Myrna Loy (73 page)

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Authors: Emily W. Leider

BOOK: Myrna Loy
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Lainie Kazan, January 3, 2007

Richard Lamparski, multiple conversations

Robert Lantz, August 3, 2006, and March 18, 2007

Jack Larson, July 3, 2006

Bob Lasanka, December 20, 2007

A. C. Lyles, June 17, 2008

Arnie Malina, September 27, 2005

Leonard Maltin, December 5, 2007

Marvin Paige, several conversations

Rex Reed, March 11, 2009

Lisa Ryan, October 25, 2008

June Springer, November 26, 2007

Laurel Taylor, August 24, 2008, and via email

Kevin Thomas, December 16, 2007

Joan Van Ark, September 10, 2009

Jeffrey Vance, July 30, 2007

Melinda Markey Van Dyke, September 29, 2007


Noelle Carter at Warner Bros. Archives, University of Southern California.

Ned Comstock at the University of Southern California Cinematic Arts Library for his extraordinary generosity and thoughtfulness.

Julie Graham and Lauren Buisson at the UCLA Performing Arts Library, Special Collections.

Barbara Hall, Kristine Krueger, Faye Thompson, Stacey Behlmer, and Linda Mehr at the Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

J. C. Johnson at the Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, Boston University.

Lisa Kallow, Clerk of the District Court, Lewis and Clark County, Montana.

Jane Klain and Richard Holbrook at the Paley Center for Media, New York.

Rebecca Kohl at the Montana Historical Society.

Harry Miller at the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theatre Research.

Charles Silver and Ron Magliozzi at the Museum of Modern Art Film Study Center, New York.

Josie L. Walters-Johnson, Rosemary Hanes, and Madeline Matz at the Library of Congress Motion Picture Division. Walter Zvonchenko at the Library of Congress Performing Arts Division.

Valerie Yaros, Screen Actors Guild historian.

In addition I would like to thank Kevin Brownlow, for opening his files, reviewing several chapters, and answering endless queries; Bob Gitt and Tony Slide for comments and corrections on my chapter on the transition to sound; Cat Nielson for genealogical research; Karie Bible for her work on the filmography and her research assistance; Cari Beauchamp, Matt Shelby Black, Ron Bowers, Jim Curtis, Dick DeNeut, Scott Eyman, Joyce Marie Faust, Carmen Bley Gilley, Eve Golden, Samuel Goldwyn Jr., Donna Hill, Ann Kahn, Brian Kellow, Matthew Kennedy, John Kern, Terence Kingsley-Smith, Mick LaSalle, Betty Lasky, Tim Lithgow, Christina McKillip, Lisa Mitchell, Scott O’Brien, Jim Parish, Maxine Savitz, Judy Wyler Sheldon, Charlene Spalding, David Stenn, Roy T. Thorsen, Mark Vieira, Shelly Wanger, Ernest Young, and Gwenda Young; my agent, Jin Auh, and Jacqueline Ko, her assistant, at the Wylie Agency; my excellent editor at UC Press, Mary Francis, ably assisted by Eric Schmidt, Suzanne Knott, and ace copy editor Joe Abbott; and my first reader, Bill Leider, for his bottomless support and for watching movies with me. Of course he fell for Myrna Loy.


The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.


Hollywood Fights Back

Summer Solstice

abortion: Harlow’s


screen censorship

Academy Awards:


nominations (1931)

The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer


Baxter in 1928’s

In Old Arizona

The Best Years of Our Lives

in several categories (1946)

Clift nominations

Crain in



Dressler nomination (1932)

Freed producing

The Great Ziegfeld

for Best Picture (1936)

It Happened One Night

actors (1934)

“The Last Time I Saw Paris” for Best Song (1940)

Lombard as Best Actress for

My Man Godfrey


Loy never nominated for

Loy Oscar for Lifetime Achievement (1990)

Loy as presenter

Manhattan Melodrama

for Best Story

McLaglen in

The Informer


MGM and Warner Bros. monopolizing

Milestone as Best Director

Mrs. Miniver

winning Best Picture, Best Actress, Best Director (1942)

Muni as Best Actor (1936)

Powell nominated for

My Man Godfrey


Rainer as Best Actress for

The Good Earth


Rainer as Best Actress for

The Great Ziegfeld


The Rains Came

Ruggles of Red Gap

nominated (1935)

Schlesinger as Best Director for

Midnight Cowboy


Stapleton in

Miss Lonelyhearts

Test Pilot

Best Picture nomination

The Thin Man

nominations (1934)

Tracy as Best Actor


sets (1931)


as Best Picture (1927)

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Carnegie Hall celebration of Loy (1985)

Crawford memorial

Herrick as executive secretary

Nagel as one founder.

See also

Academy Awards

Acheson, Dean

wife Alice

Across the Pacific

acting style: stage.

