Misquoting Jesus (31 page)

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Authors: Bart D. Ehrman

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Martin, Dale B., 227n. 20

Martyrdom of Polycarp
, 27

martyrologies, 27

Mary Magdalene, 65–66, 67, 179

Mary Magdalene, Gospel of, 24

Matthew, Gospel of, 24; alteration of the text involving Jews, 193–94,
227n. 7; Antitheses, 30; apocalypse, timing of, 13; apologetic alterations to text, 204; church orders in, 26; copyist changes, intentional, 95, 96–97, 223n. 19; events following birth of Jesus, 10; Jesus depicted as not angry, 136, 225nn. 7, 8; Jewish Christians and, 35; Jewish Law and, 189; Lord's Prayer, 97, 223n. 20; Mark as source for, 135, 212; Scheide Codex, 88;
, 96–97;
, 194;
, 10;
, 30;
, 189;
, 97;
, 225n. 7;
, 225n. 7;
, 225n. 7;
, 26;
, 95;
, 26;
, 136;
, 13;
, 110, 204, 209, 223n. 19, 224n. 16;
, 204;
, 193–94;
, 204;
, 179;
, 179

Martyrdom and Persecution in the Early Church
(Frend), 227n. 13

Melito of Sardis, 190, 227n. 9

Memoir of the Life and Writings of John Albert Bengel
(Burk), 224nn. 14, 15

Metzger, Bruce M., 220n. 10, 221nn. 5, 9, 14, 222nn. 4, 6, 9, 223nn. 16, 17, 18, 224nn. 1, 20

Middleton, Conyers, 108

Mill, John, 83–88, 89, 101–2, 105, 222nn. 10, 11; controversy and, 85–88; death of, 85; number of variations in witnesses found by, 84, 101, 115

Monk, James Henry, 223nn. 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 224n. 13

Moody Bible Institute, 4, 5, 12

Moses, 18, 19; Law of, 20, 30, 63, 64, 137

Muratorian Canon, 221n. 6


Nag Hammadi Library in English, The
(Robinson), 220n. 8

Neutral text, 124, 125, 131

New American Standard Version, 209

New International Version, 209

New Revised Standard Version, 203, 209

New Testament: alteration in scripture, involving Jews, 186–95, 227n. 7; alteration in scripture, involving women, 183–86, 226nn. 4–6; anti-adoptionist changes to scripture, 157–62; antidocetic changes to scripture, 164–70; antiseparationist changes to scripture, 171–75; Apocalypse of John, 25; apologetic changes to scripture, 200–205, 227n. 15; apologies (defenses) in, 26–27; Beatitudes, 24; Bengel's Greek New Testament, 112; books chosen for, first list, 35–36; books included in some versions, 47; Byzantine manuscripts of, 73, 75, 124, 131, 157; commonly accepted textual variants (that are wrong), 133–49, 225n. 4; competing canons, 153; copyists' errors, 52, 90–94; copyists' intentional changes, 34, 46, 52–56, 59, 94–98, 133–49, 151–75, 183–86, 190–95, 200–205, 226nn. 4, 5, 6, 227nn. 7, 15; dating of, 36; doctrine of Christ's divinity and, 81–82, 102, 113–15, 157–58; establishing oldest possible text, 88; formation of Christian canon, 29–36, 153, 220n. 10, 221n. 6; Galatians, earliest extant copy, 60; Gospels, 24, 35; Greek manuscripts, 6, 10, 11, 73, 83, 219 n. 1; Greek New Testament, Complutensian Polygot, 76–77, 78, 81; Greek New Testament, Lachmann's, 116–17; Greek New Testament, T.R., 78–83; importance of, 69, 208; Latin translations, 74; letters in, 22–23, 31–32; liturgy in formation of, 32; Lord's Prayer, 24, 97, 223n. 20; Marcion, role in formation of, 33–34; New
Revised Standard Version, 203, 209; “original” texts, inaccessibility of, 60, 69; original texts, importance of textual criticism and, 208–18; orthodox canon, after Marcion, 34–35;
(source), 24, 220n. 7; scholars, notable, searching for origins, 101–25; teachings as Scripture, 31; theologically motivated alterations of the text, 151–75; translations into indigenous languages, 74; variations in (Greek) witnesses found, 83–88, 89–90, 101–25; Vulgate Bible, 74–75, 76, 79, 89, 106–7, 116, 222nn. 5–6; Westcott and Hort's edition, 121–23

