Mrs Fytton's Country Life (4 page)

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Authors: Mavis Cheek

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BOOK: Mrs Fytton's Country Life
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'Crap, Angela

she said to the mirror. The reason she called herself Mrs Fytton was because it got right up the new Mrs Fytton's nose.


The road pulled her on. Away, away. Away from the bourgeois ideal and the brittle friendships of urban living. Now she was free, she observed that among the dilatory women of the middle classes a combination of intellectual and applied success was viewed as extremely suspicious. At best it was getting above yourself, at worse it was a separator - the modern equivalent of witchcraft. Instead of these silly women celebrating knowledge, they shunned it. They drove to Perigueux and avoided Angouleme. They stayed in Tuscany and avoided Florence. She had once made the mistake of mentioning Capri and the Villa Jovis and Tiberian reticulated brickwork in mixed company while wearing a clinging rose-pink frock and two days after her divorce came through. You could have heard a pin drop. Sorry, she felt like saying, sorry. It was then, looking into the hostile eyes of the assembled women, that the chilling notion occurred. Had she lived a few hundred years ago, a witchcraft trial would have been inevitable. And in our good Christian community too. Those eyes said they would definitely like to see her sitting on hot faggots. She was too young and too womanly to be single and live. 'Let not widows remain unwed lest they grow to prefer the state,' wrote one jolly philosophizing burgess in fifteenth-century Bristol. Nothing was ever new
Across those prating dinner tables the proud doyennes still dispatched the guilty.


She nearly hit the hard shoulder it made her so cross. So where did the fucking sisterhood go, then? Nobody ever said you had to look like the back end of a bus and think that Defoe was someone with whom you had Defight to be part of it. Besides, somewhere under that rose-pink frock were several lines of stretch marks, a couple of varicose veins and quite a lot of floppy bits . . . Perhaps she should have stripped off there and then and shown them. If Pliny berated the women of ancient Rome for honing their fingernails into talons, he should have leapt a couple of millennia and seen the women of modern-day west Londinium. Theirs came up spiky as gimlets to rip at the flesh of her tearful eyes, excoriate the tissue of her bruised, dumped heart. And she so innocent, so vulnerable, so-o-o

That is not entirely true, now is it, Mrs Fytton? said the eyes in the driving mirror. There were a few
contributory factors, were there not? A few other factors that led to this excoriation that makes you bleed as you drive?

Well. Perhaps. Of course. A few
But I never, really and truly I never, ever thought that the old ways of the medievals persisted and that a new-made single woman must appear quiet, meek, humble and virtuous and keep her ankles covered. I thought we were all post-modernist feminists nowadays. I thought, I thought

The eyes widened. There was something fiery in their lights. You thought, they said, wrong. That is only in magazines. Society still wishes to protect itself from the free woman, the loose canon, the wronged women who will not lie down and take it. Especially if she is anything over thirty and therefore beginning the road to wisdom.

I suppose it would have been all right if I had run down the road to unwisdom naked and cutting the heads off everybody's petunias and wailing like a Greek chorus before being carted off to a psychiatric unit?

That would have shown a thoughtful sensitivity to the situation, certainly. Instead of which


Instead of which . . . First time out solo and you stand accused of discussing the virtues of Apple Macintosh over IBM with a nice man from the local newspaper at David and Marcia's party while wearing fishnet stockings and a shortish leather skirt!

Bravura - I
have legs like tree trunks.

Or the red satin minidress at your own party, with a little help from daughter Claire's Wonderbra. Daughter Claire usefully absent and
consulted about either the loan or the appropriateness of wearing such a provocative garment. Well, I
the vulgar thing.

May I remind you that a
-C cup is perfectly able to stand alone. Any more help and they'd have been strung round your ears. It was an action, a dress code
designed to make the ladies feel relaxed while the gentlemen gawped. Angela Fytton - wipe that smirk off your face
And it was unlikely, wasn't it, that dancing with their twenty-three-year-old builder at the Coopers' twenty-first anniversary bash would endear you further to the sisterly assembly?

It sure as hell endeared me to the brotherly one.

We are talking about the lost sisterhood. Smirk

OK. Maybe I did lick his ear a bit. But these things are surely acceptable for a newly dumped wife? It is called getting through. To be looked upon with kindness, with a sense of there but for fortune

No. Shall I go on?

Oh no, thought Angela, suddenly weary, you do not have to.

She might just as well have done a Godiva down Francis Street with Finale tattooed on her bottom. So far as the be-ghettoed west Londinium witch-hunters were concerned, those knives, which they pretended were but pruning shears, came out sharp and strong. A woman who loses her husband, who discusses reticulated brickwork and who snogs a builder should be careful. Or leave.

Of course, if her husband had returned to her, tail between his legs, all would have been well. But he did not. She was left, small-waisted, big-titted, younger than most of the barbarians, high and dry and alone. If she had gone on with the chocolate and become gross - well, that might have made a difference,
. . . though you never could tell with the witch-hunters. But by then, by chocolate time, the little bit of London where she lived had already turned into an absurd replica of the school playground. If you play with her you can't play with us. Or it replicated something even more ancient, more sinister. It takes only one or two mad ones, like stinking lumps of tamarind, to sour the pot. So Clancy said, to comfort her. But then Clancy had moved away, now wrote for the
Irish Times
and was allowed a fancy turn of phrase. And what, anyway, would Clancy know, being safely out of it nowadays with her nice husband, Jack, and her nice daughter, Philomena, and her comfortable Dublin life? And, by the way, how could Clancy and Jack have got away with calling their daughter
and still have an apparently excellent relationship with her? The world, truly, was unfair in every respect.

