Muse - Fighting Fate #1 (6 page)

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Chapter 8





I was sure if one more body squeezed into Aiden’
s house, it would fucking explode.

I’d never seen that many people at one party before in my life. Even though we
only had music going through the stereo and were keeping it relatively quiet – well, quiet compared to how loud we got when we played live, I was sure some sort of noise restriction was being broken purely from the number of voices that were yelling at one time.

There also had to be some kind of record being set for the vast number of girls that were blatan
tly asking us to fuck them. Lila had already bitch slapped some girl for stepping in. Surprising as it was to me, I was finding all the attention irritating. My mind kept drifting to Mia, knowing she was just down the hall. In bed.

I found if I just stayed in the armchair
in the corner of the living room and spread myself out a bit, it made it just that little bit too difficult for chicks to cling to me. Dean and Lila occupied one of the lounges next to me, and Ryan and Amy were in another. The rest were hanger-on-ers.

I didn’t even have to move. Whenever I wanted another beer, some girl would run off and grab me one. At least they were useful for something.

It was just after midnight when I couldn’t put off going to the bathroom any longer, and even that was a fucking drama because some chick wanted to ‘assist’ me while I was in there. I took the opportunity to use the bathroom down the other end of the house, using the key Aiden had given me to get through the locked door that separated it from the party.

I did my business and washed up, taking a few minutes to collect myself before I had to face it all again. It wasn’t until I was heading back down the hall and saw Mia’s bedroom door that I was reminded again that she was

Before I could use the fucking brain located in my big head,
I suddenly found myself knocking on the door. What the fuck?

The door opened a crack and Mia’s face appeared. “Jace? What are you doing?”

“Can I come in?” I didn’t know why I was asking. What the fuck was I going to do once I was inside? All I knew was that I’d rather be here with her than out there with them.

She didn’t question my
presence again. She just opened the door wider and stepped back. I moved into her room and closed the door behind me, locking it for good measure. She watched me, wide eyed, before deciding to move back to her bed.

It wasn’t until she was climbing onto the mattress that I realized what she had on.
She was wearing a skimpy little pair of boy leg shorts that exposed half of her perfect little ass cheeks, and a tight little tank top that showed off her midriff as well as the soft swell of her breasts. My dick instantly hardened.

Needless to say, I followed her.

“You’re missing your party,” she said quietly.

“Party’s fucked,” I grumbled.

Her lips curled up into a slight grin. “Are you drunk, Mr. Wallace?”

I smirked at her question
. She shifted on the bed, making herself more comfortable. My eyes drifted down to her cleavage. Fuck she was hot.

“Why is it so bad?”

Her voice was all soft and seductive, and it turned me the fuck on. “Maybe because the one person I wanted to see there, wasn’t.” Fuck. Did I just say that out loud?

Her head cocked to the side a little and she bit her lip.
The bright blue of her eyes seemed to ignite with heat, and she started to slowly lean forward. “And who might that be?”

Yeah, I was too drunk to play games. I closed the distance
between us and covered her mouth with mine. She instantly opened for me and I slid my tongue inside, tangling it with hers. She tasted like honey and mint, and everything else I considered a fucking turn on.

Pushing her back, I crawled over her body until she was lying back on the pillow with her sexy tangle of curls spread out around her. I nudged her legs open with my thigh, settling my hips between them and pressing my now throbbing dick against her heat. She moaned into my mouth and I swear I got even harder.

Her hands clawed at my shirt, trying to pry it upwards. I managed to reach one hand over my shoulder and dragged it over my head before tossing it across the room and reclaiming her mouth with my own.

The feel of her hands moving over my back sent some weird little pulse right through my body. It felt fucking amazing, and I wanted more. I slid my hand under the hem of her top, edging it upwards. I needed to feel her skin against mine. She broke the kiss, gasping, panting. I kept my mouth hovering over hers as she did it, wanting to catch every little one. Fuck I loved those breathy little noises she made.

I shoved at her top and she arched her body so I could take it off. Slipping it over her head, I flung it across the room near mine and started kissing my way down her body. She trembled under my touch, her chest rising and falling with her excitement. I tasted every inch of skin I could get to.

“Jace…” she breathed.

