Read My Asian Lover (Interracial BWAM Romance Book 1) Online

Authors: J A Fielding,Bwwm Romance Dot Com

My Asian Lover (Interracial BWAM Romance Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: My Asian Lover (Interracial BWAM Romance Book 1)
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“I'm gonna come!” she cried out.

This was met with faster and harder motions from Mike and he growled into her ear, “Come for me.”

It was all she needed to hear as she exploded all over his hand, surprised at the strength of her orgasm. She had never squirted before but she had just come pretty damn close to doing so. She slumped over the counter feeling relatively spent, but Mike had other plans for her. He turned her around to face him so she could watch him lick her wetness off of his fingers. She shivered and licked her lips at the sight. Her panties were still down around her ankles and she had to rely on Mike's body to help steady herself after such an intense orgasm. He kissed her and she could taste herself on his lips. It was to her, for the first time, delicious and she kissed him even harder, biting his lower lip in the hopes of being able to taste even more of herself.

His cock was rock hard and twitching at this point as he looked up and down Taunya's perfect body. Her dark brown skin was glowing and the sweat that had beaded along her chest looked nearly delectable to Mike's unquenchable thirst. He ran his hands down the sides of her curved waistline and pulled her close to him. He licked and nibbled at her earlobe and she squealed at the ticklish sensation. It had always been a secret sensitive spot of hers, but Mike had managed to reveal it in no time. He trailed kisses down her neck and licked and sucked at her radiant skin until she thought she might just come again. She pushed a braid behind her ear and leaned her head back, experiencing the pleasure of his kisses. She contemplated pulling her panties up to at least help herself balance somewhat better but was paralyzed by his firm command of her body. He continued kissing her neck and shoulders and she melted into him. She looked at the file folder full of papers that were now scattered all over the floor next to their discarded clothing and felt momentarily embarrassed at her weakness. She reached down to clean up the pile of Pinterest print outs and struggled to pull her panties back up around her waist.

“I should...go,” she mumbled.

Mike feigned a hurt look before raising one eyebrow and whispering in her ear, “Where do you think you're going? I'm not done with you yet.”

Chapter 5

Taunya was torn between fleeing the entire tawdry scene or continuing to give in to her stronger urges. There she stood, panties down around her ankles and stack of disarrayed papers threatening to fall out of her arms. She looked at Mike who stood naked before her. He was everything that she had been needing for longer than she knew. He held for her a sense of freedom that she had longed for. He was her opportunity to dig her way out of the rut she had painfully crafted for herself over the years past. Most of all, he was dead sexy and he wanted her just as badly as she wanted him. Despite this, she continued to contemplate leaving, but once again found herself captivated in his gaze. There was no use fighting it anymore. She felt as if she had no choice but to allow herself to become corrupted even further. She had fallen into the trap of lust and savored being held its prisoner.

She stepped out of her last cumbersome undergarment, reached down, and grabbed his cock that was still stone hard – it hadn't been otherwise since he kissed her. He grinned and leaned his head back as she stroked. She practically wanted to drag him by his dick into the master bedroom and take charge, but decided to play the situation a little more delicately. She dropped the stack of papers, took his hand, and led him back to the bedroom that she had earlier hoped to have been able to decorate. She decided that if she was not going to get that job, the least she could do was get off some more. She reached the bedroom and grabbed on to one of the bedposts, hanging from it a la Gene Kelly in
Singing in The Rain
. 'What a glorious feeling indeed,' she thought, staring at her partner. It was difficult to keep restrained around him although restraints seemed like a nice idea just then.

It was as if Mike read her mind and in one fell swoop, both her arms were behind her back and she was being bent over the edge of the plush bed, her face resting on black silk sheets.

He whispered to her a quick, “Is this okay?” when she felt him slip a pair of cuffs on her wrists and she nodded in appreciation.

This was the kind of thing that she'd always wanted to do, but had never had the courage to ask for. He could read her like a book and she wanted to open herself for him to see every last page. He trailed scratches down her back to her ass, grabbing it firmly and giving her a light smack. She tensed up at the strike, but immediately began to relax and get in to the right headspace. More smacks followed and before she knew it, Taunya was moaning in pure ecstasy and arching her back in response. He toyed with her pussy, which was still deliciously moist, and she all but purred at the feeling. As good as that felt, she wasn't quite getting entirely what she wanted. After playing with and sucking on his glorious cock, she couldn't help but ache for it to be inside of her. Unfortunately for her, however, she was in a bit of a compromising position and would not get a chance to have much of a say in the proceedings of their afternoon tryst. She turned and looked over her shoulder at Mike, who had dug his nails into her right ass cheek, getting ready to strike again.             

