More Than a Billionaire (12 page)

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Authors: Christina Tetreault

BOOK: More Than a Billionaire
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“How does nine sound?” Gray zipped up his jacket.

“I’ll make sure my other boyfriend is gone by then.”

Gray leaned closer as if to kiss her. “You do that. And tell him if I ever see him around here, he’s a dead man.”

His lips came down on hers in a possessive kiss. A kiss intended to leave no questions behind about his feelings regarding her joke. When he pulled back, her lips tingled.

“Get a good night’s sleep. You’ll need it.”

She caught the sexual message and suppressed the images it invoked.

“I will. You, too.” Had her voice sounded a little seductive? It had to her, but had he noticed?

The smile Gray gave her indicated he had, and he kissed her one last time before he left.

Kiera locked the door and walked to the bathroom to take a shower before bed. While she waited for the water to heat up, she glanced at her reflection in the mirror. A pink hue covered her face, and her lips remained rosy and swollen. Anyone would take one look at her and know she’d received a few toe-curling kisses.

What would tomorrow bring?

No doubt her lips would receive some more of Gray’s magic. What about the rest of her body?

He wanted her. More than once, she’d felt his erection against her during one of their kissing marathons. His tone tonight had alluded to a plan to keep her up late with some adult activities. Or she thought it had. She was far from an expert on men and reading between the lines. Still, both her mind and body picked up on the husky tone in his voice when he told her to get a good night’s sleep.

Tomorrow, he planned to make their relationship intimate, and she had no intentions of stopping him.

After her quick shower, Kiera pulled on her favorite sweat pants and a t-shirt. She didn’t bother to get in bed. Sleep would require that she lie still for a period of time. Right now, that wasn’t happening. Enough energy and excitement buzzed through her to power the entire building. If she had known that would happen after her shower, she would’ve taken it before Gray left. Then, they could have engaged in some fun tonight.

Since Gray was gone and she couldn’t sleep, she’d search through her recipes for something to make for tomorrow’s dinner party. Maybe she’d even find a recipe for something that Gray could take back to New York with him on Sunday.

Kiera flipped though her all-time favorite cookbook. It had been a gift from her grandfather, and she always found something tempting inside. Tonight proved to be no different.

She’d scanned past the first few pages, then stopped when a picture of an apricot almond tart caught her attention. It wasn’t chocolate, but it promised to be sweet, and she already had all the necessary ingredients. It would make a perfect dessert for tomorrow night. Perhaps she would bake up a batch of chocolate cupcakes, too. If she did, she’d add some gummy worms to the frosting. Trent would get a laugh out of that. If she had time, she’d make a chocolate soufflé for Gray.

Desserts settled upon, Kiera pulled out her unfinished crossword puzzle. While her eyes saw the empty boxes and clues, her mind wandered to what tomorrow night held in store for her. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that Gray would be a wonderful lover. No one could look as sexy as him and be anything but. She just hoped he didn’t find her skills lacking. She wasn’t a virgin, but she certainly didn’t have as much experience as him.

If he wasn’t satisfied with her, how would she know? Gray wouldn’t tell her something like that. He’d be afraid of hurting her feelings. Would his facial expressions give anything away?

She tried picturing him lying there naked with a frown, but the image wouldn’t come.

Knock it off. Tomorrow night, everything will be fine. No, not
. Exceptional.




Chapter 6


Kiera stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her, then went downstairs to check the oven timer. Another thirty minutes and her apricot almond tart would be ready. That gave her enough time to dress and blow-dry her hair before Gray got there.

Retreating back to the loft, Kiera kept the ultra-soft towel wrapped around her while she sorted through her limited wardrobe. Since she wore a uniform to work, she never bought much besides casual clothes. On those rare occasions she needed something nicer, she borrowed something from Joanna. They had a similar build and were the same height. It also helped that Joanna loved to shop. Kiera could always count on finding something perfect in her friend’s closet.

Today, she couldn’t search her friend’s closet. Joanna would ask questions, and she didn’t want to slip up like Gray had with his brother.