See also

Loy, Myrna—acting style; Loy, Myrna—stage acting

Adler, Larry

Adrian costumes

The Hooded Falcon

The Mask of Fu Manchu


What Price Beauty?



sexual infidelities

“After great pain a formal feeling comes” (Dickinson)

After the Thin Man

American Place Theatre celebration


Perfect Wife

San Francisco

Agee, James



Loy, Myrna—agents

Ager, Cecilia

aging actors


See also

aviation films


Airport 1975

Alfred, William

“Al Jolson in a Plantation Act”

Allan, Elizabeth

Allan, Ted

Allen, Gene

Allen, George V.

Allied Pictures

Alvarado, Don/Don Page

The Ambassador’s Daughter

Ameche, Don

American Association for the United Nations (AAUN)

American Federation of Labor

American Newspaper Women’s Club

American Photo-Engraver

American Place Theatre

American Red Cross, Loy work

American Slav Congress

Ames, Robert

Anderson, Diana

Andrews, Dana

Andy Hardy series

The Animal Kingdom


Another Thin Man

Apger, Virgil


The April Fools

The Arab

Army Emergency Relief

The Army Play by Play


Art and Beauty




Hornblow, Arthur Jr.

Arthur disco

Arthur, Jean

Ashley, Lady Sylvia (formerly Edith Hawkes)

Asian roles: Loy

The Rains Came

Astaire, Fred

Asta the dog,

The Thin Man


Astor, Mary

AT&T, test film made by Bell Telephone Labs

Atlantic Charter Conference (1941)

August, Joseph

autobiography, Loy’s.

See Being and Becoming

aviation films

The Awful Truth

Ayckbourn, Alan

Bacall, Lauren

Bachardy, Don

The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer

Baclanova, Olga

Baer, Max

Baker, Kara

Ball, Lucille



MacFarlane, Louella Bamberger

Banky, Vilma

Banton, Travis

Bara, Theda

The Barbarian

Barbier, Larry

Barefoot in the Park


Barkley, Alben

Barnes, Clive

Barnes, Howard

Barry, Philip

Barrymore, John

Barrymore, Lionel

Barthelmess, Richard

Bates, Florence

Baxter, Warner:

Broadway Bill

In Old Arizona

Academy Award

Loy co-star



To Mary–with Love

Bazin, André

BBC, Masaryk broadcasts

Beau Brummel

Beavers, Louise

Beerbohm, Max

Behlmer, Rudy

Behrman, S.N.

Behymer, Lynden E.

Being and Becoming

(Loy autobiography with Kotsilibas-Davis)


celebrations for

Clift sexuality


father’s death



Hornblow infidelities

love of her life

Markey infidelities

marriage goal

MGM conflict

and Nettie Qualls


Belafonte, Harry

Belknap Rowley, Gladys

Bell, Monta

Belles on Their Toes

Bell Telephone Labs, test film


Benjamin, Richard

Bennett, Constance

Bennett, Joan

Bennett, Richard

Benny, Jack

Berenson, Bernard

Bergere, Ouida (Mrs. Basil Rathbone)

Bergman, Ingrid

Berman, Pandro

Bern, Paul

The Best Man


The Best Years of Our Lives

Academy Awards

American or anti-American

Harold Russell as Homer



Sherwood script

Beverly Hills residences: during

Belles on Their Toes


Loy with family

Loy with Hornblow

Loy with roommates


Beware of Married Men

The Big Parade

Bitter Apples

Black, Betty Berger

dance performances


Hornblow’s treatment of Loy’s friends

husband Bob


Lake Arrowhead

on Loy-Markey marriage

Loy and Eleanor Roosevelt

Loy-Sargeant wedding

and Loy’s brother

on Loy trip with mother’s ashes

and sexuality


Black, Bob


Blackstone Theater,

Barefoot in the Park

The Black Watch

“Blandings Dream Houses”

Blithe Spirit

Blondell, Joan

The Blue Bird


Boatwright, Alice Lee “Boaty”

Body and Soul

Bogart, Humphrey

Boles, John

Bolton, Guy

Boom Town

Boston University, Loy archive

Bosworth, Patricia

Bow, Clara



top box-office movies

Boyer, Charles

Brabin, Charles

Brady, Alice

Brecher, Irving

Breen, Joseph (at PCA):

The Best Years of Our Lives

Confessions of a Nazi Spy

The Great Ziegfeld


Libeled Lady

and marriage


The Rains Came

The Senator Was Indiscreet

Test Pilot

The Thin Man

Wife vs. Secretary


See also

Production Code Administration (PCA)

Brent, George

Brice, Fannie

Bride of the Regiment

Bringing Up Baby

Brisson, Frederick

Britain: Fairbanks guest list

films sympathetic to

Loy trip

MGM’s Denham Studio

Royal Command Film Performance


That Dangerous Age

World War II

Brizzi, Anchise


The Army Play by Play

Barefoot in the Park


Barry plays

“Broadway for Stevenson”





The Desert Song




The Jazz Singer

Levene in

Three Men on a Horse

Look After Lulu

Loy dream

The Marriage Go Round


Noah’s Ark


post-Thalberg MGM and


Relatively Speaking


“The Road to Rome” (Sherwood)

Schary play

Stewart play

talkie transition and

Warner Bros. actors from

What Price Glory?

The Women

World War II

“Ziegfeld Follies”

Broadway Bill

Brock, Elsie Jensen

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