With my forearms resting either side of her hips, I took another lick at her belly button and looked up. The breath stuck in my chest. Her head was thrown back, exposing the very edible column of her neck, and her hands were clasped tightly in the sheets. It was the sexiest fucking thing I’d ever seen.

“God! Don’t stop,” she moaned.

Yeah, there was no fucking way I was stopping. I hooked my fingers under the sides of her panties and slowly dragged them down her legs. When they joined her top on the floor, I ran my hands up the insides of her thighs, stopping when my thumbs were just shy of her pussy, and rubbed soft, slow circles on her skin.

She gasped and started making those adorable little panting noises again
, making me feel like I was some sort of fucking god. I replaced my thumbs with my tongue and slowly teased around the needy little spot I knew she wanted me to be.

“Oh god! Jace!”

“What do you need, baby? Tell me.”

Her breath was heavy, her gorgeous breasts rising and falling with each gasp. “You. I need you.”

I was getting a kick out of this teasing thing. Seeing her so out of control was like some type of power trip. “What do you need me to do?” I licked up the inside of her thigh again.

“I need you inside me. Please,” she begged.

The way her words came out so desperate and pleading almost made me come in my pants. Holy fuck. I didn’t think I’d been so fucking aroused in all my life. I pushed off the bed and ripped my jeans off, grabbing the condom I’d stowed inside the back pocket before dropping them on the floor. She watched me as I tore open the packet and prepared to roll it on.

“Can I do it?” she asked suddenly, sitting up.

I wasn’t sure I could handle having her hands on my dick right now, but if she wanted to try, I wanted to let her. I swallowed hard and nodded.

She took it out of my hand and carefully placed it on the end of my dick. It twitched with excitement, and she look
ed up at me with uncertainty, biting her lip. I couldn’t do anything. I was holding my breath, trying to calm the fuck down.

Her gaze went back to what she was doing, and she slowly started rolling it on
. She got it about half way before looking up again. “Is this right?”

I growled. “Yes, but if you don’t hurry up, I’m going to come right here and now. You’re fucking torturing me right now.”

Her expression instantly turned to concern. “Oh. I’m sorry.”

That was it. I couldn’t take any more. I pushed her back, rolled the condom on the rest of the way and sank between her legs. I took her mouth hard, tasting her and devouring her with a need I couldn’t explain. Reaching down between her legs, I pressed a finger inside her. I needed to make sure she was ready.

“Fuck,” I groaned against her mouth. “You’re so fucking wet.”

She panted again, and I swallowed every one of them. I pressed another finger inside and slowly moved them in and out, spreading her arousal so she would be ready for me.

“Jace, please…”

“I know
, baby. I’m just making sure you’re ready.” Grabbing hold of my dick, I rubbed it against her opening, lubricating it as much as I could, then carefully, I pushed inside her.

She remained still beneath me as I pushed all the way in, and when
I was balls deep, I stilled with her, fighting to catch my breath. Her hands clung to me, holding me hard against her as she too gasped for air. And then we began to move.

I tried to go slow at first, making sure I was pushing against her needy little spot as I went, but then she dug her heels into the bed and thrust hard against me, urging me to go faster. “Fuck
, baby. Are you close, because I don’t think I can last too much longer.” Fucking alcohol.

She started panting faster, a slight moan escaping her lips. I pushed harder against her, grinding myself against her pubic bone, and then she was crying out my name. “Jace!”

Her pussy started contracting around me and I was done. “Fuck! Mia!” I growled, pushing inside her twice more before I was exploding hard.

Fuck me.
So much for that one nighter.

Chapter 9





The party didn’t finish up until after three o’clock in the morning. I’d lain there listening to all the screaming and yelling for two hours after I made Jace leave my room. Not that I would’ve gotten much sleep anyway after what’d happened between us.

I was still a little shocked at how brazen I seemed to
have become when he and I were alone. It was like he drew this whole other side of me out that no one knew existed – me included.

Rolling over, I looked at the clock, which read: 9:47, and wondered why the hell I was awake. A soft knock sounded on the door, and I realized t
hat must’ve been what woke me.

“Yeah?” I called out, my voice a little crokey.

“It’s Jace. Can I come in?”

He was trying to whisper, so I could only just hear him. My heart immediately started its usual disco beat when in Jace’s presence. I pulled the sheet up over my boobs, realizing I was still naked from last night’s interaction with him.