It took longer than she hoped, but Kiera settled on her newest pair of jeans and a blouse she’d bought in Paris. The outfit would never land her on a catwalk in Paris or Milan, but she liked the way the clothes looked together. After tossing the clothes onto the bed, she went in search of a matching bra and panty set.

Kiera ruffled through the sets. Without a doubt, she wouldn’t be the only one seeing what was under her clothes today. Her stomach fluttered at the thought of Gray naked, and her hand shook as she reached for her leopard print bra.

Less than an hour later, the intercom beeped, and Kiera buzzed Gray into the building. The weekend before, she’d considered giving him a key and had even pulled out her extra set, but she’d tossed them back into her drawer almost right away because they’d only been dating about a month.

She’d never given a boyfriend a key to her apartment. If the boyfriend in question were anyone else, she’d ask her friends for advice but that would create questions she didn’t want to answer, which meant she’d have to lie to them. Lies only made things complicated.

Kiera opened the apartment door before Gray knocked. She didn’t want him loitering outside her door where someone might spot him. Although she was quick, she wasn’t quick enough because Alexa, her neighbor, stood in conversation with Gray yet again.
Does she have some kind of sixth sense and know when his was in the building?

“I can’t wait until it gets hot out. I miss the beach. Last month, I went to Cancun with a friend. We spent all our time on the beach.”

Alexa stood so close Kiera imagined she could count Gray’s eyelashes. No doubt about it, the woman had plenty of confidence.

Gray took a step closer to Kiera’s apartment door. “Everyone is ready for some warm weather.” His hand brushed her arm.

“Will you be in Providence long?” Alexa looked from Gray to Kiera, then back at Gray.

Kiera bit her lip to keep from saying something she’d regret. She did have to live next door to Alexa, so keeping a cordial relationship was in her best interests.

“Just the weekend, but I thought I’d stop in and say hello.”

Alexa considered Gray’s words before she ran a critical eye over Kiera. “Have you two been friends long?”

If Alexa was able to get her head out of her butt long enough to realize that not all men wanted a woman who resembled a living doll with big boobs and dyed blonde hair, she might have picked up on the heated glances Gray sent Kiera’s way. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately in this case, Alexa seemed oblivious.

“All our lives,” Kiera answered. She threw Gray a knock-it-off look.

Gray smiled in return and looked at Alexa. “Her parents know my father well.”

He’d left out a key detail, but she wasn’t going to fill Alexa in on the specifics.

“Then you two are old friends.” Alexa sounded pleased, if not a little surprised.

Kiera took a step back through the doorway. “I need to check on the cupcakes I have in the oven. We’ll see you later, Alexa.”

Alexa readjusted her gym bag over her shoulder, sticking her ample breasts out in the process. “I need to get to the gym anyway. It’s legs-and-butt day. Gotta keep it looking good for my fans. I’ve been told I have the best ass at The Red Room.”

Alexa turned so her butt faced them. “What do you think, Gray? Are they right?”

Kiera touched her chin, afraid it had hit the floor and wondered if Alexa sprayed on her workout pants. Next to her, Gray cleared his throat.

“You, uh, look great.” Gray rubbed the back of his neck and looked at her. “I think I hear the oven timer, Kiera.”

“Have a good workout.” Kiera pulled Gray into the apartment and slammed the door before giggling. Soon, what started as a giggle, turned into a full-fledged laugh and tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Care to let me in on the joke?” Gray hung his leather jacket up.

“You.” She spit the word out between waves of laughter. “Your expression.” Kiera wiped a tear away. “The way you answered. I’ve never seen you look more uncomfortable.” Her side cramped from laughing so hard, and she rubbed it. “You looked as if you wanted to sink into the floor.”

Gray crossed his arms and glared at her. “It’s not every day a woman asks me to check her out while I’m standing next to my girlfriend.”

Kiera took a couple deep breaths. “I’m sorry. I just wish I’d had a camera. Your expression was priceless.”

“Is she always that…
is the only word that comes close to describing her?”

“Don’t know. We’re not exactly best friends.”

