Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set (140 page)

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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"Duh Tony.  I think it'd be cute to see Carl sticking up for his mom.  Why would I want someone to stick a needle in my back?  That shit's gotta hurt almost as much as giving birth without the drugs."

"They numb you up first I'm sure."

"Of course they do, with a shot from a big needle.  No thank you.  And aren't you concerned about your kid coming out high?"

"My mom had a natural birth.  She was in agony for a long time afterwards.  My dad said it killed him to watch her.  That's why he made my mom convince Aunt Lori to go with the drugs when she had Carl.  She had a hard enough time having him as it was.  She wouldn't have made it through without them."

"So it's okay for your kid to come out looking high for a couple minutes after being born?"

"I'm sure it's not like that.  Women obviously wouldn't do it if it hurt the baby.  It's up to you Tor, whether you want drugs or not.  You just don't need to go through pain unnecessarily."

"We need to get off of this subject, or I really will want to never have children."

"Yeah, we need to wash the sex off and get back to the house.  Langston's probably wondering what's taking us so long."

"He's probably still hanging out with his friends, trying to forget about what a huge bitch my mom is.  I sure wish I could forget sometimes.  She just makes it so damned hard."

"Come on baby, no more bad thoughts.  It's Christmas."

"If I'd have known all this shit was going to happen, I'd have told my mother to go screw herself and we'd have spent the holidays with your family."

"Then you wouldn't have your car.   And Langston wouldn't have been around to help me realize that my mother's improvement was so dramatic that I realized that the drugs they had her on were hurting her more than helping her.  You can't say that nothing good has come out of this trip."

"I guess you're right.  If it means your mom is going to get her life back it was worth putting up with Lindsey for a couple days.  Let's just hope that she doesn't make another appearance before we leave.  I really don't want to deal with her anymore."

"I thought you wanted to talk to her about your dad?"  He reached over and turned on the shower. 

"I think I'd rather hear it from him.  She'd just say a bunch of shit to make him look bad like she always does.  She's always telling me how he practically raped her when she got pregnant with me.  I get a little tired of it." 

"I can see that.”  He took her hand and pulled her into the shower with him.  "No more bad thoughts baby.  We're gonna get clean.  Then we're gonna go back and have a nice peaceful night with Langston.  If you're nice maybe I'll finish what you wouldn't let me finish earlier when we were in bed while we're in the shower." He gave her a sly smile. 

"I don't think you'd have time before the hot water runs out."

"I've got talents you haven't tapped into yet darlin'."

"Oh really?  I guess you'd better show me."

It was interesting to do it in the shower Tory thought.  Not exactly comfortable, especially for Tony she figured, but interesting all the same.  The hot water did run out on them, which she teased him about after she'd already gotten out and he was standing under the showerhead shivering as the cold water poured down on him. 

"That's what you get for being a gentleman."

"Shit.  Langston's gonna know we did it when we get back to the house because your hair's still gonna be wet.  Don't you have a hair dryer?"

"If I had one; which I don't, it would still be at Langston's silly and what good would that do me?" 

"Well, if you did you might be able to use it before he got home." He shrugged. 

"My mother probably has one.  Not that I'd want to go into her room to look for it.  Who knows what she's got in there?  It'll be fine.  I'll put my hair up in a bun and he'll never notice it's wet."


"Why are you freaking out?  You could tell by the look on his face when we left that he knew we were gonna go somewhere and have sex.  I kinda think he understood that I needed it."

"It's one thing to admit to yourself that your kid's having sex.  It's completely another to think about them liking it.   And who in the hell wants to think about them NEEDING it?"

"I needed the comfort."

"I could have held you for comfort.  I told you we didn't have to have sex."

"Damn Tony, it's not like we didn't do it already.  It was your idea to do it twice and don't try to tell me you didn't like it because I know you did."

"Of course I liked it.  I always like it.   The second time I wanted to make sure you were taken care of." 

She laughed.  "Thank you for caring Tony.  Don't get guilty on me now.  It's not like was a virgin before we got here.  I'm seventeen, it's not like I'm fourteen.  Then I could see why it might bother him."

"I'll bet you were just as pretty when you were fourteen but I sure as hell wouldn't be with you if you were fourteen."

"Good thing I'm not then." She gave him a kiss. 

"I would have been pretty disappointed if I'd found out you were that underage.  I figured that you were eighteen at first.  I didn't really like it that you weren't but I was in too deep by that time."

She laughed, pausing to light a cigarette when she was dressed.  "If I remember correctly you didn't confirm my age until we'd already had sex and I woke up in your bed with a hangover the next morning."

"You remember correctly.  I was too wasted myself to think to ask before we did it.  I was so drunk I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to perform."

"You did just fine." She reached over and patted him on the top of the head as he bent over to tie his shoes. 

"I know I did you smug bitch.  I kept you coming back for more didn't I?"

"Yes, Tony's ego.  No one ever said you weren't good in bed."

"There was a girl that did once." He grabbed her car keys from off of the night stand. 

"Oh really." She raised an eyebrow.  "Was it your first time?"

"Nah.  Even she said I did good.  Of course it was Bertha and I think it was her first time too, so what would she know?"

"Bertha the fat girl?"

"Yeah.  She's not fat anymore.  She lost a shitload of weight right before we graduated and hooked up with the captain of the football team.  She wouldn't take a second look at me after she dumped me.  I think I broke her heart when I told her I didn't want to get married."

"So you weren't always a romantic?"

