Mystery of the Moss-Covered Mansion (9 page)

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Authors: Carolyn Keene

Tags: #Women Detectives, #Detective and Mystery Stories, #Girls & Women, #Mystery & Detective, #Juvenile Fiction, #Adventure and Adventurers, #Mysteries & Detective Stories, #Fiction, #Mystery Fiction, #Women Sleuths, #Adventure Stories, #Malicious Accusation, #Drew; Nancy (Fictitious Character), #General, #Sabotage, #Mystery and Detective Stories

BOOK: Mystery of the Moss-Covered Mansion
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“I told you I don’t have it with me,” Nancy replied. “But tell me why you want the key. My father is coming down tonight and I need it to show him the house tomorrow morning. I’m sure he’ll buy the place.”
“It’s no longer for sale,” Mr. Scarlett snapped. “Mr. Webster has taken it off the market.”
“What!” George exclaimed. “I understood he wanted to sell it as soon as possible.”
“Not any more. Tell me where the key is and I’ll go back to the house and get it from your friends.”
Nancy had no intention of doing this. It had occurred to her that this whole story might be false. She would ask her father to get in touch with Mr. Webster direct and learn the truth.
“Hurry up!” Mr. Scarlett shouted.
Before Nancy had a chance to answer, a trooper on a motorcycle whizzed up and stopped. He pulled out a pad and pencil and said to Mr. Scarlett, “You were going way beyond the speed limit.”
“I was in a hurry,” the realtor replied.
George nudged Nancy and whispered, “Now’s your chance to get away.”
Nancy thought so too. Putting the car into gear, she drove off down the road.
George glanced back several times to see if Mr. Scarlett was following them. There was no sign of his car.
As they neared the airport, George said, “It seems strange he knew where to find us. Do you suppose he was at the house and Hannah or Bess told him?”
“Even if he were there, I’m sure they wouldn’t tell him. Besides, they could truthfully say they didn’t know where the key is because I hid it and forgot to tell you all the place.”
Nancy parked and glanced at her watch. Ten minutes to ten.
“Dad should be in soon,” Nancy said, a smile crossing her face. “It will be so good to see him again.”
As the girls walked into the terminal building, they noticed that people waiting to meet relatives or friends looked tense and worried. One woman was pacing the floor nervously, wiping perspiration from her face, though the night was cool.
As she came close to the girls, she said, “The New York plane is in trouble.”
“What’s wrong?” Nancy asked her.
The woman looked at the girl, terror in her eyes. “The landing gear jammed. The wheels won’t come down. This means a crash landing!”
Frustrated Thief
THE girls gasped and rushed outside to watch the plane carrying Mr. Drew and the Billingtons. It was circling the field. The runway had been sprayed with foam. A fire truck and an ambulance stood nearby. Soon the great jetliner began to descend.
“But the landing wheels aren’t down!” murmured the woman who had followed the girls outdoors.
With Nancy and George she watched breathlessly. Upon landing the plane might spin around.
Fortunately the pilot made a skillful belly landing and all the waiting friends and relatives gave sighs of relief. Mr. Drew and the Billingtons were among the first to get off. The pilot had already come out and the two men hurried to catch up to him.
“Congratulations on your fine work!” Mr. Drew called. Mr. Billington also complimented the pilot.
“It’s all in a day’s work,” the young captain answered with a smile, then disappeared into the offices of the airline.
Mr. Drew introduced the Billingtons, who said they had been looking forward to meeting Nancy and her friends. As soon as they were seated in the car, Mr. Billington requested that the girls tell him about the fire.
Nancy reported on it in detail and told him the arsonist had not been caught. “Mr. Billington, we have found Tina and Antin a complete mystery. Do you think it possible that he had anything to do with the fire?”
“Not Antin,” Mr. Billington said quickly. “I always thought he loved my orange grove and would be heartbroken if something happened to it.”
Nancy and George made no comment. Antin had certainly not shown this kind of regret about the burned trees and packing house.
George told about the girls’ experience on the way to the airport. “Mr. Scarlett was positively contemptible, and he said that the Webster house had been taken off the market.”
“Dad,” said Nancy, “could you find out if it is really true?”