“Is there something you'd like?” he asked, before striking her one final time.

She knew that this was no time to play coy. There she was, bent over his bed, allowing him to cuff her and spank her and all she wanted was to feel his thick dick filling her up.

“Fuck me please!” she begged him.

“Are you sure, love?” he teased, “Because I could just sit here and play with you until nightfall,” he said, pinching her clit.

She shrieked and hissed at the sensation.

“Fuck. PLEASE!” she screamed.

Not wanting to deny her any longer, he undid her cuffs from behind her back and flipped her over, scooting her up his bed so that her head would rest on a plush pillow. He held her arms above her head and thrust into her with vigor. It had been so long since she had good dick like his. James was nearly unreasonably large and she hated the soreness that accompanied her for days after fucking him. Mike was on the larger side of average for an Asian man and he knew just how to use his cock to please his lover. He pulled out and teased her opening with the tip of his head, rubbing up against her clit and causing her to shudder. He released her arms and grabbed her hips, flipping her back onto her belly and pulling her up onto all fours. He took her roughly from behind and each thrust made Taunya squeal with delight. She tensed up around him – thanking goodness for Gina having shown her an article about kegel exercises. Mike moaned and continued grinding into her, his strong hands leaving fingerprints on her upper thighs. He reached down and toyed with her clit some more, and her legs nearly buckled beneath her. She had become so hypersensitive over the course of their actions that even the slightest touch threatened her to the point of explosion. Mike was just as close to the edge as Taunya, pulling out slowly and then slamming back into her repeatedly. His back was covered in sweat and his shiny black hair hung down in front of his eyes and he grunted and groaned inside of her.

“Mmmmf. I'm so close,” Mike moaned into her ear.

“Me too,” she replied, breathlessly.

“Come with me,” he commanded, flicking against her clit with his fingers and using his other hand to grip her hips firmly as he fucked her senseless.

Their moans crescendoed as they both reached their point of breaking, the bed rocking wildly to and fro.

They collapsed in a sweaty heap, breathing heavily and leaning on each other. Taunya gathered her composure and sat up, looking Mike in the eye. She had experienced a true multitude of pleasure that afternoon, but she knew where her responsibilities lay. And it was not in that bed with him. She looked at the plain silver alarm clock on Mike's bedside table to find that hours had passed since she had first arrived and it was now six in the evening. She still had to get home and prepare reports for Monday morning at work. She decided then and there that, while their afternoon had certainly been unforgettable, she would have to put it behind her in favor of tending to her priorities.

“Mike, I'm sorry.” she began, “That was...incredible, but I let this get out of hand when I know I shouldn't have.”             

Mike looked into her eyes and could see the inner turmoil with which she was wrestling at that moment. He, of course, had hoped that the outcome of their union would have had a more positive impact on her, but he could see her slipping back into the emotionally exhausted woman he had met at the bar on Friday: overworked and under-confident. A woman in trouble, but one whom he could not help unless she were to admit to herself and to him that she needed it. She was proud but shaken. Mike nodded in understanding and left the room momentarily to go retrieve her clothing from the kitchen and to give her a moment to collect her thoughts.

Taunya sighed to herself. 'Well, girl, you done fucked up again.' She thought. 'Fuck.' The sex had been brilliant and she knew that she would forever be hard pressed to find anyone else who could measure up to someone of Mike's skill and sensuality. She wanted to cry, but she knew that she needed to be strong and compose herself before Mike returned. It had been an amazing afternoon, but she didn't need any more stress and complications in her life. It was enough that she had allowed herself to give in to her silly dreams and even come over to Mike's home under the guise of helping to decorate it, much less that she gave in further and allowed herself to be fucked like an animal. It was clear to her that she could never see him again, lest she fall head first into a messy and potentially life-altering situation. Yes, she was in a rut. But it was her rut in which to be and no one could pull her out of it but herself. Mike came back – now wearing his pants and undershirt –  with her clothes folded neatly and placed them on the bed next to her. He motioned for her to reach her arms out in front of her and he removed the leather cuffs that he had put on her. He tried to stroke her hair, but she pulled away and shook her head “No”. There was no use in trying to convince her to hear him out at that moment. She would need time and space and, although this was a regrettable situation in Mike's eyes, he had a level of admiration for her dedication to the life that she had made for herself and did not want to disrespect her wishes. He felt compelled, at least, to share his feelings with her and Taunya began to put her clothes on, listening to him speak softly.

