Mobbed By Him #2 (Mobbed By Him Romance Series - Book #2) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)

BOOK: Mobbed By Him #2 (Mobbed By Him Romance Series - Book #2) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)
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By Him #2



Alycia Taylor

2015. All rights reserved.


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Weeks Later



It had been a really long day and I was starting to
feel tired; it had been a hell of a few weeks. My job search had still come up
with nothing and I was starting to wonder if coming to California was really
the best thing for me. How was I going to pay my bills if I couldn't find a job?
I didn't realize just how hard it was going to be. I was burning through my
savings like crazy and it was really starting to scare me. What would happen if
I didn't find a job soon? God, I didn't even want to think about returning to
Illinois with my tail between my legs. This was supposed to be a fresh start
for me. Yes, I was there to avenge my parents’ death but I was also there to
make something of myself. I couldn't be back in Illinois without my parents.
There were just too many memories waiting back there for me and it was all a
little too much for me to take. No, I was determined to make this fresh start
work. All I needed was to find a job before I was officially broke. If something
didn't happen soon I would have to resort to praying.

I finished washing the dishes and decided to open a
bottle of wine and relax. There was nothing that made me feel better than curling
up with a glass of wine and reading a good book. I hadn't had the opportunity
yet to do any reading because my mourning had consumed me for so many months
and then there was the job search. I was debating about seeing a movie but I
was so tired that I wasn't sure if I would just fall asleep. A book was always
better anyways. I popped the cork, poured the wine into a glass and took a slow
sip of the delicious wine. Maybe I should just drink the whole thing and get
hammered. I had nowhere to go in the morning anyway.

I leaned my head back on my couch and once again considered
putting on a movie. I turned the book over, however, and read the back cover to
see what I was getting myself into. It sounded like a scintillating mystery
with a little dirty action to it. Perfect, sounded just like my kind of book.
My phone rang and when I looked over I didn't recognize the number. I picked it
up and stared at it, wondering if I should answer.
It could be a job, you
fool! Of course you're going to answer it.
I clicked on the answer button.


Damon here.”

My breath caught and I almost didn't respond. “Oh
Damon. Hi, what's up?”
What's up?! What is wrong with you? Why couldn't I
sound elegant for one minute? Or at the very least professional.

“I'm just calling to let you know that your
credentials checked out. Which means that the job is all yours.
Congratulations, that is if you still want it.”

“That's amazing, wow! Thank you so much, Damon. I
absolutely accept your offer.”

“Great, I'm so glad. Can you start tomorrow? That
would be most beneficial to me.”

“Absolutely.” I was as giddy as a school girl.

“Okay, I will see you in the morning. I’ll text the

“Thank you again, Damon.”

“No problem, Cadence. Have a good night.”

I clicked off the phone and laid my head back against
the pillow once again.
Well shit.
I finally had a job which caused an
enormous amount of relief considering I would now have money to pay my bills.
you God, if you were listening.
The job paid really well so the financial
stress would be off my chest. There was just one problem, however, and that was
the worry that I could possibly be working for the MOB, if it was true that
Damon's family ran it. I was sure they did, and would need to find out for
sure, but there was a good chance that I could get into some trouble by working
for them. I would just need to lay low. It was no big deal right? It wasn't as
if anyone actually knew who I was so I could just stay below the radar and get
the information I needed.

I was almost positive that the company I was now
working for was somehow hiding the MOB in the background; the company itself
was just a front. They hid it well so that no one would think anything of it.
They had been doing it for so many years that I wondered if they would ever be
found out. Probably not. People in the MOB were usually really good at hiding
things. That's what made them so terrifying. They could hide just about
anything, even bodies. That was why my parents’ deaths were still unsolved
cases because whoever did them in did a really good job of hiding the evidence.
So what made me think that I could do better than the FBI? Well at least I was
on the inside now; that was better than nothing and who knew what I could
stumble upon.

I wondered how much involvement there was with the
FBI. Were they watching Damon and the MOB in general? I figured they must know
at least something about Damon. Most of the articles I read on the internet
implied that Damon's father was the head of the MOB in the L.A. area as well as
the surrounding cities. That information must have come from the FBI. If they
were involved with trying to bring down the MOB it didn't really seem like they
were doing much about it. That made me sad as I could really use all the help
that I could get. Working for the MOB now was a little overwhelming but I knew
that it would all be worth it in the end.

I finished drinking my glass of wine and went to my
bedroom to decide what I would wear for my first day working for the MOB.





