My Brother's Best Friend (19 page)

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Authors: Becky Andrews

BOOK: My Brother's Best Friend
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I melted into his touch and even lifted my hand to his face. The lights grew darker and I pulled away. “It’s starting.”

“There’s still thirty minutes of previews,” he said, beginning to kiss my neck.

“I—Dev—” I couldn’t finish my thought. Instead I succumbed to his touch and turned to kiss him back. His hand moved to my leg and traveled up it, massaging my inner thigh.

Involuntarily, I moaned and immediately pulled away. “We have to stop,” I said, clearing my head.

“I agree,” he said. “It was fun while it lasted!”

I smiled at his impish grin then grabbed the drink Mitch handed me and touched it to my face. “I need to cool off.”

Devin chuckled but did the same with his own drink. It wasn’t long before the movie started. Devin took my hand part way through the movie and just held it. I smiled at him and stroked the back of his hand periodically. I loved him, it was plain as day to me. I hadn’t missed someone so much in a brief 24-hour period since I could remember.

When the credits started rolling, we stood up and reluctantly I let go of his hand. We walked down and saw Mitch and Megan waiting outside the theatre.

“Where’s Emily?” I asked.

“She’s waiting in the car,” Mitch answered. “If you wouldn’t mind, Devin, could you take Chris to the restaurant?”

“Sure. Do you mind?” he said, asking me.

“No, it’s fine. Same place as always?”

Mitch gave me a strained smile, and I saw Megan looked upset. “Yeah, same one. We might be a little late. I’m taking Emily home.”

I nodded. “You okay, Meg?”

She shrugged. I didn’t want to press anything further. Instead I turned to Devin. “Ready?”

“Sure. See you two later.”

I waved at Megan and Mitch as we headed in the opposite direction. Devin’s voice cut into my thoughts. “What was that all about?”

“Emily’s being her usual bitchy self and probably said something biting to Megan.”

“Maybe we should have offered to take her with us,” he said, unlocking his car.

“Maybe, but I think Mitch probably already said something to Emily. I’m sure she won’t say anything more tonight.”

“I would do the same, I guess.”

We climbed in the car, and I looked over at Devin. “I’m sorry about my sister.”

“You don’t have to apologize. You and Mitch are exactly the same. He always apologizes for Emily’s behavior. She should be apologizing, not you two.”

I smiled weakly. “I just can’t help but be embarrassed, I guess.”

“Don’t be. I’ve known your family since I was little. I’m pretty used to the dysfunctional mess.”

I laughed slightly. “Okay, then let’s go to the restaurant.”

“We don’t have to rush. It will take them at least an hour to get there, especially in six o’clock traffic.”

“What are you suggesting we do?” I said mischievously.

“I think you already have an idea.” Devin smiled back.

“Scoot your chair back and I can show you.”

He pushed his seat as far back as it went, and I maneuvered myself over to his seat and straddled his waist. I bent down and kissed him hard on the lips. I missed his hands on my skin, his lips on my body and the connection we had whenever we were together. His hand went to the side of the seat and together we tumbled backward as the seat reclined.

“Good thing I went for the dark-tinted windows,” he said huskily.

I smiled and kissed away his smirk. His hands went to my hips and pulled on the fabric of my dress until it was resting at my hips. I kissed his neck and loosened his tie. I began to unbutton his shirt as he pulled down the zipper of my sleeveless dress. He only had to undo it a little before he freed my breasts and began to knead one passionately in his hand.

I moaned as my hands ran down the length of his chest. I undid his belt and pants, freeing his member from the confines of his boxers. His lips captured the other breast and I couldn’t help but move my hands to his head, letting him know how much I loved his expert maneuvering.

“Devin, I need you, now,” I moaned.

He pulled away and looked up at me, but instead of lifting me onto him he moved his hand down and pushed his fingers inside of me. I closed my eyes as he rubbed his thumb over my clitoris. I began to moan and buck my hips, hoping he’d explore me further. He continued to tease me, stopping his movements before picking them back up.

I braced one hand on his seat and the other I moved to stroke him. I felt his hand stiffen and I smiled, opening my eyes to see his face. He groaned as I continued my gentle strokes.

