Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set (197 page)

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Mellenda sat back on the couch.  She gave Jude a look that was full of caution.  He smiled and then brought his face to rest in the hollow of her neck.  He closed his eyes and breathed in her scent.  Mellenda felt a little strange.  It felt really good too though, as he gently ran his nose over her neck.  His face was a little scratchy because he needed to shave, but she could smell him and she wanted to kiss him so badly.

Jude sat back and sighed.  “Holy shit do you smell good.  You do me now.”

“No.  It looked weird.  I don’t want your brother or sisters to come out here and catch me sniffing you.”

Jude frowned.  “Spoil sport.  Can I kiss you?”

“Just once and don’t even try to put your tongue in my mouth.”


He kissed her, slowly and softly.  When he pulled away, she wanted to pull him right back to her.  She could tell that he knew she did because he gave her a huge grin.  “You liked it.”

Mellenda shrugged.  “Maybe.”

“Maybe?  Hanging out with you is like pulling teeth.”

Mellenda rolled her eyes.  “Let’s see what’s on TV.”


Jude handed her the remote and she flipped through the channels.  She settled on a romantic comedy which they watched until his parents got home.

She was half asleep with her head on his chest when his parents walked in so the introductions were a little uncomfortable, especially when Jude said that she was not his new girlfriend.  His dad
looked back and forth between the two of them and then shrugged.  His mom gave her a bright smile and said she was glad to meet her, then said that Jude should probably be getting her back to school.

Jude sighed, but when Mellenda saw what time it was she agreed that she had to get back.

He let her drive his truck again.  She let him hug her when they parted.  It felt way too good to her to be in his arms.  He kissed her again and she had to fight herself to not put her tongue in his mouth.  He gave her a huge grin and said she could call him anytime. 

She shook her head at him and walked away, though she was afraid that she would be calling him again all too soon.  She had liked hanging out with him.  She was comfortable around Jude except when the tension got thick because of the obvious attraction between them.  And she’d felt better that evening than she had in a long time.  Thoughts of Ricky were far away when she fell asleep that night.




Chapter 8

After that, she spent almost every weekend with Jude.  She really liked his family.  His sisters were adorable and his brother was so smart.  His parents seemed so different than her parents too.  They made her parents seem old, even though she figured her parents were only a few years older than Jude’s parents.

Three weeks after they had started hanging out, they were alone together in Jude’s house for the first time.  They were sitting together on the couch.  She was tired of watching TV and she was feeling rather turned on.  His arm was draped across her shoulders and it kept dropping dangerously close to her breast.  She wanted it to go there, because she didn’t want to have to seduce him.  But he seemed to be content to forever remind her that she was in control of their would-be relationship.  He normally added a perverted comment but she was used to it.



“Can we go in your bedroom?”

“If you want to.  There’s not even a TV in there though.  Not a lot to do.”

Mellenda hid a smile.  For such a pervert, he seemed perfectly oblivious as to other things they could do in his bedroom.  “Yes please.  I think we can find something to do.”


She followed Jude down the hall to his bedroom.  It smelled like a mixture of cigarettes and his cologne.  They stood in the doorway for a minute.  She thought that Jude still looked a little puzzled as to what she wanted to do in his bedroom.

“Do you wanna play a game or something?  There’s a bunch in my closet.  Though it would probably be easier to take it back out to the living room.”

“I don’t want to play a game Jude.”

“What do you want to do?”

She moved out of the doorway and shut the door behind them.  “Can we get a little more comfortable?”

Jude shrugged. “Sure.  Make yourself at home.”

Mellenda sat down on his bed and removed her socks and shoes.  She was tempted to get naked, but she didn’t want to have sex with him.  She just wanted to fool around a little, or maybe a lot.

She patted the bed beside her.  “Have a seat.”

He sat down next to her.  “So what do you wanna do?”

“Will you kiss me Jude?”

He grinned.  “That’s why you wanted to come in here.  Of course I’ll kiss you.”

He kissed her.  She responded enthusiastically, loving the feel of his tongue in her mouth and his hands rubbing her back.  He was playing with the back of her bra, but he hadn’t made a move to try to undo it and she was disappointed.  She felt her nipples getting hard, and she didn’t think she’d mind his hands on her breasts.

They made out for several minutes.  It wasn’t leaving Mellenda with the sense of fulfillment that she had hoped it would.  She was tempted to seduce him and have sex with him, but she didn’t want to do that yet since they weren’t technically going out.  But she hadn’t been able to talk herself out of some heavy fooling around, so she dropped her hand into Jude’s lap and started to rub him through his jeans.