“Yeah, sure.”

The door cracked open and Jace slipped inside, quickly closing it and locking it after him. My breath caught when I saw he was just wearing his boxers and a shirt. I watched him move hesitantly towards the bed.
Damn, he was a fine specimen.

His eyes skimmed over my naked shoulders before he met mine. “Do you mind if I sit?” he said, indicating towards the end of my bed.

I shook my head. “Sure.”

He lowered himself down, hooking one leg underneath him so he was facing me. “I wanted to apologize for last night,” he began.

My heart sank. I didn’t want him to regret it. If he didn’t want to do it again, that was fine, but regret doing it completely? That was like a knife to my heart.

There must’ve been something in my expression because his eyes widened a little and he immediately started back-tracking. “I mean, I’m not sorry it happened, I just wanted you to know that wasn’t the reason I came to your room. I just didn’t want you to think I only came to have sex with you.”

He was flustered, and it was cute. He really was worried I thought he was using me. I narrowed my eyes playfully and cocked my head to the side. “Do you remember anything from last night?”

His expression turned sheepish.
Damn I loved that expression. “I remember the gist of it,” he said quietly.

“Well, you don’t have to worry. I was kind of the one who initiated it.”

He watched me as my words sunk in. “
initiated it?”

I nodded, clutching the sheet against me.

He looked a little shocked to say the least. “Uh…Okaaaay.” His eyes narrowed questioningly. “Can I ask why? I mean, I know I don’t really know you that well, but I’m pretty sure you’re not normally like this. I mean…you were a virgin in Aspen, right?”

I bit my lip. I wasn’t comfortable with this kind of conversation, but I knew it w
as one we needed to have. After the night before, I kind of had an idea, and I wanted to find out if he’d go for it or not. I nodded, wringing my hands in the sheets. “Yeah, I was. It’s just…I don’t know. I like the way you make me feel, and I know you don’t do relationships so…”

He frowned, looking even more confused than ever. “So…?”

“I can’t do relationships either, so I thought…maybe…we could like…hook up sometimes…” I almost groaned out loud. Oh my god. Hook up? That sounded so much better inside my head.

He stared at me like I had two heads. “Wait, wait, wait…” He rubbed his hands over his face. “Let me get this straight. Are you asking me if I want to have a no strings attached relationship with you?”

That sounded awful, didn’t it? He probably thought I’d turned into some sort of slut now. I gave him a tiny shrug.

“Like a fuck buddy?” he asked, slightly incredulous.

I groaned and pulled the sheet up to cover my face.

He tugged it down again. “I’m not judging you
, Mia. I’m just trying to understand, and somehow fit you and the concept of fuck buddy into the same category. I’m just having a hard time with it. Give me a second to process.”

I looked at him meekly. “It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to. I won’t be offended. I know I’m not very experienced, and I’m probably not very good. I just-”

“Shoosh,” he barked out harshly. “I’m thinking.”

I snapped my mouth shut, watching him wearily.

“I’m sorry. I need to get this straight. Why don’t you want a relationship?”

There was no way I was going to lay it out for him
. Shrugging, I said, “I can’t do crowds.” He nodded, knowing this already from our trip to Aspen. But I also knew everyone just assumed it was shyness. I shrugged again. “Relationships and crowds kind of go together.” Lame, lame, lame.

He frowned. “Not necessarily.”

“And the thought of people staring at me makes me nervous.”

still look confused, but he seemed to accept my lame ass answer. At least a little. “So you thought a no strings attached set up would work for you?”

God, this was so n
ot going as I thought it would. “Not really. It wasn’t until last night that I thought maybe it was something that might work. I mean, I like you, and I trust you, and I know you’re not about to go telling everyone we’ve been together, so…”

“What makes you think I won’t tell anyone?”

I gave him a pointed look. “Yeah, I can see you telling Aiden we’ve been sleeping together.”

He smirked. “I’m not afraid of Aiden.”

I shifted onto my knees on the bed like I was about to get up. “I’ll just go tell him now then, shall I?”

He held his hand up to stop me and glared. “Yeah, you’re not getting up right now. And no, it’s not because I’m worried about you telling Aiden. It’s because I know you’re naked under that sheet and if you take it off right now, I can’t promise you I’ll sit here like a good little boy and behave myself.”