“Do you want more?” I asked.

His hand completely stopped. “I want you,” he said tightly.

I continued to stroke him, now with both hands.

“I need you,” he groaned, pulling his hand out of me. He opened his eyes and looked up at me. “Stop teasing me. I want to be inside of you.”

I leaned down to his ear and whispered, “All you had to do was ask.”

He didn’t respond with words, he just lifted me up and pushed inside of me. I gasped and bit his neck, sucking hard as he drove himself into me. I moved my hips with his and slowly felt the heat rise. I moaned his name and lifted myself up to see his eyes looking at me intently. I kissed his lips to keep myself from crying out in pleasure and together we collapsed in a heap of exhaustion and satisfaction.

“I will never look at this car the same way,” he said, trying to calm his breathing.

I looked up at him. “Me either. I think this is one of my favorite cars now. Great horsepower.”

He chuckled and I gasped at the sensation. We were still connected and I immediately felt the heat rise again. He saw the change on my face. “I’m not sure I can rise to the occasion, babe.”

“Just move for me, I need another release,” I said, moving to his neck and sucking on the sensitive spot I knew could get him going again. My hands trailed down his chest and I shifted slightly in the seat. He inhaled sharply and I could feel his member swelling inside me.

“See you can do it,” I said, looking up at his face.

“Only because you’re so damn sexy. I think I could do this forever with you.”

“I’ll make you a wager,” I said, slowly moving my hips. “One night, let’s just never let go of each other, the first person to break the connection loses.”

“What does the winner get?”

“They get pleasured the next night for as long as they want, any way they want.”

“And if it’s a tie?”

“We’ll take turns pleasuring each other.”

“Deal,” he said tightly. We lost all words after that as we rose together and climaxed one after the other.

“I think we better head over there. It wouldn’t look good for M&M to arrive there before us,” Devin said, kissing my nose.

I shifted off of his seat and sat back down in mine, pulling down the bottom of my dress and then adjusting the top. “Zip me up?” I turned so he could zip the dress up.

We drove to the restaurant, listening to the radio and holding hands. It was a comfortable silence that had me smiling when we pulled into the parking lot.

“How do I look?” Devin asked as we got out of the car.

I smoothed out his hair and straightened his tie. “How about me?”

“Beautiful as always.”

I blushed then smoothed out my dress, avoiding his penetrating gaze. We walked inside and gave the hostess Mitch’s name for the reservation.

“Michael will be your server. He will show you to your table.”

“There should be another couple,” Devin said. “They should be here soon.”

“I will make sure they get to the right table.”

“Thank you.” Our server walked up and showed us to our table and went to the kitchen with our drink order.

“You think anyone can tell we just had, you know?” I asked.

“Sex?” Devin clarified. “I hope not.”

“Mitch will probably be distracted anyway.”

“I’ll be distracted with what?” Mitchell asked as he and Megan walked up to the table. They sat down next to each other.

“Oh, the whole situation earlier,” I said, surprised they had arrived so shortly after we got there. I looked over at Devin and saw he wore an expression of relief. We had made it just in time.

“So what have you two been doing? Sorry it took so long, traffic was a nightmare.”

I blushed and looked down while Devin cleared his throat. “We were just enjoying the ride in my car.”

I nearly choked on the water the waiter had brought to the table.

Devin slapped my back a few times. “Drink slowly. We can’t have you choking on your birthday.”

“I’m fine, thanks,” I said, clearing my throat a few times.

The waiter walked up at the same time, preventing Mitchell or Megan from saying anything. We gave him our order, something easily done since we were creatures of habit and ordered the same thing every time we came here.

While we waited for our food to arrive, we talked about nothing important like work and Larissa and Zach, whom Megan wanted to know more about. Mitchell even asked about how it was for Devin being at the house. He just responded nonchalantly, giving Mitchell details on how he cooked dinner and even told him about the episode of the show they missed.

“I know you have to leave, but we have something for you before you go.” Mitch leaned down to grab a package I didn’t even see them bring in.

I took the wrapped box and opened it.

“I hope you like it.” Megan smiled.

I smiled back and then looked down and was almost at a loss of words. An iPod!

