Secret Indiscretions

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Authors: Trice Hickman

BOOK: Secret Indiscretions
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Also By Trice Hickman
Unexpected Love series
Unexpected Interruptions
Keeping Secrets & Telling Lies
Looking for Trouble
Playing the Hand You're Dealt
Published by Dafina Books
All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.
Although acknowledgments appear at the beginning of a book, they're usually written once the story is complete. So after pouring hours, days, and months into this novel, getting to this part of the book feels surreal because it means that God has once again blessed me with my dream come true, which is another published book that will go on my shelf, and hopefully on the shelves of many others. I have a great deal to be thankful for, so here goes.
I thank God for blessing me beyond measure. I'm thankful for all the ups and downs, successes and failures, and the good and bad that I've experienced while writing this book. My life has changed in many ways, and through it all, God delivered me to much better days, and I look forward to what's ahead. Thank you, Lord!
Thank you to my parents, Reverend Irvin and Alma Hickman. Your unconditional love, support, and guidance mean the world to me. I thank God I was born to you! Thank you to my siblings, Marcus and Melody, whom I will always love. Thank you to my cousins, aunts, uncles, and family friends, so many in number that I can't name all of you without leaving out someone, so again I say thanks and I love you!!
Thank you to Todd Terrell Hayes, Sr., Todd Terrell Hayes, Jr., and Eboni Simone Hayes. You welcomed me into your lives and have made mine much richer in the process. I love each of you!
Thank you to my girls, ride or die chicks for sure (
), who always have my back: Vickie Lindsay, Sherraine Mclean, Terri Chandler, Kimberla Lawson Roby, Barbara Marie Downey, Tiffany Dove, China Ball, Lutishia Lovely, Tammi Johnson, Cerece Rennie Murphy, and Yolanda Trollinger. You women are my sisters and I love you to the moon and back!
Thank you to my wonderfully talented and wise agent, Janell Walden Agyeman. I so admire your commitment, professionalism, and integrity, and I thank you for guiding my literary career. You ROCK!
Thank you to my amazing editor, Mercedes Fernandez, who helps put the patina on each of my books. Thank you to my independent publicist, Ella D. Curry, for being one heck of a promoter and friend. Thank you to all the librarians, bookstore managers and employees, street vendors, and online retailers who sell my books to your customers. I appreciate you all!
Thank you to my alma mater, Winston-Salem State University, for always supporting me and showing me love. I have the best HBCU on the planet!
Thank you to my loyal readers and book club members who, because of God's grace, are growing in numbers with each book! Your support of my work and your willingness to spread the word to your family and friends mean more to me than I can put into words. I appreciate every single thing you do!
Happy Reading!
Peace and abundant blessings,
Truth doesn't grow dim because we squint.
—Charles M. Blow
wish I could have taken a picture of the look on Johnny's face when I pulled out my gun and aimed it between his eyes. But then again, I didn't need a picture because that sweet memory will be etched on my brain for the rest of my life. And besides, a photograph would be evidence, and after the time and effort I put into planning this son of a bitch's murder, the last thing I need on my phone is a picture of a dead man.
Usually when someone shows up at a person's doorstep late at night, a booty call is more than likely on the agenda. But because there's no way in hell that was the case between us, Johnny knew right away that this visit wasn't going to end well. I was actually surprised that he opened the door once he realized that it was me standing there, but then again, too much alcohol can make a person do things they normally wouldn't. He smelled of liquor and he could barely keep his balance.
“What're you doing here?” he asked, slurring his words.
They say that the eyes are the window to the soul, and I believe that to be true. From the moment we looked into each other's eyes, Johnny knew that I came here tonight to kill him.
We stared at each other for what felt like a long time, but was only a brief minute. His eyes said he was sorry for what he'd done to me, and to a host of other people, too. But my eyes told him that I didn't give a damn about his remorse, and after what happened a week ago today, he had to have known that he was going to have to pay for his sins. I guess that's why he opened the door for me in the first place.
He quickly sobered up when I pointed my gun between his eyes, and that's when he allowed the reality of what was about to happen to sink in. He didn't put up resistance. He didn't fight. And he didn't plead for his life. He did none of the things I thought he would do, and I was glad because that made my job easier. The bastard actually helped me by taking a few steps back into the kitchen, eliminating the need for me to drag his body out of plain sight once I did what I came to do.
I didn't want to prolong this because I knew I had a set amount of time to get in and get out. But I also wanted to enjoy this moment, savor it, and swallow the sweet taste of revenge. However, I had to use my head, otherwise all my planning would go right down the drain, and I'd end up in jail. I couldn't let that happen, so I lowered my gun to Johnny's chest and smiled as I pulled the trigger.

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