My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 11 Consummation (7 page)

Read My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 11 Consummation Online

Authors: Marita A. Hansen

Tags: #fbi, #kidnapping, #mafia, #dark romance, #italian mafia

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Nothing yet, but he will if you
don’t give yourself up.”

How do I do that? We’re under
house arrest.”

There’s a passageway out
of here, which Jagger said you know about.”

Where do I meet your
asked, surprised she hadn’t escaped herself. But then again, she
did want Frano and Jagger. Maybe she was doing this to get rid of

Marco’s Mall,” she answered.
“My uncle said he threatened you in the restroom when you were

The memory prickled at the back
of my mind.
“I don’t remember how to get there.”

It’s a twenty minute drive from
here.” She continued talking, giving me the directions.

If I go to him, he has
return my
brother to the mental hospital without harm.”

He said he would.”

What guarantee do I have he’ll
stick to his word? And how do I
even know this isn’t all bullshit? I need
proof he has my brother.”

removed a phone from her pocket and
dialed a number. “Christo,” she said, speaking into it.
wants to talk to you.”

I clenched my hands at the word

held the phone out for me to take. I
walked over to her and took it, my heart now pounding a mile a
minute. Even after all these years, the thought of talking to
Christo terrified me, the memory of the time in the restroom coming
back more.

Are you there,
?” a rough voice came through the line.

My name’s

Not to me, that’s if you are
indeed the girl I once knew, but Camila assures me you are. Though,
I need proof, so tell me what color hair your brother


And what color hair did I have
when you knew me?”


One more thing. When did I
first call you

After you murdered my
bodyguards and yanked me off my bike, then twirled me around like a
ragdoll, you fucking bastard.”

He laughed. “It is you!
Oh, I love
reunions, though I need to punish my brother for not disposing of
your body properly. Or maybe I should thank him, because you truly
were a wonderful fuck.”

I gripped onto the phone. “I need
proof that you have my brother.”

I think my twin’s a bit busy
with him right now.”

I yelled into the phone, “If he touches

Christo cut me off. “I’m just teasing. My
brother’s too busy fucking Jagger’s brother to care about anyone
else. So, I’ll go get your brother for you, he’s watching some
cartoon. He can sit there for hours without moving. He really isn’t
all there, is he?” The sound of walking came through the phone.
“Lucan,” he said. “Your sister wants to talk to you.”

ilence followed.

Lucan, did
you hear me?” Christo asked,
sounding like he was talking to a child.

My sister is with the angels,”
a soft voice replied.

No, she’s with the

As I said:
the angels.”

Christo laughed. “Did you just make a


You really are
Regardless, say hello to your sister.”

Lucan’s voice came over the line.

I breathed out. “Yes.”

You don’t sound like Sophia.
You sound

It’s still

Why are you talking to
, then? I
called out to you so many times, but you never answered. Have the
angels given you back?”

I never died.”

No, no, you went to the angels,
I saw the priest
send you to them. He held you under the water. He told me
he was baptizing you, but I knew he was lying. I tried to stop him,
but his twin held me back.” Lucan started crying. “He’s looking at
me now. I don’t like him, Sophia, he scares me.” Her brother yelled

A second later, Christo
shouted, “
Stai zitto!
” telling Lucan to shut up. “Go watch your fucking
cartoons, you nut job.”

I want my sister!” Lucan

She’ll come here only if you
shut the fuck up.”

Lucan went quiet.

Christo’s annoyed voice came over the
line. “Happy now? He wasn’t upset until you spoke to

What time do I meet

Three in the afternoon
will do.”

I can’t come during the
have to be at night, when I can slip out without anyone seeing

Okay, meet my men out the back
of the mall at midnight. And don’t double-cross me, because I will
kill your retard of a brother in an instant. Agreed,

If you make it 2

Done, and you sound very
different. I wonder what you look like now, hopefully as pretty as
you were back then, because I haven’t had a fuck in a long time.
See you soon

He hung up.

I held the
phone out for Camila to

he slipped it back into her pocket.

getting your brother back, and if you can, help Jagger’s brother

I nodded, surprised she was asking. “What
are your intentions with Jagger?”

To be with him,
I find him
fascinating.” She breathed out. “Can you leave now, I want to be

I frowned. “I’m sorry about your

She nodded.


I went to the door, turning back at
her voice. She was looking at me with sadness in her eyes. “Do you
remember Jagger raping you?”

I shook my head.

What about

I frowned, the memory of being held down
and fucked, of screaming... I had thought it was the priest, but
now ... it had to be Christo. “Yes,” I finally answered. “But I got
confused. I thought it was his twin who’d done it. My memory isn’t
very good.”

I could never forget being
d.” She
pushed up and walked over to me, pulling out a—

I stepped back at the sight of a

She turned it around, holding
the handle out for me
. “Take it.”

I did, surprised she was giving it to

Her features
darkened with hate.
“When you gut my uncle, tell him I gave you the knife and to burn
in fucking Hell.”