“I might have to start bringing a bodyguard when I come here.” He put his arms around her. “And for the record, I find your ass much sexier.” He kissed her before she responded, his hands sliding into her back pockets and squeezing.

Kiera’s internal temperature went from simmer to full boil. She leaned into him, pressing her breasts against his chest, sending him a silent message to touch them like he had the weekend before.

“Do you have cupcakes in the oven?” He pulled away, and she smiled at how ragged his voice sounded.

“Yes. I couldn’t put them in until the apricot almond tart was done.”

“How much longer until they’re ready?” Gray’s gaze swept across her face.

“Five minutes or so.”

The corner of Gray’s mouth went up. “Guess that means we’re stuck here. Any thoughts on how to pass the time?”

She had several ideas. “We could play checkers or a game of chess.” She kept her smile under lock and key. “I have a deck of cards. We could play Go Fish.”

“Wonderful ideas, but I had something with less competition in mind.” Gray lowered his head and his lips got within inches of hers when his phone rang.

“You’ve got to be friggin’ kidding me.” He leaned his forehead against hers, and then he yanked the phone out and pressed Decline. “Not today.” He lowered his head toward its original destination. “I dreamed about you last night.” He whispered the words against her lips.

“Was it a good dream?”

“You have no idea. Should I tell you about it?”

“I—” Kiera’s response got cut off by Gray’s phone again. “Maybe you should answer that,” she suggested when he made no move to answer it.

Gray growled. It was the only word to describe the sound he made as he put the phone to his ear.

Kiera walked into the kitchen. She only heard Gray’s half of the conversation, but it sounded like a call from work.

“I thought that situation was under control,” Gray said. As he listened to the caller’s response, he paced.

“You don’t think—”

Gray stopped pacing and ran a hand though his hair. She couldn’t recall ever seeing him so frustrated.

“You know where I am, Randall. I’m trying to have a personal life.”

She’d never even think about speaking to her boss that way. Free speech must just be another perk of working for the family business.

“The earliest I can get there is tomorrow.”

Kiera ignored her sinking heart. They’d talked about spending all weekend together. If work needed him, she couldn’t do anything about it.

“No, I’ll make my own flight plans. When I get there, I’ll let you know.”

The Randall person said something else, and then Gray turned off his phone.

“Work?” Kiera stayed in the kitchen. Gray’s thunderous expression told her everything she needed to know.

Gray closed the distance between them. “Regrettably.” He put his phone down on a nearby table.

“Does that mean you need to go?” She didn’t care about missing dinner with his brother, but he’d just arrived.

“Randall would have to handcuff my arms together and drag me out of here.” He put his hands on her hips. “But I can’t stay as long as I wanted. I’ll have to fly out sometime tomorrow instead of Monday morning.” He kissed the side of her neck. “And when I say
, I mean as late as possible.”

Kiera smiled. “I like the sound of that.”

“And I like the sound of that,” Gray said as the timer buzzed.

She did too. Now they could focus on much more interesting things.

After taking the cupcakes out of the oven, she placed them on a cooling rack next to the tart.

“You didn’t have to make anything.”

Gray stood near the counter, his arms crossed, and she kept stealing glances at his biceps.

“I know, but I wanted to. I wanted to make you a chocolate soufflé to take back to New York with you, but I ran out of time.” Kiera dropped the empty cupcake tin in the sink. She’d do the dishes later.

“I’d rather take
back with me.” He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “What should we do now that you’re done baking?” He kissed her neck.

“The cupcakes need frosting.” She leaned against his chest, her pulse quickening at thoughts of how they might spend the afternoon.

“They need to cool first. Even I know that.” He reached for her shirt’s top button and undid it, then started on the next.

Desire swept through her, making her ache in unfamiliar ways. “What time is Trent expecting us?” She heard the hitch in her voice and felt Gray’s lips smile against her neck as he slipped two more buttons free.

Gray pulled the shirt away from her shoulders and freed her arms. “Five.” His breath whispered across her bare shoulder.

“I think there’s only one thing we can do until then.” Even though he couldn’t see her face, Kiera smiled, proud that she was able to keep up the banter between them despite the overwhelming desire coursing through her body.

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