My Sweet Valentine (22 page)

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Authors: Jill Sanders

BOOK: My Sweet Valentine
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“Sure, I bet we can work something out.” He could see the spark in Sara's eyes with the possibilities.


“Wonderful,” Iian said. “I tried your white chocolate cheesecake the other day.” Iian rolled his eyes. “Best I've ever had.”


“Thank you.” Allen watched Sara blush a little.


“Have you heard anything about the attack?” Allison asked, holding her sleeping son against her growing belly.


Sara shook her head and looked down at her hands.


Allen grabbed her hand. “Actually, Robert came to see me right before I drove over.” He spent the next few minutes relaying what Robert had told him.


“I just can't believe Mr. Mathis is behind all this.” She chewed her bottom lip. “Sure, he was a pain and always hitting on his employees, but to do everything…” He watched her shiver. “I just don't see it.” Her face dropped a little. “Poor Bethany. What is she going through? She was a tough boss, but she didn't deserve this.”


“People can be sick,” Allison said. “When Kevin Williams burned down my house with my mother inside, no one in town would have thought he could have done something like that. But he'd changed. Maybe your Mr. Mathis is going through some rough times.”


Sara looked out the large windows towards the choppy waters, deep in thought. “I suppose.”


“I'm just thankful they finally have a lead. The rental car, his lack of alibi,” Allen said. “Maybe now we can all get back to our normal lives and Sara can be safe.”




Chapter Fifteen

he next day Robert came around and told Sara that there had been enough cause to book Stephan Mathis. The tire treads matched the molds taken by the house, the rental car company confirmed that the car had been rented with his credit card, and Stephan didn't have solid alibis for any of the events. Even the night her Seattle apartment had been vandalized, his only alibi was he'd been at home watching sports and drinking beer alone.


Sara felt like a weight had lifted off her chest. She hadn't realized that for the last four years she'd been living in terror. Finally, she could go where she wanted without fear.


Besides, one of her favorite times of the year was right around the corner, and this year she had reason to celebrate it. Valentine’s Day had always been high on her list, along with playing dress up during Halloween. She'd celebrated plenty of Valentine’s Days with boyfriends, but this was the first she'd celebrate knowing she was truly in love. She enjoyed decorating the bakery and enjoyed cooking the specialty items for the season even more. Now all she had to do was tell Allen how she felt, and she knew exactly how she was going to do it. She'd been sketching up her plans all week, since they'd hung all the Valentine's decorations.


Josie had signed the lease on the apartment above Patty's place. Since the house they'd rented was still being renovated, the landlady had canceled the lease. She'd even refunded them their whole deposit. Sara hadn't really given much thought to staying longer at Allen's. She still questioned what he really felt about it, but every time she asked, he'd tell her that he loved having her there.


They'd gone shopping in Edgeview for new clothes and toiletry items, since she'd been running low on everything. She'd gone shopping with Josie on another day and bought Allen a special Valentine’s gift. She kept the see-through black-and-pink teddy hidden until the right moment. She'd even bought a special dress for the occasion she had planned.


She knew the days before a major holiday were going to be busy, but she didn't know that it would be crazy busy. She and Josie ended up staying past eleven most nights working on special orders and the orders for the Golden Oar.


She knew she had to hire another full-time baker, but decided to hold off interviewing until things slowed down.


Since Allen had moved his shifts around during the time they’d been unclear who was stalking her, he found himself working doubles to catch up. Most nights she arrived home an hour or two before he did. Some mornings he was gone before she even woke up.


They'd fallen into a pattern, spending their days off together, even if it meant he sat down at the bakery for a few hours watching her work.


This weekend though, she had their special dinner planned and she wasn't going to let anything get in the way of her plans.


She spent the night before their date working at the bakery alone. She wanted everything just perfect. When there was a knock on the back door, she almost jumped. Looking out the peephole, she was shocked to see Bethany Mathis standing in the rain.


Sara disarmed the security system and opened the door a little. “Bethany? What are you doing here?”


Bethany had been Sara's boss for the four years she'd worked in Seattle. She was a larger woman who hadn't given her appearance much attention. She'd spent most of her time in the kitchen, baking. Something Sara had forced herself to learn from Bethany was to always maintain a life outside of the kitchen. Smiling a little, she opened the door farther. The larger woman's face was red and Sara could tell that she'd been crying.


“I'm sorry to bother you. I tried to make it here earlier, before you closed, but something came up at the shop.”


“Please,” Sara motioned for her to come in. Whatever the pain the woman's husband had cause her, Sara couldn't say much against Bethany. The woman had been a wonderful boss, caring and kind the entire time she'd worked for her. “Can I get you anything?”


