My Heart Says Yes (9 page)

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Authors: Ashley Blake

BOOK: My Heart Says Yes
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That totally caught me
off guard. What did
think about that? What did
think about
that?  I thought it was a great idea and I thought it would be something really
fun to do especially since I really liked Jack and Mary so much.

Caleb looked at me and
whispered to me under his breath. “Is that okay with you?”

Was he
“Of course, it sounds fun.”  I whispered so that Jack would not hear me.

“That sounds like it
would be a lot of fun, but I’ve dated a few women in my time and I think I
still remember how to take a woman out on a proper date.  But thank you for the
offer of coming with us to make it more comfortable.  I’ll ask her for her
phone number when I see her at the facility in a couple of weeks.  You two will
be there right?  I want to give you updates on what she says when I ask her out
on a date.”

“I don’t know about
Caleb, but I will definitely be there Jack. I am so excited for you and I can’t
wait to hear what happens!”

“Don’t you worry Jack, I
will be there too, and if you need any advice you can always come to me.”

"I think you may need
to switch that around son, I'm the one with more experience, remember?  If
need any advice you can always come to
.”  Jack was smiling as he ribbed

We all laughed at what
Jack said and then we pulled up to his building and he sat there for a minute
before saying something.

“Thank you so much for
the ride Caleb, and Emma sweetheart, it was a pleasure to see you again.  Caleb,
you be sure to take care of my friend.” 

I smiled at him.  “It was
nice to see you again too Jack.”

He opened the door and
stood at Caleb’s window that was rolled down.  “You know, you might want to
think about taking your own advice.”  He then winked at Caleb and told us he would
see soon.

Caleb chuckled and then
turned to look at me as we waited to make sure Jack made it inside.

“Jack thinks I should
take my own advice.”  He turned that sexy smile on me and I melted.  “What do
you think?” 

What do I
think?  I think I want to kiss you until the sun sets, I think I want to feel
your hands and tongue explore my body, and I think you should definitely take
Jack’s advice.

My eyes held his and I
tried to look demure as I answered him.

“I think you know the
answer to that.”

His smile widened as he
started the jeep and took off, but he didn’t say anything.

After about a minute he
finally spoke but it wasn’t what I had hoped.

“I just realized that I
have no idea where you live. Where am I going?”

I gave him directions to
my place and we rode in silence for about a minute before he spoke again.

“Do you mind if I come
upstairs to use your bathroom when we get to your place?”

I was so happy that both
Kelly and I were neat freaks and that I had made my bed that morning.  Caleb
Morgan was actually going to be in my place.  I know I kept saying this but;
this really my life?

“Of course you can come
up. My roommate isn’t home so you won’t get to meet her this time, maybe next

He raised eyebrows and
glanced at me. “Next time? So you want there to be a next time, huh?”

I really had to start
filtering my thoughts a little bit better and holding my tongue.  I tried to
brush it off as a casual comment that didn’t mean anything.

“Oh, I just meant that
if you ever happened to give me a ride home again from the center and you needed
to use my bathroom, maybe you would meet my roommate at that time.  No big
deal, don’t read anything into it.”

“What if I want to read
something into it?” 

Boy he was good at this
whole flirting thing and he was so damned sexy!

I sat there trying to
think of something to say when he pointed out the window.

I was relieved to be
home and to have the break in the question, because I didn’t know how to answer
what he had just asked.

“Is this your place?”

“Yep, this is it.”

The stars must have been
aligned because we found a parking spot right in front of my building.  For
some reason I didn’t feel nervous at all about inviting Caleb into my home, it
was weird but it felt really natural.

As soon as he walked in
I could tell that he liked the place.  His response was almost identical to
mine when I saw it for the first time.  The timber beams, exposed brick and
huge windows were just so cool.  I think because we were both artists, in some
respect, we could really appreciate the architecture of the place.

“Emma, this place is
amazing.  After you tell me where your bathroom is, I would love a tour if you
don’t mind.”

“Oh sure, the bathroom
is right through here.”

I quickly rushed around
to check that nothing was out of place, and I closed the doors to our bedrooms.
When he came out I took him on a tour of my place, which wasn’t very big, but
had tons of character. 

“You’ve already seen the
bathroom so let me show you the kitchen which is right through here, this is the
living room, this first closed door is Kelly’s bedroom and my bedroom is that
closed door right next to Kelly’s room.”

“I’d love to see it.” 
His eyes smoldered as he slowly walked toward me.

“Um, ok, let me show

I put my hand on the
doorknob and before I could open it, Caleb was right behind me, his muscular body
pressed against mine, his hand covering mine.  I could barely breathe as he
whispered in my ear.

“You don’t have to show
me if you’re not ready.”

He slowly brushed the
hair away from the back of my neck and I felt his soft lips press against my
delicate skin.  I had one hand still on the doorknob and the other pressed
against the door.  His hands roamed down my sides and glided over my hips, and I
could tell that he liked what he was feeling.  I felt his hands caress my ass
through my jeans and he let out a soft groan.  My heart was ready to leap out
of my chest at this point and I leaned back against him, rolling my head to the
side to give him better access to my sensitive neck.  His tongue slowly made
its way up to my earlobe which he captured between his teeth and gave a gentle
nibble.  I could feel my panties getting wet as his hands came around to my
slightly rounded belly and they slid up over my ample breasts and softly
kneaded them on the outside of my shirt as he kissed my neck.  I could feel his
hardened member pressed against me, and it made me feel really good to know
that I had caused that reaction in him.

