Read Moving Target Online

Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Suspense, #Witnesses - Protection, #Mafia - Russia, #Romantic Suspense Fiction, #Espionage

Moving Target (20 page)

BOOK: Moving Target
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McNeal shook his head. "I'll leave it up to you to face that music."

A measure of relief escaped Daniel's lungs. "I don't want to put you in a bad spot."

"You're the one in deep." McNeal grabbed his bottle and took another gulp.

Daniel added quietly, "Like I said, I love this woman. Didn't intend for things to get carried so far before it was over with, but it did. A few more days and I'll do what I've got to do."

"I trust you, buddy." McNeal took the key card Daniel had dug out of his pocket and handed him. "I'll get your crap from the hotel and you can take it from there." McNeal got up from his chair and gave Daniel a short nod.

He watched his friend walk across the kitchen and through the closed door that thumped quietly behind him.

Daniel took another drink of his ice water, wishing again that it was one hell of a big shot of whiskey. He shoved his seat back and got to his feet, then headed for the stairs. In the mood he was in, he barely nodded to the Deputy guarding the foot of the stairs.

Damnit. He should have waited to take things so far with Ani, but he'd lost his mind.

When he reached the room, he acknowledged the guards outside Ani's doorway. For appearances' sake, Ani and Daniel were each in a different bedroom in the safe house, but it was connected through a bathroom.

He entered his own room, locked the door behind him, then strode through the bathroom and looked into Ani's room from the doorway.

She had stripped off her body armor and jeans, and was just in her undershirt. She was curled up on her side on the bed, her eyes closed and her features relaxed. She was asleep.

He moved to her bed and sat on the edge of it. For a long moment he studied her, noting every line, every curve. He took a lock of her hair and wrapped his finger in it, enjoying the silky softness.

She stirred and murmured something in her sleep as he stood and moved to the bureau where she'd left her body armor.

He stripped out of his overshirt, then his armor, leaving only his undershirt on, like Ani.

As quietly as he could he eased onto the bed, scooted close to her, and wrapped his arm around her waist as he spooned her back to his chest. She snuggled against him, but he was certain she was still asleep.

Daniel held her as his mind worked through everything that had happened up to this point. The Borenkos were too smart.

Even when it had looked like he and Ani had probably bought it when the cars exploded, the Borenkos hadn't given up looking for her.

Tomorrow was Friday and she'd be testifying. He'd get her through all of this mess, and then he'd tell her just how much he cared for her.

The conversation with McNeal churned through his mind. Daniel already knew what he'd have to do as soon as the trial was over—it wasn't a question of if, but a question of when. He had to keep Ani safe, and then he'd do what he had to do.


A knock startled Ani and she opened her eyes. The knock came from the room next door—the room where Daniel was supposed to be sleeping—but was loud enough that it had woken her.

She felt Daniel's warmth behind her and was enveloped by his scent that she loved so much. Then his weight shifted as he rolled away and off the bed. The heat of his body left with him and she sighed from the loss of contact.

Ani rubbed her eyes with her fingers as he paused at the foot of the bed. She heard the rustle of stiff cotton as he tugged on his jeans before his feet padded across the tile of the bathroom floor from her room to his to answer the door.

What time was it? Her vision was still a little hazy and she felt like she had grit in her eyes. She pushed herself to a sitting position with her back against the headboard and looked over to the opposite side of the bed where a clock displayed 9:21 P.M. in bold, glowing red numbers. The day had been so long she was surprised that it wasn't a lot later.

Soft light poured in through a window with lacy curtains, breaking up the darkness so that Ani could see to turn on the lamp beside the bed. She blinked in the sudden yellow glow.

She heard Daniel speaking with another man and a thud then another on the floor before the door closed with a loud thump and a click.

Daniel came back into her room, a rumbling sound following in his wake as two carry-on suitcases rolled across the wood floor.

"McNeal got us something to keep all of our things in," he said as he set a suitcase on the bed. "Not to mention he cleaned out the hotel room for us."

The vibration of the suitcase hitting the bed traveled through her. Ani was still a little sleepy and she yawned. "That was nice of him."

