Mortal Obligation (31 page)

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Authors: Nichole Chase

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Love & Romance, #novels

BOOK: Mortal Obligation
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“We'll take it from here.” Roland held out his hand to shake Nick’s. There was the slightest pause before Nick returned the gesture, his eyes blank as he nodded at Roland. When he turned to climb into the driver’s seat, Ree noticed the large scar on the side of his neck. It was terrible looking and Ree had to bite her lip to keep from gasping. It looked like something had gnawed on him, but not in just one place. The scar started just below his ear and traveled down under the collar of his shirt.

As the ambulance drove away the others joined her at the entrance of the alley. It wasn't until that moment that she realized why they had been hanging back in the shadows. A large gash started at the outside of Paden's eye and ran the length of his cheek bone. She sucked in her breath and moved next to him without thought. Her fingers moved toward his cheek but hesitated when she remembered that her hands weren't clean.

“Oh my god. Why didn't you let Nick look at your face? What happened?” His warm hand grabbed her fingers and squeezed them in reassurance.

“I'm fine,” Paden chuckled. “I had a lot worse while we were training.”

“What?” He let go of her fingers and she took a step back. “How is that possible? I never saw any of you hurt.” She rubbed her hand into the palm of her other hand.

“We heal, Ree. Very quickly,” Melanie said with a smile. “We all got banged up this past week, but most of it was gone within hours, if not minutes.”

“Yeah, I took some serious hits out in the woods, but they were gone by the time we got back to the house.” Unperturbed, Paden touched his hand to his cheek and smiled at Ree.

“He won't even get a cool scar out of it.” Weylin laughed.

“Okay, guys. Don't get cocky. There are more out there that need to be removed.” Stepping out of the alley Sophie looked over her shoulder, her face was in shadow as the light shined from behind her. “Let's go.”

Chapter 32


It soon became apparent that Roland had been correct in his prediction. Dark Ones were out in force to enjoy the easy pickings. Most of the victims or would-be victims were drunk and oblivious to the danger they faced. It was also evident there were more out hunting than even Sophie had anticipated. Her face never betrayed the tension Ree could feel emanating from the older woman, but she could feel it wafting off of her in waves. It was difficult to ignore the people working with her but she needed to focus on what was going on around her.

When she felt a large cold spot ahead of her she motioned for everyone to slow down. She had a feeling there were several Dark Ones working together and she wanted to make sure the others were prepared. Sophie moved closer to Ree and nodded for her to say what she was thinking.

“I'm not sure, but I think there are several Dark Ones up there.” She nodded toward a side street. “Can you tell how many there are?”

Sophie shook her head. “No, the power does not always work the same way for me that it does for the Alastriana. I wasn't meant to have it, and it isn't always very clear to me what it is trying to say.”

“There’s a cold spot around that corner, but it’s larger than the other ones we found tonight. I think it’s a group working together.”

Sophie said, “Okay, we move in carefully. Paden, how do you want to approach this group?” 

Paden's eyes widened when everyone turned to look at him. “Split up?” He relaxed a little bit when Sophie nodded. “I think we should send the two fastest around to head them off from the other side.”

Melanie held out her fist to Bryce while Jules shook her head, irritated.

“I will go with these two if we are splitting up.” Roland moved to stand with the other two. “I promise to keep up.” He gave Melanie and Bryce a teasing smile, and, to everyone's surprise, Melanie held her fist out for Roland to bump. For a moment his smile froze, and his face took on a more sincere quality when he returned her gesture.

“Okay, let's get to it.”

The group split and the others disappeared before Ree even realized they were leaving. Once again, the frustration of being the only human in the group rolled over her and it took a great deal of restraint to keep from kicking at some trash that blew across her path. Tucking her hands into her jacket pockets, she decided to at least be at the front of their party so that she could give them any information she picked up. When she pushed up to the front, Paden didn't try to get her to hide in the middle. Instead, he nodded his head in understanding and turned his eyes back to the street before them. When they rounded the corner they could see what appeared to be three college kids walking a short distance behind a small family.

Ree's heart pounded when she realized the girl and two boys were Dark Ones.  It was obvious the parents were aware that there was a group behind them; the father kept looking over his shoulder while the mother pushed the double stroller next to him at a faster speed than normal. Her stomach heaved when she realized the Dark Ones were going to kill the family, including the children sleeping in the stroller. Power flooded into her, but this time she pulled from the trees and the plants around her.

Looking over her shoulder, the blond girl said something to the two boys Ree couldn't hear. A deep growl ripped from Paden's chest. In unison the two males turned and rushed their group while the girl made a beeline for the family. They were fast – so fast she could barely see the colors of their clothes as they blurred forward. Instead of fear, though, Ree was filled with anger. Dropping to one knee, she thrust the power into the ground and it rippled ahead of her, throwing one of the guys on his side in surprise. There was a whoosh of air next to her as someone rushed forward to meet the other Dark One. Sophie stopped right in front of him and threw a kick that knocked him into the street. Snarling, he came back immediately, fangs flashing white in the moonlight while Sophie’s dagger glinted silver.