When he nodded, she added, “The girls and I have wondered if Scarlett is acting in collusion with the owner of the moss-covered mansion.” She told the men about the wild animals they had seen. “The trainer was very hostile to us. I suspect he doesn’t want any new neighbors.”
Mr. Drew asked, “Have you talked to the police about the place?”
“No, I haven’t,” Nancy replied, “but I’ll do 80 first thing in the morning.”
When the Drews and their friends arrived at the Billington house, they were amazed to hear of Mr. Scarlett’s rude behavior toward Hannah and Bess.
Mr. Drew scowled. “I don’t like his actions. I doubt that he is to be trusted. You say he went into the grounds of the moss-covered mansion furtively?”
“Yes,” Nancy replied. “Suppose I call the police right now and ask if they can tell us anything about who lives there.”
She phoned at once but was told she would have to wait until morning when the office with the local records was open.
The next day Nancy lost no time in getting the information. The old house had been purchased by a man named Fortin. He had been a trainer of wild animals for a circus. Fortin had received a permit to have the beasts there as long as they were properly caged. Nancy thanked the clerk and hung up.
“I wonder if Fortin was that tall heavy-set man with the whip,” she said to Bess and George.
Nancy was more convinced than ever that Fortin was in back of the move to keep the Drews from buying the Webster house. He might have found out she was an amateur detective and did not want her so close. She might report that he allowed the dangerous animals out of their cages.
“I wish I could get inside that mansion,” Nancy said. “I have a strong hunch there’s something going on between Scarlett and Fortin which has a direct bearing on the Webster property.”
Bess spoke up. “You’d better forget it, Nancy. We came down here to solve the mystery of the explosive oranges. Why don’t we forget that place with the wild animals and go hunting for Hamlin orange groves as George suggested?”
“I’m ready to start,” Nancy said.
The girls set off in the Billingtons’ car. Nancy drove up one road and down another. Many people had small groves, others large ones, but none had Hamlin oranges. Most were apparently Valencias.
At last the girls spotted a big grove of smooth-skinned Hamlins. Nancy turned into the long driveway and went to the packing house. She introduced herself and her friends to the foreman, saying they were from the North and were interested in solving the case of the explosive oranges.
“My father is the attorney for Mr. Billington,” she said. “I’m eager to find out which grove those particular oranges came from. Can you help me?”
The foreman, who told them his name was Tom Seever, smiled. He looked up at the darkening sky and said, “We’d better run into the packing house. I’ll tell you what I know. Looks like a heavy shower coming any second.”
The girls hurried after him and went into the shelter. Pickers from the grove and a visitor who had just driven in began rushing inside too. By the time the rain came down hard, the place was so crowded that moving around was impossible.
Suddenly the lights went out. A few seconds later Nancy felt a rough hand against her arm. She realized that someone was trying to cut the strap of her handbag.
Quickly she clutched the bag in one hand and with the other grabbed the man’s wrist. Finding it, she pinched the flesh so hard that the purse snatcher cried out in pain. Instantly she could feel him moving away.
A few seconds later the lights went on. Nancy craned her neck to look at all the people who had taken shelter in the packing house. It was hopeless to try identifying the suspect, but she saw the visitor dash to a car and drive off. Was he guilty and had he followed her here?
The rain had stopped and the men had begun to file outside. Nancy and her friends were the last to leave the building. After talking to Mr. Seever for a few minutes about the mystery, she was convinced that there was nothing he could tell them which would cast any light on the case. All his oranges were sold to trustworthy buyers he knew well, and no fruit had been stolen.
The young sleuth asked if he would give them directions to another Hamlin grove.
He told her of one about a mile away and the three girls headed for Owen’s Grove.
It was a large grove and there were many pickers at work. Nancy was directed to the office of the owner, Mr. Owen. It was in a small building that stood a short distance from the packing house.
She went to the door and asked, “May I come in?”
The owner rose, smiling, and said, “Yes, indeed. Won’t you sit down?”
Bess and George had stayed outside to look over the packing house.
The young detective introduced herself. “My father is working on Mr. Billington’s case. Since the explosive oranges that were brought into the Base were Hamlins, I wondered if you might possibly have a clue to help solve the mystery.”
