Myriah Fire (3 page)

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Authors: Claudy Conn

Tags: #FICTION / Romance / Regency

BOOK: Myriah Fire
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She laughed good-naturedly. “You
a rogue! Perhaps I
want to be alone with you … perhaps I do not. I really don’t know. But that doesn’t signify at the moment, for apparently
with you!”

His laugh was low and soft as he put his strong arms around her and drew her to him. “Myriah, you feel so good in my arms …”

She knew what she was doing. She invited his caress, hoping he might be the one. He certainly excited her. Suddenly his mouth was hungrily on hers. She yielded to his lips, allowing him the kiss, tasting his tongue, wondering if he could be the one as she waited and hoped for thunder and lightning … hoped for bells … for music—for something. She sighed at length and pulled away.

“I can’t marry you, Roland.”

He laughed and shook his head. “Who is the rogue now, my dear?”

She returned his look, an impish light creeping into her eyes. “Now there is no use telling me that I must not kiss a man unless I mean to marry him, for that is simply stuff and nonsense—and so you know!”

do! But there are many who would not agree with such liberal thoughts!”

“That is because they are from another time and … and I think I am very different.” She moved farther away and frowned sadly over the problem.

“Myriah, what is it you want?” he asked suddenly.

“I … I don’t know. Evidently something other than what I have. I want to
But all I can feel is this awful restlessness. Lord … when I was a child, I was never this way. ’Tis just this past year. Here I am flaunting myself for the London bucks … and, Roland, I hate every minute of it!”

“Then end it—marry me!” Roland turned her to face him again. “We shall deal together, you know that we shall. Myriah, there is so much more …”

“Oh, Roland, you don’t need me to tell you what wild fun you are. And there is no gainsaying the fact that I like you better than any other man of my acquaintance, but I am not in love with you.”

“I could teach you to be,” he said, taking her into his arms and pressing her powerfully against him. She let him take her lips again, putting her arms about his neck, aroused by his hot kisses, aroused by her own needs. She returned his kiss, and her own was as urgent as his. She wanted this to be love, though she knew it was not.

“Egad!” reverberated a familiar voice from behind her.

Myriah jumped away from Roland’s suddenly limp arms and looked at her father with dismay. The blood rushed quickly to her cheeks.

Sir Roland pulled himself to his full height and stood calmly facing Lord Whitney, whose expression gave every promise of trouble. His lordship shook one irate finger at Sir Roland.

“What the devil do you mean seducing my daughter in my own home?”

“You mistake, my lord. I have just asked Myriah to be my wife,” Sir Roland offered quickly.

cheeks lost their heightened color, and she opened her eyes wide at her father’s change of expression. The ominous cloud that had hung about him had totally disappeared and been replaced with an open
She felt the warmth drain from her body, and coldness clutched at her.

“Eh?” barked his lordship, opening his blue eyes. “She has accepted you. Excellent—excellent! I knew she would. Told Emily, ‘Mark me now, ’tis Roland she wants.’ Very pleased indeed,” her father rattled on.

“Papa … Papa … I have
accepted Sir Roland’s offer!”

“Nonsense! Saw you
returned her father. Lady Myriah felt distinctly uncomfortable beneath
scrutiny. How could she explain?

“Nevertheless, Papa, I did not accept his very flattering proposal.”

“Well then, my girl, do so now!” her father commanded, the smile leaving his lips. “No chit of mine is going to give away her favors freely.”

“Papa, do but listen—”

“Never mind trying to
get a
round me this time. It won’t
girl. I saw you with my own eyes—giving Sir Roland that which should
only to your intended. It’s clear I’ve let you run amuck. Well, I shan’t let you ruin yourself. It’s a
husband you need, and Sir Roland here will
the post nicely.”

“Papa, please do not speak so to me. I am not going to marry Roland. You can scarcely expect me to marry
man simply because I have allowed him to

“What?” shouted her distraught parent, quite on the verge of apoplexy.

“Well, really, Papa—”

“Listen to me, young lady,” interjected her father, barely able to speak. “You are not only going to, marry Sir Roland …
am going back into that ballroom with you both and making the announcement tonight!
Good God
—next thing you’ll be cradling a babe in your arms and telling me ’tis nothing at all! The very idea. Damnation, Myriah, I don’t like admitting Emily was right, but you have proven her so. She warned me what you were headed for, and I refused to listen. Well, by damn, I have discovered the way of it before it was too late!”

Myriah’s temper was as hot as her excitable father’s. However, she had enough control left to contain her fire. She knew her father to be in the right of it, at least,
right of it. From where he stood things must look bad, and when he was in a temper, there was no curbing his highhandedness. If she were to save the situation, she must act rationally. She calmed herself, knowing that to defy him now would not serve.

