Muse - Fighting Fate #1 (3 page)

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exhaled, trying to relax my tightly wound body and nodded. “Yeah, I think so. Just…go slow…”

could tell he was hardly breathing. His body seemed to be tensed more than mine. Slowly, I moved my hips, tilting upwards to take more of him in, and then I slowly moved the other way. Jace hissed through his teeth.

I felt no discomfort, I relaxed, moaning softly under my breath. Closing my eyes, I just let my body feel.

Jace groaned roughly near my
ear. “God, Mia. You’re so fucking tight.” His breath came heavy and strained. “Fuck, you feel so good.”

His words had the most amazing effect
on me. I loved his dirty mouth. My breathing started to come much faster like his, and so did my movements. Soon, we were both moving together, our rhythm increasing with our desire. I could feel the tension growing inside me, building up to seek another glorious release, and right at that moment, I couldn’t think of anything but getting there.

ground my hips harder against him, not knowing if what I was doing was right, but frantic to do it just the same. I knew I was reaching my climax. It was so close, I could sense it.

e was breathing hard against my cheek, the sound of his pleasure sending mine through the roof, but before I could beg him for release, I felt my body suddenly teetering on the edge of something wonderful, and I let it all go.

My head fell back and my
back arched. My breath rushed in and out, and the waves started crashing. Big thunderous waves that surpassed anything I’d even felt before. I whimpered. “Oh, God! Jace!”

the sound of my ecstasy, Jace began to pump faster, harder. I clung to him, desperate to hold on to the intense pleasure that was coursing through me. Then he groaned, his body tensing even more. “Fuck!”

Wow. So this was what I’d been missing out on.

Chapter 4





woke to the sound of a cell phone ringing. Fuck me! What time was it anyway? Groaning, I rolled so I could search for the offending device and shut it off. My hand fumbled over the bedside table until it found what it was looking for then I slid my finger over the screen. “Hello?” I croaked.

“You better not be in bed you fucking prick.”

Aiden’s voice was like being doused by a bucket of cold water. My eyes popped open with a slight panic as memories from the night before rushed through me like a freight train. I’d slept with my best friend’s sister! Fuck! Did Aiden already know? Did Mia tell him?

I turned to the space beside me. Mia was lying with her back to me, the blanket only pulled up enough to cover her ass, leaving the sexy curve of her back exposed for my viewing pleasure. My dick instantly hardened. Fuck. I was in so much trouble.

“You are, aren’t you? I fucking hate you ri
ght now. I had to sleep on the god damned floor you asshole.”

Relief came instantly with his words. Thank fuck he didn’
t know. Aiden was a fucking psycho when it came to protecting his twin.

looked back at Mia with sudden guilt. I’d taken her virginity last night. I didn’t know why that’d surprised me. It wasn’t like I’d ever seen her with a guy before, but the way she was with me last night, so confident in her own skin, so sexually commanding, I just assumed she knew what she was doing.

my attention back to Aiden, I forced a laugh. “Yeah, this bed’s all sorts of comfort man.”

“Shut up dick wad. Kacey’s just talking to some emergency workers now, so we should know if the road’s open soon. I can’t fucking wait
to fall into bed.”

chuckled and opened my mouth to give Aiden a smart assed answer, but Mia chose that moment to stir and roll over to peek at me. A blush spread over her cheeks and she quickly turned back. I swallowed hard.

Uncertainty coursed through
me. I’d never been in a situation like this before. I was used to having all the control for fuck’s sake.

I still wasn’t even entirely certain what had happened. Mia had blindsided me and my usual tactic had gone out the window. Now I was on the phone to her brother, and I had no idea how she was going to react.

“Yeah, I bet you’
re all pretty wrecked,” I said, trying to keep my voice light, eyes still on Mia’s back.

She suddenly pulled the sheet back, swinging her legs to the floor
and sitting up. Aiden started talking, but I didn’t hear a word he said as I watched Mia push herself to her feet, completely naked, and start walking out the door. I watched her perfect naked ass, my mouth hanging open slightly, as it disappeared from view.

Holy fuck she was hot.

“Alright?” Aiden’s voice re-emerged from oblivion.

“Sorry, what?”

“Fuck, are you still asleep dude? I said, the road’s open. We’ll be there in ten. Go check on Mia and make sure she’s okay you dick.”

