My Arrogant Stepbrother 1 (2 page)

BOOK: My Arrogant Stepbrother 1
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Chapter 3

“What do you mean you’ve never done it before?”

Emma wasn’t sure how, but they have ended discussing body shots and the fact that Emma had never done them.  She scowled as Ross’ voice rose and tried to ignore the colour that once again rose on her face.  She refused to answer him, but it became obvious that Ross wasn’t going to let it slide.

“I guess, I never had the opportunity,” she shrugged in response, turning her attention to the window and hoping that he will leave it at that.

“Emma.” Ross’ tone was exasperated and more than a little amused. “This just cannot go like this, little sister.”

“It’s not such a big a deal!” Emmasmiled, watching him through half-closed lids. “And anyway, it’s just body shots, not something as important as sex.”

Judging by Ross’ expression, he didn’t find Emma’s remark reassuring. “It is a rite of passage.” He said solemnly.  “Are you listening to me?”

“Honestly?” she asked, feeling relaxed from the effects of the alcohol, “I’m not.”

“Okay, then, we are doing them right now...”  Ross stood up from his position at the foot of the bed and went to the small bar to take a bottle of tequila and one glass.  Then he easily found the salt and the slices of lemon in the fridge.

It took Emma some time to realize what was going on, but when she did, she wasn’t happy with it.  “Oh, no,” she cried.  “I’m not doing that, not with you.”

“Come on, little sister,” Ross flashed his perfect teeth and waved the bottle in her face.  “I have to help you, before someone finds out that you are related to me.”

“Is that all you care about?” Emma muttered, trying to win over the alcohol fog in her brain.  “Fine then, I will do the shots.”

She was feeling confused, disoriented and a bit scared, and it wasn’t just because of the alcohol in her system.  A lot of it could be attributed to the unwanted thoughts of having sex with Ross.  The man remained silent for a moment, looking surprised by her abrupt change of mind.

“I still don’t get, why we are doing this?”  She asked.

“Do you have something better to do tonight?” Ross continued.  “Body shots are all about having fun and getting drunk.  And I think that you really need to try both.”

Emma stiffened when Ross approached, slinging his arm around her slender shoulders and leading her back to the bed.  She tried desperately to ignore the heat emanating from the body pressed up against her.  She hated herself for feeling this way, but mostly she hated Ross, who chose that very moment to remove his jacket and shirt and throw them over the nearby chair.

“What are you doing?” She demanded.

“It’s hot and this shirt is not designed for what comes next.”  He grabbed the glass and filled it with tequila, before giving it to Emma, who nearly cried when a piece of lime was put between her lips.  “What?” Ross smiled at her angry glare.  “We have to do it right.”

And then, she could only watch as Ross leaned towards her, put his hands on her hips and licked at her exposed neck.  The first touch of his tongue against her heated skin made Emma jerk, but Ross squeezed his fingers and kept her in place.

“Calm down,” Ross murmured, meeting her wild eyes and holding her gaze.  The man sprinkled salt over the place he had just licked and bent down to lick it away.

Ross’ voice was deep and husky, something Emma had never heard before.  She wanted to tell him to stop, but at the same time she wasn’t able to look away from his lips, when he took the glass of tequila from her shaking hand and drank it with an easy movement of his hand.  Then Ross sucked the slice of lime right between her lips...

The moment their lips touched for a brief second, Emma felt the old tingle deep down in her stomach.  Her whole body trembled with pleasure and she could feel the heat burning her skin.  Ross didn’t seem to notice, or maybe he simply didn’t mind at all.  He continued to chew on the piece of lime, while examining her carefully.  After what seemed like ages to Emma, he held up the second slice of fruit, offering it to her.  Emma almost took it, but then she changed her mind and reached for the tequila.

Ross’ eyes became darker and a shiver went down her spine, when he nodded sharply.  Emma could hear him breathing heavily, as she slipped the lime into his mouth.  His tongue shot out and curled around her slender fingers, keeping them there for a moment longer.

Both were aware that the situation was getting out of control, but neither of them really cared.  Emma blamed the alcohol for her actions, when she took the salt shaker and went to lick at Ross’ neck.  Her eyes closed the moment she tasted his hot flesh.  Ross let out a soft moan and tilted his head at the side, so that she could have better access.

