Mystery Rider (3 page)

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Authors: Miralee Ferrell

Tags: #Horses, #Equestrian, #Riding, #English, #Trail-riding, #Jumping, #Hunt Seat, #Dreams, #Western

BOOK: Mystery Rider
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Chapter Three

Kate, Tori, Colt, and Melissa straddled their bikes in Kate's backyard. They'd filled Melissa in on the Mystery Rider as soon as she'd arrived, and Kate hadn't questioned Melissa about why they hadn't heard from her. Kate had an uneasy feeling her mother was right—that Melissa had overheard something.

Colt rocked his bike back and forth. “You girls ready to go, or are you going to stand around and gab all day? And are we going the same direction, or do we split up?”

Kate rushed to answer. “I say we stay together. We won't cover as much area, but if we split up, Melissa is the only one with a cell phone. Plus, one person can keep an eye on any traffic while the others check out pastures and back lots. Sound okay?”

“Sure.” All three of her friends chorused the answer.

Colt pushed off first. “If you girls want to look for the horse, I'll lead and watch for traffic.”

Melissa pulled up beside Kate as they pedaled across the backyard. “How are we going to spot him? Does he have any markings that make him stand out?”

Tori's voice drifted forward. “He's all black with a small white star on his forehead and gorgeous. I haven't seen another horse like him in Odell.”

Melissa nodded and kept pace with Kate. “What do you plan to do if you find him?”

Kate instantly grabbed her brakes.

Tori squealed. “Hey, I almost ran into you! What's up?”

“Sorry,” Kate said. “Hey, Colt. Slow up, will you?”

He stopped on the edge of the road and looked back. “Problem?”

“Yeah.” Kate coasted to a stop behind him and waited for Melissa and Tori to do the same. “Melissa asked a really good question. What do we do if we find the horse?”

“Sheesh.” Colt swiped his fingers across the top of his head. “Why didn't any of us think of that? Good call, Melissa. That's why we made you the head of the parade committee.”

Tori grinned. “Yeah. And my parents finally said it's okay with them if I ride in the parade, as long as an adult is present.”

“Cool! I asked my mom if she'd ride with us, and she's thinking about it,” Kate said. “But back to our Mystery Rider. What about if we spot the horse? Do we go up and knock on the door and ask the owner what she's doing riding at night with a long, hooded slicker?”

Melissa groaned. “Seriously?”

Kate's muscles tensed at Melissa's snippy tone. It felt like how Melissa had been before the horse show. “And why not?” Kate couldn't help her tiny scowl.

Melissa rolled her eyes. “Remember? You told me Colt was worried the woman might have stolen the horse. If she's a criminal, she could lock us in her house and keep us there. I say we scope out the area, then decide what to do.” She looked at Kate and bit her lip. “Sorry. I didn't mean to say it that way.”

A breath whooshed out of Kate, and she grinned. “No big deal. I like your idea. Let's do it.” She jumped back on her bike and started pedaling. “Now who's standing around, Colt?”

He mounted his bike and raced past her as if she were standing still. Tori drew alongside Kate and giggled. “Boys.”

“Yeah.” Kate tossed a glance over her shoulder at Melissa. “Hey, there's nobody coming. Want to come up here with us?”

There was a slight pause, then, “Naw. I'm good. If a car comes down the road very fast, we might not get out of the way in time. Besides, I'm watching for that horse.”

“Oh. Right.” Kate felt a little foolish, but she pushed it away. Melissa probably hadn't said that to make a point that Kate wasn't watching, but the comment stung just the same.

What's wrong with me?
Kate wondered. Somehow she had to get past questioning everything Melissa said or did, but it was hard to do after months of Melissa looking down on the three of them—not to mention dissing the Ferrises' barn when she first brought her horse there.

Kate turned her attention to the field stretched out alongside the road. No horses. Figured. “Hey, Tori?”


Kate dropped her voice. “Do you think Melissa still hates us?”

“She doesn't act like she does.” Tori kept her voice barely above a whisper. “You're worrying again, aren't you?”

“I suppose. I'll try to quit.”

“Good. Let's have fun today and see if we can find that mystery horse.”

“Mystery Rider, you mean.”

“It's a mystery horse, too. It's not like we know anything about it.” Tori pedaled a little harder as they started up a slight rise. “Except he's the most beautiful horse I've ever seen. You know, I've never cared that much about horses until now. I mean, I like them okay, but that one is … somehow special.”

Melissa rode up close behind them. “What breed do you think he is?”

Kate shivered, thankful she'd heard the crunch of Melissa's tires. There was no way Melissa could have overheard what they'd said a few seconds earlier, but it still worried Kate. She needed to be more careful. “I couldn't really tell, but I'd guess it's an Arabian. He wasn't tall and streamlined like a Thoroughbred, and his head is more refined than a Quarter horse, but that's all I could see.”

“So probably not a jumper,” Melissa reasoned. “I doubt he's being stabled at any of the barns in the area that take boarders, but you never know. Maybe we should check a couple of them in case?”

“Good idea!” Kate tried to force some enthusiasm, but she wanted to smack her forehead instead. Why couldn't she come up with some of the things Melissa kept suggesting? It was like the girl was out to show her up, one way or another. If only she could tell if Melissa was acting or being genuine … but all Kate could do was pray her rival—or was it her
rival?—wasn't out to pull a prank that would hurt them all.

