My Favorite Major (Heroes Returned Book 1) (2 page)

Read My Favorite Major (Heroes Returned Book 1) Online

Authors: Ava Stone,Lydia Dare

Tags: #historical romance, #noir, #waterloo, #regency romance, #regency england, #regency, #soldier, #peninsular war, #ava stone

BOOK: My Favorite Major (Heroes Returned Book 1)
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Russell snorted. “You’ll thank me for that eventually.”

Don’t hold your breath.” Philip realized Cordie was frowning at the two of them, and he feigned a smile for her benefit. “Apologies, Lady Clayworth. Not the best ballroom conversation, is it?”

Just reminds me once again that the two of you are
.” She said the word as though it were a vile curse.

Russell chuckled. “Don’t know how you need to be reminded of that fact, love.” Then he gestured with his head to the other side of the ballroom. “Why did you invite Amelia Pritchard, by the way?”

Cordie stared at her brother as though he’d sprouted an extra nose. “Because she’s staying with Clayworth and me here in London, as you well know. I couldn’t very well
invite her, not that I would even want to do so. She’s a sweet girl. What is the matter with you, Russell?”

Her brother shrugged. “She’s been
at Philip. Can you believe it? Quite ill-mannered, if you ask me, especially as he’s not amusing in the least. Perhaps they don’t have the same manners in Wales. Isn’t that where she’s from?”

Cordie’s green eyes narrowed on her brother. “You know exactly where she’s from. Have you been imbibing, Russell Avery?”

No. But perhaps Miss Pritchard has been. That might explain her proclivity to laughter. You should go see if you smell spirits on her breath. I’d hate for her antics to embarrass you or Clayworth.”

If you want me to leave—” Cordie tipped her nose in the air “—you need only ask.” Then she turned on her heel and made her way around the perimeter of the ballroom, finally stopping at the strange Miss Pritchard’s side.

Hmm. Was Russell correct? Was it possible the chit was foxed? That might explain her absurd behavior.

Amelia Pritchard squeezed her new cousin’s hand. “Your ball is delightful, Cordie.”

The countess leaned close and kissed Amelia’s cheek in greeting. “Thank you, Amelia. Please tell me you’re enjoying yourself.”

Oh, indeed. I had no idea so many people would be in Town this time of year.”

There are always some who never leave.” Cordie glanced across the ballroom where her brother and the very serious Major Moore still stood in conversation. She frowned briefly before returning her attention to Amelia. “Tell me, are you acquainted with my dear friend Major Moore?”

Only by reputation,” Amelia replied honestly. After all, Captain Avery might as well have given her a written report on the officer, not that she could admit as much to the countess. The captain had been very adamant on that point.

Cordie shook her head as though trying to remove a nonsensical idea from her mind. “I know this will sound ridiculous. But you weren’t, by chance, laughing at him, were you?”

Laughing at him?” Amelia couldn’t contain her grin. She hadn’t expected Cordie to just come out and ask her that question. Then Amelia blinked, what she hoped was her most innocent blink, at the countess. “I don’t see anything amusing about the man. He looks too serious by half. Is he laughed at often?”

Cordie’s eyes narrowed on Amelia, which made her think that perhaps her innocent blink hadn’t been innocent enough. “Are you up to something, Amelia Pritchard?”

Amelia blinked again. “What could I possibly be up to?” How had Cordie figured her out so swiftly? Captain Avery wouldn’t be happy with this turn of events.

Indeed, that is the question at hand. You and Russell were thick as thieves yesterday.”

One would think the countess would have been too busy with her doting husband and adorable son to notice anything else going on at Clayworth House. Apparently, she wasn’t. “Thieves?” Amelia echoed, laying a hand on her chest with mock indignation. “I somehow think I’ve just been insulted.”

Mmm.” Cordie’s eyes flashed back across the room to land on Captain Avery. “More likely I know my brother better than you. And I imagine I have a part to play in this little game, too. Am I to offer an introduction to the esteemed major?”

The countess was clever. Captain Avery had warned Amelia about that. But as that
the part Cordie was to play, Amelia nodded her head. “Would you mind terribly?”

Not at all…if you would be so good as to tell me what game it is we are playing.”

Amelia leaned closer to her new cousin and replied, “Captain Avery asked if I would help bring the major out of his shell a bit. He said his friend has been gloomy ever since returning from the continent, and he thought I could help put a smile on his face.”

Cordie sighed. “That certainly isn’t why he’s been gloomy.” Her green eyes seemed to stare right through Amelia. “Philip is a dear man, a wonderful friend, and I won’t see him hurt again, Amelia. I’ll introduce you if you wish, but you must promise to disregard anything my derelict brother has said thus far.”

