My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 11 Consummation (5 page)

Read My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 11 Consummation Online

Authors: Marita A. Hansen

Tags: #fbi, #kidnapping, #mafia, #dark romance, #italian mafia

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She already knows
where it

Good, then
happen. And,
, you are safe now. I will make sure my uncles never come
near you again.” I took a hold of his lovely face and kissed his
lips, getting lost in them for a moment. I finally forced myself to
stop. “And if you stay with me, I’ll get you Thierry

How and when?”

Christo promised to give him
back once he takes care of Sophia,” I said, lying so he wouldn’t

I can’t wait for that,
will be hurting him now.”

is all right,” I lied again.
“Matteo’s protecting him.”

Why would Matteo do that?
e hates

But not Thierry.
e likes
your brother, while he hates the
with a passion,”
which I knew was

frowned, looking like he was trying
to decide if I was telling the truth or not, but I was an
accomplished liar, so much so that I could fool anyone. Lying was
second nature to me, something that allowed me to get so many
things I wanted, and right now, I wanted Jagger to do as he was
told and to stay with me. He was my meal ticket as well someone I
wanted to keep in my bed, the man overwhelming when it came to sex.
He made me feel things I hadn’t before, even with Frano. I wanted
to both protect and dominate Jagger. It was something I’d always
craved doing with a man, which made it strange that I ever thought
I had a chance with Frano. The Don was far too domineering to ever
be submissive—unlike Jagger, who was a dom’s dream in the

I leaned forward and
Jagger again. He opened his mouth for me, letting me in, so
different from before. I could never tell what he was going to do,
the man a contradiction. He would do something one second, then the
complete opposite the next. He was hardwired differently from
everyone else—a beautiful paradox.

He pulled back, his eyes so
sorrowful. “Make me forget

Go lie on the couch,” I said.
“I’ll make you forget everything.”

No,” he s
napped, now looking angry. “I
didn’t mean sex.”

will still work.”

I pushed him
onto his back and
yanked his pants over his slim hips. Swearing at me, he went to sit
up. I placed a hand on his hard stomach and dropped my head, taking
his cock in my mouth, knowing he’ll forgive me in a second. He
shouted out, but instead of pushing me away, he placed his hands on
my head, forcing my mouth further over his cock, almost choking me.
I jerked my head back, then went down on him again, massaging his
balls at the same time. Jagger let out a gasp, definitely liking
what I was doing.

A bang came from the door, Frano’s voice
following, “Why is the door locked?”

I removed my mouth from
Jagger’s cock.
“Because I’m blowing Jagger.”

Silence answered me, then footsteps
receded, making me laugh. “Fuck him if he thinks he can get
everything he wants,” I said, moving my mouth back over Jagger’s

me off him, Jagger got to his
feet and yanked up his pants, his expression angry once more. I
jumped up as he headed for the door, blocking him from

Get out of my fucking
way!” he yelled.

What are you mad

jabbed a finger at me. “You’re not
using me to make my cousin jealous. He doesn’t give a
about you—nor do I.
And blowing me won’t make me forget
Sex is the root of my problems, not the

at his harsh words, I grabbed
his cock. “Apologize!”

He grabbed my neck. “Let

Not until
you apologize.”

the one who’s owed an apology after all
heaped upon me. I was eleven when your uncle first took me.

I stared at him in shock, never
really having thought about what was done to him. I knew my uncle
had taken Jagger from a young age, but not

He continued, “For six
fucking years he
tormented me, then returned for more, and now you want to use me
too. Why can’t you Donatelli just fucking leave me

I didn’t abuse you,” I
letting go of him. “I was trying to help you.”

By sucking my cock? And what
about your uncle? He told everyone he was
me. Instead, he was helping
me.” He moved his face close to mine. “So, the next time
you decide to
me remember what I did to the
cock. You may not have one to cut off, but you
have two fine-looking tits that I’m sure you’d much rather keep.”
He shoved me aside and unlocked the door, disappearing out of the

I blinked, horrified by his words, and
even more horrified that I believed the threat. A loud voice down
the passage snapped me out of my dumbfounded state. It sounded like
Jagger was telling someone off. I grabbed my clothes and quickly
pulled them on, now wanting to be with my sister and niece, Jagger
having rattled me. I knew I’d pushed him too far, but he also
needed to learn that I wasn’t my uncle. I wanted what was best for
the both of us, not just for me, because I really did like Jagger,
more than I cared to admit.

I left the gym, heading into the dining
room. The scarred soldier turned my way, making me stiffen. He
always gave me a friendly smile, but right now he looked furious,
no doubt over Jagger telling him off. I wondered what he’d done to
anger Jagger, if he’d done anything at all, because Jagger really
was a ticking time bomb.

,” the soldier said, his voice
gravelly. “A word of advice: if you value your life, don’t walk
around here on your own.”

I stopped in front of him, not
appreciating his words. “No one’s allowed to hurt me; I’m pregnant
with Frano’s baby.”