“No, thank you.” Bethany took a tissue out of her pocket and wiped at her nose. “I've been meaning to get down here and see your place.” She looked around, walking farther into the kitchen.


Sara shut the door behind her. She didn't know what to say to the woman whose husband had caused her so much grief.


“You've really made a place for yourself here,” Bethany said, her back to Sara. “I suppose I should have seen this coming.”


Sara stood still, unsure of what she'd just heard. Then Bethany turned around, a smile pasted on her lips. “Stephan was always talking about how talented you were. Sara this. Sara that. It drove me nuts!” She screamed the last part.


“I'm sorry. I know you must be upset.” Sara tried to think how she'd feel if her husband had been cheating on her, and stalking one of her employees.


“Upset? Upset!” Bethany laughed. “You think I'm upset?” She crossed her arms over her chest and started walking around, running her hands over the tables and utensils. “I'm more than upset. When I found out how Stephan felt about you, I knew he'd cheated before. I always looked the other way, but with you, it was different. He couldn't stop talking about you. Every time you walked into the room, I saw it there in his eyes.” She turned and glared at her. “Love.” The word sounded like poison coming from her lips. “So, I decided to take matters into my own hands.”


Sara's back was to the door, but she was so frozen in place, she didn't think she could blink, let alone breathe. Bethany's fingers ran over the row of knives hanging on the magnet.


“Breaking into your apartment was easy and fun.” She smiled and Sara gasped. “Oh yes, cutting up your things gave me great pleasure. Everything you are is tainted.”


Sara gripped behind her, looking for the door handle. “Then you gave your notice and left. I thought things would change. I thought Stephan would finally pay attention to me again, but he didn't. Instead, he would go away for days at a time. I knew he was coming down here to you.” She screamed, and slowly slid the largest knife off the wall magnet. The metal on metal sound echoed in the empty building.


“I'd been coming down here, trying to catch the two of you together, but you were too sneaky for me. I followed you everywhere you went. Everywhere! Then it became clear to me. I needed to get rid of you once and for all. I thought the hit over the head would work, but I guess I didn't hit you hard enough.”


“But aren't you divorcing him?”


“Of course!” Bethany started walking slowly towards her. She dragged the sharp knife along the top of the worktable, leaving behind a large scratch. “I had to keep up my appearances.” She stopped a few feet from her, smiling. Sara could see it now, the empty look that showed the evil inside. “I handed him the papers, then I drove down here on his credit card and hit you over the head with the largest stick I could find. I wanted to kill you. I will kill you. It will be easier after you’re gone. Stephan will be cleared, then he'll come running back to me, like he always does. And you won't be around to distract him.”


Bethany lunged, the knife held high. Sara saw the lights sparkle off the sharp edge just before she screamed.


Allen smiled and looked down at Beast. He'd spent the last hour bathing him. The dog now smelled as good as he looked. Frowning, Allen looked down at himself and then looked at the clock. He had just enough time for a quick shower before his plans. He'd kept his secret from Sara all week and it was killing him.


Jogging upstairs, he looked over his shoulder. “Don't go messing anything up, buddy. We've got a date tonight.”


He knew it was early, that Valentine's Day wasn't until this weekend, but he had overheard Sara telling Josie that they'd be too busy that day to do anything other than work. So he’d decided an early Valentine couldn't hurt. Plus, she wouldn’t be expecting it.


After showering, he put on his new jeans and shirt and took a look at his reflection. Yup, he was ready for this, he told himself.


It took some doing getting Beast and the large box into the truck. He finally decided to put the box in first and then go back for the dog. Beast now weighed almost a hundred pounds, easily.


Driving through town, he smiled as he stopped in front of the bakery. She'd sure outdone herself with the window decorations. The pink, red, and white lights flashed in the window. She'd even changed the blubs in her sign so that her lettering showed up with a slight tint of pink.


Yeah, love was in the air. He opened the door for Beast to jump out. It was raining lightly and he frowned at the sky. “Looks like we're going to get a little wet.” Couldn't the weather work with him for one night? Hoping it would clear by the time they made it to the beach, he walked to the back bakery door just as Sara pushed out of it, screaming. She ran right into his arms, yelling, “She has a knife!”


For a split second, he thought she and Josie were just fooling around, but then a large woman with bright blonde hair came rushing out the door, waving a large knife. In a blink of an eye, Beast had his jaws wrapped around the woman's wrist, the one with the knife in it. The woman screamed and dropped the knife and tried to kick the dog off of her.

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