“If you feel you must leave, I understand.” he said, with a heavy heart. “But I want you to know that you are so much more than the 'paper-pusher' you made yourself out to be on Friday.” He continued, “For one thing, you are a wonderful lover. But, so much more than that, you are a passionate human being and I see in you the same thing that you saw in my home today: potential. But that's all I'm gonna say. It's up to you to decide how you want to live your life.”

She sighed and buttoned the last button on her blouse. She walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to gather up the papers that she had so carelessly discarded earlier. Mike followed. He produced a new business card from his pocket and handed it to her.

“I know you already have my number, but I want you hang on to this. I want you to see that I was once in your shoes. I was being suffocated by the daily grind of a miserable job that I didn't really want to be doing, until one day I saw the light. It finally dawned on me that if I wanted to go for something better, then it was simply a matter of standing up and reaching for what it was that I wanted. As the famous saying goes, 'Be the change you wish to see in the world.' If you want to live a better life, then there is no time like the present to begin your journey. That is, if you are willing to take it.”

Taunya felt dizzy. Having someone read her so clearly and truly as Mike was doings made her feel more exposed than when her clothes were lying in a heap on the floor.

“It's not that simple,” she said. “I have ties. I have responsibilities. I have rent to pay and I have a life to keep up. Someone like you can't really understand where I'm coming from. You live in the lap of luxury and want for nothing. I still need to eat.”

Mike shrugged his shoulders and sighed, “It was not always like this for me. There were plenty of times when I fell on my ass and thought I would never make it. But I never gave up. The only reason I have all of this is because of my determination and drive to want more and better in my life. These are things that you can have too, if you truly want it. And it's not just about money. It's about your happiness and sense of self-worth. When I saw you singing at the bar on Friday night, I could feel the pain in your voice. Just talking to you, I could tell right away that all you crave is to find inner peace and happiness in your life. Stability is nice, but it is holding you back.”

She nodded. He was right. But she didn't dare look him in the eye as he spoke to her and told her everything that she already knew about herself but was too afraid to admit. She walked over to the door.

“I know you're right, Mike. Really, I do. But I'm afraid I could lose everything if I were to take such a big risk. I have no safety net.” she said.              

He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

“Promise me that you will hang on to my card. And call me if you like. I could be your safety net.”

She smiled and he held the door open for her. She looked over her shoulder as she stepped into the elevator and he smiled back. Once inside the elevator, tears formed in her eyes and trickled down her cheeks. How could she have been such a fool? She had blown her chance at a potential new job and, furthermore, had blown her chance with a wonderful man. Never had she felt such consideration from a man before. She saw a difference in Mike from any other relationship that she'd attempted to have. James – among others – had only wanted to use her for sex and, being naïve and malleable, she had let him. Mike, however, saw into her soul and the very depths of her innermost desires and needs. And he wanted to fulfill her if she would let him. She tried to shake this thought out of her head, but It stuck in her mind all the way back home. She contemplated stopping by Control for a quick drink, but decided it would be best to head home and prepare for work the next day. After all, if she was going to remain in the rut she had created for herself, she had to ensure that said rut would still be there for her on Monday morning.

Once home, she removed her clothing and tossed it in her laundry hamper. She took a quick shower to wash the smell of sex off of her, but the impression that Mike had left on her remained deep in her psyche. She tried to focus on work, but it was no use. She would just have to come in early the next day and finish up then. She eschewed the wearing of her usual penguin pajamas and draped the covers over her nude body, savoring the feeling of the soft fabric against her skin. She tossed and turned, agonizing over the events of the afternoon, but found herself stuck on the lingering sensation of Mike's cock deep inside her. She was not sore, but her heart was pained with insecurity. She finally fell asleep an hour or so later and began to dream.

BOOK: My Asian Lover (Interracial BWAM Romance Book 1)
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