“I know it’s not an iPhone, but it’s not time for an upgrade yet,” Mitch said apologetically.

“It’s okay. I don’t care. I finally feel like I’m moving up in the world of technology. I mean this is awesome, guys.”

“We didn’t get the iTouch because the guy in the store said this one held more music and had more functions than people realized,” Mitch said.

“Yeah, it has a radio, it’s even able to take pictures and high-quality video, and record audio,” Megan added.

I smiled. “You don’t have to sell it to me, guys. I love it. I actually have an Apple product!” I showed Devin the iPod my brother and now sister-in-law had bought me.

“It’s nice. Now you can listen to commercial-free music at work.”

He was right. I always complained about the radio and its many commercials. Now I could just plug my speakers into my iPod and listen to the music I liked whenever I liked. I stood up and hugged Mitch first and then Megan. “I’m sure you had a lot to do with this, so thanks, sis.”

Her eyes glistened as she pulled away.

“You better go,” Mitch said. “I’ve got it from here.”

“See you two later.” Devin clamped Mitchell on the back and then gave Megan a quick hug. “And might I add wedded bliss suits you both.”

Megan blushed and Mitchell smiled broadly. “Get out of here,” Mitch said, waving us away.

We walked out of the restaurant, hand in hand. “What did you say to Megan? She looked like she was about to cry.”

“I just thanked her and called her sis.”

“You always know what to say and when to say it. Now, let’s go get some dessert, shall we?”

“Are Larissa and Zach really having dessert with us?”

“Would I lie?”

I gave him a pointed look.

“Hey, I never lied to your brother. I gave him a truthful answer. I really did enjoy the ride in my car.”

I shook my head. “You told him work texted you and you had to leave.”

“Fine, let me rephrase my statement. I’ve never lied to you—well, maybe I have a few times. But I’ve never lied to you when you ask me straight questions.”

“Right, you said you’d always give me an honest answer to anything I asked. But what exactly have you lied about then?”

“You’ll see, when we get to the restaurant.” We arrived at a place I’d never heard of, but considering there was valet parking, I assumed it was a classy place.

“Good thing I wore something nice. We might not have been able to get in.”

Devin chuckled and led me inside.

“Names?” the woman behind the counter asked.

“Devin Malone and Christy Walsh. We’re here with Jack and Jill.”

The hostess was looking down the list and nodded her head. “Of course, right this way.” She walked us personally through the restaurant to the back.

“Devin! Christy! You made it,” Larissa said excitedly.

“Of course they did,” Zach said. He shook Devin’s hand and kissed my cheek. “How are you two?”

“Good. Just came from dinner with my family,” I said, sitting down across from them. Devin sat next to me, closer than he had at dinner.

“Dinner with the family, did you survive?” Zach asked Devin.

He smiled. “Christy’s family loves me. Her brother is my best friend.”

“And my sister is obsessed with him,” I added.

“That must be weird,” Larissa said. “Oh, is that why you were keeping your relationship a secret?”

Devin and I looked at each other and said together, “Yes.”

We talked a little while longer before we ordered. It wasn’t long before it was brought out and Larissa and Zach were wishing me a happy birthday with their own
a capella
song they had made up.

People in the restaurant clapped when they were done and I couldn’t help but clap along with them. “Thanks, guys. That was awesome.”

“We got you something too,” she said. I took the small box they handed me and opened it. “Tickets and backstage passes for Josh Groban. Devin said he’s one of your favorites.”

I smiled. “Yeah, he is! Thank you so much. This is really amazing. I’ve been trying to get tickets since it was first announced. How did you guys get these?”

“We have our connections. Just go and tell us how much fun you had,” Larissa said.

“Wow. Thanks. This is amazing.”

Devin smiled and pulled a card out of his jacket pocket. “I also got you something. Though it’s more like something I owe you.”

I opened it up and before I could read what he wrote, a gift card dropped into my lap. I put it on the table and was shocked at what it was. “A two hundred dollar gift card to Staples?” I asked, looking over at Devin.

“You won our bet, remember? Besides you didn’t specify it had to be cash.” He smiled.

“You’re just lucky I love Staples.”

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