Yeah, whatever.” I didn’t wait for a response. I just ended the call, my head all kinds of fucked up. I needed to talk to Mia and find out what she was thinking about what we’d done. I hoped to god she wasn’t pissed.

Throwing on
my jeans and a shirt, I made my way down the hall. The bathroom door was closed, and I heard the sound of the shower running inside. Standing outside the door, I ran my hands through my hair. Fuck!

paced for a bit, wondering if I should just go in and talk to her. She obviously didn’t mind me seeing her naked. Then I remembered the broken mirror. We hadn’t cleaned it up last night. Surely she didn’t just walk in there with bare feet? Fuck and fuck!

stopped pacing and pressed my hands against the wall, leaning my forehead between them for a bit before banging it firmly against the wall a few times for good measure. I was so fucking screwed.

Pushing off the wall,
I headed for the kitchen, deciding I was going to have to put some caffeine in my system if I needed to have my wits about me. Fuck knows Mia might function a little better with some coffee too. Hopefully it would put her in a good enough mood to put the situation behind us.

’d just finished pouring the cups when I heard tires crunching on the gravel outside. God damn it! Seriously? Mia wasn’t even out of the shower yet!

picked up my coffee and drew in a mouthful, burning my tongue like a motherfucker. I just knew this was about to turn into a shit fight.

Kacey burst in through the kitchen doors with a playful scowl. When she saw
me standing there with a second steaming cup beside me, she beamed. “Oh my god! Thank you so much!” She scooped up the cup and slurped it with her eyes closed.

watched her with a hint of irritation. I wanted to bark at her that it wasn’t hers, but I knew it wasn’t her fault I was flipping the fuck out. I knew we’d been kind of working up to something over the past few days, but it was a pointless game. She knew I could take it or leave it.

She held the cup away from her and leaned in to kiss
me on the cheek. I cringed a little. Up until yesterday, I’d been all for it. Being a cheerleader, she had a pretty decent body and was always made up nice, but since last night – since Mia – I didn’t think she looked that enticing anymore. She seemed too…
. Her long blonde hair was too bleached, and her skin was a little too orange. Even the expressions on her face seemed fake.

Mia’s face came unbidden into
my mind. I had no idea why I hadn’t noticed how gorgeous she was before. Without make-up too. I could still remember the way she’d looked up at me with her big, blue eyes as I had her pressed up against the wall, her waist length, black hair all damp and wavy. Her tanned skin so smooth and soft…

“I missed you last night,” Kacey crooned, rubbing her tits against
my arm.

stepped back a little, putting some space between us. “Yeah. Wild night huh? Can’t believe there was a fucking avalanche.”

Voices floated in from the living room, so
I took the opportunity to get away from Kacey and headed in that direction. I saw Aiden first, throwing himself down on the lounge, feet over the armrest. “Hey, sunshine.”

flipped me the bird. “Fuck you, Wallace. Where’s my sister?”

The smile froze on
my face. I tried to cover up my discomfort by taking another sip of coffee. “Don’t you know? I thought you had some twintuition thing or something.”

He lifted his head to glare at me. “It’s not a fucking GPS
, man.”

forced my legs to move over to one of the other lounges and sat down, resting my mug on the armrest. Kacey obviously took it as an open invitation because next thing I knew, she was sliding on in beside me and snuggling into my side. I tensed, wondering how I could push her away without causing a scene – or looking completely out of character.

“You get the twintuition thing too?”
Ryan said looking at Aiden. “It’s fucking weird, huh? It can be damn annoying sometimes too…”

I looked at him with confusion
before I remembered. Fuck, I kept forgetting he was a twin, and an identical one at that. His brother, Daniel, lived on the east coast with their dad.

narrowed his eyes at Ryan then nodded. “I still think it’s fucking weird your parents split you guys up like fucking dinner plates.”

Ryan scowled
. “Yeah, they’re real treasures.”

“Why hasn’t your brother ever been over to visit?” Aiden asked, obviously curious.

His frown deepened and he shook his head a little. “Daniel was pretty angry with our parents after the divorce. He started acting out a lot at school, getting into trouble for stupid shit - I think he just wanted to piss Dad off, but Dad decided to one up him and sent him off to military school.”

