Moorcroft - the Possession: Book One of the Moorcroft Trilogy (31 page)

Read Moorcroft - the Possession: Book One of the Moorcroft Trilogy Online

Authors: Sandra Callister

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Paranormal

BOOK: Moorcroft - the Possession: Book One of the Moorcroft Trilogy
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With deep affection,


Your brother Richard.


He read the letter and put it in an envelope and wrote out the address, he looked down at it, was he doing the right thing involving Sarah in this way, perhaps she could shed some light on this obvious dislike Charlotte had for her. One thing was for sure, he must talk to Charlotte and try to reason with her and show her that Sarah was no threat to her.

He carried the letter into the drawing room and placed it in the bureau he would post it in the morning when he collected his papers. He poured himself a whisky and drank it down in one, the amber fluid burning his throat. He looked into the empty glass and poured himself another large measure and went and sat by the fire, why did life have to be so complicated. He sat and reminisced about his past, how as a child he would slide down the banisters, his first horse and riding lessons, making fun of his sister and going off to college, meeting Charles, he was such a good friend, the best. He remembered Sarah’s party and the realisation that he was in love with her best friend, Victoria. He stood and poured himself another drink and then carried the glass and the bottle back to the armchair. He emptied the glass in one gulp and immediately poured himself another. Life had been so good then, he had everything to look forward to. Sooner or later his father would have given him control of the estate, he and Victoria would have been married and they would have had children just as Sarah had done. They would all have been living here in this big house, happy, content. He looked around the room and realised how dull everything looked and poured himself another whisky. He lowered his head and sobbed.

Charlotte stood and watched him drinking, she loved him so much but at times he could be infuriating. He didn’t need his silly sister, he had her and she would do anything to take care of him. She looked down at the sobbing man, she had said some spiteful things, he was so overwrought with grief at their parting but he would forgive her, he loved her, didn’t he?

She stood by his side and stroked his hair. “Richard, I’m sorry for all those dreadful things I said, you’ve had too much to drink, come to bed with me before you collapse down here.”

Richard in his drunken stupor held out his hand for Charlotte’s and together they climbed the stairs. In his room he flopped on the bed and Charlotte helped him to remove his clothes. Together they lay in each others arms beneath the cool sheets. Soon Richard was snoring.

Charlotte left the bedroom and entered the study, she had seen him writing a letter to Sarah, she must find it and destroy it. In anger she threw things to the floor as she searched, emptying drawers as she went but it was nowhere. Leaving the mess behind her she went to the drawing room and flung open the door, she stood with her hands on her hips looking around the room. Now where could he have put the damn thing? She spotted the bureau and rushed to it, sending tables smashing to the floor. She flung open the top and rifled through the papers flinging them to the floor in her haste. One by one the drawers were pulled out and emptied, she frantically scattered the contents on the floor and searched but there was no sign of the letter. She pulled all the cushions from the chairs and from the settee and flung them across the room, she was getting annoyed. She sat in the middle of the floor, he couldn’t have posted it already, perhaps he had changed his mind and torn it up, yes, that was the only solution. She stood in the doorway and looked at the mayhem she had caused. The first morning light was creeping through the windows, she realised it would soon be daylight.

As she entered Richard’s bedroom he was sat on the bed pulling on his jeans. He looked up, startled to see her, hadn’t he bolted the door?

“Charlotte be quiet I think we may have burglars downstairs.”

He put on his trainers and pulled a t-shirt over his head. He ran to the door but Charlotte barred his way.

“Charlotte move, I may be able to catch them in the act.”

She ran her hands across his chest and tried to kiss him. He gripped her hands and pushed her away.

“It’s okay Richard they’re gone, I watched them running across the lawns.”

“Who were they, could you recognise them again?”

He walked to the window and searched the drive and the trees but could see nothing, the morning mist lay heavy on the ground and the birds were starting their morning chorus. She walked towards him and put her arms round his waist and rested her head against his back.

