Mistress of the Monarchy (58 page)

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Authors: Alison Weir

Tags: #Biography, #Historical, #Europe, #Social Science, #General, #Great Britain, #To 1500, #Biography & Autobiography, #History, #Women's Studies, #Nobility, #Women

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Select Bibliography

Primary Sources

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(ed. E. Maunde Thompson, Oxford/London, 1876/1904);
The Chronicle of Adam Usk, 1377–1421
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Additional MSS. (The British Library)

Aden-Even, Paul, and Jequier, Léon:
L’Armorial Wijnbergen
(Amsterdam, 1954)

Amcotts MSS. (Lincolnshire Archives Office)

‘The Anglo-French Negotiations at Bruges, 1374–7 (ed. E. Perroy,
Camden Miscellany
, XIX, Camden Society, 3rd Series, LXXX, 1952)

The Anonimalle Chronicle, 1333 to 1381, from a MS. written at St Mary’s Abbey, York
(ed. V.H. Galbraith, Manchester, 1927)

Antient Kalendars and Inventories of the Treasury of His Majesty’s Exchequer
(ed. F. Palgrave, 1836)

The Antiquarian Repertory
(4 vols., ed. F. Grose et al., London, 1775–1784)

Arundel MSS. (The British Library)

Ayala, Pedro López de:
Crónicas de los Reyes de Castilla
(ed. Eugenio de Llaguno Amirola, Madrid, 1779–1780; ed. J.L. Martin, Barcelona, 1991)

Bishop Beaufort’s Register (Episcopal Register 13, Lincoln Records Office

Bishop Buckingham’s Register (Episcopal Register 12, Lincoln Records Office)

Boucicaut, Jean:
Livre des faits du bon messire Jean de Maigre, dit Boucicaut
(ed. J.A.C. Buchon, 1835) Bradshaw, Henry:
Statutes of Lincoln Cathedral
, Vol. II (ed. Christopher Wordsworth, Cambridge, 1897)

Brooke, Ralph:
A Catalogue and Succession of the Kings of England
(London, 1619)

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(6 vols., HMSO, London, 1914–1927)

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Record Office,
Vol. IV (4 vols., ed. J. Bain, Edinburgh, 1888)

Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
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(HMSO, 1968)

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(18 vols., HMSO, 1898–1955)

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(54 vols., HMSO, 1893–1916)

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(Record Report XXXII, Appendix I (4))
Calendar of Signet Letters of Henry IV and Henry V (1399–1422)
(ed. J.L. Kirby, London, 1978)

Camden, William:
(ed. Richard Gough, London, 1806)

Capgrave, John:
The Chronicle of England
(ed. F.C. Hingeston, Rolls Series, HMSO, 1858)

Capgrave, John:
Johannis Capgrave Liber de illustribus Henricis
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Cartae et Munimenta de Glamorgan
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  C.53 Charter Rolls

  C.61 Gascon Rolls

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  C.137–140 Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series I

  C.143 Inquisitions Ad Quod Damnum

Chandos Herald:
Life of the Black Prince by the Herald of Sir John Chandos
(ed. M.K. Pope and E.C. Lodge, 1910)

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Chaucer, Geoffrey:
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(3 vols., ed. T. Arnold, Rolls Series, HMSO, 1890–1896)

Chronicles of the Revolution,
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Chronique de la traïson et mort de Richart Deux, Roy Dengleterre
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Collection des Documents Inédites sur l’Histoire de France,

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(ed. J. Nichols, London, 1780)

Collection of John of Gaunt’s Warrants, 1365–1370 (Corpus Christi College Oxford MS. 495)

Collections Relative to Churches and Chapels in the Diocese of York
(ed. George Lawton, London, 1840, revised edition 1842)

Cotton MSS. (British Library)

Creton, Jean:
Histoire de Roy d’Angleterre, Richard
(ed. J.A.C. Buchon,
Collection des chroniques, Françaises
, Paris, 1826)

Deschamps, Eustache:
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(11 vols., ed. A. de Queux de Saint-Hilaire and G. Raynaud, Paris, 1878–1903)

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(2 vols., ed. Francis Peck, London, 1732–1735)

Dodsworth MS. 7: Roll of Writs of the Duchy of Lancaster (Bodleian Library, Oxford)

