Mitry and Weni (5 page)

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Authors: Becca Van

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Mitry and Weni
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“Are you ready?” Mit asked as he brushed Krysta’s red hair away from her neck.

“As I’ll ever be,” Wen answered after a loud sigh.

“Do it!” Mit ordered.

He and Wen moved in until their mouths were inches away from her delectable smelling skin. Mit’s tongue lapped over her flesh and he groaned as the sweet taste of his mate filled his mouth. His fangs erupted from his gums and without any hesitation he sank them into her neck. He moaned as her tangy, yet surprisingly sweet blood flowed over his tongue and filled his senses. The moment he swallowed her life essence, he felt Krysta in his own blood. The connection filled him with hope, love, and joy. The cold empty places in his heart filled as the tether snapped into place. She was his mate. His and Weni’s, and even though she didn’t know it yet, she completed him in ways no one else ever had.

She was a light in his long, dark, lonely life and he prayed to the gods that she would feel the same way he did.

Mitry sighed with resigned reluctance as his fangs retracted back into his gums and he laved over his bite mark while filling his senses with Krysta.

He looked internally into his heart and soul and while the bond was there, it wasn’t very strong. It was going to take making love to her to allow the connection to them to grow, but he wasn’t so sure she was going to be on board with him kissing her once she woke up, let alone making love to her.

Mit glanced at Wen when his friend sat up on his knees, moving to the right of Krysta. The light in his best friend’s eyes belied the uncertainty in his gaze.

“I can feel her. Here.” Wen placed his hand over his heart.

Mit smiled but he wasn’t so sure the smile had reached his eyes. “I can feel it, too.”

“It’s not a strong bond,” Wen whispered as if scared of jinxing the tenuous connection they had with their mate.

“No,” Mit agreed.

“We’re going to have to give her time to get used to us,” Wen said.

“I know.”

“Do you think she’ll accept us as her mates?”

“I wish I knew, Wen. Help me get her settled.” Mit carefully moved out from behind Krysta, supporting her head so she didn’t hit it on the headboard and then they gently pulled her back down until she was lying on her side between them.

“Look,” Wen said as he stared down at Krysta’s body.

Mit looked where Wen was. Their mate was already beginning to heal. He just hoped she would accept them as fast as her body seemed to be accepting the connection between the three of them.

But something told him it wasn’t going to be that easy.

Chapter Three


The moment Krysta’s conscience surfaced, she knew something was different. She felt lethargic and sluggish but underlying that sensation was a humming of energy. There was also another presence close to her and as she surfaced more, keeping her eyes closed, she knew that there was more than one person nearby.

She tried to remember where she’d been and what she’d been doing before she fell asleep. The memory of fighting the demonic flashed across her mind and the other beings who had appeared to help fight the shadow demons. As she remembered that she had a hard time not tensing and giving away the fact that she was awake.

“Open your eyes, love.” The smooth, deep baritone sent shivers up and down her spine.

With a sigh of resignation, Krysta opened her eyes, blinking a few times to clear her sleep-blurry vision. The moment her eyesight cleared she couldn’t help but gasp as she saw the two men sitting on chairs near the end of the bed. Her heart stuttered and began racing in her chest as she looked from one handsome man to the other. She’d never been this close to them and she was having a hard time controlling her body’s responses to their proximity.

“Where am I? Who are you?” Krysta cleared her dry throat and then her mouth gaped open as one of the men stood and raced from the room. He moved so fast he was almost a blur. When she realized her mouth was hanging open, she quickly closed it. She licked her dry lips, ready to ask the next question rolling around in her mind, but before she could the other guy was back. He was, standing close to the side of the bed and her, holding a glass of water in his hand. He offered her the glass and she reached for it gratefully. Her fingers brushed against his and she had to bite her tongue to hold in a gasp when shocks of electricity coursed through her body and centered right in her breasts and pussy.

She drank deeply until the glass was empty before handing it back to him, and she nearly sighed with relief as he moved away from her and took his seat once more.

“My name is Mitry Mosi and this is Weni Oba. What’s your name?”

Krysta wasn’t sure she should tell them anything just yet. Not until she was sure she was safe.

“Where am I?” she asked as she looked around the room.

“You’re in our home base near Great Salt Lake in Utah,” Weni answered.

She couldn’t help peruse his sexy body. Weni had been the one to get her a drink of water. His hair was so dark it looked black, but she could see tints of brown threaded in. However, it was his eyes that drew her like a moth to a flame. They were a bright green color which contrasted with his bronze skin coloring and dark hair dramatically. His jaw was strong and stubborn looking, which was graced with a five-o’clock shadow. His shoulders were very wide and his chest was so muscular it looked like he was about to burst out of his T-shirt. Even if she hadn’t seen him and the other man from a distance she would have known they were very tall. Both of the men’s legs seemed to go on forever and it looked as if the chairs they were sitting in were way too small for their height and bulky frames.

She glanced over to the other guy and met his light blue almost translucent gaze. The only time she’d ever seen eyes that light had been a Malamute dog. She felt as if he could see into her very soul and it made her decidedly uncomfortable. His hair was dark brown and although his jaw wasn’t as rugged as Weni’s, the aura of power emanating from him gave her the chills. She was going to have to tread carefully because she had a feeling he would be hell to deal with if she got on his bad side. As those thoughts coalesced, she noticed the lines near his eyes which made her rethink that first appraisal. Maybe he was just trying to intimidate her with the way his arms were crossed over the wide, muscular chest and how he kept his gaze locked to hers as if he was trying to stare her down. Those lines by his eyes denoted that he was quick to laugh and was maybe a bit of a jokester, but right now he was nowhere near having his funny bone tickled.