Jude pulled back from her.  “Um Mellenda, you do know where your hand is and what it’s doing to me right?”

She laughed.  “Of course I do.  Do you want me to stop?”

“No.  But you know what eventually happens when you don’t stop doing that to a guy.”

Mellenda rolled her eyes.  “I’m not a virgin Jude.  I think they call that thing that happens an orgasm.  I’ve even had one myself.  You’re such a goof.”

“I know that you’re the one that started it, but I wanted to make sure that you were okay with where it’s going to end up.  I mean, I know where I’d really like it to end up, but I don’t think you want to go there since we’re not dating.  We could be, but you gotta ask me.”

“Yes Jude.  If I get naked and let you touch me will you promise me that you won’t try to push it any further than I want it to go?”

“I promise.  As long as I can touch you too, and still kiss you, I’m good for now.”

“Okay.  Thank you.”  She stood up and started to undress.

“Do you want me to get naked too?”

Mellenda gave him another eye roll.  “Of course I do.  You really are a goof.”

He laughed.  “Like I said, you wear the pants in this almost relationship, and may I add that you look damned good without them on.”

Mellenda laughed.  “Thank you.  You’re too damned skinny, but you look pretty good too.”

“I am not too skinny.”

“Yes you are.  You should work out with me sometime.”


Mellenda lay back on the bed.  She closed her eyes and felt Jude’s weight hit the bed beside her.  His mouth found hers.  She trailed her hand down his chest until she found his member.  He moaned into her mouth. 

“Oh Mellenda.”

She nudged his hip with hers, but he still didn’t get the hint.  Finally, she pulled back from his kiss.  “Jude, will you touch me?  Please.”

“I’m sorry.  It feels so good when you touch me that I guess I got a little distracted.”  He moved his hand between her legs and groaned again.  “Ohh.  You’re so. . .  You probably don’t want to hear me say that.  But I made you like that.  Damn.  I knew that you made me like that all the time, but I didn’t know that I really made you feel like that.  Oh you feel so good.”

“Hush and go back to kissing me.  You feel really good too.  Of course you made me like that.  You don’t see anyone else around do you?”

Jude laughed.  “You could have been thinking about someone else.”

Mellenda stifled a sudden urge to beat him with his pillow.  “Shut up and kiss me.  And don’t stop doing what you’re doing with your fingers.  It feels really good.”

Mellenda let herself get lost in the feel of his mouth on hers and the incredible sensation of what he was doing to her with his fingers.  It seemed to have been so long since a guy had touched her like that.

It didn’t take her long to feel the rush of an oncoming orgasm.  She removed her mouth from his and pressed her lips to the side of his neck.  She had a sudden urge to bite him.  She suddenly remembered that Tony had told her that Tory liked to bite and fought an urge to giggle.  Jude opened his eyes and looked at her.

“You okay?”

“Mmm.  Yes.  I. . .  I um. . .  I’m gonna have an orgasm if you don’t stop.  It feels so good.”

“I feel like I’m living in a fantasy Mellenda.  I want to make you come.  Don’t you want to?”

“Yeah.  I just didn’t want to do it so soon.”

“I’m a guy so I’m assuming that I touch myself way more often than you touch yourself so it’s gonna take longer for me.  I’ll make you come more than once if you want.”

“Uh, can we not talk about this?  It’s embarrassing.”

“No it’s not.  It’s way hot when girls admit that they masturbate.”


“What?  Do you want to kiss me some more so that I’ll shut up?”

Mellenda smiled.  “Can I bite you?”

“I guess.  Just not too hard.  Wait, where do you want to bite me?”

“Your neck.”

“As long as you’re not a vampire.”

Mellenda rolled her eyes.  “You are so weird sometimes.”

“You’re a little weird sometimes too.  But that’s okay ‘cause I kinda like it.”

Mellenda shook her head and then moved her mouth back to his neck.  She ran her tongue over the spot that she wanted to bite and then bit him gently, then a little harder.  He didn’t complain so she continued to suck and nip at his neck.  She didn’t want to give him a hickey, but she liked the way it felt.  What he was doing with his fingers was threatening to drive her insane with passion.

She closed her eyes and brought her mouth back to his when she felt orgasm coming on.  She almost bit his tongue when she came, but she was able to hold back and instead sucked at it lightly while she gave herself over to the rush of orgasm.