She gave Daniel a lazy smile as she watched him. He was so sexy with his rumpled hair and the stubble on his jaw.

Beneath his tight black T-shirt his muscles flexed, and she couldn't help a sigh of pleasure. He turned her on just by the way he moved.

Daniel unzipped one case and opened it. The thing was stuffed with all the clothing that had been purchased for her and delivered just this morning. Wow, it felt like days instead of hours.

The pharmacy bag was on top and she could see the red of the condom box through the bag and her face grew hot.

Her gaze met his. "They know," she said, her heart sinking. Concern for him and his job tightened her chest.

"Only Gary McNeal." Daniel took the box of condoms out and set it on one of the oak nightstands beside the bed. "I'll have to deal with everything later." His eyes met hers. "For now we'll worry about your safety."

She laid her hand over her belly as nervousness caused her stomach to twist like a wet dishrag. "I should never have—"

"Hey." Daniel sat on the bed next to her, close enough that he could settle his palm on her bare thigh. "I knew what I was doing, and I wouldn't go back and change a thing. Understand?"

Ani worried her lower lip then said, "I can't help but feel—"

He placed his hand over her mouth, silencing her. "Do you regret any of our time together?"

She looked up into his eyes. How could she regret anything about being with this man? Except for the fact they'd probably endangered his job.

"Do you?" he asked again.

Slowly, Ani shook her head, her lips sliding across his palm.

"Good." He moved his hand from her mouth, slipped it into her hair and cupped the back of her head. He drew her closer.

"I'm a big boy, honey. Nothing happened that I didn't want to happen. I just planned to wait a little longer."

Her eyes widened. "You—"

"Yeah." He brought his mouth so that his lips nearly brushed hers as he spoke. "I had no intention of letting you go once all of this is over with. I still don't."

Ani's heart pounded hard enough to feel it against her breastbone. All thought evaporated as he caught her mouth in a soft kiss that stole the breath from her lungs. Everything slipped away with that kiss. It took her to new heights, took her to the clouds, took her to the stars and beyond.

Daniel eased her down on the bed so that they were stretched out, lying face-to-face. He hooked his jean-clad thigh over her bare hip as he broke the kiss. He traced her jawline with his fingertip as he smiled at her.

"From the first moment I met you, I knew you were special." He rubbed his thumb over her lips in a soft sensuous movement. "For two years I haven't been able to get you out of my mind, out of my system."

She swallowed, trying to say something but having a difficult time finding the words. The way he was looking at her, the things he was saying to her, the way he was caressing her mouth with his thumb, made her mind go back into those clouds and stars his kiss had taken her to just moments before.

"Talking on the phone with you . . ." Daniel sucked in a deep breath. "It made me want you more than you can imagine.

And I'm not talking about sex. I'm talking about you and me." He gave her a crooked grin that caused butterflies to take over every other feeling in her body. Dozens and dozens of butterflies. "But the sex part is great, too."

His expression grew more serious as he started to stroke her cheek with his thumb and cupped the side of her face in his palm.

She leaned into his touch and closed her eyes. Daniel was saying things she'd dreamed of, but never thought would come true. Never thought
come true. She was someone he was assigned to keep safe. He was her protector.

But he was so much more than that.

And now he was her lover.

Her eyes were still closed when his lips met hers and he took her mouth in another tender kiss. Tasting, seeking, claiming .

. . loving?

When he backed away she opened her eyes to see him studying her, his brown gaze dark with arousal and his expression so caring. After this past year of talking with him on the phone and sharing so many things about themselves, she felt such an incredible connection to him.

The sexual attraction had always been there, crackling over the telephone lines, but it had been more than that—at least on her part. And it sounded like he'd felt something, too. That he still did.

He seemed to be waiting for her to say something, but no words would come to her. She wanted to say, "I love you, Daniel," but she was afraid to push him. Maybe he wasn't ready for that step. The fact that he cared for her this much was enough for now.

When she didn't say anything, he picked up her hand and brought it to his mouth. She shivered as he pressed his lips to each of her knuckles before turning her hand over and kissing the inside of her wrist.