Mr. Owen said he did. “The FBI were here, of course, and I told them a suspicion of mine. One of my workers never showed up here after the affair. He was a strange, uncommunicative person by the name of Max Ivanson. We tried to get in touch with him where he boarded but were told that he had disappeared.”
“Did he take anything from here with him?” Nancy asked.
Mr. Owen nodded. “Several sacks of oranges were missing. We think he took them. I’ve forgotten the number now but it corresponded to the count which the NASA authorities had listed in their report about the delivery.”
Nancy was intrigued by this information. “What did Max Ivanson look like?”
Mr. Owen opened a desk drawer and pulled out a photograph. “This is the man. I just came across it.”
Nancy tried not to show her surprise. Ivanson looked enough like Mr. Billington to be a brother!
“Can you tell me anything more about him?” Nancy queried.
“A little. Ivanson’s a bachelor. He was a good picker but would never stay to work overtime.”
Nancy, arose. “You have been most kind and helpful,” she said, putting out her hand.
Mr. Owen shook it warmly and wished her luck in solving the mystery. “I’m glad if I’ve been of help,” he said.
Bess and George were excited when Nancy told them what she had found out, and discussed the clue as they started for home. A shortcut led them past the Nickersons’ house.
“Let’s go in,” Nancy suggested, and turned into their driveway.
Both of Ned’s parents were home and were amazed at all Nancy had accomplished, particularly her last clue. Then the conversation turned toward the Webster house and the moss-covered mansion.
“I certainly wish I could get inside that weird-looking place with the wild animals,” said Nancy.
Mr. Nickerson grinned. All three girls thought how much Ned looked like his father when he smiled broadly.
“I think I just might arrange such a visit,” Mr. Nickerson said. “I know a man who is an animal control officer in the Public Health Service. Perhaps he could make a routine inspection of the moss-covered mansion and”—he winked at Nancy —“perhaps he could take a secretary with him!”
Eerie Inspection
“WHAT an exciting suggestion!” Nancy exclaimed. “Think of going inside the moss-covered mansion!’
All the others agreed it was a good idea except Bess, who looked worried.
“Nancy, please think this over. You know the trouble we almost got into with those wild animals on the outside of the house. No telling what may happen if you go indoors.”
Nancy turned to Mr. Nickerson. “Surely it can’t be dangerous if the Health Department goes there regularly to inspect the place.”
Ned’s father nodded. “I can soon solve this,” he said. “My friend Mr. Wilcox, the animal control officer, will know whether or not it’s possible and also safe for you to go into the moss-covered mansion.”
He went to make the call. While waiting, George said she was envious of Nancy’s visit to the place. Bess remarked timidly, “Well I’m not. I don’t mind telling you those animals frightened me half to death.”
Mr. Nickerson soon returned, a wide smile on his face. “Everything is arranged. Mr. Wilcox will be here tomorrow morning at ten to pick you up.”
“That’s wonderful!” the young detective exclaimed. “I think we’d better dash home now. I’ll see you at ten o’clock tomorrow morning. By the way, Mr. Nickerson, will you request Mr. Wilcox not to introduce me at the moss-covered mansion?”
“That’s a good idea,” he agreed. “If they know your name, you might not get a friendly greeting! Anyway, since you are not a regular member of the Public Health Service staff, let the people at the mansion think of you as Wilcox’s Girl Friday.”
This reference to the Robinson Crusoe story struck Bess funny and she began to laugh. “You’ll be Mrs. Robinson Crusoe,” she remarked. On the way home, however, Bess sobered again. “I just hope nothing happens to you!”
“I promise to keep my eyes open,” Nancy told her friend.
She could hardly wait for the following morning to come, but during the remainder of the afternoon, Bess kept referring to the possible dangers Nancy might encounter.
Once she said, “Suppose that leopard mauls you!”
George looked at her cousin severely. “Will you be quiet? Nancy is determined to go and I don’t blame her. There’s no point in trying to scare her away.”
Bess said no more but Hannah Gruen did. She was inclined to agree with Bess. “I know Mr. Wilcox will be with you, but what protection would he be against an angry lion?”
When Mr. Drew and Mr. Billington heard what the plan was, they took a different attitude. Both were sure Nancy could not be harmed if Wilcox was with her.

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