Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set (39 page)

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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Paul wasn't sure if agreeing to oral sex was a good idea, but he did feel at least some relief afterwards, and he slept better that night than he had in what felt like entirely too many nights.

His boss was not happy when he called him the next morning and told him he wouldn't be coming in the next two days, even after he explained what had happened with Nathan.  Paul knew that he couldn't continue working at his present job much longer.  His son mattered more than any title or amount of money ever would, and so did Kimber and her children.

They went to the zoo after Alexis got out of school.  The kids enjoyed themselves greatly.  It was easier and easier for Paul to think of himself as being not only a father, but a stepfather as well.



Sierra didn't think she'd ever been happier to see her son than she was when they picked him up from Kimber's house Wednesday afternoon.

He of course was happy to see her as well and threw himself at her immediately after she and Luke walked in. 

"I missed you Mommy."

Sierra smiled.  "I missed you too baby.  Did you have fun at the zoo?"

Nathan chattered to her about all the animals he had seen, telling her that the monkeys had been his favorite.  Halden wanted a hug when they left, and she obliged her adorable stepson after thanking Kimber for helping with Nathan.

You wouldn't have been able to tell by looking at Nathan that he'd had a seizure a few days before, and Sierra was very grateful that her son was his bright cheerful self on the ride home.



When he got off of work Wednesday Paul made a trip to a local jewelry store.  He had decided that he was going to ask Kimber to marry him, though he was definitely going to make sure that his life was more in order before he asked her to spend the rest of her life with him.

It took him what seemed like forever to pick out the ring.  But he finally decided on a ring even more traditional than Sierra's engagement ring had been with the help of a pretty sales girl.  He thought that it would fit Kimber well, and he hoped that she would be as proud to wear it as he would be to give it to her.


Seven weeks after her honeymoon, Sierra realized that her period was late.  It wasn't just a couple days late either.  She had been so busy with work and shuttling the kids around that her period had been the last thing on her mind.

On the day she told Luke that they needed to buy a pregnancy test, her period was eight days late.   He looked so happy when she told him that she couldn't help but smile herself.  And she was happy that the possibility existed that she carried Luke's child, she just wasn't quite sure how she felt about the reality of it.

Nathan was the best thing that had ever happened in her life, and she loved him more than she'd ever thought it was possible to love someone.  But the timing for having a baby didn't seem to be the best with her job still being relatively new. She almost felt a sense of deja vu, and was reminded all too much of when she'd been pregnant with Nathan.

Well, she mused as she wandered down the drug store aisle with Luke, at least I won't have to worry about Luke not wanting to make love to me while I'm pregnant.



Luke already felt like the happiest man in the world.  Sierra was his wife, the kids were happy and his career was going well.  He had everything he'd ever dreamed of.  When Sierra told him they needed to buy a pregnancy test, he thought he'd never quit smiling.  He knew that she had reservations about a pregnancy so soon after she'd started her job, but she was even more of a favorite than she'd been when she was teaching at Alexis's school, and Luke had a feeling they would hold the job for her.

He wanted to take his time choosing a pregnancy test, but Sierra grabbed one off of the shelf as soon as they reached the aisle that housed the pregnancy tests.  She had a strange look on her face, and reminded him a little of a teenager who was embarrassed to be buying a pregnancy test.  He put a gentle hand on her arm before she could turn to leave the aisle.

"Are you okay baby?"

"Yes.  No.  I don't know.  It's not that I don't want another child Luke.  It just doesn't seem like the best timing."

Luke chuckled.  "Baby doll, babies have a tendency to be born when it's their time, not when the parents think it's a good time."

"Yeah.  I guess."

She sighed.  "I'm worried about my job."

Luke squeezed her hand.  "You're the best teacher they've got and they know it.  You can help little kids understand things in ways that I have no comprehension of.  Nathan is going to be light years ahead of the other kids when he starts kindergarten."

"I love you Luke."

"I love you too Sie.  Never forget that."

She gave him a half-hearted smile.  "I'll try not to."

Luke took her hand and they walked together out of the aisle.  "Hey, Alexis will be excited.  Maybe she'll finally have a sister."

Sierra's smile looked a little more real then.  "Maybe.  If we have a girl though, she probably won't be the angel yours is."

"She's not always an angel.  We have three great kids though, and I'm sure we'll have another one, girl or boy."

"They are pretty amazing.  And it's not like I don't want a baby."

"It will be good either way beautiful.  And I'm sure your job will be waiting for you."

"I hope so.  You always did know how to make me feel better."

Luke smiled.  "That's my job baby, even more so now that you're my wife."

They paid for the pregnancy test and left the store.  When they returned home and took the test, it was positive.  Sierra cried when they got the results, but she was smiling through her tears, and Luke knew that everything would work out for them.



Luke seemed so happy when he told her that Sierra was pregnant that she couldn't help but be happy for him. She was happy in her life too, but she wondered how Paul would take the news.

Things seemed better for him at work, but she knew that he was still working more hours than he wanted to be. She had been able to help him get rid of his old house.  He had been very thankful to have that weight off of his shoulders, though she knew he hadn't been happy about the fact that Sierra refused to accept her half of the proceeds from the sale.  They had finally agreed that Paul would put the money into Nathan's college fund, which seemed logical to Kimber.

