me wasn't sure whether I was going to punch him in the face. It was completely overwhelming. Fuck it! It's now or never. After a couple of deep breaths I opened my vehicle door and exited, heading for his door. Two men that I assumed were Capitol Police approached me. “Please stop, sir,” one of them requested and I fought the urge to get into these guys faces. I'd finally gotten out of my car and I wasn't in the mood for these guys stop me or give me hard time.

“I'm his brother,” I offered bitterly, getting those words out for the first time in years. “He's expecting me.” When they didn't protest any further I bypassed them and continued towards the front door. My heart raced as I walked up the front steps, ringing the doorbell. The door opened moments later and a man I barely recognized answered it, “Kane? Is that you?” He asked, stunned. For some reason I couldn't speak, so we just stood there staring at each other in silence. I thought for sure that I would be mad once I actually faced him, but honestly all I felt was total and utter confusion. I couldn't move, I couldn't think. This was really happening.

“Please come in,” he offered after a few more moments of silence. I nodded, following him in without another word.


“Hello,” I answered my work cell breathlessly.

“Raina darling, it's Dom. How are you? I've been trying to reach you since last night,” she stated in her heavy French accent. From the day I accepted her job offer she'd never used my real name.

“Yes, I'm fine. Sorry I missed your calls. I was out and I left my work cell at home,” I replied, never giving her more details than she needed to know. I didn't like for her to know too much about my personal life. I'd always worked hard to keep my professional and private spheres separate. I think that's the way she liked it as well.

“All right, but are you sure you're okay? You don't sound like yourself,” she pressed, worried. Although I appreciated her concern, Dom was not my friend, she was my boss, and as long as I always showed up and did a good job, she has no business knowing anything.

“Perfectly fine, Dom. How can I help you?”

“Okay, d'accord, I'm just calling to confirm your attendance at the dinner this evening. James is expecting you,” she stated, knowing full well I was still going. She knew this because she'd confirmed with me via text yesterday so there was really no need for this phone call. She obviously had other intentions, which I assumed would involve trying to guilt me into staying. She's been trying to talk me out of leaving the business from the moment I told her I was quitting.

“Of course I'll be there. I'd never let James down, you know that,” I offered sweetly, not wanting to get into an argument with her. I cared for Dom, she'd taught me a lot and given me even more, but one thing I knew for certain was she liked getting her way, and unfortunately for her, so do I.

“Oui, of course, ma belle. I know,” she offered pausing a moment. “Listen, Raina, I wish you would reconsider. I think –”

“Dominique, listen, as I've already told you, I'm so grateful for all you've done. You've been so good to me and I owe so much, but I'm ready for a different life. I'm ready to move on before I'm no longer grateful but resentful. I'm sorry I'm disappointing you, but this feels like the right decision for me,” I offered, trying to get her to understand that I couldn't let her
dictate my decisions. This is my life.

“I know, my dear, I understand. I've often thought about what my life would be like if I had walked away years ago. At one point I thought about it, in fact in some ways I still do,” she offered, sounding sad.

“So what is this event again? What kind of lobbyist will I have the pleasure of entertaining this evening?” I asked, trying to change the topic. The last thing I wanted was for her to feel bad about her life on my account. If she was unhappy with her decisions then she'd have to make the choice to change them.

“Well officially it's
Bring in the Light
to raise funds for mental health awareness and service expansion programs. Unofficially, it's a drug lobbyist, but you know I'm not into specifics. Ignorance is bliss.”

“Ugh… that means lots of practicing lawyers,” I groaned, annoyed. “I can't even pretend to be happy that this is my last event.”

“Yes, I don't disagree, but many of them are tolerable. Besides, they are good business and they adore you. It's also a good event for James' mental health platform,” she answered in her typical diplomatic fashion. She always tried to keep a positive spin on everything. She always said it's the only way to get through life.

“Well, good business or good intention set aside, these events always bring out the worst in the shitty ones,” I stated, then grinned, hearing her laugh on the other end of the phone. It suddenly dawned on me that this would likely be one of my last interactions with her. It was sort of bittersweet, but a little sweeter in my opinion.

“James has arranged for a town car to pick you up at nine at the standard location. He will meet you at the event.”

That's odd, James usually always picked me up, “Oh… why the change from the usual?”

“James is bringing another guest tonight.”

“You mean besides me?”

“Yes, besides you. This guest is special, a relative, so please bring your best tonight,” she answered. I was beyond curious who this mystery guest was, but knew she wouldn't tell me even if I asked. Dominique wasn't one for gossip, especially if that gossip involved James. Her philosophy was if James wanted me to know he would tell me himself. They were loyal to each other almost to a fault. I often wondered why they weren't in a committed relationship, although I guess they sort of are. Sure they dated other people, but they remained the one constant in each other's lives.

“I always do. Tonight will be no different. I'll see you later, Dominique.”

