Mucked Up (21 page)

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Authors: Danny Katz

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BOOK: Mucked Up
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They have pretty much all run off and are in the distance but Ravo sees a Harry Potter who has slipped on the ground so he goes over to him. The Harry Potter looks up, all scaredy, almost crying: ‘No … not on the costume … gotta get it back to the fancy dress shop …’


He sprays the Harry Potter and keeps spraying until the spray-pack runs out of piss. Then he shakes the sprayer-end, like boys do when they’re finished going to the toilet. ‘Just getting off the last drips.’

Piss-wet Harry Potter gets up and runs off like a douche.

Ravo throws off the empty sprayer-pack from his back: ‘I guess he couldn’t take the piss!’ which is the kind of killer line that action-heroes say AFTER they’ve shot up all the druggie child-killers who have stolen nuclear bombs.

Brisley is getting down from the branch where she was hanging. She is covered in everything you can think of, with her hair and face and clothes all coloured with blue and red water and shaving cream. ‘You arrived just in time, Sir Ravo,’ she says in a funny olde-days kind of voice. ‘For your bravery, I now dub thee Bravo.’

Ravo likes that, ‘Bravo!’ he goes. ‘And you fought an honourable fight yourself, Lady Brisley, you punched the crap out of that Superspicy-Girl.’

The way he looks at her, you can tell he’s massively in love with her. Seems like everyone is getting paired up: Jarrell and Jack S. Ravo and Brisley. Me and the pig.

The rest of the HAGZ get down from the tree: the branches are getting caught on Krissy Klang’s skirt and you can see her undies a bit but Ravo knocks me with his elbow, makes me stop looking, because he is now Bravo and he is a gentleman.

Angie Maningas flicks her hair and bits of shaving cream fly off: ‘Ravo, what you did was uhhh-mayyy-ZING’ and Mae Nguy goes ‘Yeah you literally saved our lives.’

‘Yes I
did’ – which is a smart joke about the word ‘literally’ but the HAGZ don’t get it. Brisley does.

Ji-Hyun (Jack) gives me a real fierce look: ‘But no thanks to YOU, Tom. You just ran off and left us to get massacred.’

‘Nawwww,’ goes Ravo, ‘you should thank Tom for everything actually. He’s the real hero. He got the Weapon of Mass Sprayduction and then he saved me and brought me here, and he also found a nice little pig.’ When the HAGZ see the pig they all start coming up close to me going ‘Awwwww, total cutie … awwwwwww … cuuuuuuute …’ which is great for me even if they are just looking at the pig.

Krissy Klang is already walking off: ‘Girls, we need to act urgently. Our hair is coated in paste, shaving cream and various food dyes. Everyone back to mine for showers – I have an excellent Pureology shampoo. We must wash, rinse, then gentle towel-dry.’

Mae Nguy goes ‘Do you have deep-conditioning treatment?’

‘ColourSeal Gloss.’

‘I’m in.’

‘I’m in,’ says Ji-Hyun (Jack).

‘I’m in too,’ Ravo says. ‘Need to restore my hair to its natural bounce and shine.’ Whatta crack-up. Me and Bris laugh but the other HAGZ don’t think it’s funny.

Krissy Klang is heading toward the quad gates with the others following but Bris is not going Angie Maningas yells ‘Hurry, Bris! Don’t want to risk permanent damage!’

Bris yells back, ‘Actually, been a big day. Might just head home and use my mum’s Sunsilk.’

Angie looks disgusted, ‘Okaaaaaaay. Catchyez. Don’t forget those mini-pizzas tomorrow.’

Bris watches them go until they are far enough away so they can’t hear. She looks at us: ‘This HAGZ thing is too intense. Too much pressure to be interesting and beautiful – and it costs 150 bucks for a bleach reapplication. Think I prefer being in SCUM where you can be boring and ugly and not have to talk and you can come to school with disgustingly filthy hair.’ She pats both of our heads like we’re dogs, ‘So can I come back then, pleeeeeeeez?’

She’s doing that freaky thing again where her lips move up on the ends, this new thing she’s learned called smiling. It makes Ravo horny as balls: ‘Hellsyeah, Bris, I knew you’d come back! And I like you better with your old hair anyway. Your old hair was really nice and I prefer—’

‘Hang on, hang on!’ I’m going. ‘Bris, you can’t just come back so easy after you shunned us and went somewhere else and then you wouldn’ let me share your country on the Map of the World Rug. Me and Ravo would never do that to you, we even went and saved your life cos that’s what real friends do for each—’

‘Zurb, pleeeeez, shuttit. I’m coming back. End

Can’t argue with that: ‘Aiiight, you’re back then. But one rule. Stop doing that freaky thing with your mouth, it’s just wrong’ and she stops smiling and says ‘Fine by me, it kind of hurts.’

Ravo goes back into action-hero mode: ‘No time to waste. We gotta get off the schoolgrounds before the Year 12s regroup.’ He opens his torn shirt so Bris can see his skinny abs underneath.