Emma’s tongue lingered on the spot longer than what was necessary, while Ross’ fingers pressed harder into her hips.  She sprinkled the salt and went back to lick it away.  Next she drank the tequila, coughing on the way it burned her throat.  Her stepbrother’s eyes followed the movement, his pupils dark and dangerous.  Emma was quick to take the fruit out of his mouth, making sure not to touch him.

“I think, I got it now,” she said, successfully hiding her smile, when a look of frustration crossed Ross’ face.  She started to stand up from the bed, but Ross was quick to take hold of her wrist.

“I think that you need a bit more practice,” Ross said slowly, his voice full of hidden meanings.  Before Emma could react, Ross sprawled her out on the bed and straddled her knees.  Ross used his free hand to tug down her dress on the shoulder, until he revealed more of her milky white skin.

Emma watched him holding the salt shaker like a weapon and smiling wickedly down at her.  She could see that something had drastically changed in his behaviour, as he had forgotten about the teasing from before.  She felt the panic rising and put her hands on his tights, still unsure what to do next.“Ross?” She asked.

But his hands were busy working the small buttons of her dress open until he revealed the gentle curve of her hip.  Emma nearly shot up from the bed, when Ross pressed his lips against her hot skin.  “Ross...” she shouted.

But he just looked up long enough to see the colour painting her cheeks and smile at her.  The salt covered the wet line on her hip and Ross lowered his head again.  The feeling was intoxicating and Emma’s fingers blindly searched for something to hold.  Ross’ silky stands looked like the best idea at the moment and she buried her fingers in them.  The man responded by licking more aggressively at the tender spot, sending beams of light all over her body.

The body shots were long forgotten by this point, as desperation took over.  Emma’s head had fallen back against the cushions, while Ross crawled up the bed, over her body, humping slowly against her thigh.  His hands snaked under her dress and moved up, taking the soft piece of clothing with them.  Slowly the dress was discharged and Emma was lying under him in just her underwear.

Chapter 4

There were so many thoughts in Emma’s mind that she was going crazy, but the feeling of his lips on her skin was making it difficult for her to remember that Ross was her stepbrother.  Were they going mad, she wondered?

“No,” Ross laughed.  “We are just horny and a little drunk.”  Emma suddenly realized that she had spoken her concerns out loud, “Stop worrying so much, Emma.  Enjoy yourself for once.  You can worry all you want tomorrow.”

That must have been the worst bit of advice ever given to her, but his hot mouth was making it difficult, if not impossible to come with a witty answer.  And right now, she couldn’t think of anything else, except of Ross sliding down her body and dragging down her underwear.

Her mouth fell open the very moment Ross’ hot and wet mouth closed over her most precious place.  Her low moans filled the quiet room, as her fingers took hold of the sheets and her whole body adopted the rhythm set by Ross’ tongue.

It was wrong, but it was also so good that she had no power to say no to him.  To make everything worse, Ross was accompanying his ministration with soft words and gentle movements of his hands.  “That is... let me now... come on, baby...”

His hands explored her body, finding sensitive places Emma knew nothing about.  He expertly removed her bra and massaged her breasts until her nipples became hard and dark red in colour.  He ventured then over her tights and up her bottom, massaging her cheeks and sending mixed signals to her brain.  During all that, his tongue explored every curve and fold of her core, adding gentle sucking to the equation.

And then, just when she was almost there and ready to come, his mouth disappeared and Emma’s eyes opened to stare dazedly at the man, whose face appeared right in front of hers.  She sucked in a sharp breath, when he lowered his head and kissed her.  His mouth and tongue explored her lips carefully, and with a well restrained passion.  She could feel him moving on the bed, removing his pants and underwear and finding a condom in the process.

Ross’ intent was evident, but there was nothing that could make Emma stop him now.  “We are drunk...” she tried anyway.

“I’m not...” Ross whispered against her lips.  Emma thought about his words and admitted to herself that she wasn’t really that drunk, either.

She felt his hand reaching down between his legs and positioning his erection in the right way.  Emma’s lids felt heavy and she closed her eyes, when Ross moved forwards an inch at the time.