Krysta mentally shook her head and brought her mind back on track. She wasn't about to let either man intimidate her so she cocked her eyebrow and crossed her arms over her sheet-covered body. She hadn’t tried to sit up because she was only in her underwear and when she found out why her clothes had been removed and who had taken such a liberty while she was unconscious, she was going to give them a piece of her mind.

It was really hard to portray arrogant demand while she was still lying flat on her back so she unfolded her arms, gripped the edge of the sheet, and sat up. She scooted back to lean against the pillows and headboard behind her, before crossing her arms again. “What?” she finally prodded as she glanced from Mitry to Weni and back again.

Her heart was racing and she was panting, although she wasn't sure her reaction was fear. Since she didn't want them to realize that she was attracted to them, she decided to go on the offensive. Hopefully being a little aggressive would keep them from seeing her body's responses.

Just thinking about their unusual names had her thinking about their origins and her heart flipped in her chest. Her mind went off on fantastical tangents and her muscles began to tense.

“There is no need to fear us, little one,” Weni said in a calm, sincere voice. “We would never hurt you.”

What are these people? Are they aliens? Vampires? That would explain the blood-drinking. Gross.

Krysta hated feeling at a disadvantage and decided she would feel a hell of a lot better when she was standing on her own two feet. Grabbing hold of the sheet, she tugged it up as she scooted to the side of the bed and stood, wrapping the material around her as if it were a toga.

“What the hell is going on? Who are you people? Why am I here?” Krysta took a deep breath when she noticed her voice was becoming a little strident and then exhaled as quietly as she could so those two men staring at her wouldn’t hear. However, she had a feeling she wasn’t hiding anything from them and that frustrated her even more.

“What do you remember of last night?” Mitry asked.

“Fighting the demons and then you lot joining in after appearing out of nowhere.”

“How did you know about the shadow demons?” Weni asked.

Krysta rolled her eyes as she glared at the men but from the implacable resolve on their faces they weren’t going to answer any of her questions before she answered theirs. She quickly swallowed the groan of frustration which was bubbling up in her chest and began to pace back and forth beside the bed, kicking the trailing sheet away each time she turned as she tried to get her thoughts into some semblance of order.

“The shadow demons began attacking me a few years back in my dreams.”

“How did you know it was real and not just a nightmare?” Mitry asked.

“I didn’t, not really. At first anyway. When I dreamt of those fuckers trying to steal my soul night after night I got pissed off and started researching them online.”

“You found information of the shadow demons on the internet?” Weni asked incredulously.

“Yes. All myths and legends have some information listed on the World Wide Web. When I found out that the snake god, Apep was the ruler of the demonic and why he wanted to steal souls, I decided it was time to learn to fight back. There was no way I was letting an evil shadow demon take over my body and end up dying.”

“What did you do?” Mitry leaned forward in his seat, resting his elbows on his spread knees. Krysta gulped at the masculinity that seemed to be oozing off of both men in waves. Warmth permeated her body, her nipples hardened, and her pussy moistened and softened. She gritted her teeth, silently cursing her traitorous body, and almost blanched when she felt emotions that she knew weren’t her own.

She pushed that tidbit aside for the moment, not sure why she was feeling what they were but planned to come back to it later.

“I found a martial arts and sword wielding expert and asked them to train me.”

“Who?” Weni almost growled that question.

Krysta’s eyebrow lifted as she stared at him for a moment, wondering why he was bent out of shape but shrugged it off. “Why does it matter? This person trained me and I started fighting the demons.”

“How long have you been fighting the demonic?” Mitry asked.

“Nearly two years.”

“Geezus, you could have been killed,” Mitry exploded with anger as he rose from his seat and stalked toward her.

“I probably wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t learnt how to fight. What did you expect me to do? Whimper and cower and wait for those fuckers to steal my soul and take over my body?”

“Calm down, both of you.” Weni rose and moved toward Mitry. He placed his hand on Mitry’s shoulder and she watched in awe as Mitry backed down.

Maybe she’d been wrong. Maybe Weni was the one she should be wary of.

“Do you know who we are?” Weni asked.

Krysta shook her head.

“Yet you didn’t seem surprised when we showed up last night,” Mitry stated.

Krysta nodded and then shook her head. For some reason she just couldn’t lie to either of them. The energy zipping through her body was becoming stronger, but so was her desire for Mitry and Weni. She was also at a loss as to why she could feel their emotions swirling around inside of her, as if she was connected to them somehow. It was very disconcerting and it was kind of scary. She’d thought the demonic were scary when she first encountered them, but they were nothing compared to these sexy, handsome men.

She’d never been attracted to any man before and to have her libido wake up and pine for two men was very perturbing. “I’ve watched you fight.”

“When?” Mitry asked.

“The night that one of the women got hurt and she drank blood from the bald guy.”

“Shit!” Mitry spun away and began pacing.

“Why didn’t you let us know you were there?” Weni asked.

Krysta tried to hide the smirk forming on her mouth and knew she hadn’t when Weni’s eyes lit up.

“What was I supposed to do or say?
Hey, dudes, do you need help killing these fuckers?
Besides you all popped away before I could get over the shock of seeing the woman drinking blood.”

“How were you able to hide your presence from us?” Mitry asked as he turned back to face her.

“I was lucky enough to be downwind.” Krysta glanced about the room. “Where are my clothes?”

“We threw them away. They had rips and tears from the demonic,” Weni answered.

That statement made her remember how injured she’d been and as she mentally scanned her body for wounds she was shocked to realize that she wasn’t feeling any pain at all. Krysta turned her back to the men and tugged the sheet away from her breasts and stared down under it to see there wasn’t a mark marring her body.

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