Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set (198 page)

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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Chapter 9

She lasted a week before she asked him out.  She seduced him the same weekend in his driveway because his parents and brother and sisters were all inside the house.  She was worried that someone was going to see them but his parents had told him that he couldn’t leave until he took Mellenda back to school since his truck was almost out of gas and he didn’t get paid for another few days.

They fell into an easy comfortable relationship that was still full of passion.  Jude could be an asshole and he was kind of a dork but Mellenda enjoyed being with him so much that it scared her sometimes.  She enjoyed hanging out with his family.  His parents were so nice to her and they obviously adored all four of their children.  They made her ache for the way her parents used to be.

Jude made her promise that she would let him take her out on her birthday and that she would go to prom with him even though they spent most of their time together at his house, only going out when they worked out together at the local community center.  Time passed quickly.  Mellenda was almost able to forget about Ricky, or at least to think about him in a completely different way.  Jude’s neighbor and Molli’s best friend Seneca had let it slip that she and her boyfriend Grant had been to Molli and Ricky’s wedding.

The day before her eighteenth birthday, Mellenda and Jude worked out at the community center and then went back to his house and had dinner and watched movies with his family.  When she went back to school, she grabbed her hygiene products from her room and then headed to the shower.  She was nervous and excited thinking about what Jude had planned for her birthday.

Mellenda had just stepped under the showerhead when the door to the shower room opened.  She turned slightly and stifled a groan when she saw it was Leslie, one of the lesbians in her class who wanted to be a social worker.  But at least she was alone and not with her roommate and girlfriend Beth she thought.

Leslie undressed quickly and turned on the shower next to Mellenda’s.  She gave Mellenda a bright smile.  Her eyes slid up and down Mellenda’s body.  Her smile widened.  “Hello beautiful.”

Mellenda turned away, wanting to cover herself.  If she wasn’t already naked, she knew that she would have been naked under Leslie’s gaze.  “Leslie.”

“There was something that I wanted to talk to you about.”


“Don’t sound so thrilled honey.  This is something I think you might enjoy.”

“Leslie, I have no idea what would have given you the idea that I like girls, but I don’t.  So if you’re going to say something nasty to me, don’t bother.  I like boys and only boys.  That’s not gonna change anytime soon.”

“Just because you like boys doesn’t mean that you can’t like girls too.  You should give it a try.  I promise you won’t regret it.”

Mellenda shook her head.  “I don’t need to be with a girl to know that I won’t like it.  I don’t get turned on by tits and vaginas.  I like muscles and cute butts and penises.”

“You’ve never experienced a real orgasm until a woman has brought you there with her fingers and her tongue.  Oh, the things I would do to you Mellenda.  You’d never look at a man the same way again.”

“Whatever Leslie.  I’m not interested.  Why don’t you go back to your room and do all that nasty stuff to Beth?  I’m sure she appreciates it.  With the way you two smell, I’m pretty sure that neither of you needs to worry about ever finding another woman or a man for that matter.”

“We’ve both had plenty of other women and men.  Even if it can feel good to have the real thing inside of you and not just a dildo, men aren’t worth it.  No one knows how to please a woman like another woman.  Kinda makes sense doesn’t it?  If it feels good to you, it probably feels good to another woman.”

Mellenda rolled her eyes.  “That’s why you tell guys what you like dummy.”

Leslie reached out and ran her hand down Mellenda’s arm.  Her eyes greedily took in Mellenda’s breasts.  “Your boobs are so hot.  I always thought they were fake since they’re so big, but they’re real aren’t they?  And your ass.  Oh, I want to kiss it so bad.”

Mellenda shoved Leslie’s hand away.  “If you touch me again, I’ll punch you in the face.”

Leslie smiled.  “Maybe I like it a little rough.”

“Go away Leslie.  Let me finish my shower in peace.  You could never take enough showers for that stench to leave you anyway.  What do you do to yourself to smell like that?  You’re supposed to wash everywhere.  And there are things called a douche when you get that not so fresh feeling.”