Kate and her three friends, shoulders slumped in disappointment, left the boarding stable where three of them had worked for a few weeks in the spring. No one had seen a black horse of any kind, much less one being ridden at night.

Tori swung her leg over her bike. “So what next?”

Melissa crossed her arms over her chest and fixed her gaze on Kate. “Are you sure you saw this horse and rider? You didn't dream it?”

Kate bristled and barely kept from glaring at Melissa. “Of course not. We all saw it, not just me.”

Melissa tossed her long blonde curls and smirked. “Fine, but you've got to admit it's strange that no one else we've talked to has seen them. Especially with them riding down a public road. Any number of people should have driven by.”

“Yeah, but how many of those people have we talked to?” Colt countered, his smile lopsided. “It's not like horses aren't common around here. Most people driving past in the evening probably wouldn't even have noticed. Just because no one we've talked to has seen them doesn't mean they don't exist.”

Kate blew out a breath, thankful for Colt's sensible reply and calm attitude. She'd been ready to flare up and ask Melissa if she was accusing them of lying, but she was so glad she hadn't. Arguing or getting angry wasn't going to help them find the Mystery Rider and horse. “Right, Colt. So what do you suggest? Start knocking on doors?”

“Nope.” He straddled his bike and perched on the seat, one foot balancing him. “We wait.”

Tori arched a brow. “For them to ride by again? What good will that do? We've tried to get the woman to talk to us twice, and she's not interested. She takes off and doesn't look back.”

“I know. But how fast can she go when it's almost dark? I say we have our bikes ready and follow next time. See where she goes.”

“Then what?” Melissa hadn't relaxed her tense stance.

Kate glanced at her. What was with Melissa today, anyway? It was as if she was angry all the time, or suspicious or something. Kate was really beginning to regret inviting the girl into their circle.

Colt smiled. “We'll worry about that when the time comes. Since it's not safe to be riding bikes in the pitch-dark, we'll probably only be able to follow for a short while, so we can get home while it's still light. If we're lucky, we'll see where she goes. Then we can talk about checking it out the next day. Or not.” He looked at each of the girls in turn. “So who's in?”

“Me.” Kate spoke quickly, hoping Tori would say yes while secretly wishing Melissa would say no and head home.

Kate's heart sank when Tori and Melissa both nodded and agreed at the same time. They were going to be stuck with Melissa and her attitude for at least another day.

Kate was thankful her parents didn't mind her riding her bike with friends in the evening. At least it wouldn't be dark for another hour, and dusk wouldn't come for another twenty minutes or so. The four of them sat on her back porch watching the road, bikes parked nearby.

Melissa rested her elbows on her knees. “What if she doesn't come tonight? We waited last night and nothing. This might be a waste of time. I still haven't seen this Mystery Rider of yours.”

Her attitude's really getting old
, Kate thought. “It's not like we have a lot of choice, unless we want to forget it,” she said aloud.

“We haven't done any more planning for the parade lately,” Melissa replied. “Maybe we should go inside and do that instead.”

Tori's face fell. “If it's okay with everyone, I'd like to wait a little longer. It's almost the time she came by a few days ago.”

Colt held up his hand. “Shh. No more talking. I thought I heard something.”

Kate strained to listen but only heard crickets chirping and frogs peeping. “Nothing.”

“Wait.” Colt narrowed his eyes. “There it is again.”

A dawning realization lit the other girls' faces, and Kate sucked in a shallow breath. She heard it too. Hoofbeats on the gravel not far up the road. She sprang to her feet. “Let's get on our bikes and be ready,” she whispered.

Colt shook his head. “Not yet. We don't want her to notice us sitting here. Let's hold still until she goes past.”

Kate waited, gazing up the road where the Mystery Rider had appeared last time. “Yes!” She pumped her fist in the air. “There she is, cloaked, hooded, and trotting.” She eyed Colt. “How long should we wait before we follow?”

“Let her get past the house and have her back to us. Then I say we wait at least another minute so she doesn't notice us.”

Melissa scowled. “But what if she goes around the corner and disappears? We don't want to lose her.”

Kate bit her lip to keep from laughing. Melissa finally believed them and was now more worried and excited than they were. “There aren't any side roads up ahead,” Kate quietly explained, “so I think we're safe. I agree with Colt. We don't want her to notice four kids on bikes following her.”

“Right.” Tori gave a quick nod, her focus fixed on the rider going past. “She has that hood pulled up so far that I still can't see her face. What's with that anyway? It's too warm for any kind of jacket, much less a hood.”

They huddled together until the horse was out of sight, then climbed on their bikes and pushed off. Kate's heart thudded so hard she could feel it. If only they didn't lose sight of the woman and could solve the mystery …

The four friends pedaled across the lawn and onto the road. Colt led the group, but he didn't ride as fast as Kate would have liked. “Hey, Colt. Let's go faster or we'll lose her,” she urged.

He glanced back over his shoulder. “We don't want to catch up with her either, but I guess we can go a little faster.” He increased his speed, and the girls followed.

An owl hooted in the branches of a tree they passed, and Kate shivered. She wasn't superstitious at all, but that sound was creepy. She could see up the road a ways, but there was no sign of the horse and rider. Her mind raced back to the question Melissa had asked. What would they do if they found out where the woman lived? Why was she being so secretive, only riding the horse in the late evening and keeping her face hidden? None of it made sense.

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