Monroe, Marla - The Hired Hands' Dilemma [The Men of Space Station One #3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (2 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - The Hired Hands' Dilemma [The Men of Space Station One #3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“What does this creature you’re talking about look like?”

Both men frowned.

“You mean they didn’t show you a picture of it on board the shuttle?” Boyd asked.

“They didn’t show us much of anything. They provided us with manuals on gardening and canning and putting up meat.”

“Fuck, they sent her out here without telling her all the dangers.” Keeton shook his head and drew in a deep breath only to let it out in a whoosh.

“We’ll show you the booklet we have so you know what is dangerous and what isn’t,” Boyd told her. “For now, keep close to the house.”

“Where do I get the seeds to plant and how do I plow up the garden?”

“The garden is already plowed thanks to Danny and Andrew. All you will have to do is plant. They said the seeds are in the cellar. We’ll go down with you tomorrow and find them. No need to plant for another day or two while you get used to where everything is.” Keeton reached around her to the shelves stacked with books. He pulled out a brochure with pictures of strange animals on it.

“Here you go,” he said, handing the brochure to her. “You can read over it as you have time.”

“It’s getting late. Let’s go and find something to eat in the kitchen.” Boyd led the way out of the office, through the living room, and into the kitchen.

“I’ll look for something while you two relax in the living room. Is soup and sandwiches okay for tonight?” she asked.

They shrugged and nodded. It wasn’t a resounding
, but what did she expect from two cowboys? They probably didn’t talk much. She supposed she would have to get used to that. Still, it bothered her that they hadn’t said much to her knowing they were going to be living together for the rest of their lives.

She searched through the contents of the pantry and found two cans of soup to warm up. Then she found a loaf of what had to be fresh-baked bread. She wondered where it had come from. She realized she would probably have to make their bread. Well, thank goodness she was a good cook. Bread she could handle.

When everything was ready, she called them in and served their meal to them. She hesitated about sitting down with them. She wasn’t really sure they would welcome her presence.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” Boyd asked, looking at her.

Neither man had taken the first bite and watched her.

“Oh, well. I wasn’t sure you wanted me to.” She wiped her hands on her apron over and over again.

“Of course we want you to eat with us. You’re not our maid. You’re our wife,” Keeton said. “Go get your food and come on.”

Ashley hurried to pour up soup in another bowl and grab her sandwich. They’d left a place at the head of the table for her. She took her chair and both men began to eat. They had waited on her. The gesture wasn’t lost on her. Her heart softened a little toward them.

“You get settled in okay?” Boyd asked.

“Yes, thank you. The room is large and the bathroom is almost decadent.”

“Good. We want you to be happy,” Boyd said.

He seemed to be more of a talker than Keeton was. She could see herself become closer to him when they had been around each other a little while. She wasn’t so sure about Keeton. She was still scared of him.

Once they were finished, the men gathered up their bowls and spoons and rinsed them out in the sink. She appreciated that. She wondered if they would always do that, or if they were just trying to be nice her first day.

They told her “Dinner was good,” and “Thanks,” then walked off to the living room. She could hear the murmur of voices as she did the dishes. It was comforting in a way. She knew she wasn’t alone in this strange, new world. She couldn’t wait to meet Rachel, Danny and Andrew’s wife. Perhaps they would be good friends. She hoped so, or she would be awfully lonely out here alone.

Once she had finished, she realized she was tired and decided that a bath would be wonderful right now. Especially with the men busy talking. She walked into the living room and all conversation stopped.

“Um, I’m tired. I’m going up to take a bath.”

“Good. That will relax you so you can sleep. I’m sure it’s going to be hard in a new bed and all.” Boyd smiled at her for the first time. He was cute when he smiled. He had a dimple at the corner of his mouth.

Keeton nodded. “Night, Ashley.”

She smiled shyly and headed upstairs. She couldn’t wait to relax in the tub. She just hoped they would stay downstairs long enough for her to have some privacy. The thought of them coming in on her in the bathroom, or even worse, when she was getting dressed for bed, made her nervous. Yep, a bath was just what she needed to calm her down. Then maybe she could handle whatever happened after that.

Chapter Two

“What do you think?” Boyd asked Keeton.

“She’s right pretty and she doesn’t talk a lot.” Keeton leaned back in the recliner and crossed his legs at the ankles.

“She’s just like you like them, man, long brown hair with a hint of curl and shiny gold-and-green eyes. She has a perfect figure with generous-size breasts and a rounded ass. I know she’s a little shorter than we’re used to. But five feet four inches isn’t much shorter. What’s not to like about her?” Boyd spread his hands.

He couldn’t believe that Keeton was being so conservative about Ashley. She really was everything Keeton liked in a woman.

“Nothing. I guess. She’s scared of me, though. I can feel it.”

“Give her time and talk to her some. She doesn’t know us. We’re complete strangers to her. Not only that, but she’s having to deal with a new planet and a different way of life.”

Keeton nodded and let out a long breath. “I don’t want her to be unhappy with us, Boyd. Maybe we should hold off on the sex for a few days and let her get used to us. I know they told us to go ahead and initiate it, but I think it’s too soon.”