 Suddenly his urge
became faster as he quickly spun me around and held my hands behind my back
with one of his hands.  The other hand held my face as his lust-filled eyes
searched mine.

“You drive me crazy Emma
Blakely, I don’t know what it is about you but I can’t get enough.  You’re so
damned sexy that I want to just lose control with you!”

His lips came crashing
down on mine and I opened my mouth to let his tongue in.  It slid on top of
mine as we urgently kissed each other, our tongues sliding, teasing, tasting
and exploring each other.  He captured my bottom lip between his lips and
sucked gently before lightly raking it between his teeth.  I was helpless to
wrap my arms around him because he had my hands held behind me in a tight grip.

His voice was deep and
throaty as he choked out his words.  “Do you have any idea what I want to do to
you right now? What are you doing to me woman?”

He finally let go of my
hands and I eagerly wrapped my arms around his neck, raked my fingers through
his gorgeous thick hair and whispered in his ear.

“I bet I want to do the
same things to you that you want to do to me.”  I pulled him closer to me,
pressing my hips into his.  I could feel his hard member through his pants and
my voice was hoarse and filled with lust as I said the next words.  “Let’s go
into my bedroom.”

I reached behind me with
one hand to open the door and Caleb suddenly stopped me, his breaths coming in

“No, not like this.”

I was stunned and didn’t
know what to say since my body was burning for him.  I looked at him completely
confused about why he wanted to stop.

He gently ran a finger
down my cheek as he looked into my eyes.

“I want our first time
to be special Emma, you deserve that.” 

He smiled at me and
gently kissed me with his soft lips.  He then leaned back a little and looked
at me with his gorgeous dark eyes.

“I don’t know what it is
about you, but I am completely under your spell.”

I smiled at him and
realized that he was actually a gentleman.  What was wrong with me?  Here I was
ready to jump into bed with a guy I had only met a few weeks before and had
only really talked to a couple of times!  But he was so damned sexy and
good-looking that I was willing to let my morals fly out of the window.

“Good, that means I can
have you when I want you.”  I lightly touched the tip of his nose with my
finger.  “We are going to be amazing together, you’ll see.”

I liked this sexier,
confident side of me.  Caleb was bringing out feelings in me that I didn’t even
know existed.  I felt like the sexiest woman in the world when I was with him
and I wanted so badly to show him what a good time he would have with me in
bed, but he was right.  This wasn’t the best way to have our first time
together, so I decided I would be patient and wait, and take a cue from Caleb
for when the time would be right.

He hugged me tight as he
looked into my eyes.  “I look forward to it.”  He kissed me one last time and
then said he should take off.

“Thanks for letting me
use your bathroom.”

“Any time. So do you
have anything good planned for the rest of the weekend?”

“I have a project for
school that I need to work on so that’s going to occupy most of my time this
weekend. What about you?”

“Kelly and I are going
to grab some dinner later and then I have studying to do.  Tomorrow I have to
meet with my partner and we have to work on a class project that’s due Friday,
we’re giving a presentation.  So the rest of my weekend will be devoted to
school unfortunately.”

“I hear you on that.  Are
you guys studying at school or someone’s apartment?”

“School, we’re going to
be in the room that we have our class in so we can practice and feel
comfortable with our set up since it has a huge round table that we all sit

“I know that room, it’s
next to the faculty lounge, right?”

“Yeah, how did you know

“I have been a guest
speaker at your school a couple of times and that is the only room with such a
huge round table.”

“Wow, how funny, small

“That’s for sure.  Hey,
I just realized that I don’t have your phone number.  Do you want to give it to
me so I can put it in my phone?”

This is a very good sign.

I gave Caleb my number
and he said he would give me a call soon.  I walked him to my door and opened
it for him.  As he walked out, he stopped and turned to look at me.

“Thanks for a great

I smiled at him. 

After he left, I went to
my room, flopped down on my bed and screamed with excitement into my pillow. 
Then I turned over and lay on my back, staring at the ceiling with a big goofy
grin on my face.

I cannot
believe this day!  Caleb Morgan likes
?  What?!
  It felt
like I was in an alternate universe and it also felt really awesome.  I had
never been happier in my life.



Kelly came home around
7:30 and her eyes were as wide as saucers when I told her about my day.

“You are kidding!  Emma
you guys are so meant to be!  So, is he a good kisser?”  She was hanging onto
my every word like a tabloid reporter would devour a scoop about a celebrity.

“Kelly, as long as
you’ve known me, have I ever done the kiss and tell thing?”

She pouted like a
schoolgirl.  “No, you haven’t. But this is special because you never been with
a hottie like Caleb.”

“Okay, well that is
true.  I’ll just give you a little bit.  You know how hot he is to look at? 
He’s even hotter to kiss.”

“Oh my gosh, I am so
wanting to be you right now!  So when are you going to see him again?”

“I’m not sure, he said
he would call me.  So maybe I’ll hear from him in a couple of days.”

“You have to keep me
posted, I want all the deets!”

“You know you’ll be the
first to know!”

“Okay cool.  Are you
ready to go out?”

“I thought that we were
just going to go out to dinner.”

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