My Lord Rogue (17 page)

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Authors: Katherine Bone

BOOK: My Lord Rogue
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gaze followed Nelson’s
and Simon’s
in the reverent awe
in the
eager eyes of

“To England,” Nelson pledged.

“To England
,” came the haunting reply.

Nelson’s eyes glimmered with a hint
glorious victory. “The enemy will not have long reason to boast of their security
. For
I trust, ere long, to assist them in person in a way
will completely annihilate the whole of them. Gentleman and baroness,” he said, dipping his head, “this is what we are about. What say you?”

“Hoorah! Hoorah!”

glanced at each member
, his compelling stare, grit, and intelligence, enough to galvanize a nation
under the banner of one king

England expects that every man and woman,” he said, giving Gillian a nod, “will do his duty.

“Death and glory!”

Gillian turned to gaze into the eyes of the one man who filled her with a reason to live.
Yes. She would die for him. She would follow
to the ends of time.

“Here! Here!”
she said with tears in her eyes.



Author’s note

While researching my historical romance novels, I always find fabulous nuggets of information. One such instance is
the production of Holcroft’s
Deaf and Dumb
, originally produced
Holcroft, T., & Bouilly, J. N. (1801).
Deaf and dumb, or, The orphan protected: An historical drama in five acts, performed by Their Majesties Servants of the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, February 24th, 1801
Admiral Horatio Nelson returned to London October 22, 1801
, due to ill-health
, took up residence with
Lord William and Emma
Piccadilly, and spoke out in support of Prime Minister Addington in the House of Lords particularly between October 29-November 12, 1801.
Two plays are listed as having been produced at Drury Lane in 1801: Holcroft’s
Deaf and Dumb
(February 1801) and Lewis’
Adelmourn the Outlaw
(May 1801)
It is here
I took literary license and moved the production
of Holcroft’s play
to 5 November, 1801
. This was a time of peace, a time when Nelson wished all Frenchmen to the devil, a perfect time for Napoleon to strike while
the enemy was asleep.

Resources used in my researched included

The Cambridge Companion to British Theatre 1730-1830

Plays About the Theatre in England, 1737-1800

Adelmourn the Outlaw
May 4, 1801, Drury Lane


The Illegitimate Theatre in London, 1770-1840

History of Productions of Venice Preserv


The Th
eatre Royal, Drury Lane



About the Author

Katherine Bone
has been passionate about all things historical since she was an Army brat traveling all over the world. Initially, she dreamed of being an artist, but when she met and fell in love with Prince Charming, her own dashing Lieutenant vowing duty, honor, and country, she found herself saying, “I do.” Whisked away to Army bases, castles, battlegrounds, and cathedrals, where tales of swashbuckling adventure filled the lonely gaps when the Army called Charming away, Katherine’s imagination took flight. No longer nomadic, she calls the south home and spends most of her time daydreaming about Charming and heroes of yesteryear



Also by Katherine Bone

Constance Danbury is desperate to escape an arranged marriage to a man nearly twice her age. Her only hope is to board a merchantman bound for Spain to enlist her aunt's help. Her plans go awry when she’s captured by pirates. Even more alarming, her traitorous body longs for the man who’s returning her to England! Pushed into a marriage of convenience, she’s caught between two men—one owns her heart, the other is bent on stealing it.

Percival Avery is a member of 
Nelson's Tea
, an elite group assigned to protect England's shores at any cost. On a mission to avenge his sister’s death, Percy infiltrates the gang of cutthroats responsible. When his vessel attacks a merchantman, Percy must choose between vengeance and saving the life of his commander's niece. His only choice is to mutiny, but mutiny obliterates his well-laid plans. Forced on a new course that leads straight back to Constance Danbury, Percy has to make a decision—chase revenge or allow himself to love again.




esKape Press

Any time. Any place. Any day. Getaway.

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