Music of the Heart (6 page)

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Authors: Harper Brooks

BOOK: Music of the Heart
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              “Preston, I want you to meet Ashleigh.  Ashleigh, this is my husband, Preston.  Honey, don’t you think she would be perfect for Cross?”


              I just laugh as I go to hold out my hand for him.  Instead I am greeted with a big bear hug.


              “No handshakes here.  You get a hug.  I have heard nothing but praises about you from everyone.  Thank you so much for helping out with the benefit.  Elizabeth has not stopped talking about you.”


              “Oh goodness, y’all are too sweet to me.  I don’t deserve all of this praise.  I love helping the girls out and am looking forward to singing tonight as well.”


              As we finish up a quick lunch, everyone begins to head back to work.  We don’t have much time before we have to leave to go get ready.               


“Dixon, have you talked to Cross lately?  I tried calling him yesterday and this morning but he never answered.  I thought he may come and help today.”


“Well, Elizabeth, he’s been out of town.”


“Out of town?  Where did he go?  He better be back here for the benefit tonight.”


“Don’t worry, he’s supposed to be back in time.  He had to go to Dubai for a big account but promised us he had it worked out to be here.”


“Dubai!  Oh my Lord, what if his plane was delayed.  It’s not like that is anywhere near us and he can drive home.  I swear Preston, if he doesn’t make it tonight, I may disown him.”


Everyone assures Elizabeth he will be here and it will all work out tonight.  Three o’clock quickly gets here and we all hurry to the Hamilton’s house to be made up and get ready. 






              It’s 1:00 in the afternoon and I finally wake up.  I think I slept for like 15 hours which was well needed after all the crazy time changes I have been through.  I go straight for some coffee and a shower.  I am pretty sure my mom is not going to be happy at me for not helping set up today but I just could not make myself get up early.  After I shower, I catch up on e-mails and make a few phone calls.  Before I know it, it is already 4:30 and I have to be ready to meet the guys by 6:00. 


              My phone rings and I see it is Dixon. 


“Man, please tell me you made it home.  Your mom found out where you’ve been and all she can think is that you haven’t made it back from Dubai since you haven’t been answering your phone.”


“Sorry man.  I just woke up at 1:00 and saw all the missed calls.  No worries though.  I am home and about to get ready to meet up with y’all.”


“Sounds good. I’m headed home to get ready myself.  See you soon.”


During one of my layovers yesterday, I realized I still didn’t have a date for the benefit.  In my haze of figuring out my life, I decided to go against my mom and not ask anyone.  She won’t be thrilled that I am dateless but she will get over it soon enough.


I start to get ready and have to admit, I look good in a tuxedo.  I add my pink tie and handkerchief in my pocket and I am all set.  The guys all decided it would be a fun surprise to show my mom we were all wearing pink socks as well. 


I grab my keys around 5:40 and head to Dixon’s house.  We’re all meeting there and then heading to get my dad and Dixon’s dad.  The girls are all arriving together as well. 


We have a limo for the night so we all partake in a cocktail before we leave.  I usually don’t care for these types of events but I am actually excited about tonight and for my mom.  Being a breast cancer survivor herself, I’m proud of her each year when she plans this event.


“Boys, everyone is looking nice tonight.  Of course, you are nothing in comparison to the way the ladies all look.  Stunning is all I can say.  Who knows son, maybe someone will catch your eye tonight.”


And here we go.  I am sure there will be many single ladies at the benefit and my match making scheming family and friends will try their hardest to make a love connection.


“Cut it out dad.  I’m going to this benefit for mom, not to find a wife.”


We head outside to the waiting limousine and make our way to the benefit.  As we’re driving down the road, I can’t help but look out the window and wonder what if I did meet someone special tonight.  Would that really be so bad?





Chapter Six





              No matter how many stages I’ve been on or how many red carpets I have walked, I still get nervous before I do any of it.  Mason just texted Merritt to let us know the guys were already there and waiting on the pink carpet for everyone.  We have just pulled up ourselves and everyone is busy reapplying lipstick after our drinks in the limo.  The girls have decided to let me be the last one out because they think I will cause a little more excitement being a celebrity.


              The minute I step out of the car, I paste on my big celebrity smile but instantly am overcome with a strange sensation.  I can’t figure it out either.  I begin to walk the pink carpet amidst numerous flashes going off and fans lining the streets and I just feel like I am being watched.  The hairs on the back of my neck feel like they are standing on end and I can’t shake this weird feeling.


              I make it to the end of the carpet and Merritt looks at me and immediately asks me what is wrong.  I tell her nothing and we continue to walk inside. 


              We all head straight to the bar for our first of many cocktails.  I know I need to pace myself since I have to sing later in the evening.  As I am waiting for my drink, Elizabeth quickly grabs my hand and tells me she wants me to meet someone special. 


              “Ashleigh, I want you to meet my son, Cross Hamilton.  Cross, this is Ashleigh Kennedy.”


