Monsters from Beyond Reality (4 page)

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Authors: V Bertolaccini

Tags: #paranormal, #monsters, #ghost stories, #horror films, #haunted mansion, #haunted castle, #sf classics, #horror classics, #classic bestsellers, #hammer films

BOOK: Monsters from Beyond Reality
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The Treasure


The entire castle was colossal and dangerous
beyond belief, even during the day, and they had checked all the
stuff that they had accumulated and found there had been many
occurrences and deaths during the day, and nobody seemed to want to
go into the unexplored regions, where they also thought the killer

So when they started their investigations of
the castle it was in search of the treasure there and was organized
by Mitchell and he brought all his men, with Bryson and the two
psychic investigators, and some scientists and archaeologists, who
were curious what was in the unexplored regions.

They had been no further than the central
region, and region that they slept in on the second floor, so
Mitchell’s idea of going to the central region of the top floor was
really interesting.

Bryson climbed the stairs studying
everything, while curiously watching Mitchell as he followed him up
and occasionally listened to everyone else behind him, and Bryson
noticed that his surroundings seemed to get dirtier the further up
they went and by the time they reached the top they were sweeping
giant webs away, which seemed to increase in size, and he started
to consider there being dangerous spiders there.

Well,” Mitchell finally announced,
breaking his silence. “We now know that killer has not been here!
Though there must be other staircases up here, so we still have him
being about as a problem.”

They entered the top floor and it looked
incredible to Bryson. It was like another world and like seeing a
real haunted place, place where supernatural existed, and he
considered it as being either one of the only places like it on the
planet or one of the most powerful places on the planet.

The corridor had to be the most ghostly
darkest places he had seen, and with freezing cold and snow it was
even more still, silent, and empty of life as was possible. Even
with the lights on there were strange haunting dark shadows and
glows that held secrets and dangers!

Some of Mitchell’s men insisted in
announcing their being there clearly to the killer, if he was up
there, and they insisted in leaving him until the police arrived.
And even though it was one of his men and he had directly attacked
them, he had escaped and it was a police matter! Though he was sure
most of them actually still intended to do something when they

They grouped closely together and wander
down the corridor in the one direction with startled and amused
faces as they searched its interior, with faint thoughts of what it
would be like there at night. The place to everyone there seemed to
be the source of all the occurrences in the wood, and it at times
was like being in a central area where something existed that was
more powerful than anything else there, and perhaps on the planet,
and the stuff in the wood avoided going there because of its power
and that they were being checked and it had hidden intentions to do
things with them.

The treasure being hidden away there was
like something were using it to lure people there to their deaths,
and he wondered again if he would survive this adventure!

Merton wandered about offering anyone next
to him a cigarette, and spoke to them confidently, and they gave
startled expressions at their surroundings and what he actually
worked as and a famous leading investigator of psychic

Mitchell, Bryson noticed, was giving them
confidence and his wisdom in carrying out the task ahead, while
gently persuading them to do what he wished, and use their powers
of deduction to find clues or anything there. There main motivation
seemed to be money, and they were all positive that was what
motivated the killer there.

As they passed different rooms it became
clear that nobody had been there in many decades. Cobwebs and dirt
just about shrouded everything they met with!

Nothing showed any clues to what Bryson
wanted, and it made little sense.

The killer had to be ruthless and carefree
to have done it in the way that it had been done, especially to one
of Mitchell’s men. The person had done it under their noses! Yet it
could indicate that he never knew them or what they were like?

From the looks that that he caught he knew
that the incident had affected them all. Some of them were
argumentative when they mentioned the dead guy, and he was sure
that they had not found any major clues.

Bryson touched his sore forehead with his
fingers feeling if the coldness had sunk into his brain.

He saw that it had still stopped snowing and
that there was a good chance, according to a forecast, that the
weather would stay that way until the night.

He wondered if the place had actually turned
people insane! He wondered if the killer had an interest in
anything else and if they were thinking of him as being only after
one thing.

A loud helicopter thud gradually emerged
away in the distance, and they all grew silent and considered the
arrival of the police, and at a window Bryson and some of the
others watched it and another three helicopters arrive, making them
even change their interest there to below the castle, where they
landed, and Bryson watched the faces of all the police and people
connected with them get out and looking about slightly amused but
mainly very curious, and some actually knowing some things about
the place, and he heard some of their communications blaring out as
they told of their arrival and what the place looked like.

The police had a hard time realizing what
they were dealing with, and Bryson listened to the person he was
sure was in charge of everything. He had clearly been communicating
with the police elsewhere in his helicopter.

We can separately look about

Merton declared, clearly losing interest with looking out the

can cover more ground ...

They all split up more and into groups,
going into rooms more, and searching more.

Bryson marched away himself straight to
where he thought one of the main rooms was, which was larger and
unusual, and he was sure it belonged to the owner that had
reconstructed the castle, if he had even lived there or had it
built for him before his death.

It was incredible how fast Mitchell rushed
after him, and he watched Merton follow him, seeing it was the most
interesting place to go.