Alexis was excited that there was a chance she could have a little sister, and had been talking about nothing else since her father had given her the news. Halden didn't seem to care that he was going to be a big brother, but Kimber figured it was a normal reaction for an almost four year old child.  And she was sure he would be a happy big brother once the baby arrived.



Paul wasn't sure how he felt about Sierra's pregnancy, but he had a lot on his mind anyway.  Things were going well with Kimber, and he did have to admit that things were a little less tense overall since they had come to their sex compromise.  He wanted badly to make love to her, but he wanted their first time together as a couple to be perfect.  He planned to make love to her on the night he proposed, but he was beginning to wonder when that would happen.

He had had the ring hidden for weeks and it seemed to taunt him, telling him that it wouldn't be on Kimber's finger where it belonged until he had worked out the problems with his job.

He was glad that his old house had sold at least and very grateful once again for Kimber whose ideas had helped it sell. 

He had been looking for another job, but the search hadn't been going well.  He felt more and more disheartened every morning when he left for work.



Sierra was apprehensive about telling her boss about her pregnancy.  When she got to work and asked to speak with Mr. Moran he told her he wouldn't have free time until the school day ended.  She tried not to let her worries get to her and luckily her students were always a good distraction.  She knew that she would miss them very much when she left for maternity leave.

Moran took the news better than she'd thought he would and even offered her a hearty congratulations, telling her that they'd miss her, but that her job would be waiting when she got back. 

It was an almost unbelievable relief, and she was able to be happy about her pregnancy without any further reservations.



When Sierra told him that her boss has assured her that her teaching position would be waiting for her after maternity leave, Luke was thrilled.  He knew that she was happy they were having a baby, but he knew that she wouldn't let herself feel it fully until she knew that her job was secure.

She was cheerful when she got home from work and Luke thought that she was already exhibiting a bit of pregnancy glow.  Sierra rolled her eyes at him when he told her so, but she was smiling and he was glad to see the woman he loved happy without worry weighing her down.



When Paul heard that a job was opening in another division at his company, he felt as if he had been given a gift from above.  The position paid less, but the hours were less strenuous and he knew that was more important than anything else at the moment.

His boss gave him a puzzled look when he asked about putting in an application for the lower paying position, but Paul knew that he couldn't refuse since he was overqualified if anything.

They had recently hired a new man in his current division and Paul was sure that he would be able to take over his position with the right training. 

It took some convincing, but his boss finally agreed that if he felt Ted Thomas was ready to take over Paul's position in six weeks when the other position opened, he would let Paul take the lower paying position.

Paul knew that he had a lot of work to do over the next few weeks, but nothing had felt more worth it in his life.



Sierra found that she enjoyed her second pregnancy all around a lot more than she'd enjoyed her first.  Luke definitely made things easier on her than Paul had, and her new husband didn't want to make love to her any less than he had before she was pregnant.

She was happy to let the kids help with the plans for the baby's room.  Nathan was excited to be a big brother again, since he was already a very happy big brother to Halden.

Everyone seemed happy.  In fact, things seemed to be going so well that Sierra was almost afraid something was going to happen to spoil all the good cheer.  But she didn't let her worries get to her, and all in all Sierra was a very happy expectant mother.


When Paul told her about his possible new position at work Kimber was thrilled.  It was obvious he was excited and she was definitely looking forward to the possibility of spending more time with him.

She realized more and more as the days passed that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Paul.  Sierra's pregnancy made her think about having another child of her own.  She found herself daydreaming about carrying Paul's child.



Paul didn't think he had ever worked harder than he did in the six weeks until the new position opened up.  He was a little apprehensive when the day came for his boss to give them his decision.  The minutes until Bruno Brown called Paul and Ted Thomas into his office seemed to pass at a painfully slow rate for Paul.

But it was all worth it in the end.  He had trained Ted Thomas so well that Bruno offered him a hearty handshake and congratulations, though he still didn't seem to understand Paul's decision to apply for the lower paying position.

Paul didn't care though.  He felt like he was walking on air when he left work that day.  He'd start his new position the following Monday and he would finally be able to propose to Kimber.  Paul Brooks was a very happy man.



Paul took Kimber and the kids out to celebrate his new position.  It was like a very heavy weight had been lifted off of her man's shoulders.  She was very happy for him and for all of them since he'd be working less and have more time for his family.

It seemed like something more was on Paul's mind as the days passed, but Kimber tried not to think about it too much, especially since Paul was happier than he'd been since they'd been together without the weight of his old job resting on his shoulders.



Paul was nervous on the night he planned to propose to Kimber.  He had wanted to take her for a romantic walk in the park, but the weather forecast predicted snow.

He almost changed his mind about the walk in the park when snow started to fall on the drive to Kimber's house, but it was still a beautiful night and he kept his plans, hoping the beautiful woman he hoped would soon be his fiance wouldn't get too cold.  He could think of some delicious ways to warm her up though, and making love to Kimber was very much on his mind too.


BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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