Read Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Online

Authors: Jessie Courts

Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) (56 page)

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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“Oh my god – first you insult my decorating taste and now
my bath. Wait – have you ever even taken a bubble bath?” Rachel faced Joe
with her legs apart and her hands on her hips looking like she meant business
despite the fact she was completely nude.


“When do you think I’ve ever had the inclination to sit in my
own dirt surrounded by froth?”


“No wonder you’re so uptight. Come on lover boy – let’s
take the plunge together.” Rachel beckoned him over looking entirely too cute
to say no to. Reluctantly, Joe dumped himself in the bath if only to placate
her. He was willing to try new things to please her and naked in a bath
together wasn’t such a hardship.


“Whoa that’s hot!” Joe hissed, clamping a hand over his junk
for protection.


“Just relax.” Rachel grasped on to Joe as she slipped into the
water also hissing as the heat hit her sore spots. She pushed his legs apart
and sat with her back to his chest. More used to the temperature, Joe removed
his hand from his balls and laid his arms along the edge of the bath dropping
his head back. He could feel Rachel’s hands resting on his thighs and it all
felt extremely cosy.


“Tell me about the bathroom.”


Rachel relaxed into the big wall of soft skin over hard muscle
behind her and proceeded to regale Joe with the story about her bathroom, and
how it came to be so different to anything else in her house. He made little
noises but didn’t interrupt her intrigued to hear about her past life. When she
finished she rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes.


“Are you thinking about Nate?” he asked her gently.


“Yes Joe. I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad.”


“Oh Rachel, I’m not mad baby. I’m sad for your loss, but I
can’t deny how happy I am to be with you.” They sat quietly contemplating how
lucky things had turned out for them.


Long minutes later, Rachel could feel Joe’s renewed arousal
against her arse and she just laughed her head off. “Are you taking something?
I’m sure it’s not normal for a man your age to be this horny. I don’t want you
to do yourself a damage!”


He snorted, clearly insulted and wrapped his arms around her
possessively. She tried batting his arms away but it was useless against his
vise like grip. Using the next best tactic she wriggled against him managing to
trap the head of his rigid cock between her legs. Squeezing her thighs together
elicited a grunt from Joe. It was a deeply sexy sound that she wanted to hear
more of so she squeezed again. Sure enough Joe grunted sending shivers down her
spine straight to her aching pussy.


“Such a tease…”Joe pinched Rachel’s left nipple and then her
right one. She jerked in the water as a bolt of desire shot through her. They
both groaned together as Rachel leaned back into him rubbing his cock against
her clit.


“You feel so fantastic Rachel. I could stay like this forever.”
Joe nipped her earlobe. Twisting her head around their lips met and they kissed
each other slowly; intimately and passionately. Joe moved his hands to play
with her tits and she stroked his cock lazily against her swollen sex rotating
the head over the sensitive nub of her clit. Their movements were slow and
sensual and as the water lapped around their bodies they built a momentum that
had them both coming within minutes. It wasn’t frantic or wild but intensely
erotic and perfectly intimate.


“I think you put across a convincing argument.” Joe chuckled
behind Rachel.


“For what?”


“For bubble baths sweetheart. As of now they are definitely
number one on my most favourite things to do list.”


“Hmm – well that’s beautiful Joe but now I’m sitting in a
bath full of come I’m not enjoying it so much!”


“God – the things you say out loud!” Joe sounded


Rachel rolled her eyes and stood up extending her hand to Joe.
“Let’s shower off and I’ll make you something to eat – you must be


“For you baby – only for you…”


They laughed together and talked a bit more whilst showering
and drying off. Normal; comfortable stuff that couples did that Rachel had
missed so much, and that Joe was experiencing for the first time. Joe told
Rachel that they would be visiting his doctor in the week ahead to get checked.
He didn’t want anything more coming between them and that included condoms.
Rachel agreed explaining she wouldn’t need to go on the pill due to a full
hysterectomy years before.


“Come on bossman – time for me to make you breakfast for
a change.” Joe let her lead him down to the kitchen entirely content to be
caught up in the domesticity of the situation. He was relaxed and worry free
and he planned to stay that way for a while.






A “while’ soon turned into five blissfully happy months and
Christmas was upon them.


“Joe, get up! They’ll be here soon…c’mon you need to lay the
table.” Rachel had been up for hours buzzing around preparing to entertain the
masses for Christmas lunch. The twins were coming, and also Karen, Rory and
their 5 kids one of which was George of course who never went anywhere without
Leo. Luc was also invited; that had been an interesting conversation when she’d
run it past Joe. The reaction was not unexpected but after he’d stopped
swearing and beating his fists on the kitchen table, he’d reluctantly agreed
that enough time had passed and Luc could come as long as Rachel didn’t expect
him to chit chat with him.


Joe made it clear several times thereafter he was only doing it
for the twins who had him wrapped around their baby fingers. Honestly, it was
pathetic how much he gave in to them. Once they had told each other that they
loved each other, they saw no reason to be apart so Joe had moved in with
He kept his flat in
Regent’s Park and let Jess and Lucy use his place when they were home from
university – it suited them all and was a lot less awkward. Even though
the twins accepted Joe into their mother’s life – they preferred not to
be around them all the time as it seemed they couldn’t keep their hands off
each other and that was just plain nasty for any child to have to witness.


Rachel was amazed that Joe was so comfortable in her house;
after all it had been her family home for nearly twenty years with another man.
It didn’t seem to faze Joe at all and Rachel even got the impression that in
another life Nat and Joe would have been good friends.
However, some redecoration, renovations
and improvements had taken place so that Joe felt more at home. An upstairs
bedroom had been kitted out with gym equipment including 2 running machines,
and the ensuite shower room now had a small sauna in it. Their preference of a
steam room would have been too difficult to fit but they made do just fine with
the sauna. Rachel had never actually told Joe that had been Luc’s room, but she
had an inkling he’d guessed, prompting the complete make over.