              I look up and come face to face with what has to be the most stunning man I have ever seen.  Can you even call a man stunning because this one is.  He’s got dark brown hair that is styled like he just woke up and ran his hands through it.  Messy but oh so sexy.  And his eyes – piercing sky blue eyes.  The minute our eyes meet, I am overcome with the same feelings I had when I got out of the limousine.  He held out his hand for me and the moment our hands meet, I feel a jolt of electricity like never before.  He had to have felt that too and by the look in his eyes, I know he did.






              The minute my mom goes to introduce me to someone, I instantly recognize her from the pink carpet.  I could not stop staring at her when she got out of her limo.  How could you not look at her?  She’s a stunner – long dark brown hair with golden highlights and her eyes – they look blue but they also look green.  She’ s wearing this strapless, long pink dress and it literally makes her look like an angel.  The crowd went crazy too and the cameras were taking tons of pictures when she arrived.  She looks so familiar to me but I can’t place where I know her from.  I am pretty sure if I had met her before, I would remember. 


              I held my hand out to shake hers and a jolt of electricity went through me.  Surely, she felt the same thing.  She looked up at me like a deer caught in headlights and I knew then, she had felt it too.


              “It’s very nice to meet you, Ashleigh.  How do you know everyone?”


              Merritt quickly jumped in letting me know she was her best friend.


              “No one can figure out how y’all have never met before.  We’ve been best friends since our freshman year at Auburn.  She came home with me all the time.  I’m sure with both of your work schedules, your paths have just never crossed.”


              “It sounds like you stay busy with work.  What is it you do?”


              My friends and family actually snicker and start laughing at me.  I’m trying to figure out why.  They act like I am supposed to know her.


              “Oh, I’m a singer.”


              “Ashleigh, seriously?  You’re not just a singer.  She is a country music super star.  Do you live under a rock, Cross?  Her music is with JMA Music Group.  She’s famous, you dumb ass.  How do you not know this?”


              When Merritt finally shuts up, it hits me that this is the girl from the poster in Nashville.  It’s her face I saw in the hall of JMA Music Group.  That’s why she looks so familiar to me.  I thought she was pretty then but she is absolutely stunning in person. 


              As the girls start to talk amongst themselves, Dixon and Reed walk up to me.  Dixon starts to talk.


“She’s also the girl I told you about in your office the other day.  You still think the picture I painted of her is an ugly one?”


With that one question, Dixon walks away to find Ava and I’m left here trying to figure out what the hell is going on.







Chapter Seven




              I’m really not sure what just happened.  I’ve never had such a strong feeling around someone I don’t know before.  Elizabeth has now whisked me away to introduce me to several of her good friends and contributors to the benefit.  Occasionally, I steal a glance at Cross and every single time he is looking at me as well.


              Merritt’s mom, Victoria, joins us with the introductions and after about thirty minutes of it, I am ready to go back to my friends.  I look around for one of my friends but when I see them, they are deep in a conversation with someone.  I need someone to rescue me!


              “Mom, Victoria, I’m going to steal Ashleigh away if you don’t mind.  There are some friends Merritt wants to introduce her to.  Plus, it’s getting close to dinner time.”


              “Oh honey, y’all go on.  Sorry we’ve been keeping you with us Ashleigh. Just wanted to show you off.  Y’all go mingle until it’s time to eat.”


              With that, I give Elizabeth and Victoria both a quick hug and then turn to walk away.  It’s at that moment that I feel Cross’s hand practically burning into the small of my back.  He’s placed his hand there to guide me through the crowd and I almost can’t handle it.


              “Um, thank you for rescuing me.  I love them both but I think they would have continued introducing me to people all night if I would have let them.”


              “No problem.  I thought you might be getting tired of all those boring introductions.  I know I hate when my mom does that to me.”


              We continue walking in silence over to our friends.  Merritt turns to see me and I must have a strange look on my face because she pulls me to the side away from everyone.


              “Hey, you okay?  You don’t look so well.”


              “I’m fine Merritt.  Just a little tired of meeting people tonight.  Your mom and Elizabeth kept me out there for quite a while.  I couldn’t tell you a single person I met.  Plus, I am starving.  I hope it’s time to eat soon.”


              As I am talking to Merritt, two arms come around and squeeze me in a big bear hug from behind me.  I yell out in surprise and turn around when I am set down. 


              “Keith, I didn’t know you would be here.  Oh my goodness, I have missed you so much.”


              I give him a big kiss on his cheek and another big hug.  Keith Rivers is a football player for the Georgia Falcons.  He’s a few years older than me but one of the first new friends I made when I moved here.  We tried dating but quickly learned we were better off as friends.  Now, he’s like a big brother to me. 


              “I’ve missed you too baby girl.  The invitation to come tonight was extended to all the Falcons and Americans players.  There’s a bunch of us here.  I know the other guys would love to see you too.”


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