He scowled. “More like Jagger’s. Does
Frano know you’re fucking his cousin?”

I stiffened
“I’m not fucking Jagger.”

With the way you were screaming
in the gym, it sure as hell sounded like Jagger was shoving his
cock up your

He wasn’
t fucking me, he was
threatening me. He’s completely crazy.”

I know exactly what he was
doing, so don’t try to play me or my boss for fools.”

Honestly, he was threatening
me.” I touched my throat. “He almost choked me. Look at my neck.” I
dropped my hand for him, hoping that Jagger had left marks on

The man ran his fingers over my throat,
making me step back. “You shouldn’t follow him into rooms

I won’t
after today.”

He looked over his shoulder, then back at
me. “How about you follow me into a room instead?” He smiled. “I
promise I won’t leave any marks.”

” I went to move around him, but he
mirrored me. “Move out of my way!” I snapped.

He stepped in closer, making me
take another step back.
“Don’t be afraid,” he said. “I won’t hurt you.
I’ve been good to you, haven’t I?”

I nodded, hoping
someone would walk
in, the man now scaring me.

That’s because I like

He took a step away from me, giving me space. “You’re a

,” I replied, relieved he was backing

You’re very welcome.” He patted
his crotch. “Though, I’m sure you’d like this if you tried it.
won’t want another cock after being filled by

I remained quiet, knowing I
couldn’t answer without biting his head off. The man obviously
didn’t know proper etiquette, what he’d said incredibly insulting.
Regardless of being under house arrest, I deserved to be treated
with respect, not leered at like a common
. He was a lowly soldier, the bottom rung
of the mafia hierarchy. He shouldn’t even be talking to me, let
alone making lewd passes. I was so far out of his league we weren’t
even in the same hemisphere. And regardless of position, he was
unpleasant to look at. Although he had a nice body, his face was
too harsh, the scar across it making it even harsher. I liked
beautiful men, not brutes.

He waved his hand
in the air. “But
since you’re obviously not interested, I’ve got a different
proposition for you. Prior to becoming a soldier, I was a personal
trainer. So, if you would like, I can run through a brief workout
with you. It won’t take long, just to get you started.”

I’m not dressed for
exercise,” I said,
knowing damn well he was still after sex.

He smiled wide.
“You don’t need
clothes for this type of exercise.”

” I yelled, losing my patience
with him.

No, I’m not fucking off;
I’m going to be
fucking you.”

Get out of my way before I
scream this house down!”

If you do, I’ll tell Don Landi
you’ve been fucking Jagger instead of Frano.”

I sneered at him. “It doesn’t matter which
one of them I’m fucking, because I’m still pregnant with a D’Angelo
baby. If Pedro kills me, he’ll be killing a D’Angelo.”


smiled wide, looking like he’d
one-upped me. “Okay, how about this? If you don’t head back to the
gym and spread your legs for me, I will shoot your lovers, then
place the blame on you and your sister. Pedro thinks your
are the root of all
evil, so he’ll believe me over you any day. After that, you and
your sister will be used by all the soldiers, then shot once we’re
finished filling you with cum.”

I looked over at the door.

No one’s going to help you,” he
said, “so make a decision: all of you dead or me coming inside of

You won’t get away with
this, Frano will kill you.”

I beg to differ.” He placed a
hand on his holstered gun.

I remained still.

Do I have to do a countdown for

You can’t do


I’m the Don’s


I looked at the door again, knowing it
would make no difference whether someone walked through it or not.
No one was going to save me this time. It was all up to


I screwed up my face,
not wanting to do
what he’d asked, but instead of saying no, I spun around and headed
back down the passage. The heavy thud of his boots followed me,
giving me the impression I was walking to my doom. I opened the gym
door and entered the room. He slid in behind me, pushing the door
shut. He flicked the lock, his eyes already on my chest.

I raised my hands to my shoulders,

He pulled out a knife from his pants,
making me step backwards. “Unless you want me to shred your dress,
strip now.”

I slipped the dress over my shoulders,
letting it fall to the floor.

He bit his bottom lip, his eyes lowering
down me. “Everything off.”

I reached behind my back and unhooked
my bra, then pushed my panties down.

yeah, now go bend over the

Tears b
roke free from my eyes, the reality
of my situation setting in even more.

He sneered.
“Tears won’t work on me, so do
as you’re told or I’ll make things very unpleasant for

Breathing out, I
went to the sofa
bed and placed my hands on the mattress. I looked over my shoulder,
wishing I hadn’t. The soldier was pulling out his cock, the size
startling me. It was average length, but abnormally wide. I faced
forward again, not wanting to look at it, the tears now flowing
freely. When Frano had fucked me in the cell I hadn’t been scared,
because no matter what games he played with me, I always wanted
him. And when Jagger had been rough, I had wanted that too. But
this—I didn’t want any of it.

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