“I don’t even use tampons.  Why would I want to shove chemicals up my twat?”

“Like there aren’t natural douches.  Don’t you worry about it not being natural when you’re shoving a dildo up there?  Oh wow.  I cannot believe I’m having this conversation with you of all people.  I think I’m finished.”

Mellenda hadn’t had time to wash any part of her body before Leslie walked in, but she figured she’d come back when she knew Leslie wasn’t lurking around.  Maybe she’d use the shower on the first floor she thought.  It was hardly ever used since it was so old. 

Mellenda turned the water off and reached for her towel.  She started to dry off, turning away so that Leslie couldn’t see anything.


She didn’t turn.  “What?”

“I think you might want to reconsider.”

Mellenda snorted.  “Oh yeah?  And why is that?”

“I might have to tell our new headmaster that you bought the answers to your last two tests in English Junior year.”

“If you think that that’s going to make me let you do nasty stuff to me, you are so wrong Leslie.  I’d rather get kicked out of school than let you touch me.  I would rather die than let you touch me.”

“You’re being a little melodramatic Mel.  C’mon girl.  You’ve never experienced real pleasure.  If you don’t want to let me do those things to you, let Beth do them.  She’s really talented with her tongue.  I know that some girls like blondes better than brunettes.  It is incredible to feel soft hands and the brush of a woman’s soft hair between your thighs, rather than some guy’s nasty beard stubble and his callused hands.”

“You should stop doing it with old guys who don’t know how to shave then.  If you feel the need to tell Mr. Luciano then tell him.  In fact, I might tell him myself.  Then you won’t have anything to hold over my head anymore.”  Mellenda gave Leslie a tight smile.

“You’re bluffing.  There is no way in hell you would tell Luciano because it would mean that you’d lose your scholarship.  You may not have Ricky anymore since he took off with that crazy slut Molli but you’re not going to throw your chance at college away.  We all know that your parents can’t afford it.  It must be so weird to have parents that gamble their money away and are in so much debt that you’re probably gonna be stuck with it when they kick the bucket.”

“Fuck off Leslie.  Like your parents are perfect.”

Leslie smiled.  “My stepdad taught me about oral sex when I was twelve.  Then my dad’s new wife forced me to perform it on her right after I turned thirteen ‘cause Daddy don’t know how to go down.  Beth’s parents used to make her and her brother watch them fuck.  And this was when they were real little.  I think that we’d probably both rather have your parents than ours.  So go fuck yourself Mellenda.  You should watch your back.  You never know when Luciano will find out about what you did.”

Mellenda shrugged, though her heart was racing.  She wouldn’t let Leslie do nasty things to her, but it didn’t mean that she wanted Luciano to find out about what she’d done.  She knew that her parents couldn’t afford to send her to college.  Her mom gambled online and her dad spent money on a bunch of crap that he would never use.  They had three storage units and their garage and attic were both packed so full of crap that Mellenda figured they probably had no idea what
they owned anymore.  She’d tried to convince them when she was home the summer before to sell everything, but her parents had both looked at her like she was from another planet.  They were trying to fill the hole in their hearts that her sister and her child had left, but they all knew that it was never going to be filled.

“If he finds out, he finds out.  I’ll live with it.”

“You gonna stay in Brentwood and get a job at a fast food restaurant?”

“Sure Leslie.  It would be a more noble profession than what you want to do.”

“Please.  Serving people food that makes them fat and gives them diabetes and heart attacks is so much better than taking kids away from crappy parents and giving them better lives Mellenda.”