Drury Family Papers (MS. compiled by Richard Montray, 1889)

Duchy of Lancaster. Calendar of Ancient Charters or Grants
(Record Report XXXV, Appendix I, and XXXVI, Appendix 2)

Duchy of Lancaster. Calendar of Royal Charters. William II — Richard II
(Record Report XXXI, Appendix I)

Duchy of Lancaster Records (The National Archives):

  DL.27 Ancient Deeds

  DL.28 Accounts Various

  DL.29 Ministers’ Accounts

  DL.37 Chancery Rolls

  DL.42 Miscellaneous Books

  DL.43 Rentals and Surveys

  DL.49 Grant and Lawsuits

  PL.3 Lancaster Palatine Warrants

Dugdale, William:Book of Monuments (British Library Loan MSS.)

Dugdale, William:
Monasticon Anglicanum
(6 vols., ed. J. Caley, H. Ellis and B. Bandinel, London, 1817–1830)

Dugdale, William:
The History of St Paul’s Cathedral
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Early Lincoln Wills,
(ed. Alfred Gibbons, Lincoln, 1888)

Edinburgh University Library MS. 183

An English Chronicle of the Reigns of Richard II, Henry IV, Henry V and Henry VI, written before the year 1471
(ed. J.S. Davies, Camden Society, LXIV, London, 1856)

English Coronation Records
(ed. L.G. Wickham Legge, Westminster, 1901)

English Historical Documents, Vol. IV: 1327–1485
(ed. D.C. Douglas and A.R. Myers, London, 1969)

Enrolments and Documents
(ed. R.E.G. Kirk, London, 1900)

Eulogium historarium sive temporis: Chronicon ab Orbe condito usque ad Annum Domini 1366; a monacho quondam Malmesbiriensi exaratum. Continuato Eulogii

A.D. 1361–1413
(3 vols., ed. F.S. Haydon, Rolls Series, HMSO, 1858–1863)
Excerpta Historica, or Illustrations of English History
(ed. Samuel Bentley, London, 1831) Exeter Cathedral Archives

Exchequer Records (The National Archives):

  E.28 Council and Privy Seal

  E.37 Local Archives

  E.43 Ancient Deeds

  E.101 King’s Remembrancer, Accounts Various

  E.159 King’s Remembrancer, Memoranda Rolls

  E.164 Queen’s Remembrancer, Miscellaneous Books

  E.301 Certificates of Chantries and Colleges

  E.358 Miscellaneous Accounts

  E.401 Receipt Rolls

  E.403 Issue Rolls

  E.404 Warrants for Issues

‘Expeditions to Prussia and the Holy Land made by Henry of Derby’ (ed. L. Toulmin-Smith, Camden Society, 1894)

Extracts from the Account Rolls of the Abbey of Durham
, Vols. I—III (Surtees Society Publications, 1898–1900)

The Flower and the Leaf and the Assembly of Ladies
(ed. Derek A. Pearsall, Manchester, 1980)

Foedera, Conventiones, Literae … et Acta Publica etc
. (20 vols., ed. Thomas Rymer, London, 1727–1735; ed. C.P. Cooper et al., Records Commission, London, 1816–1869)

Foljambe of Osberton MSS. DDFJ i 796 Collection of Documents (Nottinghamshire Records Office)

Fortescue, Sir John:
On the Laws and Governance of England
(ed. Charles Plummer, Oxford, 1926; Cambridge, 1997)

Froissart, Jean:
Le Joli Buisson de Jonece
(ed. A. Fourrier, Libraire Droz, Geneva, 1975)

Froissart, Jean:
Oeuvres de Froissart
(ed. Kervyn de Lettenhove, Brussels, 1867–1877);

Chronicles of England, France and Spain
(ed. John Jolliffe, London, 1967)

Gascoigne, Thomas:
Loci e libro veritatum
(ed. J.E. Thorold Rogers, Oxford, 1881)

Gower, John:
The Complete Works of John Gower
(ed. G.C. Macaulay, Oxford, 1899–1902)

Les Grandes Chroniques de France
(ed. P. Paris, Paris, 1837–1838)

Guildhall Library, London MS. A.2/26–7: Dean and Chapter of St Paul’s: John of Gaunt’s Chantry

