Monsters from Beyond Reality (5 page)

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Authors: V Bertolaccini

Tags: #paranormal, #monsters, #ghost stories, #horror films, #haunted mansion, #haunted castle, #sf classics, #horror classics, #classic bestsellers, #hammer films

BOOK: Monsters from Beyond Reality
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He realized how much he liked and missed
treasure hunting and quest for the discovery of the paranormal
cause and the solutions, and realized why he was there more than
ever. The quest, the exhilaration, and the thrill of the chase made
gave him immense excitement and adrenalin rushes! He was sure there
was stuff all over the place after seeing the reactions and things

While he considered the castle’s interior
from various perspectives the sounds in the background escalated
into a furious rummaging and banging, which made everyone about him
stand alert and listen. What was happening? What had they missed by
not checking there? The people behind the sounds sounded as if they
had really found something and were trying breakthrough to
something to get it.

Bryson stood next to Merton and watched a
room far along the corridor where there was a cloud of dust was
coming out, and heavy thuds were accelerating louder, almost
climaxing and the people were about to uncover something and they
marched quickly there, and the others around them joined them.

What the hell have they found

of Mitchell’s men finally moaned out loud, glaring

Bryson followed behind him and watched
the room

where the cloud of dust increased and moved along towards
them, and they heard and felt shudders going through the walls and
sounds of boulders crashing across the floor.

Their looks changed from bewildered glances
to observing everything as they approached it, and they looked in
the doorway and saw chunks of rock and pieces of plaster scattered
everywhere across the room and Mitchell and his men crowded around
an area of the floor where there was a large black hole, which they
had smashed the floor away to reveal.

They had discovered something concealed
below the stone floor beneath the wooden planks. Perhaps after they
had discovered that the ground under the floorboards had given a
hollow tone, but when he questioned Mitchell he told them that when
they had lifted the floorboards there that they found that the
stone floor had a hole in it, where it had caved in, and that they
had seen a chamber below.

Bryson measured the floor with amazement and
realized that he had not even considered it, even after being in
the last castle. It was phenomenal how thick the floor between the
top floor and the lower floor was and he had not noticed it, and it
even looked large enough to conceal something, and he recalled what
William Randall, the builder of the castles, was like and had done
in the other castle.

Yet why had he gone to such lengths to
conceal this one? Was there any connection between it and the
disturbances that had occurred at the place?

Mitchell’s men viciously smashed heavy
hammers against the thick stone and chunks of it crumbled away and
crashed down beneath the floor, while the others got ready to climb


Chapter 9


The Hidden


A deep thud echoed down when Bryson jumped
down into the chamber below, through the hole, landing on all the
debris that they had smashed in, and he watched Mitchell and his
men looking around with a single torch and Bryson looked up and out
the hole at the faces of the others glaring down, interested but
remaining there until more lights arrived.

It was hard to figure out why it was so
valuable to them and why it was even anything, although in the last
castle it had been, and he started looking for proof that it was
more than part of the structure of the castle.

The ebbing radiance of the torch clearly was
not enough to allow more of them to see properly at any proper
distance and they moved gradually while checking everything, and
Bryson followed scarcely grasping the concept of why such things
had been built, and recalled in the last castle they had been used
as hiding places and escape routes from being attacked and overcome
by enemies.

He had only one fact to prove and that
because it was in the castle it might have been part of its defense
against invaders! So he searched everywhere for clues that people
had been supposed to stay in it and all he saw were chimneys and
supporting walls as his eyes slowly adjusted to the vague

The height of it was low and they were
crouched over to avoid hitting their heads against the above floor
and they crept through the dirt and building debris, while sounds
took strange tones, and he strained his eyes more trying to see
further in, but there were no features of anything.

After a great deal of time they
wandered around and the new lights arrived and surprised them as
they were able to see away into distant regions all around them,
and one of Mitchell’s men suddenly shouted and they all followed
his gaze
to a strange
shape away in the distance, and one of the men shone his light
directly on it and revealed a large square object.

While they
shifted there it became clear the place had not been used as a
hiding place, unless it could have been going to be one or the
builder had put it in to convert into it if they had needed it.

They approached the object slowly and Bryson
wondered where they were under, at the above floor, and tried to
grasp what would be there. Was it hidden away or was it part of the
structure of the castle? His examinations of it at a close range
gave him little to go on other than it was made of gray stone and
square, but when they finally approached the thing it became clear
it was the square end of a tomb, and if they had seen it from a
front angle they might have recognized it.

They examined
small writing on the side of it but the stone had deteriorated and
it was too dirty and dark and none of them could identify any of

Bryson took
out a piece of paper and drew a vague plan of where they had
traveled giving the exact angle and distance that they had walked
from the entrance hole for him later to find where the tomb was
actually under, and he realized there had to have been an entrance
nearby as someone would not have taken such a bulky heavy object
across any great distance. They were practical people, which he had
proven in the last castle as well.

He searched
around looking for it above and found a large slab entrance hidden
in dirt on the above floor in front of the tomb.

that?” Mitchell asked, hardly seeing him, too busy trying to find
clues on the object.

worked out that they had to have had a nearby entrance to get that
down here ...” he replied, shoving the thin slab up and sideways,
out of the way, and examined the floorboards over it and found that
they were not nailed down there, but fixed together, and he
carefully removed them and pushed the carpet over it up, ripping
the areas of it up where it was nailed down.