They yelled at the same time, once Ross was fully embedded inside her.  Any capability to form any actual thought or word had left Emma, as she stared up at Ross, whose mouth was open in a soundless gasp.

The man shifted around on top of her, finding the angle that suited both of them and started to move slowly. The smile that so often had appeared on Ross’ lips during this eventful night had disappeared.  Now, his feature revealed the same desperation, Emma was feeling.

Her nails were raking up and down the skin of his back, while Ross moved faster.  They were both breathless and lost in the perfect rhythm of their bodies.  It all felt too much and not enough all at the same time.  Emma wanted to draw it out as long as she could, but she could already feel the orgasm building deep inside her.

She opened her eyes just in time to see Ross arching his back and chasing his own orgasm with a desperation that matched her own.  Emma couldn’t fight it anymore and came in a blinding explosion that shook her body to its very core.

When she regained a few of her senses, her eyes immediately fell on Ross.  Her stepbrother had his eyes closed and his cheeks flushed, as he rode his own orgasm.  His body relaxed over her and Emma listened to his breathing going back to normal.

“Don’t you think it is for the best to stop thinking so hard?” Ross spoke against her skin.  “There is tomorrow for that kind of things.”

Emma kind of nodded, all the while knowing that the morning won’t bring any sort of answers to the questions that bothered her right now.  Coming to terms with what happened will be a long process, although, most likely they will never speak of it again.  Ross was known for his one night stands, and Emma has been just one of the many.

“What now?” she asked softly after a while, but the man in her arms was already sleeping.

She almost laughed at her foolishness, which no amount of alcohol or passion could excuse.  Emma slipped carefully from under him and went to the bathroom to clean a little.  Thankfully, she had a pair of jeans and a blouse in her overnight bag, as her dress was probably destroyed.  She dressed quickly, took everything that belonged to her and left the room and the man that was still sleeping in her bed.

The drive to her apartment was long and it took her almost an hour to clear her head and think about what had just happened.  Tears started falling down her face, at the thought of what she allowed to happen.

“It’s not who I am...” she muttered to herself.

Emma was a kindergarten teacher raised to believe in the good in people.  Her whole life she had been fighting against the evil in the world, trying to teach the little children left in her charge that love can overcome everything.

Her few romantic experiences have been with men, who in one way or another thought like her.  They have all come to an end for different reasons, but Emma wanted to believe that they weren’t meant to be together, although there were real feelings between them.

Nothing in her life prepared her for Ross.  It wasn’t about the money or power the man possessed.  Things like that never really mattered to her.  What really troubled Emma was the fact that she had left herself fall to his level.  She had always despised men like him for their way of behaving and disinterest in the rest of the world.

“This will never happen again...”

Chapter 5

The next time Emma met with Ross it was at one of the family dinners, held by her mother.  It has been more than one week since the night they spent together and Ross had never attempted to contact her during that time.

She walked in the garden after helping her mother to clean the table, hoping for some time alone.  Ross had mentioned nothing about them sleeping together during dinner, but his gaze had followed her everywhere.  Her mother had noticed that there was something off with her daughter, but Emma excused herself with some problems at work.

“What are you thinking about?” Ross’ voice interrupted her thoughts.

“Nothing,” she said too quickly.  “I was just going back.”

“Don’t, ” he took her hand and tugged her towards the beautiful gazebo in the middle of the garden.  “They are more than able to entertain each other, you know?”

“What are you doing?”

“We need to talk.”

“There is nothing to talk about,” Emma tried to free her hand, but the man was too strong for her.  “Let me go!”

“Only if you promise that you will listen to what I want to say,” he smiled at her with the same smile, she remembered from the night at the hotel.

She nodded and Ross let her sit down on one of the benches.  He took the seat right next to her and to Emma’s surprise claimed her lips in a searing kiss that warmed her to her toes.

Ross had eyes only for Eva then and she couldn’t ignore the fact that every rush of blood pumping through her veins was now for him and him alone.

Perhaps she felt his eyes boring into her or was it pure intuition, but her eyes lazily raked upward, burning a path in his skin with the heat of her stare.  Finally, her eyes reached his and Ross could see the slight look of fear when she came to the realization that Ross was also tracking her.  She knew he had seen her watching.  There was no point in denying it now.  Just like there was no denying the hunger Ross saw hidden, just behind the fear.