I beg your pardon?”

Cordie smiled like a woman quickly spinning a plan. “He hasn’t the mind for such things. I, on the other hand, do. And though I would like to see Philip smile again, there’s a right way to go about this, and then there’s whatever way Russell thought up.”

Amelia couldn’t help but laugh. “It wasn’t all that complicated, Cordie. I was just to charm him and make him laugh a little.”

Easier said than done.” She shrugged. “But I believe together we can accomplish the job at hand. Do you think you’re up for the challenge?”

Now Amelia wasn’t certain. When it was the simple scheme Captain Avery had approached her with, she was just supposed to flirt with the major, coax him into being the tiniest bit social. But the way Cordie looked at her made Amelia think the countess had something else entirely up her dainty sleeve. “W-well, I-I…”

But before she could offer a protest, Cordie linked her arm with Amelia’s and began to tow her in the direction of the officers. “First of all, don’t laugh at him again. That will only raise his hackles. One would think Russell would realize that after knowing the man his whole life. What a complete dolt my brother is.”

Major Philip Moore.” Cordie then gestured to the girl at her side. “Clayworth’s cousin—Miss Amelia Pritchard. Amelia, this is my dear, dear friend Major Moore. We grew up together in Papplewick.”

Philip stared down at the tiny blonde who’d found such amusement at his expense earlier. Now, standing before him, she seemed to have lost some of the color in her cheeks as though she was terrified. Well, she
be terrified. Dignified young ladies shouldn’t go around laughing at army officers for no reason if they didn’t want to be reprimanded. “Miss Pritchard,” he clipped out and curtly dipped his head in her direction, which was more than she deserved. But she was Clayworth’s cousin, and Cordie seemed enamored of the chit.

It’s an honor, sir.” Miss Pritchard’s voice came out as little more than a whisper. Strange she didn’t seem at all like the brazen creature he’d spotted across the room a little while ago.

Well, Miss Pritchard!” Russell gushed. “It is so lovely to see you again.”

Philip cast a sidelong glance at his friend. Why should Russell be happy to see the girl? Hadn’t he declared her a substandard kisser mere moments earlier? Philip looked again at the blonde. What pretty lips she had. Full and pink. What a shame she didn’t know what to do with them. Interesting Russell hadn’t taken it upon himself to teach her, as that seemed to be one of his friend’s most favorite endeavors. Perhaps there was something else peculiar about the chit, but if that was the case, why did Russell seem enthralled to see her now?

Thank you, Captain Avery.” Miss Pritchard’s soft Welsh accent had a slight musical quality. She smiled at Russell, and her light eyes twinkled with joy. “It’s always a delight to see you.”

Always? How well did Russell know Miss Pritchard?

Charming girl.” Russell bowed before her. “I’ve always said so.”

? Philip was most definitely missing something.

Oh, yes,
is just the word I use to describe my brother whenever the subject of him arises.” Cordie’s scowl belied her words. “Russell, might I have a word with you?”

The captain smirked at his sister. “We are having words now, Cordie. Do go on, don’t let me stop you.”

word,” the countess stressed.

Now?” Russell sighed as though he was plagued with the trials of Job. Though in truth, if anyone was plagued, it was most assuredly the countess.

Yes, now.” Cordie’s glower darkened.

Very well.” After another sigh, Russell offered his arm to his sister. “Where would you like to have this private word, Cordie?”

I think Clayworth’s study will do perfectly,” she muttered, half-dragging him from the ballroom in her haste to have that word.

Philip gaped after the pair. He’d nearly forgotten Miss Pritchard was there until she asked, “What do you suppose that was about?”

He shrugged. “With the two of them, one can never tell.” It had been like that all their lives. The Averys had always been close, yet they could bicker and berate each other like no one else. Philip refocused his attention on the curious blonde before him. “So you’re Clayworth’s cousin, are you?”

Miss Pritchard nodded. “Second cousins,” she clarified. “His lordship was quite generous to invite me to Town.”

Odd time of year to come to Town.” But then so much about Miss Pritchard had been odd thus far.

She looked away from him, out towards the dancing couples a few feet away. “Yes, well, a change of scenery was needed.”

Change of scenery? Philip would be happy to spend the rest of his days in Nottinghamshire and never step foot in London again. Of course, he’d also seen more of the world than he cared to remember, the ugly parts of the world – the death and carnage of battle, men and women at their very worst. At home in Papplewick, life was quiet and orderly and…Philip would give just about anything to be there now. “I imagine even at this time of year, London would be a drastic change from Wales.”

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