Bris does her own action-hero pose with hands on her hips: ‘They’ll be armed and waiting at the gates! Guess we’re gonna have to head-kick our way out.’ Her action-hero voice is even better than Ravo’s.

I try a bit of action-hero voice: ‘Wait, I know a gate where we can get out safely.’ It comes out too high so I take it down a notch. ‘It’s the only way we’re gonna make it! This way!’

Teachers’ Carpark is pretty close to here, just past the cricket nets. As we get close, we can see a bunch of teachers there, standing around a car that is in a weird position. Mrs Contogeorge’s little blue Barina.

It has been flipped on its side and strong man teachers are trying to turn it back up but they can’t. Mrs Contogeorge is smoking a cigarette and freaking out, going ‘Where’s the police?
’ all loud and emotional because she’s the drama teacher and this is her moment. Teachers are not allowed to smoke at school so she must be in Xtreme Stress Mode.

Assistant Principal Bitchface Fruehling is trying to calm her down, saying ‘They’re on their way, Trace, can you put that out, Trace, you’re in violation of school regulations, Trace.’ But Mrs Contogeorge keeps smoking, walking in circles. Funny how when I came in here this morning, it was just a normal quiet carpark with all the cars parked in rows, and now as I’m going out, there’s an actual car flipped on its side and other cars covered in eggs that have been chucked hard and dick ’n’ balls drawn in shaving cream.

The teachers are so busy trying to flip the blue Barina back over, they don’t notice me and Ravo and Bris running through the carpark. The gates are just up ahead: it feels like a year ago when them this morning. In just a few seconds we will be out and Muck Up Day will be
. Until next year.

Jarrell and Jack S are at the gates. They are vommy-hugging. When we get there, they stop. I won’t look at Jarrell and I won’t look at Jack S but Brisley’s pretty happy about seeing both of them.

‘Hey guys, good news! I got stuck in a tree and Ravo turned into Bravo and we fought off Year 12s and my hair needs to be washed urgently and Tom has a pig and I’ve quit the
and I’m coming back to SCUM.’

Jarrell says ‘Good news, Brisley, even if I didn’t understand a word of it. We’ve got news too. Me and Jack aren’t together anymore.’

That makes me look up. Neither of them looks too shattered. Jack S goes ‘Yeah Jarrell and I have just been talking and y’know, I learned something important today in Philosofon.’

Jarrell doesn’t do her usual smirk-pfff, just listens.

‘Happiness doesn’t come from bagging a hot chick or having tons of dollars or living in some floating glass boat-plane house with a hot-tub pod, though that’d be way fun. But if you want to be
happy, you do what Sock-ra-teeez said—?’

He looks at Jarrell to check and she does a tiny nod. ‘—and just be good to other people. And I don’t think me and Jarrell are being good to each other. I’m too sensitive – and she’s too – smart – and we want to go just back to being friends. All we did was hold hands anyway and have a kiss. I thought I touched her boob but it was—’

‘—my elbow,’ goes Jarrell.

‘It felt like a boob.’

‘Boobs don’t have a bone in them.’

‘Yeah, I learned lotsa stuff from you, Jarrell. And one more thing, just want to say sorry to you, Tom, saying your music and writing was crap.’

‘Aiiiight, I know you didn’t mean it.’

‘Actually I did mean it but nobody should say that to you, even though the rest of us all think it and talk about it when you’re not around. A lot.’

Here’s what I want to say to them right now: one day HumanKind will be the biggest success in the world and you will not even be able to get tickets to see it and you will be calling me up, going ‘Can you get us tickets to your famous show, Thom?’ because by then I’ll have changed my name to Thom. And I will go ‘Of course, friends’ because I forgive people for douchey things they have said. Then you will come with me to the show and at the end, the whole audience will be cheering and going ‘
’ and I’ll walk on stage and bow and say ‘Nobody believed in me. Nobody thought I could do it. Well look at me now, dick-nubbins,

Here’s what I actually say: ‘Yeah, well I deserved it, Jack. I said some pretty arsey things to you too. All this Muck Up biz just put me in a poor mood and I took it out on my mates.’

Jarrell won’t look at me. I know because I secretly peeked at her to see if she was peeking at me.

Ravo goes ‘Shweeeeet, everyone finished saying sorry to everyone? We all wuvvv each other again? Good,
is back together. We fell apart, we worked it out, we’re back to the way we used to be.’

A police car is coming, it’s driving up the carpark driveway and into the teachers’ carpark. Teachers are going up to it and the policemen get out. Mrs Contogeorge is being all dramatic, going ‘

We want to watch what’s happening because there hasn’t been a police car at school since the webcam-biz with Bartle the Pedo, but Jack S is more interested in my pig, patting its head: ‘So what ya gonna do with it, Tom? Cook it up and eat it?’

‘You are so dense, Jack,’ says Bris. ‘He’s Jewish. They don’t eat pigs unless they’ve been circumcised.’

‘Is this one circumcised?’

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