Hardyng, John:
The Chronicle of John Hardyng
(ed. H. Ellis, 1812)

Harleian MSS. (British Library)

Higden, Ranulph:
Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden Monachi Cestrensis, with the English Translation of John Trevisa
(9 vols., ed. C. Babington and J.R. Lumby, Rolls Series, HMSO, London, 1864–1886; ed. John Taylor, as
The Universal Chronicle of Ranulph Higden
, Oxford, 1966, which includes John Trevisa’s English translation and continuation, completed 1387)

Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres
(ed. James Raine, London, 1834)

Historiae Vitae et Regni Ricardi Secundi
(ed. Thomas Hearne, 1729)

Hoccleve, Thomas:
Hoccleve’s Works
(ed. F.J. Furnivall, Early English Texts Society, extra series LXI, 1892)

Holland, H.:
Monumenta Sepulchraria Sancti Pauli
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Istoire et Chroniques de Flandres
(ed. Kervyn de Lettenhove, Brussels, 1879)

Jean le Beau:
Chronique de Richard II
(ed. J.A.C. Buchon, 1826)

Jean le Bel:
Vray Chroniques de Jean le Bel
(ed. M.L. Polain, Brussels, 1863; 2 vols, ed. J. Viard and E. Déprez as
Chronique de Jean le Bel
, Société de l’Histoire de France, Paris, 1904–5)

John of Gaunt’s Register, 1372–1376
(2 vols., ed. Sydney Armitage-Smith, Camden Society, 3rd Series, XX-XXI, 1911)

John of Gaunt’s Register, 1379–1383
(2 vols., ed. E.C. Lodge and R. Somerville, Camden Society, 3rd Series, LVI-LVII, 1937)

The Kalendarium of Nicholas of Lynn
(ed. Sigismund Eisner, trans. Gray MacEoin and Sigmund Sisner, London, 1980)

‘The Kirkstall Chronicle’ (ed. M.V. Clarke and N. Denholm-Young,
Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
, XV, 1931)

Knighton, Henry:
Chronicon Henrici Knighton
(2 vols., ed. J.R. Lumby, Rolls Series, HMSO, 1889–1895);
Knighton’s Chronicle, 1337–1396
(trans. and ed. G.H. Martin, Oxford, 1995)

Kyngeston, Richard:
Expeditions to Prussia and the Holy Land made by Henry,
Earl of Derby (afterwards King Henry IV) in the years 1390–1 and 1392–3, being the Accounts kept by his Treasurer during two years
(ed. Lucy Toulmin-Smith, Camden Society, 1894; New York, 1965)

Lambeth Palace Library MSS. (Lambeth Palace, London)

Lansdowne MSS. (The British Library)

Leeds Central Library: GC DL/3 (Duchy of Lancaster Account)

Leland, John:
De Rebus Britannicis Collectanea
(6 vols., ed. Thomas Hearne; reprinted London, 1974)

Leland, John:
John Leland’s Itinerary in England and Wales, in or about the years1535–43
(5 vols., ed. L. Toulmin-Smith, London, 1964)

Letters of Mediaeval Women
(ed. Anne Crawford, Stroud, 2002)

Letters of the Queens of England, 1100 —1547
(ed. Anne Crawford, Stroud, 1994) ‘Liber Benefactorum’ of St Albans Abbey, Cotton Nero MS. D VIII, fo. 132d (British Library)

Lincoln Cathedral Dean and Chapter Muniments and Accounts (Lincolnshire Archive Office) Loan MSS. (British Library)

Lopes, Fernão:
Chrónica de el Rei D. João I
(Bibliotheca de Classicos Portuguezes, Lisbon, 1897);
The English in Portugal, 1367–1387: Extracts from the Chronicle of Dom Fernando and Dom João
(trans. and ed. D.W. Lomax and R.J. Oakley, Warminster, 1988)

Monk of Evesham:
Historia Vitae et Regni Ricardi II, a monacho quodam de Evesham consignata
(ed. Thomas Hearne. Oxford, 1729; ed. G.B. Stow, Philadelphia, 1977)

Monstrelet, Enguerrand de:
(ed. L.C.Douet d’Arcq, Paris, 1857–1862)

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