The morning had started out great; so far everything
was going to plan. I knew that Cadence was in the building starting her first
day and that alone put a smile on my face. I knew she was a good choice for the
position and it was one less headache that I had to worry about. The best part
was that I finally had my mother off my back about filling the position. I knew
I had nothing to worry about with Cadence, especially since her credentials
went through. That had been my biggest worry and now that she was working for
me, I didn't have to worry about handling the money anymore. I was grateful to
be done with that part of the job. I hated that no-nothing job. It was meant
for an accountant after all and that wasn't me. I was a leader, and owner,
. That was the only job that I wanted and my father had kept me under
his thumb for far too long. It was all finally mine and nothing was going to
get in my way now.

I looked up as
my office. He didn't look happy and I hoped that he wasn't about to ruin my
good mood. He had been my father’s right-hand man for many years and I wondered
how he really felt now that I was in his chair. Should I have someone that was
naturally loyal to me and not just loyal because he had to be? That was
something I would have to ponder later on. Now it was time for business.
oftentimes handled the nitty gritty of the business
and if he wasn't happy then I probably wasn't going to be either. I wanted to
get this over with quickly so I could get back to enjoying my day. I leaned
back in my chair and said, “
, what's up? Fill me
in on the details.”

sat down across from me and said, “Well we have some problems that need your
attention immediately.” He didn't smile once.

“I knew you were about to ruin my good mood.” I

smirked. “Sorry boss, not my intention, but here you go.”

I had to admit
that it held a certain appeal to me when people called me
. Call me
crazy, but I kind of thought that's the way it should always have been. There
was so much importance that came with a title like that.
handed me a piece of paper and when I looked down it appeared to be a list.
There were three names on the list, names I didn't recognize.

“What is this?” I set the paper on my desk and looked
up at him.

“Right, you probably aren't used to seeing these. You
will be seeing a lot of them throughout your career as the leader I am sure.
It's a list of people who have three strikes.”

I groaned and started rubbing my forehead with my
hand. Nope, I definitely wasn't in the mood for this shit. The list was the
last thing I wanted to deal with, and to be honest, I wasn't sure why I had to
deal with it at all. Seeing those names on the list sent chills up my spine.
Being on that list was never good for anyone; in fact it was the last place you
wanted to be. For the people who were on the list, it meant you had done three
things to piss the MOB off and now we were coming for payback. People were so
stupid that it often surprised and saddened me. Anyone that had three strikes
usually meant that the MOB was going to kill them off. You know...three strikes
and you're out. Well it worked the same for the MOB. It always amazed me how
people actually managed to screw up not once or twice but three times, as if
they thought the MOB wasn't notorious for killing people off. It was all we did
sometimes. If we didn't get our way then we killed people. But yet there were
still people out there that thought they could get away with skimming from the

I always hated stuff like that.
It usually was the lowliest people that did
the screwing over too; you would think it wouldn't be. But maybe it was all the
drugs they took that gave them courage. The people that feared the MOB the most
would usually be the ones to screw them over. We did, after all, give them
three strikes. Why did they always have to go for three? Sometimes it was a
drug dealer that screwed up by using the drugs for himself or his friends and
not paying for them. Or a prostitute that didn't give her pimp all the money
and kept more of it for herself. I couldn't count how many times it had
happened over the years. I also couldn't imagine why they took the risk, but
there were three on the list that had done just that. And now
wanted me to deal with them.

“I really hate this shit. Thanks for shitting on my

was still smirking and I hoped he wasn't just testing me. I wasn't in the mood
for any type of amateur shit today.

“Well, you're up, Damon.”

“What does that mean?” I looked at him confused.

“You are the boss after all. There are three people on
that list with three strikes on them. It is up to you to decide how we are
going to go about getting rid of them.”

“Are you kidding me? Why me? You're telling me my
father handled shit like this?”

“Your father insisted on it. He hated people that
weren't grateful for the help that the MOB gave them. He wanted to be the one
to decide how the axe would be dropped, so to speak. It is your job now to do
the same.”

“I would rather you do it, or give the job to the guy
that is out punching these tickets. I'm not interested. I have enough shit to
deal with, I don't need to decide how someone dies too.”

“Do you feel sorry for them, is that it?”

“Are you shitting me? I don't feel a damn thing for

“Then do your job, the same job that your father did.”

My stomach turned at the thought. I had no idea that
my father had handled the killings himself. It made me start to wonder what had
been really wrong with him. I had obviously never been in this position before
since my father was the head of the company before he died and he certainly
never mentioned any of this to me. I wondered if my mother knew about the
strike list and my father’s involvement in it. If she did, was she okay with
it? Did she ever weep over the many lives that were lost or did she barely
think of them at all? How would she feel knowing that I was deciding the fate
of others? I knew that I didn't like the
idea, that
was for sure.

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