New Testament, The
(Ehrman), 220n. 7, 222n. 17, 225n. 6, 226n. 3

New Testament, The
(Kümmel), 223n. 6

New Testament Apocyrpha, 220n. 6

New Testament Canon, The
(Gamble), 220n. 10

New Testament in the Original Greek, The
(Westcott and Hort), 121–23

Nicholson, Adam, 227n. 1

Numbers, Book of, 19


oral tradition, 65, 97–98

Origen, 40–41, 52, 89, 101, 106, 107, 116, 117, 145, 174, 179, 190, 193, 200, 202–3, 221nn. 9, 12, 16, 227n. 11; Rufinus's translation of, 54, 221n. 12

Origen's “Contra Celsum”
(Chadwick), 221n. 16, 227n. 11

Orthodox Corruption of Scripture, The
(Ehrman), 221n. 11, 225nn. 10, 11, 12, 226nn. 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12

orthodoxy and proto-orthodoxy, 28, 154, 164, 165, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174; canon, after Marcion, 34–35; heresies and, 28; scribes, changes by, 53; as true teaching, 28


pagans, 195–96, 227n. 20; alterations to scripture to counter, 200–205; converts to Christianity, 21; opponents to Christianity, 40–41, 52, 179, 196–200, 227n. 13

Parker, David C., 219n. 2, 223n. 20

Paschal Homily,
94–96 (Melito), 190, 227n. 9

Passion of the Christ, The
(film), 63

Paul of Tarsus: alterations to Pauline letters involving women, 183–86, 226nn. 4, 5; antiheretical writings, 27–28; churches founded by, 26; conflicts with Jews and, 188–89, 227n. 7; dictation of letters by, 59–60, 210, 221nn. 15, 16; differing accounts of events following conversion on road to Damascus, 10; education of, 21; on grace (
), 147; letters, 21–23, 31–32, 34, 219–20n. 5, 220n. 6; Marcion's heresies and, 33–34; pagan persecution of, 196, 227n. 13; pseudonymous letters, 23; on public reading of letters, 42; right standing with God comes from faith, 33, 163, 188–89; slavery and, 181; women in Christianity and role in early church, 178–82, 226n. 1.
See also specific letters

Pentacostal Christians, 66

Petaus of Karanis, Egypt, 38, 39

Peter the Apostle, 39, 1681 Peter,
, 272

Peter: authorship of, 31;
, 31

Philip, Gospel of, 24

Philippi, Polycarp's letter to church, 31–32

Pius, 50

Plutarch, 14

Polycarp, bishop of Symrna, 27, 31–32, 220n. 11

Porphry, 199, 227n. 16

presbyters, 50

Princeton Theological Seminary, 7–9

printing press, invention of, 73, 75–76

Prisca (Priscilla), 180, 185–86

Proposals for Printing
(Bentley), 107–8, 223n. 10

Protestant Reformation:
sola scriptura
doctrine and attacks on, 85, 87, 102–5, 112, 114

Psalms, 20, 24;
, 172, 173;
, 204


(source of Gospels), 24, 220n. 7


readers of Christian writings, 36–41

Remarks upon a Late Discourse of Free Thinking
(Lipsiensis [Bentley]), 222n. 12

Reply to a Treatise of Free-Thinking, A
(Collins), 105

Reuchlin, Johannes, 78, 80

Revelation: Bengel and, 110; copyist mistakes in, 93; Erasmus, missing page of source, 78–79; interpretations of, 216; warning to copyists against changing text of, 54;
, 42, 93;
, 93;
, 54

Revised Standard Version, 209

Richards, E. Randolph, 221n. 16

Robinson, James M., 220n. 8

Roman Catholic Church: as Antichrist, 110; apostolic tradition, 104; Richard Simon and refutation of
sola scriptura
, 102–5; scripture not sufficient authority for faith and Mill's apparatus, 85

Romans, Letter of Paul to the: alteration in text involving women, 185, 226n. 5; copyist errors in, 91, 93; right standing with God comes from faith not works, 33; scribe identified, 221n. 15; women mentioned in, 180;
, 189;
, 93;
, 189;
, 91;
, 185, 226n. 5;
, 221n. 15

Rome and Roman Empire: Christian church in, 50; literacy in, 37; pagan religion in, 297; persecutions of Christians, 26, 196–98, 227n. 13

Rufinus, 54


salvation, doctrine of, 166–67, 171, 189

Sanders, James, 219n. 2

Scheide Codex, 88


scriptoria, 73, 222n. 2

scriptuo continua
, 48, 90, 221n. 5

Scripture: as authority for faith (Protestant Reformation and
sola scriptura
), 85, 87, 102–5; beginnings of Christian canon, 29–32; formation of Christian canon, 29–36; Gospels as authoritative, 32; Jesus's teachings as, 31; John Mill's apparatus and doubts on authority of, 85–88; as Old Testament, 30, 32; Richard Simon and attack on
sola scriptura
, 102–5.
See also
New Testament;
specific books