Ree didn't have time to watch their fight as the other male regained his feet and was met by Paden. Screaming drew Ree's attention toward the family and her stomach clenched. The father had shoved the mother and stroller behind him, but he was no match for the female Dark One. Picking him up over her head she threw him into a brick building, causing dust and gravel to rain down on the street. He wasn't moving, and Ree feared he was dead. She launched herself forward, throwing a ball of energy at the blonde, Weylin and Jules keeping pace with her as she ran forward. At the last moment the Dark One rolled out of the way and rose to her feet in the middle of the street. Lip curling in derision, the female Dark One spat on the ground before turning and running away.

“Go!” Weylin and Juliette responded to Sophie immediately and took off after the Dark One.

Ree's attention was turned back to the family when she heard the babies wailing and the mother sobbing. The woman was kneeling next to her husband, the stroller tucked as close to her as possible.

“Wake up, John. Please wake up. Don't do this, please don't do this.” She was brushing the hair away from his forehead and whimpering. Ree moved closer slowly and held out her hands to show she meant no harm. Tears ran down the woman’s heart-shaped face when she met Ree's eyes. “She wanted Caleb and Cole. He told her no. God, please help me. Don't let him be dead.”

Ree knelt next to her and felt Sophie and Paden join them. The man’s head was bleeding profusely and his breathing was shallow. Still holding the power Ree could tell he was barely holding on to life. There was no time to call for an ambulance. Looking at Paden she felt tears fill her eyes. He dropped to his knees next to the man and looked at his head wound.

John was fading fast, his breathing almost imperceptible, but Paden, on the other hand, was getting brighter and brighter in Ree's mind. Mumbling with frustration under his breath, Paden was checking John for more injuries. Sophie had taken one of the babies out of the stroller and handed him to his mother; she picked up the other child and whispered soothing words in his ear. The young woman was rocking back and forth, gently shushing the baby, but her eyes never left her husband.

Paden’s fingers stopped just above the gaping wound on the man’s forehead, and they began to tremble. A soft glow emanated from his palms, and as they all watched the gash began to close. Ree felt her mouth fall open, and the woman gasped and held the baby tighter to her chest. As the skin knitted closed the man mumbled and moaned.

The woman gasped in shock and relief, her tear-filled eyes wide in astonishment. She threw herself into confused man’s arms, the baby crying between them. Paden fell back into a sitting position and ran a hand across his forehead, then stopped and looked at it incredulously. Without warning, the woman launched herself at Paden and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He fell back, his head hitting the ground with a loud thwack.

“Thank you, thank you!”

Paden shoved her dark brown hair out of his mouth and awkwardly patted her on the back. He looked at Ree helplessly, and she pressed her hand to her mouth to stifle a laugh.

John was looking at them in confusion, soothing the baby that was now in his arms. He touched his forehead gingerly and looked at the blood on his hand. “Hush, Caleb. Everything’s going to be just fine. I’ve got you.” He rubbed the infant’s back gently. “Anyone want to tell me what happened?” His eyebrows drew together in confusion.

“Someone tried to mug you, but when they saw us rounding the corner they gave it up.” Her voice was kind as Sophie helped the woman to her feet and handed her the other little boy.

“Shh, Cole. Everything is all right,” The young mother swayed in a gentle pattern as she settled the small infant in her arms.

Her husband, John, was looking at them curiously and that was when Ree felt the simmer just underneath the surface of his skin. Ree looked at Sophie in curiosity, because she suspected this stranger had an immortal ancestor somewhere down his family tree. The older Guardian didn't notice though; she was looking at Weylin and Juliette who had just made it back.

Weylin shook his head in answer to the question in Sophie’s eyes. Apparently the female Dark One had escaped. Three people rounded the corner, and Ree was relieved to see it was the rest of their group. When they got a little closer, Ree could see that there was blood on Melanie’s shirt, and Bryce had a rip in the knee of his jeans.

“Everyone okay?” Sophie asked.

Roland nodded and looked at the little family that was huddled against the wall. “We ran into a little trouble, but we're all fine.”

“Is there some kind of gang initiation going on tonight? How did that girl pick me up? I remember that, and I must weigh a good sixty pounds more than her.” John handed the baby back to his wife and stepped forward.

“Probably drugs,” Weylin offered. “They showed a video of a guy on PCP in our health class. He was crazy and did all sorts of things that shouldn't have been possible.”

John looked at each of them, obviously not completely convinced. “Well, whatever it was I’m grateful for your timing. Thank you.”

Loud cracks of thunder and explosions of color split the night sky, signaling the beginning of the new year. The young couple ducked their heads in shock and the babies began to wail again. Car horns honked while people sang in the distance. For the first time that week, Ree actually felt light-hearted. They had managed to save this family from suffering and death. It felt good to know she had helped keep some things right for the new year.

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