When women turn against women they take the fascist approach. A Jew, a leper, a South Selma negro - or a woman in a respectable part of London with too much of something and no protector. Someone must embody the evil we feel we have in ourselves, she'll do. It was not hard to see where cruelty lay, just beneath the skin of civilization. Years ago, if they had not burnt her, they would have strung her up. And, just as in those far-off days, they would have paid no attention to her pleadings that she did not give Goody Grote a poisoned finger, so now what use was it to say, 'But I do not want your husband, I want my own'? Who would believe that - despite most of those husbands looking like advertisements for the immediate need for health insurance?

When Clancy, still living nearby, went blonde, everyone just said lovely. When Angela went blonde and met Lydia Curzon in Sainsbury's, she watched her practically hurl herself in front of her twinkly and semi-decrepit husband, lest he be in need of saving from the golden curls
Lydia Curzon had not spoken to her since. Clancy, on being taken to task for this by Angela, said, 'Yes, but I'm blonde and plain and I write about the history of things like the vacuum cleaner

As if it explained everything. Perhaps it really did . . . How depressing.

And so Mrs Fytton, travelling west on this beautiful April morning, donned the armour of compromise. She was not on her way to war, she was retreating from it. If she negotiated terrain that fetched her up further than scone-burning distance, she knew she would be safe. Country good, town bad. That was the way of it. Like the plague-beset victims of yore, she was fleeing to the countryside and health. To a place where she would not be thought a witch but a wise woman. She re-read Goldsmith's
Deserted Village
with a manic gleam in her eye: 'Ah! Sweet Auburn
Indeed. And now, with the countryside whizzing past her windows, she began to recite, ripping it out at the sweetly clouded blue and those trembling verdant grasses.

'A time there was, ere England's griefs began

'Please yourself

she said, to a rapidly retreating winged speck in the sky. She began to sing it, and even more loudly, more defiantly. When they were small, the children used to plead with her not to sing to them on long car journeys. 'Don't sing, Mummy,' they implored. Now, in a moment of joyous liberation, she gave it all she had got:


'When every rood of ground maintained its man; For him light labour spread her wholesome store, Just gave what life required, and gave no more: His blest companions, innocence and health; And his best riches, ignorance of wealth.
de dum de dum

I still had hopes, my latest hours to crown, Amidst these humble bowers to lay me down


Presumably, if every rood of ground maintained its man, might it not also maintain its woman? Whatever a rood was.

Simplicity she was going for. Back to basics. Just a housewife. How wonderful.

Peace at last.

She accelerated. If that blue sky above was anything to go by, it was a day for finally finding the right humble bower. Mrs Fytton, she repeated. Mrs Fytton goes to the country. She smiled a not altogether Sweet Auburn! sort of a smile. And Mrs Fytton it would be. Ian, beloved husband, now beloved ex-husband, would have two of them to contend with. There might now be another Mrs Fytton, a younger Mrs Fytton, who was not six foot under like the sour old dowager Mrs Fytton (more's the pity and that could be arranged), but she -quite frankly - could go and piss up her leg. This Mrs Fytton, the first Mrs Fytton, was keeping that name. She had a use for it and both church and civil said that she could. She tooted and waved at a passing lorry. Mrs Fytton she was and always would be. Strong in her armour, free to do whatever she liked, able to leave behind those silly female pygmies and, like poor Goldsmith, after a youth of labour seek an age of ease.

She might even get her husband back. In fact, she fully
to get her husband back. For Mrs Fytton the First was not going down this route without a plan. Most definitely she had one. And it was a


When it was clear that Ian was not coming back, she was told by a counsellor to get on with her life, and she had tried. Getting on with her life was, she felt, justifiably interpreted as finding and keeping another bloke. After all, she told herself grandly, that was the only thing she lacked.


She had therefore tried
, and she had, somewhat ignomin
iously, failed.

She did not see why she should try any more.

She had put a lot of effort into her marriage.

A lot of spadework.

A lot of manure.

So why


should she
endup eating dirt? And besides, she really and truly still

loved him. Ian.


If they weren't castigating her, those London folk, they were
her. It was hard to say which was worse. In her little bit of west London, pity had begun to spread all over her like measles. A woman alone and incapable.
from the man at the garage, who showed her exactly how to use
-Cut to get a real shine. As if she had either the time or the inclination to want a shiny car. 'I just want to swap this space wagon for something nippy. Got it?' He looked at her even more kindly. Women! Always changing their minds.

from the doctor's receptionist, who told her that Prozac got
through, while smiling happily upon a small boy drinking the daffodil water. 'And it still is

she added proudly. 'I'd never have known

said Angela.

Even the postman, George - a part-time poet and fond of calling himself a man of letters (oh, the wit of these people) -said to her, 'You can get too fond of your own company, you know

with a sad little screw of his eyes. Fuck me, she thought, unusually aroused, philosophical jewels sharding through her letter box from the bloody
And when she retorted that, as a matter of fact, she was really very enamoured of her own company, it being loyal, affectionate, quite sexy and totally in tune with the things she enjoyed, he shook his head, as if she were tripping down the path of madness. And probably went off to talk to the man at the garage.

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