The others mainly agreed to search the
corridor and to check paintings and antiques, which were really
ancient and valuable looking, especially being there and covered in
such dust and dirt.

The door to the room at first seemed locked
when Bryson reached it, before the other two had made it to him,
and he quickly confirmed it was locked before trying to shove it

Curious!” Mitchell muttered. “Very
curious! It’s got a lock and it’s locked!”

Merton ducked and stuck his eye to the
keyhole and moved back, and asked, “We could wait and try to find a
key, which may not exist, or we could just break in?”

Let’s break in!” Mitchell quickly
replied first. “What’s in there could be of great value! And if we
leave it someone else could get here first! This place is getting
more and more people ...”

Alright!” Bryson replied. “The door
can be replaced anyway, if it’s of any value ...”

Mitchell immediately left to nearby rooms
until he found what he wanted, and arrived with a large log of
wood, which had been in a fireplace, and used it to smash in the
lock and viciously shove it in, until the door screeched right open
and Bryson saw only darkness and then windows that were covered by
thick curtains, and dust flew down over them as they moved in and
they entered like they were entering a tomb.

The mess was shocking! Webs and fungus had
shrouded everything and an ancient bed was left rotted away within
the room, with small amounts of ancient furniture around the edges
of the large room, and Bryson attempted to age it all but never

The owner liked a large

Merton muttered, humorously, examining its remains, watching
a dust cloud from their entrance float in beams of light, from
streaks of sunlight from the window where Mitchell started opening
the curtains, trying not to destroy the rotted remains of them, and
looking out at the wood from there with some

They then crept around the room watching his
fascination of the wood, and his drawing all the areas of interest
in a vague map, and listening to their creaks and cracks from the

attention fell on the bed again
trying to imagine what age it was, and he realized it was early
twenty-century technology.

When he moved back he saw the humorous side
of what they were doing. The place interested him and he liked such
places and their history, imagining all the past events and people
who had been there, and all the many hours and days and thoughts
that they had, and he wondered what the future would hold for it
and fantasized being in a time machine shooting through the depths
of time. What would the future be? And what would the outcome of
their investigations there be? What would the future be now that
the murder and all the police were there? Was this the end of the
desolation of it? Or could the place become so deadly that they
would have to isolate it from humanity?

He saw a small drawer under the legs of the
remains of a wardrobe in the corner of the room and saw it had not
been seen, and investigated it with interest, while he considered
the room from different perspectives. He wondered if the people had
just slowly left there or had been forced out by the occurrences
there, or had they died there?

The stiff drawer revealed it was full of old
clothes and he looked through and man’s clothes considering what he
had been like.

Mitchell never investigated anything any
further and assumed that they had found what they were going to,
while Merton copied Bryson and still searched unusual places and
objects that he came to, and looked under a small gap below the

This place is gruesome!” Bryson
muttered. “This place must have been the biggest castle in the
world when it was built! And it could have had one of the richest
people too! It must have been the most magnificence building to
live in at one time, with luxury beyond other people’s wildest
dreams! And look at what it ended up like! One of the worst
deadliest places on the planet!”

He wondered if something might occur to
mankind in hundreds of years with the world turning desolate like
the castle! Could this be really what happens to the whole of
civilization one day? Will the remains of the human race end up
living in the remains of everything, treating it as desolate
gruesome remains of an ancient race obsessed with size and power,
building immense structures for unknown strange reasons?

An incredible place with an even more
incredible history!

he remarked, flicking webs away from

Do you think that we made a mistake
being here?” Merton asked, seeing his change of feelings. “This
place is cursed with deaths ... And not just one or two people at a
time ...!”

A ruthlessly place with many lost
secrets that does not like people staying in its locality for too
long ...

check somewhere

As they left they were amazed at how far the
others were going to search the place, and even Mitchell gave a
surprised look at what some of his men were doing and that they
were frantically yanking up floorboards all over the place, as well
as in specific places.

When they walked further up Mitchell was
even more surprised and stood with his mouth open, and one of his
men whispered something in his ear and he realized something and
nodded back in agreement, making Bryson wonder what they had
realized and had turned frantic over.


Merton revealed. “We can get this place
searched properly if they all carry on like this.”

When they moved along the corridor Bryson
realized that it was a good idea and slowly started copying and
helping them.

Mitchell allowed it he never joined in and remained ready to go to
anywhere anything was occurring though.

Bryson wandered around just to see what he
randomly found, and stopped at paintings and antiques wondering
what they were worth. The owners were immensely wealthy and could
easily have left something that could have vastly increased in
value, and he studied a painting and wondered what it was

He quickly phoned an old friend to see if he
would value them and was surprised that he had heard about the
castle and occurrences there and that it was all over the media,
and he was comforted to know that they never knew the location as
the police did not want to give away the location, and Bryson knew
that they knew there was danger there and that people would be in

His next surprise was that he was more
interested than he had thought in checking the value the things
there for him and Bryson sent photos of paintings and antiques when
came to them, and left him to check them.

While he searched a repetitive forceful
hammering appeared in the distance and occasionally interrupted him
enough to stop and listen and wonder why someone was so determined
to break through something.

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