The garage had also been remodelled to accommodate Joe’s
precious supercar and
motorcycle, after they had sold Nate’s Jag. There had been some mixed feelings
on Rachel’s part due to whole host of reasons. The jag was a remnant of her
former life and held a substantial amount of significance. Getting rid of it
was an emotional wrench but also quite cleansing. Nate was no longer an active
influence in the household and it was symbolic in turning the place into the
home she now shared with Joe. However, other memories were not so easy to
dispose of. One day she had been loading laundry when she noticed Joe
inspecting the weights and gym equipment on the other side of the garage. Her
heart rate accelerated in her chest as visions of Luc all hot and sweaty
working out in the very same place many months earlier sprang to mind.
Belatedly, she realised Joe was speaking to her.


“Rachel?’ He cocked his head at her. “Did you hear anything I
just said?”


“Umm no sorry, I was miles away.” She blushed a deep red and
Joe’s eyes darkened and his body tensed. There was only one person on earth she
turned that colour for and it obviously had something to do with the weights.
Joe had mostly gotten over his murderous intentions towards Luc Vincent, but it
seemed the boy was not completely erased from Rachel’s thoughts. Joe sighed,
desperate to know what Rachel was remembering. He tested the weights and
correctly surmised that they would have been too heavy for someone of Nate’s
stature but absolutely fucking perfect for Luc’s size. For Joe however, they
were like toys and he decided he might have to put on a bit of a display for
his beautiful girlfriend to remind her how much more of a man she was dating
now. Literally.


“Well – what do we have here?” Joe picked up a barbell
like it was weightless. “Not much use to me – shame. I don’t suppose you
know if Nate had any heavier weights?” Joe pulled off his t-shirt and Rachel
groaned pointing to a plastic cupboard behind him. “In there.” Rachel’s voice
was raspy and Joe’s dick twitched at the sexy tone.


Searching the array of different equipment in the cupboard, Joe
found what he was looking for and loaded up two small barbells. Rachel’s eyes
went wide and it encouraged Joe to show off a little bit. He pushed his sweats
low on his hips knowing how much she loved to see his hip dips and sat on the
edge of the weights bench. Then he proceeded to take a barbell in each hand and
lift. The effect made his biceps bunch and pop and his abdominals clench. His
pecs twitched with the movement and the veins on the side of his neck stood
out. He’d tied his hair back and she could clearly his focused expression.


Rachel’s panties were drenched. She couldn’t seem to stop her
body from reacting and really who could blame her. Joe was magnificent and
terribly amusing. Of course he had sussed straight away that Luc had probably
made use of this makeshift gym, and now he was going to prove that he was
bigger, stronger and sexier than the boy who came before him. It was nothing
more than a macho display of strength and power and Rachel was so turned on it
was ridiculous. She had secretly harboured her memories of fucking Luc on that
weights bench as one of the most erotic moments of her life, but she suspected
Joe was going to soon wipe that fantasy from her mind with one of his own
design and her clit throbbed madly at the prospect.


Joe looked up at Rachel as he pumped his muscles taking equal
satisfaction from the welcome burn of the workout and the look of pure hot lust
in her eyes; combined with her nipples hard against the soft cotton of her vest
he knew he’d made an instant impact on her libido. He felt his body glowing
with the exertion of his workout and a fine sheen of sweat made his skin
glisten in the heat of the garage. The background hum of the washing machine
did nothing to distract from the sexual tension crackling between them.
Deciding that was enough for now, Joe lowered the weights to the floor;
stretched out his muscles then lay flat on his back on the bench to do some
stomach crunches.


“Fucking hell Joe.” Rachel hissed under her breath. She knew he
was getting off by tormenting her knowing how much she worshipped his fit body
but she’d conjured up a wicked idea on to pay him back. Silently stripping she
propped herself on the seat of his precious Harley crossing her ankles over the
handlebars and leaning back supporting herself on her elbows. It was a bit
awkward but Rachel reckoned once he saw her she wouldn’t be in that position
for very long.


A few more grunts from Joe and he sat himself up stretching his
long arms above is head. Twisting his head he looked puzzled to find Rachel
gone, but the moment he clocked her splayed over his bike he cursed loudly then
threw his head back and laughed loudly. Rachel smiled; hearing Joe laugh like
that was such a rare thing it always warmed her from her head to her toes. And
the wicked look he was giving her right now as he made his way towards her with
purposeful steps, made her want to jump straight into his arms and beg to be
taken hard and fast. But she had the niggling suspicion that finding her naked
on his Harley was literally a dream come true for Joe and what had started out
as a pissing contest had morphed into something way more intense. Time for
Rachel to push some buttons. Sometimes Joe just needed her to be naughty.


“What is it I wonder that has you looking so wild, Joe Mason?”
She licked her lips and uncrossed her ankles placing a foot on either handle.
Joe exhaled loudly. Rachel continued to taunt him. “Something about this garage
has you in a tailspin. Could it be that you imagine something dirty went on in
here? On that very bench?” She nodded her head in the direction of where Joe
had just been working out, then tossed her hair behind her so it hung down
brushing against the metal body of the Harley. Joe’s eyes narrowed and the
front of his sweats tented. His hands were fisted by his sides. Striding over
to her he stopped dead beside her and stared long and hard. She held his gaze
not wanting to be the one to look away first. Dropping her knees to the sides
Rachel asked Joe, “Do you see how wet I am Joe? This isn’t the first time I’ve
been naked in here you know…”

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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