Sunlight from
outside beamed down through the above room through the entrance,
lighting everything around them, and Mitchell’s men congratulated
it and some of them left through the hole, and Bryson climbed out
to see where it was and was surprised that it was over the central
region, where it had been in the last castle.

He searched
about for anything else but only found that it was faraway in the
opposite direction than they had been searching in, and he climbed
down to the tomb when they started to lift the lid off. Then he
wondered who was buried there and why they had been placed there?
And he gasped when he recalled all the disturbances and deaths that
had occurred there?

will it be?” Mitchell asked, astonished, looking at the tomb,
seeing if Bryson had any idea.

I do
not know!” he replied, moving over to his side at the side of it,
standing as though he were standing at the front of an altar, which
amused Mitchell.

As they
started to shove the thick slab covering the tomb onto the floor
Bryson examined the writing on the tomb again and cleaned away as
much dirt as he could by washing it in water, from a bottle he
borrowed from one of the men, and he started to see vague outlines
of the writing but could not fully understand it, and took photos
of it to examine afterwards.

that stuff later,” Mitchell moaned, amazed at the sight of the
cover of the tomb moving from the tomb.

Something stopped the lid being shoved any
further again and they gave it a quick heavy shove pushing it only
slightly sideways, and it seemed fixed in position, and it needed
much more force to shift it or the heavy block of stone would have
to be lifted off it.

Before they lifted it one of the men from
above climbed down with a crowbar and they used it to shift it
sideways again, and as Bryson rested and the cover went over onto
the ground his sight fell on a skeleton, and he wondered if any of
them knew it might be one of his ancient ancestors, as it could
very well have been a descendant or relative of William Randall,
his ancestor, and why he had been at the other castle in the first


Chapter 10


The Ancient Tomb


Most of the words on the tomb were by all
means to do with William Randall but words were missing and they
were in riddles and were only comprehensible to someone who would
have known the things that they suggested.

The skeleton had to be someone connected to
William Randall or the original people at the castle, and it might
be the only source of any information about the occurrences and

Do you get any of

Mitchell pleaded, seeing him intensely examining the words on
the tomb again, after he saw little in the tomb itself, and he had
stayed watching him crouching in front of the tomb reading over
what he could, trying to find something.

All of it was confused, and it was turning
to a disappointment, and Bryson nodded in disagreement and stood up
and ignored it.

Mitchell and he moved around looking
baffled, as well as tired, and examined the skeleton again.

What do you think they buried this
here for?” Mitchell asked, probing, curious and looking for

Bryson rested and never replied and as he
did his sight fell on the skeleton, and he wondered if he should
react to having the privilege of encountering a great ancestor, and
he saw that it had the same height as he had.

Traces on the skull showed that he had had
similar looks too!

Mitchell grew annoyed and poked it, and it
moved and shifted position and he saw something sparkle as it did,
and Bryson stuck down his hand at where it was in a pile of dust in
the center of the skeleton and he probed through its bones and felt
an object, and he pulled it out.

What do you think?” Mitchell asked,
trying to see what was there.

He cleaned the dirt, which was encrusting
most of it, and found that it was a large ring, and he started
polishing it with a cotton handkerchief that he had in his pocket
and revealed an expensive ancient large diamond gold ring, and he
examined the diamond realizing that it had been it that had

The large size of it was peculiar and he had
not seen any normal ring that size before.

Can I see it?” an archeologist asked,
which one of Mitchell’s men had brought over, and he swiftly
shifted in beside him, and put out his hand. “I’ve seen something
like that before ...”

Bryson handed it over seeing that he knew
something, and the archeologist twisted and unscrewed the area that
held the diamond, and removed it from the ring.

People concealed small objects in
them,” the archeologist stated. “Just below the jewel!”

His fingers probed in it and he removed a
small piece of paper!


Chapter 11


The Secret Map


He unfolded and stretched it out, perhaps
done for the first time in hundreds of years, and someone shone a
light over it and its details became clearer and some of the men
grouped around him, and they examined it.

an old drawing of

Mitchell replied first, seeing something
that confirmed his beliefs.

But Bryson realized that it was more than
that and that it was an ancient plan of it from a side view,
showing where something was, and he knew it because it was so
important that the person had it hidden in the ring, and he had
seen something similar in the other castle. It had far more detail,
and more than what it had looked like when first seen, and it was
an accurate map of the interior.

Bryson’s thoughts went wild and he wondered
what they had been up to! The other castle was just a place
haunted, but this place in places never made sense anywhere! What
did they find? What were they doing here? And why were there so
many secrets involved?

Mitchell took
it, and held it over his light, and he and Bryson considered the
faint lines for a moment. He tried to realize what he had been
like. What had he actually been like? And what had he thought of
the castle?

be anything to do with the treasure?” one of the men finally asked,
desperate for clues.

They examined it for clues to its identity,
and why it was there!

It could be
more valuable as assumed but on the other hand it could be
anything! They studied it from different angles, until they started
losing interest.

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