“You’re probably right. Let her get used to sleeping with us first. Once she’s a little less nervous around us we can seduce her,” Boyd suggested.

He couldn’t wait to taste her lips and skin. Then her pussy was next on his agenda.

“Do you think she expects us to want to have sex with her tonight? We don’t know what they told the women. I have a feeling next to nothing.” Keeton shook his head. “I don’t think she was prepared for the isolation at all.”

“She’ll have Rachel to visit with. She’ll be okay,” Boyd assured Keeton.

“I sure can’t wait to get between her legs and taste that pussy of hers,” Keeton confessed. “I swear I could smell her in the transport on the way over.”

“I think I caught her checking out your crotch one time. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if she was wet.”

“It’s going to be hard sleeping next to her and not touching her.” Keeton adjusted his cock.

“I’m with you, man.”

“How long do you think we should give her before we go up and shower?” Boyd asked.

“I don’t know. I figure she will soak in the tub for a while. Don’t women do that?” Keeton shrugged.

“Yeah, we’ll give her a little longer. I sure don’t want to walk in while she’s naked. That will just scare her to death with both of us sporting hard-ons for her,” Boyd said.

They got back to the subject of what to expect on the ranch and the reason for the fences. Thirty minutes later they determined that they had waited long enough and turned off the lights before climbing the stairs to the bedroom.

When they walked in, they were pleased to see that Ashley was already in bed and seemed to be sleeping. Keeton claimed the master shower while Boyd took the shower down the hall.

* * * *

Stepping into the shower spray, Keeton wondered how he was going to keep his hands off of Ashley for the next several days. He wanted her. She was perfect in his eyes, from the top of her brown-colored hair down the length of her curvy body and on to her generously rounded ass. He was sure he would even love her toes when he got to see them. There was just something about her that drew him. She was quiet and acted shy, but he would bet anything that there was fire beneath her shell. He wanted to be the one to find it, him and Boyd.

He soaped up and rinsed off in record time but looked down at his rock-hard cock and figured he couldn’t get in bed like that. His dick would reach her before he even got settled. That sure wouldn’t calm her down.

Keeton grasped his cock at the base and squeezed, then slowly began pumping it up and down until he had a drop of pre-cum at the slit. He smoothed over his cockhead and started pulling on his dick again. Images of Ashley totally devoid of clothes danced in his head as he pictured her bent over the bed looking back over her shoulder at him with a sultry look.

He tugged harder as he imagined sinking his cock deep into her cunt over and over again. He would spank her sweet ass until it was a rosy pink. Then he would lick it all over. She would beg for more, but he wouldn’t give her more than that. He didn’t want to hurt her, just stimulate her.

Ashley would start pushing back against him in an effort to get deeper penetration. Keeton sped up pumping his cock and slipped his hand between his legs to roll his balls. Then he squeezed them gently and tightened his grip on his cock. He was close. God, he couldn’t wait to plunge inside her wet pussy, feel her climax around him, squeezing his dick with her cunt.

With that thought, he felt his cum boil deep in his balls as it traveled up and erupted from his cock in long streams. He continued pulling on it until he was finished. He held himself up with one hand against the shower stall, working at catching his breath. Even as good as that was, it couldn’t compare with how he imagined it would feel to be balls deep inside Ashley’s body.

Keeton cleaned up and stepped out of the shower to dry off. He looked at himself in the mirror after clearing away the fog. He guessed his Native American heritage might put her off. He hadn’t thought of that. It cut like a knife to think she would be prejudiced. Then again, she might just be scared of him as a man. She seemed to treat Boyd the same way.

He drew in a deep breath then let it out and opened the bathroom door. He left the light on and cracked the door so if she needed to get up in the middle of the night she would be able to see. Then he pulled up the covers and slipped between them. She didn’t even stir. She had her back to him with a hand beneath her cheek. She looked like an angel to him. He couldn’t help himself. He lifted a few strands of her hair and sniffed of them. She smelled of honey and vanilla, his new favorite scents.

The bedroom door opened and Boyd walked into the room. He nodded and lifted an eyebrow. Keeton shook his head no, she hadn’t woken up. Boyd nodded again and climbed into the bed on the other side of her. She stirred this time, but didn’t wake up. Keeton held his breath as she turned on her back with one leg touching his. When she didn’t wake up, he relaxed into the mattress and willed himself to sleep.

* * * *

Ashley woke with a start. Where was she? She panicked until she remembered she was on planet Alpha and Space Station One. Actually, she was in bed with her two new mates. That was when she realized she was really sleeping on top of Keeton. She had somehow climbed on top of him and curled around him with her head on his shoulder.

Oh, God. How am I going to get out of this?
Ashley could feel his cock between her legs. He was hard and long and brushing her pussy through her underwear. It was obvious he was nude and very aroused. To make matters worse, she was wet and her nipples were hard little points poking into his chest.

That’s when she realized that not only did he have his arms around her, but evidently Boyd did, too. Or at least one, and it was on her ass. She was truly screwed. There was no way out of it without waking up one or both men.

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