“Maybe if the system worked the way it was supposed to, you’d be right.  But it doesn’t.  When some fat slob comes into a fast food restaurant to buy their 1500 calorie heart attack waiting to happen super-sized value meal, they know what they’re doing.  When you take a kid away that doesn’t need to be taken away, you can scar them for life.  Better yet, when you don’t take a kid away that does need to be taken away, you let them continue to be beaten, or molested, or starved.  Maybe they’ll grow up and escape from all the bullshit that you didn’t take them away from, or maybe not.  Maybe they’ll starve to death, or be beaten to death, or maybe they’ll take a gun and shoot the person that was molesting them and end up in prison because some prissy social worker didn’t want to get her hands dirty.  It’s so much easier to take kids away when there’s nothing wrong, or if it’s something simple, than it is to deal with an actual case of child abuse.  You can’t pretend that just because you want to be a social worker, you’re perfect.  Because you’re nowhere near perfect.  You take twenty showers a week and you still smell terrible.  I’m surprised they haven’t kicked you and Beth out by now.  Crestview always seems to come up with some reason to force girls out when they don’t fit into the picture of a perfect Crestview Academy poster girl.”

Leslie nodded.  “Yeah, and you do.  Except for the fact that you cheated, and were boning a drug dealer.  What is it with sluts and Tony Wilson?  Is he really that good in bed?  I might have to give him a try.”

Mellenda laughed.  “He’s engaged to Tory Collins.  And even if he wasn’t you wouldn’t have a chance with him.  He would get one whiff of you and run in the other direction.”

“I do not smell and neither does Beth.”

“You’ve gotten used to the smell Leslie.  That is so sad.”  Mellenda shook her head as she gathered her toiletries.

Leslie sighed.  “I’d hoped that you would be reasonable Mel.”

“Sorry.”  She turned to the door.


Mellenda took a deep breath and then let it out before turning back to Leslie.  “What?”

“I’ll do anything to be with you Mellenda.  You are so beautiful.  Your body is perfect.  I love curves.  Beth had curves, but she has a few too many.  She’s kinda chunky.  You have gorgeous breasts and a spectacular ass.  You must taste so sweet too.  Please.  I’ll even do it with you with a guy if it makes you more comfortable.  If you’ll just give me a chance, I can prove to you that I can please you like no one else ever could.”

“No Leslie.”

Leslie sighed again.  “Fine.  But I will tell Luciano.  It might not be tomorrow, or even next week, but when it suits me, I will tell him.”


Mellenda turned and walked away.  She debated on whether she wanted to go to one of the other shower rooms as she made her way back to her room but decided against it.  She opened her door and her phone started ringing.  She smiled when she saw that it was Jude. 

She picked up her phone.  “Hi.”

“Hey baby.  I miss you.”

Mellenda laughed as she shut her door.  “You saw me earlier today.”

“We didn’t have sex.”

“Jude this isn’t supposed to be just about sex.  I told you that when I said that we could start dating.”

“You are so fantastic in bed.  I would love to spend the rest of my life making love to you every night.”

“You’re a pervert.”

“I know.  What are you wearing?”

Mellenda shook her head.  “If you called to have phone sex, it’s not happening.”

Jude sighed.  “Damn.  When does a guy get to have phone sex for free when he knows that the girl on the other end of the line is hot?”

“I don’t know.  When you’re in a long distance relationship I guess.  Not that I mind, but why did you call me?”

“I wanted to make sure that you’re free tomorrow.”

Mellenda laughed.  “Of course I’m free you dork.  You made sure as soon as I said I’d go out with you that I’d let you take me out on my birthday.”

“With girls you have to make sure.  You can plan something with them months ahead of time, and then they’ll get pissed off at you once and forget all about it.”

“I’m not just any girl Jude.  I thought you’d figured that out by now.”

“I knew that the first time I looked at you.  The first time we had sex, I definitely knew you weren’t just another girl.  You do things to me that should be illegal Mellenda.”

“I don’t know how to answer that Jude.”

Jude chuckled.  “It’s true.  I wanted to make your birthday really special for you.  I made my mom help me pick out your present.  I hope you like it.”

“You didn’t have to get me anything.”

“It’s your eighteenth birthday babe.  It’s gotta be good.”

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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