Desire rolled like a firestorm in her belly, working its way down to the place between her thighs in a slow burn. He moved his lips up her arm from her wrist until he reached the inside of her elbow. She watched the softness on his features as he focused on touching her, tasting her. He darted his tongue along her flesh and she shivered with every lick and kiss.

Daniel's mouth reached her bicep just below the sleeve of her T-shirt and she caught her breath as he nipped her flesh. He raised his head and brought his mouth to hers. He kissed her, darting his tongue inside her mouth and giving a deep groan that sent another thrill throughout her, from head to toe.

Gently he rolled her onto her back so that he was kneeling between her thighs, looking down at her. He grasped the bottom of her T-shirt and pushed it up until her belly was bared and he placed soft kisses all over her skin.

She couldn't stop the soft moans that rose up in her throat. Moisture dampened her underwear and she wondered if he could scent her arousal. He continued to raise her T-shirt in achingly slow movements and slipped it up over her bra.

"Mmmmm . . ." he murmured as he nuzzled her satin bra and her nipples pressed against the thin fabric. "You smell so good. You always smell good." He circled one of her nipples through the satin with his tongue, wetting it and making the nub harder and tighter.

Ani wriggled beneath him and wound her fingers in his silky brown hair. "You smell good, too." She sucked in a deep breath and let his scent wash through her. Male. Pure male.

He moved his mouth to her other satin-covered nipple, leaving the first one hard against the now damp fabric. Again he circled her nipple then sucked it. She fisted her hands tighter in his hair and arched her back so that her breasts thrust closer to his mouth.

The whimpers and moans rising from her didn't stop, she couldn't stop them. She wanted him to hurry and take her. She wanted it slow and sensual. Fast. Slow.

She wanted him any way she could have him.

Daniel trailed his lips up the curve of her throat to her chin until his mouth rested on hers. Immediately she sighed, waiting for his kiss. Instead of plunging his tongue into her mouth, he gently nipped at her lower lip then traced the edge of her teeth with his tongue. She pulled his head down so that their mouths met more firmly and he gave a soft laugh against her lips before taking her mouth in a slow and sensual kiss.

Ani grasped his hips between her legs, feeling the roughness of his clothing on the insides of her bare thighs. He mimicked thrusting into her, rocking his jean-covered cock against her damp panties and causing more sounds to escape her throat.

When he moved his mouth from hers and trailed kisses along her jawline to her ear, she groaned out loud. He was being so slow and attentive, but she wanted his naked skin against hers. At the same time she loved everything he was doing to her. He dipped his tongue in her ear. Everything he did made her shiver, tremble, squirm with need.

Daniel drew away and gave her his sexy smile that made her heart and body melt. He rested on his haunches as he tugged her T-shirt up and she helped him pull it over her head, leaving her only in her bra and panties. After he tossed her T-shirt over his shoulder, he braced his hands to either side of her arms.

"Do you have any idea of how beautiful you are?" He dipped his head and kissed her softly before raising his head again.

"I bet you don't even realize it."

Heat flooded Ani's body. "I'm not—"

His mouth dove down to capture hers in a hard, silencing kiss.

Daniel settled back on his haunches again and reached beneath her back for the clasp of her bra. She arched up so that he could reach it more easily, and he unclasped her bra in a simple movement. The satin slid across her breasts as he pulled it down her arms. Her nipples tightened into hard, aching nubs.

As if fascinated by her breasts, he stared down as he cupped them, squeezed them, and pinched her nipples hard enough that pain mingled with pleasure. Ani wriggled and reached for him again, wanting to draw him down to lick and suck them.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged him forward, needing to feel his mouth on her.

His sexy smile thrilled her again as he moved to one of the taut nubs and slipped it into the warmth of his mouth. She gave a little cry and arched up, thrusting her breast more firmly against his face. He licked harder and sucked harder, and she swore she was going to climax from the sensations spiraling from her nipple to her belly, to her clit.

Too fast, too slow, he moved his mouth to her other nipple and suckled on it. He made low growling noises as if staking his claim on his territory. She loved the sounds he made as he pleasured her.

BOOK: Moving Target
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