That was the moment, when Emma finally started thinking that perhaps it wasn’t just her.  Maybe Ross was entertaining the same notion, but has been just better at hiding it.  She almost moaned from the unexpected feeling that was filling her heart.  The noise caused Ross’ gaze to move upward, meeting her own again. 

In no time at all she was seated in Ross’ lab, thankful that the long hems of her shirt covered her naked thighs.  He claimed her lips in another heated kiss, while running his hand over her body.  She could feel them roaming over her back and descending lower to her backside.  The kiss was sucking the oxygen out of her lungs, leaving her lightheaded and disoriented.  It was too much and too little, all at once.

Emma kissed him back with all the anger and passion of the last few days, telling him through her lips all the things she didn’t have the courage to say before.  Ross answered her by touching her breast and moving his lips to kiss her cheeks and neck.  His hands lifted her a little and removed the last piece of cloth that was protecting her most private place.

She could feel how hard he was under her, as he had seated Emma with her legs hanging on one side.  She moved slightly, as if adjusting her position and heard him moan into her skin.  With trembling hands, Emma unlatched his belt and opened one by one the buttons of his jeans.  The man gave her the necessary space and watched through half closed eyes her moves.  When Emma hesitated, Ross removed her hands and finished the work himself, tugging at the jeans and at the boxers under them.

His erection sprung free from restriction and Ross gently lifted her body with both of his hands.  He slid in easily and Emma cried in ecstasy at the feeling of him inside her.  She knew what was going to happen, but still, when Ross penetrated her, it came as a surprise for her. 

They kissed again, this time with more passion than before.  Emma was clinging to him as if her life depended on him and Ross was gently lifting her body and lowering it down.  Their rhythm wasn’t perfect, but it was all they needed at the moment.  In the middle of their parents’ garden they were just two people fallen victims to their primal desires.  All the previous problems, fears, questions were forgotten.  All that mattered was their passion and the pleasure that came with it.

Emma shivered when his hand touched the heated skin under her shirt.  She turned her head to the side and kissed the bulging muscles of his arm.  The man was doing all the work, making her feeling precious and used all at once.  Emma kissed his shoulder and gradually moved up to his ear.  She dipped the tip of her tongue inside, licking and biting the tender flesh there, until Ross was shaking with desire.

He increased the rhythm of his strokes, providing just the right amount of friction and bringing Eva close to the end.  She was quickly losing herself in ecstasy, moaning louder for more and holding hard onto him.  Ross smiled at her enthusiasm and buried himself deep inside her.  Emma’s mouth opened in a voiceless scream, her neck arching back in a beautiful bow.

The position wasn’t permitting them to hold onto each other the way they wanted to, and with a frustrated growl, Ross embraced her with both of his hands, moving his lower body from side to side.  The new sensations made Emma pull his head back down with a firm grip on his hair, tilting his head to the side, so that she could kiss him breathless.  The kiss silenced his moans and Emma’s whimpers.

She, however, could tell that he was close by the way the man was trembling and holding onto her.  The waves of pleasure hit her by surprise, just when Ross went all rigid under her and filled her with his seed.  The man leaned forward, resting his forehead against Emma’s left shoulder, as she leaned heavily against his chest.  They were both too lost in their own pleasure to speak.

With time their harsh pants settled to even breaths and Ross once again lifted her body, sliding out of her.  In silence, they cleaned up as much as possible with the few napkins Eva had in her pocket and dressed quickly.  Emma tried to stay with her back turned to him, fighting the urge to run as fast as possible.  Now that her passion has been satisfied, she was able to think again and the fear returned.

Ross watched her, thinking pretty much the same things she was.  But then Eva turned and he saw the fear in her eyes.

Ross took the distance between them in two quick steps and with hands on her shoulders kept her in place.  He then leaned forwards, kissing Emma nice and slow, his body telling her all the unsaid things between them.  When he pulled back, Emma’s eyes were closed and his were filled with promises, he wasn’t ready to make.  Ross put a final kiss on the side of her mouth and smiled sadly at the question in her eyes.

“I think we have established that it would be difficult to keep away from each other.”

“This has to end…”  Emma replied and ran in the direction of the house.

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