“Very well, Papa … if you will but give me a moment to tidy myself, I shall be very happy to accompany you to the ballroom and hear my engagement to Sir Roland announced.”

Sir Roland’s eyes flickered and flew to her face. What was the chit about? ’Twas not like her to concede so easily.

His lordship, on the other hand, thought too much of his authority over his daughter to question her sudden submission. He grunted and allowed her to pass.

Myriah raced up the back stairs and avoided the interested servants as she made her way to her room. She would have to act quickly or be undone, for once such an announcement was made her father would never make a retraction. Indeed, she felt
even she
could not weather such a scandal.

“Papa, oh dear Papa,” she said to herself sadly as she rushed about her room, flung off her elegant gown, and donned instead a smartly cut riding habit of dark blue
velvet. Her father, beloved, doting, and kind, could be terribly steadfast in his decisions, especially when his sense of propriety had been
The only way to prevent doom was to absent herself. She flung two gowns into a small portmanteau, scurried about for her toiletries, pulled on her riding boots, and without another glance made her way, portmanteau in hand, to the back stairway.

The sounds of servants rushing about with food trays, wasping at each other in their haste, caused her to slow down cautiously. She must not be seen. Another movement brought her to the side door of their fashionable London town house, and a moment later she was breathing in the night air.

With a hurry born of need, she made the three blocks to the Whitney stables unseen, for there was but one thing she could do and one place she could go: to her grandfather at Guildford House.

The extensive Whitney stables loomed out of the darkness. It was late, well past ten, and she was certain most of the livery boys would be in bed. She pulled on the wide wooden latch, lifted it out of its catch, and swung the door gently open.

“Who’s that?” came the gruff voice of a small man ambling toward her. The stables were dimly lit, and he pushed the candleholder in his hand toward the intruder’s face.

he cried out in surprise.

“Hush, Tabby,” Myriah whispered, putting one gloved finger to her lips. “I need your help, old friend.”

He squinted at her intently, his dark eyes noting her disheveled attire. He scratched his short gray hair, and his mouth moved dourly. “Eh, now, child, what ye got yeself into this time?”

“Oh, Tabby, there is no time to explain now. Just trust me and help me saddle
horse immediately, and, Tab, I will ride astride!”

“Hold now, m’girl,” said the groom authoritatively. “You ain’t thinking of riding out at this time of night?”

“Oh, Tabby, please—just saddle Silkie for me. We need to hurry. If we don’t escape I shall be undone!”

There was no denying the note of desperation in his lady’s voice. He had mounted Myriah on her first pony. He had served her as he had served and adored her mother, but he was not beneath putting a spoke in her wheel to save her from herself. He hesitated. “First you best tell me what’s got you running.”

“Papa means to marry me to Sir Roland … He is in a temper, Tabby, and there is no gainsaying him. I must go to Grandpapa.”

“That won’t serve, m’lady. It’ll set up your father’s bristles, it will.”

“If you care for me, get my horse, Tab—please!” Then, with a bit more authority, she added, “Now—or I shall do it myself.” Myriah was out of patience.

Tabson grumbled but disappeared into the darkness while Myriah fidgeted, fearing her father’s explosion on the scene. Perhaps he would not realize for a time, but then he would send up a maid to fetch her, and then … her absence would be reported, and he would have to say she had gone to bed ill.

In what seemed interminable but was actually a short time, Tabby returned with his lady’s horse and a saddled roan for himself.

“Tabby, what do you think you’re doing?”

“I be going wit ye! Not the devil ’imself could stop me!” announced her groom as he watched her cinch her saddle in place and hoist herself nimbly onto her horse.

She laughed. “Now, Tabby, I have to tell you that you should fear my powers a bit more than the devil’s.” She laughed again and added, “I’ve a notion to let you come—so be it!”

She flung him a purse containing a tidy sum and led the way, cooing to her glossy, quiet stallion as she urged him onto the cobbled street. His ears flicked at the sound of her voice. A breeze caressed her cheeks, and Myriah laughed a wild, unbridled laugh. She was free—at least for the moment.





~ Two ~


AS THEY PICKED their way through the narrow streets toward Charing Cross, Myriah’s eyes were bright with excitement. Even the thought that London at this time of night was not safe for a well-armed man, let alone a young woman, could not disturb her spirits.

“’Tis a wild ride we ’ave ahead of us,
Tabson said sourly.

“Ain’t it grand, Tab? Imagine! Riding on the open road with not a soul to say us nay!”

“Humph … providing no bridle-cull spots us,” returned the groom pessimistically.

“And if he does, we’ll give him our trinkets and be on our way—’tis nothing!” said the lady, snapping her finger for emphasis and laughing at the thought of such an escapade.

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