“Okay, but I won't be there until later. I'm getting too old to hang out at these parties all evening.”

“Well, you and me both.” I smiled, hearing a gentle snort on the other end.

“Au revoir,
,” she said, sounding out my name. It was almost like she was truly saying goodbye to that person, and I guess in a way she was.

“Not quite goodbye yet, but very soon, see you later,” I said before hanging up the phone.

I walked over to my closet and picked out the very last outfit I would wear as an escort. I've been to a ton of parties for lawyers, so impressing them was easy; I knew what they liked. They like their women to be smart and witty, but not smarter than them. They liked women to be beautiful in a way that they could picture you attending court before screwing you. That meant tonight's outfit had to be an even mix of classy and sexy with a healthy dose of ego-stroking. I scanned my outfits, pulling out my long-sleeved low-back black fitted dress. With a half up-do and some black Mary-Jane pumps, this look should satisfy the masses.

“Well this is it,” I said aloud to myself and headed to my makeup table to get ready for what I imagined would be a long night.


I exited the town car and stepped through the private country club doors. I handed my coat to an usher before walking into the Great Hall to find James among the hundreds of people walking around.

“Well, well, well, my dear Raina. I'm so happy to see you.” Congressman Henry Kilman said, his baldhead gleamed with sweat as he wore his signature creepy smile. “I was hoping you would finally agree to be my date this evening; however, I should have known you were already booked.” Henry was the kind of guy who actually made me feel gross about my job. He'd requested my company a few times; however, something about him gave me the creeps, so sex was always off the table, which he was always dissatisfied with, so I never had to accompany him. “Let me guess who you're here with tonight… James.”

“Yes, that's correct. I
here with James,” I answered, glancing around trying to find a way out of this conversation as soon as possible.

“I figured,” he sneered unhappily, his small, close-set eyes fixed on me. He and James were not friends in any sense of the word. “I hear you're leaving your line of work. I do wish we could have spent one night together,” he stated, running his index finger along my shoulder in a circular motion.

“Sadly we could never agree on parameters, but yes, I'm leaving.” I smiled, trying to take a step past him, but he shifted his body and blocked my path.

“Raina, my dear, I feel the need to tell you because I care for you. We find ourselves in troubling times. Your date – he's upset some people and you should really be careful tonight,” he warned cryptically. I had no clue what he was talking about, but I also had no intention of spending any more time with him to figure it out.

“Thank you for your concern, but James is a good man and has always been a gentleman with me.”

“Well, let's just say he might be a good man, but good men still do stupid things that have serious consequences,” he hissed, his face morphing into a rather menacing expression. I was irritated and getting incredibly uncomfortable.

“Yes, good men do stupid things, but I'm curious how you would know anything about it given you aren't one of them,” James stated from beside me. I hadn't seen him approach, but I was grateful when he grabbed my hand and guided me towards him in the opposite direction, “Now please excuse us.”

“Have a good night,” I offered to Henry, hearing a string of insults directed at us as we walked away, followed closely by one of James' staff members.

“Were you trapped long?” James asked, concern etched all over his face. “I'm sorry I didn't know you'd arrived, otherwise I would have met you at the door.”

“No, not long, just a few minutes. He was warning me against the dangers of being around you this evening. Apparently you're in trouble about something,” I offered jokingly, but a part of me was a little concerned about the threat. Something about it felt uncomfortably real.

“Yes, well, I'm always in trouble with men like him.” James smiled, gently kissing the back of my hand, looking unconcerned. “And before I forget, you look absolutely stunning tonight.”

I smiled at his compliment; even after all these years James still managed to make me blush. James and I had never been intimate again, and that served me just fine, but we shared a strong bond. He was like family to me and probably the one man I'd ever cared for. Well that was before last night. I'd felt something for Kane instantly, as odd as it sounds. Kane was obviously a serious error of judgment on my part, “Thank you, Senator Clarke. You look quite dashing yourself.”

He smiled before turning to his staffer and saying something inaudible. I glanced around the room, seeing a curious number of looks being directed at us. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't think much of it, but given Henry's comments I found myself a little uncomfortable. “Raina,” James offered, snapping me out of my daze, “I have someone special I want you to meet.” He started guiding me, his hand on the small of my back, towards the balcony.

“Yes. Dominique mentioned you brought someone and I'm dying to know who this mystery guest is,” I offered, almost taken aback at how happy he looked. I'd never seen him smile the way he was smiling now.

“My brother.”

Did he just say brother? I was stunned into silence. I'd heard about a younger brother he took care of when he was younger, and who grew up in foster care, but I was under the impression that they were estranged. As we approached there was something incredibly familiar about the tall, blond man who stood facing away from us. Oddly, the closer we got, the more nervous I felt because I knew this man somehow.

“Raina, my dear, I'd like to introduce you to my brother,” James offered as the man turned to face me, “This is Kane.”

I felt faint.

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