Clutching the sheet to my chest, I froze. The idea of him not behaving himself with me sounded really good. I knew the confidence I’d had the night before had everything to do with the fact that he’d been drunk. Could I do it now, with him fully aware of everything I was doing?

Slowly, I dropped my arms to my sides, releasing the sheet and letting it fall around my knees. Jace’s eyes widened and I heard his breath catch. I didn’t move any further than that. I just knelt there, my legs parted and my hair falling wildly over my boobs.

I watched his eyes hungrily devour every inch of me, making that intense warmth spread like fire between my legs. Next thing I knew, Jace lunged at me, taking hold of my face, threading his fingers in my hair, and plunging his tongue deep inside my mouth.

“You have no idea how fucking
hot you are, Mia. Every fucking part of you.” His hand moved down to cup my ass, pulling me hard against him so I could feel his erection against my stomach. “I love knowing I’m the only one that’s touched you – the only one that’s been inside you.”

I groaned, clutching at his
shirt and pulling it up over his head. He pushed me so I fell back on the bed and began running kisses down my neck, over my collarbone, until he reached my boob and sucked my nipple into his mouth. I grabbed at his hair and pulled it hard, a choking kind of sound escaping my lips.

His hand slid over my stomach and cupp
ed between my legs, a finger moving over my clit to sink inside me. “So wet for me,” he whispered. His hand disappeared and I felt him fumbling with his boxers, releasing himself. “Fuck.”

His body went still and he lowered his head to my chest, breathing hard. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t have a condom.”


“Wait!” I wriggled out from underneath him and rummaged through my bedside draw, finding what I was looking for, stashed at the back, under a book. I handed him the condom with excitement. The look he gave me was almost humorous. “Sex ed,” I said, answering his silent question.

He ripped the packet open and quickly rolled it on. “Thank you
, Mr. Roberts.”

If I didn’t need him so badly I would’ve laughed. All I knew was that I had an ache
in my belly that only Jace could fix. When he positioned himself between my legs again, I didn’t wait. I grabbed hold of his ass and I pulled him into me. Hard.


Jace’s growl made me wild. I hooked my legs around his hips and dug my heels into his ass, grinding my hips against his.

, Mia-”

I was so close. I clenched my muscles harder, needing to reach my release. I was frantic with it. And then
suddenly, I was there. “Oh shit.” I dug my fingers into his back and held on for dear life as my orgasm ripped through me. It was like a freaking tornado.

Jace breathed hard against my ear then groaned, his body going rigid against mine. Slowly, I released my death grip on him and my body started to relax. Jace dropped his forehead to my shoulder and exhaled. “Fuck
, Mia. You’re going to be the death of me.”

My head was a whirl of emotions and I was seriously mute. He
lifted his head to look at me before pulling out.

“Holy shit that was quick.” I think I was in shock.

Jace cringed a little. “Yeah, sorry about that.”

My eyes widened. “I wasn’t complaining. I’m just surprised. I didn’t think I could climax so quickly.”

A cocky little smirk appeared on his lips.

“Yeah, yeah. We both know you’re good…”

“You think I’m good?” He wasn’t even bothering to try and hide his grin now.

“Well, with everything I’ve heard, most girls don’t orgasm their first time, so the fact that I had two
my first time makes me think you’re maybe a little bit good.”

He laughed. “Is that true? That most girls don’t come their first time?”

I shrugged. “I overheard a couple of girls talking about it in the bathroom once, and one was telling her not to worry, that it gets better.”

Jace laughed a full belly laugh then. “That can be my line to you. Don’t worry, it gets better.”

I widened my eyes dramatically. “It gets better than that? Hopefully I’ll be able to keep up with you.”

It was out my mouth before I knew what I was saying. Damn it. He hadn’t even said he wanted to do what I suggested
. What was I thinking?

ut then again, he did just say it gets better. Was that just a joke, or was he saying there would be more times? The fact that we just had sex had to be some kind of unspoken agreement to my proposal didn’t it?

He must’ve caught something in my expression because he pulled back and went about taking care of the condom. When he’d finished disposing of it, he put his boxers back on and came to sit beside me.
“I guess we should talk about where we’re heading with this.”

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