“They were just two young boys; I think I scared them off. Come back to bed, make love to me.”

She could feel his muscles tighten. She took a step back as he turned and looked at her. He walked to the bed and sat on its edge looking down at his feet, he ran his hands through his hair. She sat beside him and ran her hand up his back and laid her head on his shoulder.

“Everything will be okay, Richard, from now on it will be just the two of us as destiny predicted.”

He pushed her hands away and stood up looking down at her. “What on earth are you talking about?”

“Richard, surely you can see that fate brought you to this house, to be with me. I watched you arrive and looked after you as you grew up; everything was going smoothly until that harlot tried to take you away from me.”

Richard shook his head in confusion. “I’m sorry, Charlotte I just don’t understand, what are you talking about, how could you have watched me grow up when we have only know each other for a few years?”

Charlotte stood up and pushed passed him and began to pace the floor irritated. “Oh, Richard for an intelligent man you can be so stupid. Can’t you see I did it all for you, so that we could be together forever.”

Richard stood facing her, he could see how incensed she was becoming and realised how unstable she was, a feeling of dread coming over him.

“What did you do Charlotte?”

She looked up into his face and smiled. “I got rid of that whore, there was no way I was going to let her get her grip on you, you belong to me, can’t you see that?”

Richard felt nauseous. “What whore are you talking about, Charlotte?”

“The silly mad one that threw herself under the horse, once I got rid of her it was easy to get rid of that sister of yours.”

Richard turned from her and moved to the window, he couldn’t breath, his heart was pounding; he opened the casement and lent out and took a deep breath. When he looked back into the room she was playing with the bows on her blouse, looking for all the world like an innocent child.

“How did you get rid of Victoria?”

As much as he didn’t want to hear he had to know.

“It was easy, I told her you didn’t love her anymore, that you loved me. The stupid girl ran out of the house looking for you, to ask if it was true. I couldn’t let her get to you now could I, so I held her back when the horse reared, it was easy.”

Tears streamed down his face. “So she was running away from you and not Sarah, but we didn’t see anyone else around, how did you do it?”

She walked towards him and placed her head on his chest. “Oh Richard, haven’t you realised yet. I was brought up in this house, this is my home and always shall be, and I can come and go at will.”

He held her wrists and looked down at her. She smiled and put her head on one side. “I’m a ghost.”

He staggered backwards; this can’t be happening to him, he didn’t believe in ghosts. He looked at Charlotte’s smiling face. Now it all made sense, the bracelet in the flowerpot, the torn dress, Sarah had tried to tell him about Charlotte but he wouldn’t listen to her. Charlotte moved towards him but he pushed her away and she fell to the floor.

“Get away, get out of my house, and don’t touch me.”

She could feel the fury taking her over. “Oh no, I’m going nowhere, do you hear Richard. You were sent to this house to be with me for eternity. We have made love in that very bed; don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy it, because I know differently. That slut could never satisfy you the way I could.”

He swung round and slapped her across the face. “Victoria had more love and passion in her little finger than you will ever have.”

Charlotte came up close to him, her eyes were black and evil, he could feel her rancid breath on his face. “But she’s not here is she, I am and I mean to stay.” She twirled around and faced him a smile crossed her face. “Together we could be so happy.”

Richard felt a stabbing pain in his chest and he shoved her away from him. “Do you honestly think I would ever want to touch you again, the very thought makes me want to throw up.”

She moved close to him and wrapped her arms round him. “Don’t say that Richard.”

He looked down finding it hard to breath, his chest tightening as he thrust her to the floor. “I would rather die than be with you.”

Charlotte stood upright and took in a deep breath. She looked at the man in front of her, how could he say these things. How could he hurt her again? Once they were to be married and then he left her alone and now he says he no longer wants her. “If I can’t have you then no one shall.”