Second Treatise of the Great Seth
, 220n. 8

Secretary in the Letters of Paul, The
(Richards), 221n. 16

Semler, J., 116

Seneca, 46–47, 221n. 2

Seneca: Moral Essays
(Basore, ed.), 221n. 2

separationists, 170–73.
See also

Septuagint, 24, 119

Sermon on the Mount, 30

Shepherd, The
(Hermas), 25, 47–51; 1:1, 50;
, 48;
, 49

Siker, Jeff, 219 n. 1

Simon, Richard, 102–5, 111, 223nn. 2–6

“Sinner in the Hands of an Angry Jesus, A” (Ehrman), 225nn. 5, 8

Smalley, Beryl, 223n. 1

Socinianism, 115

Stephen, martyrdom of, 27, 191

Stephanus (Robert Estienne), 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 107

Story, Cullen, 8–9

Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages, The
(Smalley), 223

Stunica (Diego Lopez de Zuñiga), 76, 77, 81

Syria: Syriac language, 74; Syrian text, 124


Tertullian, 89, 163, 164, 167, 168, 190, 200

“Text-critical, Exegetical, and Sociocultural Factors” (Epp), 226n. 5

Text of the New Testament, The: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration
(Metzger and Ehrman), 221nn. 5, 14, 222nn. 4, 6, 9, 223nn. 16, 18, 224nn. 1, 20

“Text and Tradition” (Ehrman), 225n. 4

Textual Commentary
(Metzger), 223n. 17

textual criticism, 5, 14–15; accidental changes in manuscripts, kinds of, 90–94, 223n. 16; alteration in texts, involving Jews, 186–95; alterations to text involving women, 183–86, 226nn. 4–6; antiadoptionistic alterations to the text, 157–62; antidocetic changes to the text, 164–70; antiseparationist changes to the text, 171–75; apologetic alterations to scripture, 200–205, 227n. 15; Bengel's criteria of
Proclivi scriptioni praestat ardua
(the most difficult reading is preferable to the easier one), 111, 115, 131–32, 224n. 16, 225n. 3; Bengel's grouping of witnesses, 111–12, 115, 123; divinity of Christ, determining original texts and, 157–75; earliest form of text, establishing, 127–32; example of Gospel of Luke and an imperturbable Jesus, 139–44, 225nn. 10, 11; example of Gospel of Mark and an angry Jesus, 133–39, 225nn. 7, 8, 9; example Gospel of Mark, last twelve verses as not original, 65–68, 80, 82, 97–98, 102; example of original text of Galatians, 58–60; example of original text of Gospel of John, 60–62; example of textual conflict in Hebrews, “by the grace of God” or “apart from God,” 144–49, 171–72, 225n. 12; example of “woman taken in adultery” story, 63–65, 80, 82, 97–98, 102; external evidence considered, 128–31; families of witnesses, grouping, 124–25, 130–31; Greek manuscripts, four types of, 89; Greek manuscripts, variations in, John Mill and, 83–88; importance of knowing original text, 69, 208–18; intentional changes in manuscripts, kinds of, 94–98, 157–75; internal evidence considered (intrinsic principles and transciptional probability), 131–32, 140, 147; methodology, development of, 105–25; new discoveries of manuscripts, 117–21, 125, 224nn. 24, 31; principles for interpreting types of alterations in text, 63, 128–32, 224n. 1; problems in knowing the “original text,” 57–58, 61–62; as rational eclecticists, 129; scholars, notable, searching for origins, 101–25; search for oldest New Testament, 62–63; task of textual critic, 62–63, 69; theologically motivated alterations of the text, 151–75; variations in Greek manuscripts, known today, 88, 89–90; Westcott and Hort, critical principles of, 121–25, 130–31, 224n. 30; Wettstein's system of reference, 115

Textus Receptus
(T.R.), 107, 222n. 8; as
editio princeps
, 79; Erasmus and, 78; flaws of, 79, 80, 117; Johann Bengel's edition, 112; Johann Wettstein's edition, 115; John Mill's apparatus and, 84; as source for King James version, 79, 82, 83; sources, 78–79, 116; naming, 82–83

Thessalonians, First Letter of Paul to the:
, 21;
, 196;
, 188;
, 22;
, 42

Timothy, First Letter of Paul to, 34; author of, 31, 181–82, 219–20n. 5; doctrine of divinity of Christ passage and copyist error, 113–15, 157–58; public reading of, 32, 51; women's role in, 182, 183;
, 182;
, 113–15, 157–58, 161;
, 32, 51;
, 31

Timothy, Second Letter of Paul to, 34

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