"Hell no.  I was a horny teenager.  Pretty ironic that you walked in and turned me from a jaded drug dealer into a pile of mush at your feet when you finally gave me a chance."

"Funny that I feel the same way about you.  Except I always kinda felt like I was a puddle of hormones.  Who was she that dare doubt your sexual prowess?"

"I don't remember her name."

"Yeah right.  When some chick tells you you're no good in bed you remember her name.  You probably have a picture of her hidden in your house that you throw darts at when no one's around."

"It's not like it bugged me that much.  She was a one night stand.  Some chick I picked up at the bar a couple weeks after I turned twenty-one."

She followed him out of the motel room, locking the door behind them.  They got into the Mustang.

"Who was she Tony?  You brought it up, now spill it.  Was she a hardcore lesbian who'd never been with a man?  Although I doubt even a lesbian would think you were bad in bed."

"She was just some drunk chick, Tor.  No one you'd know."

"So then tell me her name.  What's it gonna hurt if I don't know who she is?"

"Why are you making me tell you this?  It's embarrassing."

"Why?  It's not like every guy thinks every girl they're with is good in bed.  Though it's different for guys isn't it?  Guys can still get off when a chick just lays there right?"

"It certainly can make it harder though.  What would you know Tor?  You sure as hell never just lay there.  Not even the first time we were together."

"I was drunk and stoned so my inhibitions were down.  And there was no way in hell I was just gonna lay there.  I wanted to like it.  I knew that would piss off Jude even more if he knew."

"Yeah, yeah." He took out a cigarette but didn’t light it. 

"So tell her name Tony."

He stuck the cigarette back in the pack and sighed.  "It was Aretha.  She was older, in her late twenties I think.  You could tell that she was desperate by looking at her.  But I was pretty desperate at the time myself so I thought what the hell.  We went back to my place, had sex and she told me I was the worst she'd ever had.  Then she got up and left.  So now you know.  Can we talk about something else, please?"

"I'll bet she was kidding Tony.  She didn't want you to know what you really did to her.  It can be kind of embarrassing."

"No, she really didn't like it.  I could tell.  That of course made it harder for me to finish so all in all it was not a good experience."

"Maybe she was used to a wham bam thank you ma'am and you weren't giving it to her.  You may not have been quite as gentle with every woman as you are with me, but I can't picture you as being into rough sex.  You respect women too much to want it rough."

He snorted.  "Tor, you're thinking that I'm this knight in shining armor.  I'm not.  I've been with a lot of women, and I was known to give a discount for a blow job before I met you.  I wasn't always a nice guy.  Not always in high school, especially with poor Bertha and sure as hell not after."

"I still don't think you'd ever have done anything to a woman that she didn't want you to."

"Of course I wouldn't.  Maybe you're right about that chick.  She did look like the type who was used to being handcuffed to the bed."

"There's a type?  Doesn't it turn you on to think of me as defenseless in your bed?"

"You'd still have your mouth free and we know how much you like to bite, so I hardly think you'd be defenseless." 

"Maybe you'd have to get one of those sets with the fuzzy covers like they have at the sex stores.  What are those places like?"

"Tory stop it."

"You go in there.  You have enough porn to prove it.  I'm not embarrassing you am I Tony?"

"First you make me tell you about the woman who told me I was terrible in bed.  Now you're bugging me about what adult toy stores are like so I can buy a set of handcuffs to chain you to my bed.  Tory, are you listening to a word that's coming out of your mouth?"

"If it bugs you that much I'll shut up.  But wait a minute.  Aren't you the one who was always bugging me because there were positions you hadn't tried in the Kama Sutra?"

"Yeah.  Maybe we should both shut up."

She sighed.  "Fine.  Does Langston have any plans for tonight or are we going to sit around and twiddle our thumbs in front of the TV?"

"I think we're staying home.  He had planned to take your mom out but I guess that's out."

"What was he gonna do on Christmas day?  Take her to a motel so they could screw without us hearing?"

He smiled.  "I doubt it.  He said he had something special planned for her.  I don't know how special sex can be when you've been married four years." 

"You're the one who is so crazy about marriage and kids.  Don't tell me that you're not gonna want to have sex with me after we're married.  Then I'll never marry you."

"You already proposed remember?  You can't take it back.  You'll break my heart." 

"I had to propose to you to break the tension."

"You proposed to break the tension?"

"You and Carl were telling all those stories about how sweet you are.  It made me want to put my arms around you and never let go.  I had to propose or I'd be permanently attached to you."

"You're such a dork Tory."

"I'm not a dork.  I'm a nerd, a bookworm.  Get it right you big tough, sensitive, romantic drug dealer."

He shook his head at her.  They had reached Langston's block.  While his car was in the driveway, she was relieved to see that her mother's was absent. 

"Am I parking this back in the garage or are we leaving it in the driveway for the night?"

"Leave it in the driveway."

"What if your mom comes back?  Where's she gonna park?"

"Let her park on the street.  Though I wouldn't put it past her to crash into all the cars in the driveway with how pissed off she is at Langston.  Including yours."

"She wouldn't really do that would she?"  She thought he looked a little nervous at the thought.

"You never know what Lindsey is going to do.  I'm sure your insurance would cover it if some crazy drunk woman plowed into your car because she was pissed off at her husband.  Maybe she'll take out all the cars and then run her Jag into the house.  Wouldn't that be a sight?"

"Geese Tor, you're really making me want to stay here."

"We'll all be upstairs, so we'll be fine.  Might get a little cold with a big hole through the front of the house but what the hell, we've got blankets right?"

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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