She charged towards him and hit him hard in the chest. Richard felt the heavy blow and staggered back and felt himself hit the window, he heard the wooden frame splinter and the glass shatter. He could feel himself falling backwards. He looked up at the sky and thought of how things might have been, his arms flayed as he dropped to the ground. He hit the gravel with such force the air left his lungs and the pain shot through his body. He lay there looking up at the window far above him, Charlotte stood in the opening looking down at him, she looked like a mad woman the wind blowing through her hair. Suddenly she threw back her head and let out a terrifying scream.

“Nooo, this can’t be happening, go away, he’s mine.”

He turned his head to the side and saw Victoria coming towards him holding out her open arms. A smile crossed his face and he felt himself rise from the ground. He walked towards Victoria and took her in his arms. He could hear Charlotte screaming and he looked up at the window and smiled, she could keep Moorcroft, he had all he needed right here beside him. He looked down into the lovely face of the woman he loved and together they walked away from Moorcroft.







Mary pulled the collar up on her coat and tightened her scarf around her head, trying to stop the cold wind from chilling her bones. She thanked the young farmhand for the lift and walked up the drive towards Moorcroft. There had been a light rain earlier and she kept her head bowed watching for puddles in the gravel. Her thoughts were with her sick mother, the doctor had given her a sleeping draft and she was now comfortable in her bed being watched over by a neighbour, he wanted to admit her to hospital tomorrow if a bed could be found for her. She pushed herself forward her head bowed low, she wanted to let Richard know what was happening in case he called at her house and got no reply. She was breathing heavy, she could do without this long trek everyday, perhaps it was time to look elsewhere for work; Frank at the pub was always asking her to help out.

She took her hand from her pocket and wiped her nose and looked up ahead. She stopped in her tracks; something didn’t look right up at the house. She focused her attention on the upstairs windows and moved from left to right, one of the windows looked different but she was too far away to guess why. She quickened her step. By the time she reached the roundabout she could see that the window was broken and the casement jagged, what on earth was going on? She quickened her pace heading for the side of the house and the back door, when something caught her eye. She stopped and slowly turned her head, a feeling of dread rising in her chest. Her hand went to her mouth as an anguished cry escaped her and she looked towards the prostrate figure. She ran towards the body and looked down on the handsome face of Richard Gardener. “Oh dear Lord help us this day.” She knelt down beside him and gently stroked his face, he was as cold as ice, one leg unnaturally bent to the side and a pool of congealed blood surrounded his head. She looked around, what was she to do now? She looked up at the window, she should call the police, this was no accident. She pushed herself up and as quick as her legs would take her she ran to the back door. She put her key in the lock and turned it and gave it a push but it wouldn’t open. “What’s going on here, surely the bolts can’t be on.” She gave it another push but it wouldn’t move. What was she to do now, go into the village or run to one of the farms for help? She looked around her, the farm I think, that may be nearer, but will they have a phone, no it will have to be the village to be sure of getting help.

She made her way round the side of the house and once more looked at poor Richard lying there on the gravel, what an end to such a likable young man just when he was getting his life in order. She quickened her step, there was no point in running and doing herself a mischief, there was no helping Master Richard now. At the gate she looked both ways hoping to see a car but there was no chance of that, the only vehicles that used this track were the people of Moorcroft and the farmers. She pulled up her collar and headed for the village.

By the time she was banging on the door of the little one man police house she was out of breath. The blue door opened and the balding man still in his shirt sleeves looked down at her.

“Now Mary what on earth has brought you banging on my door this time of morning, I’m only just finishing my breakfast.”

“I need you up at Moorcroft.”

He could see her anxiety and opened the door wider. “Come on in lass and I’ll make you a brew.”

She walked inside and flopped on a chair still trying to get her breath. “Oh, Fred, a terrible thing has happened up at Moorcroft, you must come and see right away.” She stood up and grabbed his arm.

“Now steady on Mary, here have this cup of tea and steady yourself then tell me all about it.”

Mary took the cup and looked up at Fred’s concerned face. “I suppose Master Richard won’t mind me having just a sip.”

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