I nodded, shocked by her
knew without a doubt she hated me, but I guess she hated her uncle
even more.

She spun around and headed into the
bathroom, closing the door behind her. I looked down at the knife,
still taken aback by her words and what she’d given me. The shower
went on in her bathroom, pulling me out of my fixation on the
knife. I headed out of the room and back to Frano, hiding the knife
in my jeans.

I reentered
our room, finding Frano sitting
at his desk, talking to someone on the phone. The name
passed over his
lips, which I remembered belonging to Alessandro’s oldest brother.
Frano continued talking; assuring Ricardo that Alessandro was safe.
I quickly slipped the knife out of my jeans and pushed under the
mattress, then sat down on the bed. I stared across at his
bareback, wondering whether today was the last time I’d ever be
with him.




knocked on Bianca’s door, wanting to
tell her I was ready to leave for my
’s compound. My oldest brother had talked
Frano into sending me back home, since it wasn’t safe for me to be
around the Landi. Frano in turn had brokered a deal with Pedro
Landi, allowing Andriena and Bianca to come with me. Of course, I
knew full well why Pedro had said yes: to get me and Andriena away
from the D’Angelos, whom he didn’t want to harm.

Bianca’s bedroom door opened,
the woman appearing forlorn, no doubt over Jagger. I’d spotted
Camila following Jagger earlier in the day, the leech probably
sucking his cock dry. I couldn’t stand the
. She was a user, like the rest of
—with the exception of Andriena, that woman a rose amongst
the Donatelli thorns.

Are you alright, Bianca?” I
asked, knowing it was a stupid question. But I had to say
plus talking sometimes helped.

She shook her head.

You can talk to me about

She shook her head again, her eyes
glossing over with unshed tears.

I reached down and picked up
her bags. “You’re better off without

She wiped her
. “It
doesn’t feel like it.”

Well, it’s true. You’re a
beautiful and courageous woman, Bianca, while he’s a pathetic
excuse for a man. He doesn’t deserve you.”

She gave me a
k smile.
“You’re the sweetest man.”

That’s what all the ladies say,
but then again, I do have a habit of coating my cock with

She laughed. “And the crudest.”

, my brother Dominic has that title.”
I smiled. “I can’t wait until you see my

Her smile dropped. “I’m not looking
forward to it. My split with Ricardo wasn’t on good

That was twelve years ago, and
my brother holds no grudges against you. He only says nice things
when your name comes up.”

Her eyebrows rose sharply. “He

, I think he still holds a candle for

She screwed up her face. “No, he doesn’t,
he always held one for Ghita.” She breathed out. “Even though I
hated her, I feel bad that she’s dead, because I know he’ll be
suffering, and I don’t want that. Despite what happened between us,
I want him to be happy.”

He would be if he didn’t let
you go for that

He didn’t let me go, I left

If he didn’t fight for you,
then he let you go. I would’ve fought tooth and nail to get you
back—and would’ve succeeded.”

She smiled. “You’re very sure of

I shrugged. “Women can’t resist

She laughed. “You’re just saying all of
this to cheer me up.”

Maybe, maybe not.” I jerked my
head to the side. “Now, let’s go, Andriena doesn’t like being away
from me.”

We headed down the passage and
the staircase, finding Andriena talking to Frano in the entrance,
with two guards standing nearby, along with Camila and Rita.
Andriena turned as we neared them, gracing me with one of her
lovely smiles. She had long, wavy black hair and the most beautiful
blue eyes, which were rimmed in Kohl. Coupled with her loose-fitted
pants and silk blouse, she looked exotic, making me want to push
her up against a wall and rip her clothes off. I felt my cock
twitch, the bastard on permanent overdrive. But I couldn’t fuck
Andriena, especially not after she’d been raped by my
’s soldiers. My eldest brother had dealt with the men,
killing the ringleader with his own hands, but it didn’t stop the
poor woman from suffering. I’d heard her cry out in her sleep,
nightmares plaguing her. I knew the feeling. I’d woken up for years
after my kidnapping in a cold sweat, fighting my covers, thinking
the men who’d taken me were digging that knife into my back again,
cutting out a hateful message, because my father had refused to pay
the ransom. Only sex wore me out enough to send me into a dreamless
sleep. Sex was my drug, and I fucking needed it all the

wondered how I was going to cope with
leaving the D’Angelo house. My addiction had grown worse since
being here. The female pleasure slaves downstairs satisfied my
every whim, doing whatever I asked of them without
, yesterday I’d fucked seven of them, and still could’ve
gone back for more. It wouldn’t be like that back at my
home. We had no
pleasure slaves and the maids were unattractive, all chosen so my
brothers and I didn’t get tempted. It was because my second oldest
brother, who hired the servants, was an uptight prude, who didn’t
approve of sex outside of marriage. Fuck, Salvatore pissed me off.
He was a self-righteous
, who needed to butt out of my life.

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