moan for uncle 6

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Authors: Terry Towers

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Uncle 6:

To Love


Terry Towers

*** Special Note
Terry ***

First off, I want to thank my readers for their support of not only the "Moan
Uncle" series but for all of my books. Because of you this series and over a dozen other books of mine have rocked a number of distributers Erotica charts since the series' inception. (Oct, 2011) We have helped take taboo erotica to romance readers and guess what! They loved it!

You guys have been loyal and dedicated readers of my work for close to a year now. Your reviews and emails have helped inspire, guide and push me to go on to write longer and more detailed works. I've always said if you want something from me, demand it and it'll be yours, which is why I have kept Moan running.

Secondly, I know you guys want more pseudo-incest/taboo books from me. Trust me I want to give them to you. The problem is that many retailers are either banning this material or making it so hard to find in their e-bookstores that it makes writing it discouraging. That being said I have made a decision to keep writing it. It won't be as frequent as before, but I am thinking a title a month. (At least I'm going to try)

Finally, Moan For Uncle is not dead!!!

I am simply reinventing the series as we continue on. Because of the filters and banning of pseudo-incest/taboo books the new series will be titled "
" which in actuality is going to be
Moan For Uncle 7
. While Grant and Nikki may be married this struggles are not yet over. Stay tuned into my website at for more info on Moan
Uncle 7/Moan For Hubby.

Again, thank you all for your continued support. It has been a wild year and I plan to be here delivering you guys
' hot erotica and erotic romance stories for years to come.

All my love,

Terry Towers

Uncle 6: To Love & Honour

Copyright 2012 by Terry Towers

Cover by: Terry Towers

All rights reserved. With the exception of brief quotes used for critical reviews and articles no part of this book may be used or reproduced without the written permission of the author Terry Towers. Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. Terry Towers can be contacted via her website at

Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via internet or other means, electronic or print without the
permission. Criminal copyright infringement without monetary gain is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. ( Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material.

This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors imagination and used fictitiously.

The material in this book is intended for ages 18+ it may contain adult subject matter including explicit sexual content, profanity, drug use and violence

Chapter 1

"No! Grant!

Grant Rivers was jolted awake for the second time that night by his bride-to-be, Nikki, who was screaming in the bed next to him, in the throes of yet another nightmare. Turning a little too quickly to gather her into his arms and comfort her, he grimaced as a sharp pain surged through him. His wounds from the surgery were healing nicely, but quick movements still smarted.

Flipping over to his side, facing her thrashing body, he took hold of her and pulled her tightly to his chest, stroking her long, dark locks. "I'm here honey. It's okay. It's all over now," he soothed.

Her body trembled against him, but she seemed to calm as she snuggled against him, taking comfort in his embrace and murmuring something incoherent as she drifted back into a deep slumber.

shit." He sighed as he kissed her temple. He had no idea what to do. For the first time in his life he felt helpless and out of control. It wasn't a feeling he was accustomed to or particularly liked, especially considering it involved the one thing he loved more than anything else in the world.

She'd been having horrid night terrors every night since the incident where he'd nearly died at the hands of his ex-partner/ex-lover from the CIA. Nikki kept reliving that moment in her dreams. But in those dreams he always died. If it wasn't that dream, she'd relive the time they'd been held captive and he'd been tortured. Her body would jerk and she'd wake up screaming, and then check his body for fresh gashes and bullet wounds.

The wounds on his back from the whipping had long since healed, leaving long angry scars to match the previous set. But the dreams she was having would have her convinced it had all just happened, instead of it being a month in the past.

Being that she was three months' pregnant, her night terrors worried him even more than they normally would. The stress couldn't be good for the baby. There was also the wedding to contend with. They'd rescheduled. It was now planned for a month from tomorrow. The problem was that they were both so drained, emotionally and physically, that getting everything prepared seemed overwhelming.

He was currently on leave from his position with the agency, for an undefined length of time. Grant simply didn't know where to go from here. In a month he'd be a husband. In six months, a father. His family needed to be his priority, but he still had the itch to go back into the field. He fought that itch each day. If the truth be known, he would have returned to work last week - despite the fact he was still sore - had it not been for his concern over Nikki, the postponement of the wedding, and his small promise to leave the agency.

A soft snore escaped her lips and she loosened her hold on him, her muscles and expression relaxing. Grant gently laid her back onto the bed and as carefully as he could, slid out from under the blankets and made his way out of the bedroom, heading for the bathroom.