“Fuck,” Aiden breathed. “That’s harsh.”

Ryan nodded, clearly not happy with his brother’s punishment. “Yeah, he definitely got the bad end of the deal.”

I eyed him skeptically. Daniel might have gotten a raw deal with their dad being so harsh, but I wasn’t sure their mom had done Ryan much
of a favor either. She was too easy on him. He’d grown up getting everything he asked for, and from where I stood, he didn’t seem to have much of an appreciation for anything.

The girls started filing into the living room
, drawing all our attention with their moans and yawns. They all looked less than happy. Lila climbed onto Dean’s lap, shooting Jessica a foul look as she passed. Jesus, bitch much? I glanced at Dean but he didn’t seem to have noticed. Then again, he never fucking did.

Amy went to sit by
Ryan’s feet, leaning against his legs. Huh. Looked like someone else got it on last night as well. It didn’t really surprise me though. Ryan had been bragging he was going to get her for the last week.

“It’s a fucking pity Josh couldn’t make it,” Ryan said, yawning.

I nodded in agreement. Josh had been part of our group of friends since first grade, leaving halfway through our freshman year to go live in LA when he landed a starring role in a Disney movie. Since then, he’d grown massively in popularity and was now one of the most sort after actors in his age bracket. The transition from child actor to respected adult actor hadn’t been without its struggles, but he’d finally done it. He was now a big household name.

But fame hadn’t turned him like we thought it would. He’d never forgotten his roots. Every chance he got, he came back to hang out with his friends. It meant a lot.

“Yeah. He was hoping he’d get a break from the junkets so he could make it, but unfortunately, it didn’t work out that way,” I said.

“It’s probably a good thing he didn’t make it,” Matt said dryly. “None of us would’ve even remotely had a chance with the girls otherwise.”

Corey laughed. “Yeah, you missed the best fucking night, dude,” he said, eyeing me smugly.

looked at him, trying to place a disappointed expression on my face while inside, I knew damned well my night was way fucking better than his. “Shut the fuck up.”

Dean laughed. “At least
Mark’s truck is safe. I was shitting my pants that it got crushed by the avalanche.”

“Good to know you were more worried about
the truck than me,” I said with a mock scowl.

Dean shook his head, but he was still laughing.
I laughed too. I knew that’s not what he meant. As band mates, we cared about one another more than we’d ever admit. We were like brothers. All of us. Aiden was the only one who hadn’t grown up with us, but when he arrived at the beginning of our freshman year, we knew he belonged.

decided within a few months of Aiden’s arrival to start a band, each choosing an instrument and begging our parents to get us lessons. None of us argued when Matt called dibs on the drums. He was always banging away on some shit. The rest of us took guitar.

Everyone wanted it, but I was the only one who
it, and I took to my lessons like my life depended on it. I guess in a way, it did. At that stage of my life, I was a very angry fourteen year old, pissed off at the world, and wanted everyone to know it. It took my now stepdad, Mark, to convince me that the best revenge was success, and I was happy to say I was almost there.

“Oh my god. I’m so tired,”
Amy groaned, bringing me back to the present.

I looked over
at her and watched her press her cheek against Ryan’s leg. My shit stirring meter sprang to life.

“Really? Why’s that? I had the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time.”

Amy lifted her face to glare at me. “Shut it, Wallace.”

, Jace,” Amber said, sliding down in front of the fire. “You seriously don’t want to go there with seven sleep deprived girls around you.”

“Make that six. I slept like a baby.”

My head snapped up at the sound of Mia’s voice. She was walking out from the bathroom, carrying a box in her arms. When I heard it jingle, I realized it must’ve been all the pieces of broken mirror.

“Don’t make me kill you
, Mia,” Aiden threatened from his prone position. He lifted his head enough to look at her then seeing her struggling with the box, he frowned. “What’s that?”

She looked down at the box. “The mirror fell off the w
all while I was in the bathroom last night.”

Holy shit. Really? Did you get hurt?” he said, immediately concerned.

leaned over to put my coffee cup on the table and nudged Kacey to move off me. “I’ve just got to give Mia a hand,” I mumbled.

“I’ve got it
, Jace,” Mia said lightly.

looked up and met her gaze. She smiled at me like it was just another day. What the fuck?

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