He sighed.  “Wow Mellenda.”

She gave him a dirty look.  “Shut up Jude.  Or I’ll stop touching you.”

He kissed her.  “You have a temper honey.  I meant no offense.  You have really intense orgasms.  It’s beautiful.  I don’t think you could fake an orgasm if you wanted to.”

“That stuff is so weird to talk about.”

“No it’s not.  You can say anything to me.  Can I ask you something without you beating the crap out of me?”

“I’m not sure I want to hear this.”

“You might not.  Actually I want to ask you two things.  The first I can ask you out loud but the second I think I’m going to whisper in your ear.”

Mellenda gave him a look.  “Okay.”

“I’m not going to say who told me this, but one or two girls said that they didn’t like the way I did it when I did to them what I just did to you.  You liked it didn’t you?  I mean, I know that I gave you an orgasm but. . .”

Mellenda closed her eyes and then opened them and looked at him.  Jude had told her the first time they’d really talked that he wanted the woman he was with to be honest with him about what she liked in bed.  Not that she was technically his girl, but she had a feeling that she was going to break down before too much longer and ask him out.

She’d had a really hard time telling Ricky what she liked in bed.  It was a lot easier to tell him what she hadn’t liked.  With Tony, she had let him lead because he was obviously a lot more experienced and she had liked most of what they’d done together in bed.

But with Jude, everything seemed different.  She was afraid of the way she was feeling.  They had kissed before, but it was normally a goodbye kiss that didn’t last long.  They’d had a few lengthier kisses but today had been their first real make out session.  Kissing him made her feel alive in a way that she hadn’t felt alive since before Adrina had died. 

Jude kissed her like there was no woman in the world he’d rather be kissing.  It didn’t make sense to her because he’d always been such a player.  Ricky had kissed her like that, but it had been different too.  She was beginning to believe that her relationship with Ricky had been more about comfort and the fact that they wanted similar things rather than the fact that they loved each other passionately.  They’d had passion of course.  But the few minutes she’d spent with Jude led her to believe that being with Jude could take her to another level of passion.  She also got the feeling that he wanted to take care her of her too.  That sounded even crazier to her, but it didn’t make the feeling any less real.

So she decided that she was going to try to be honest with him about what felt good to her.

“Jude, just kissing you has been incredible.  What you did to me with your fingers felt almost indescribable.  I probably shouldn’t have told you that because you’ll probably get a big ego, but it’s true.”

Jude grinned.  “Damn.  I can’t believe that I make the finest girl in Brentwood feel like that.”

“I am not the finest girl in Brentwood.”

“Who is then?”

“I don’t know.  Ask me what you wanted to ask me.  I promise I won’t beat the crap out of you.  It doesn’t mean I’m gonna say yes though.”

“Okay.”  Jude leaned over and whispered in her ear. 

She made a face at him.  “Why would you want to do that?”

“A lot of reasons.  You don’t have to let me.”

Mellenda bit her lip.  “Um, I guess you can.”


“Yeah. I’m guessing that no other girl has ever let you do that to her.”

“No.  You are so cool.  Thanks Mellenda.”

“Uh huh.  Can I whisper something in your ear?”

“Of course.”

Mellenda ran her tongue around his ear lobe and then whispered into his ear.  When she pulled back he gave her a huge grin. 

“I can definitely handle that.” 

“Mmm.  Thank you.”

Mellenda joined her mouth with his.  She didn’t think she’d ever get enough of kissing him.  He tasted wonderful, not the way that she’d always thought a smoker would taste.  Tony had always tasted like cigarettes.  She’d refused to let him put his tongue in her mouth except when he kissed her while they were having sex.  Ricky hadn’t smoked around her so she’d never had to worry about it with him.  Jude didn’t smoke around her most of the time either, but he smoked when he was waiting for her sometimes.  But Jude didn’t taste like a cigarette to her, he tasted like Jude and she loved the taste of him.

He made her come again.  That left her feeling satisfied.  She made him come and let him do something kind of kinky to her when he did.  She did end up thinking it was kind of gross but she didn’t tell him that.

They showered together and then dressed and went back out to the living room.  Jude had a perpetual grin on his face.  He reminded her of the way Tony looked when he had been smoking pot.  She thought it was cute though and was content to rest her head on his chest and watch TV with him until it was time for him to take her back to school.

They made out for a while when she pulled up behind the old shack.  She wished she didn’t have to leave him, and she knew that it wouldn’t be long before she would break down completely and ask him to be her boyfriend.




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