One thing he was grateful for was that he'd finally gotten her out of that rat hole of an apartment of hers and into a nice house on the outskirts of Boston.
A nice, quiet suburban neighbourhood.
The house wasn't much; it was a three bedroom, single floor home with a nice little back yard and a paved driveway. It was quaint. Perfect to start a family in and she'd fallen in love with it the moment she'd set eyes on it.

Not bothering to flip on the light, using the combination of moonlight and the single street lamp in front of their house peeping in through the curtains to guide him, Grant entered the bathroom. Flipping open the medicine cabinet he grabbed the bottle of prescription painkillers, opened it and shook two out into the palm of his hand.

Without bothering with water, he swallowed the two white tablets down. In his haste to comfort Nikki he'd hurt his side again and a sharp throbbing had begun as a result. "Who am I kidding," he grumbled as he tossed the bottle back into the cabinet and closed it.

Looking into the mirror, grey eyes stared back at him and his expression was grim. In two days he was going to be thirty-six years old and tonight he was feeling much older than that. In his lifetime he'd experienced war first hand, been shot, stabbed, tortured, thrown from moving vehicles, broken more bones than he cared to count and been pumped full of so many drugs over the years, for various reasons, it was nothing short of a miracle that he was still alive.

The eyes that looked back at him in the mirror had seen acts committed that would turn a normal person's stomach. His own hands had done things in the name of his country that he feared one day he'd have to answer for, if not in this lifetime then in the next.

He groaned as he ran a hand through his dark hair. Perhaps he was getting too old for all that spy shit anyhow. But if he wasn't Grant Rivers, secret agent for the CIA, then who was he? Grant Rivers: loyal husband, loving father, perhaps? Even though he loved the sound of that, he felt that he was losing a part of himself, a very important part, by leaving the agency.

You promised her you'd leave and get a normal job
, a voice in the back of his mind chided. He sighed in resignation. Yes, he did.

A loud, ear piercing scream sounded throughout the house and tore at his heart. Without wasting a moment he rushed out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom where Nikki was once consumed with terror as she slept.


Nikki groaned out her frustration as she tugged at the zipper of a dress identical to the one that had gotten destroyed when she'd been kidnapped. "It won't fit!"

Grant lowered his gaze, stifling a smirk.

Glaring at him in the mirror as he stood reclining against the wall of the dressing room she huffed. "Can you help me get this on?"

"With all due respect honey, maybe you should try a larger size."

A larger size!
A growl rose up in the back of her throat. Yes, she was pregnant and she knew that with pregnancy came weight gain, but she'd been hoping that the weight would stay off long enough to walk down the aisle!

Was he grinning? Yes, the dirty bugger was grinning. Spinning around she wagged her finger at him. "I will
wear a larger size."

His grin widened and he stopped pretending to conceal it. "You're pregnant. What did you expect? And frankly, in a month's time you're going to be bigger, so you might want to aim for two sizes larger."

"You're being such an ass!" she huffed and turned back to regard herself in the three way mirror. She released the dress and let it fall to the floor, leaving her in her white satin bra and matching panties. She ran her hand over her belly which was beginning to grow. It was a slight lump now, but by the time they were married she'd be showing. Albeit only slightly, but she would be.

Pushing off the wall, Grant strolled up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back against him and placing a tender kiss on her bare shoulder. "You look beautiful now and you'll look even more beautiful at the wedding."

Nikki sighed. She was sick of the planning and the fuss and the waiting. "I wish we could just run off and get married." A tear formed at the corner of her eye, she sniffed and wiped it away with the back of her hand. "It's been such a nightmare. It feels like it'll never happen. It's just-"

Grant's head jerked up and his grey eyes caught her blue ones in the mirror. She could almost see the cogs turning in his head as he considered something. She waited impatiently for him to let her in on his thoughts.

"Then let's do it!" A wide smile touched his lips and his eyes gleamed with an excitement she hadn't seen since she'd agreed to marry him.

Nikki frowned "Let's do what? We are.
In a month."

Grant shook his head.
"No, now."

"Like today?"

He chuckled and rolled his eyes at her in the mirror. "I mean in a few days. Let's say fuck it all. Let's get you a dress now, then hop on a plane in the morning and get married."

Excitement welled up within her at the idea of simply running away and getting married on some hilltop at dusk, or maybe something as tacky as an officiating Elvis impersonator in Vegas. No fussing. No expectations. No whispering about him being her uncle and how odd it was. They may not
be blood relations, but people still talked. It would be just the two of them. The wedding was more for the benefit of family and friends than either of them anyhow. After everything they'd dealt with lately, why shouldn't they?

"Where would we go?" she turned in his arms to face him, taking care not to trip on the dress at her feet.

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