Myrna Loy (70 page)

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Authors: Emily W. Leider

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7. “In films”: ML, quoted in
New York World Telegram Sun
, Jan. 16, 1965.

8. a new house record:
New York Times
, Sept. 25, 1961.

9. “ML is a deft”:
, Sept. 16, 1961; “her voice”: Frank Prial on
There Must Be a Pony, Newark Evening News
, Aug. 29, 1962; “perfectly lucid”:
LA Times
, Oct. 5, 1974.

10. “I never really”: ML, quoted in
New York World Telegram and Sun
, Jan. 16, 1965.

11. a distinguished-looking gentleman: Richard Benjamin to the author, Sept. 12, 2009.

12. “got a little in the way”: ML, quoted by Paine Knickerbocker,
San Francisco Chronicle
, Feb. 12, 1965.

13. “Christina wouldn’t”: ML, quoted in Chandler,
Not the Girl Next Door
, 265.

14. “Sorry to hear”: ML to George Cukor, Dec. 1978, Cukor Collection, AMPAS; refusal to talk: Christina Crawford,
Mommie Dearest
, 285.

15. Sarah Siddons Award:
Chicago Tribune
, Jan. 22, 1966.

16. Christmas holiday: Deborah Hornblow to the author, Oct. 15, 2005.

17. told the TV interviewer: quoted on James Day,
Day at Night
, Jan. 27, 1974.

18. “completely intoxicated”: Laurel Taylor recollections, email to the author, July 3, 2008.

19. “I’ll go to bed”: ML, quoted in
Women’s Wear Daily
, July 30, 1981; Pope Brock: in
, April 4, 1988, 47.

20. “Now it is not”: Barnes,
New York Times
, April 26, 1973.

21. “I looked like”: Lainie Kazan to the author, Jan. 3, 2007.

22. Myrna told the crowd: Ron Bowers, email to the author, Sept. 6, 2006; “warm and cool”: Springer and Hamilton,
They Had Faces Then
, 168.

23. Founder’s Reception: Program, Nov. 21, 1963, American Place Theatre, MLP, Box 18, folder 3.

24. “Mr. Fonda and Miss Loy”: John O’Connor,
New York Times
, Dec. 30, 1981.

25. “Dear, dear Cary”: ML to Cary Grant, undated [1982], Grant Collection, AMPAS.

26. “That trip gave me”: James Kotsilibas-Davis, quoted in
New York Post
, Nov. 5, 1987.

27. “There were many days”: Kotsilibas-Davis and ML, quoted in
Philadelphia Inquirer
, Nov. 29, 1987.

28. American Place Theatre benefit gala:
New York Times
, Nov. 7, 1987.

29. “the reason she never”: Robert Osborne, in
Hollywood Reporter
, Dec. 17, 1993.

30. tribute to be held at Carnegie Hall:
LA Times
, Jan. 17, 1985;
New York Post
, Jan. 16, 1985;
New York Times
, Dec. 15, 1993; event Program, Academy Awards Collection, AMPAS.

31. “You’ve made me”: ML, at 63rd Annual Academy Awards, March 25, 1991.

32. “lovely and mysterious”: Ronald Reagan, Dec. 4, 1988, Kennedy Center Honors,

33. After a party: Miles Kreuger to the author, Aug. 19, 2006.

34. “Myrna Loy, Model of Urbanity”:
New York Times
, Dec. 15, 1993.

35. “one of the least vain”: Roddy McDowall, eulogy, Dec. 18, 1993, Frank E. Campbell Funeral Chapel, MLP, Box 25.

36. “rueful acceptance”: Robert Lantz tribute, undated [1993], MHS clipping.

37. “If you want to know”: ML, quoted in
, Dec. 1984.










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