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Authors: Sasha White

BOOK: Wicked
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Sasha White


Sasha White


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Sasha White

This is an original publication of The Berkley Publishing Group.

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Copyright © 2008 by Sabrina Ingram.

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First edition: January 2008

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

White, Sasha, 1969–

Wicked / Sasha White.

p. cm.

ISBN: 1-4295-9177-3

I. Title.

PS3623.H57885W53 2008




Sasha White



—Suzanne McMinn, author of
The Beast Within


"The writing is strong, the characterization is well drawn and likable…and the

sex is very well done. This is

—Angela Knight

"Torrid…[a] sheet burner."

Midwest Book Review

"Plenty of fun…mixes tense emotions and hot sex."

—Romantic Times

"Packs a tremendous punch…stimulating, steamy, [and] scorching hot."

Fallen Angel Reviews

"Hot, fast paced, and erotic."

—Romance Divas

"Hot and explosive."

Just Erotic Romance Reviews

"Intensely sensual."

Romance Junkies


Sasha White

"Creates a carnal haze that envelops the readers, caresses their

senses…deliciously decadent."

The Romance Studio

"Soul grabbing, richly evocative, and unforgettable."

—Suzanne McMinn

"Sexy, raw, and intriguing."

The Road to Romance


Sasha White

Berkley Heat titles by Sasha White






(with Saskia Walker)


Sasha White


There are so many people to thank for their help in getting this story

right. First and foremost, J.J. Massa and Beth Williamson, for being there for

me through the whole process. In no special order, I'd also like to thank

Claudia, Nelson, Jilleena, and Patrick, for talking to me and being so open,

and helping me understand so much.


Sasha White

A dedicated life is the life worth living.

You must give with your whole heart.

—Annie Dillard


Sasha White


light scraping across a pierced nipple brought Karl Dawson awake

with a pleasurable tingle that went straight to his groin. Nimble fingers flicked

the small gold hoop back and forth while another hand smoothed up and

down his back. A sigh eased from him, but he didn't open his eyes.

When a third hand took hold of his growing hard-on, he still didn't open his

eyes. But he did roll onto his back to give the girls easy access. He'd worked

hard to keep them both happy the night before. Letting them get him off,

before they all got up, was the perfect way to start the day.

One set of soft lips drifted over his chest and another across his hip bone. As

if they'd planned it, one mouth wrapped around a nipple and suckled at the

same time wet heat engulfed his cock.

"Wonderful, ladies," he praised softly. "Very nice."

He laid a hand on Marie's back, and his fingers tangled gently in Jan's soft

curls. He knew it was Jan sucking his cock without looking. If the way she

used her tongue hadn't given it away, the piercing there would've. That

meant it was Marie moving between his nipples, teasing him gently.

The three of them had played together before, and he'd trained them to know

what he liked—what his body liked. It wasn't their fault he was starting to find

their usual sex games boring.


Sasha White


hy is there a woman under your desk?"

Karl Dawson's steps faltered as soon as he entered the office. He stopped

walking to enjoy the view of the denim-covered heart-shaped ass sticking out

from under his assistant's desk. Definitely female. And it was tilted up at an

angle that made his hand itch to spank.

"I've switched sides." The smirk on Graham Nelson's pretty face as he said

that made it clear he was full of shit.

Dressed in black slacks, a purple shirt, and a pink tie, he was such a flaming

homosexual that Karl often toyed with the urge to hose him down with the fire

extinguisher, just to see what would happen.

Instead, all he did was raise an eyebrow, fix his assistant with a look, and

deepen his voice slightly. "Graham."

"My friend Lara. She's installing a wireless network for us." Graham stood

back from his desk, planted a hand on his out-thrust hip, and eyeballed him.

"Your client base has increased thirty percent in the last two months alone.

This is needed."

Karl eyeballed him right back. The divorce business
booming, and

Graham was right—his legal services were in high demand with no signs of

slowing down.

Shit. He
changes made to his computer. Computers were not his


Sasha White

friend. Anything beyond email gave him a headache and Graham knew it. "If

you put more crap on my computer and my life gets more difficult…so does


"Actually…" A muffled voice came from Graham's desk, and Karl tried not to

notice his body's reaction to the delectable ass wiggling and waving as the

woman backed out from beneath it.

She stood casually, thick black locks streaming down her back as she tossed

her head and met his gaze head-on. "Once I get my hands on your laptop

you'll be able to connect to the Internet from pretty much anywhere in the

building, including the restaurant downstairs. We've set up a dedicated

server for your files and all your data has already been transferred. I can

teach you how to navigate the new programs in less than fifteen minutes,

and life will be easier for you both."

Graham waved his hand airily. "Trust me on this, Mr. Dawson. The upgrade

will make my job easier, therefore your life simpler."

The words barely registered in his mind as Karl watched Lara check him out.

He recognized the appreciation in her gaze and an answering hunger stirred

inside him.

He arched an eyebrow her way. "You're going to teach me?"

"Sure." Her smile turned suggestive. "I have no problem teaching a man how to do things right."

"I don't usually need instruction from my women."

She shrugged. "All men need instruction at some point or another."

Fire leapt to life inside of him, but Karl didn't bother to respond. It had been a

hell of a morning and he wasn't really in the mood to deal with attitude from

anyone, sexy or not.


Sasha White

And she was very sexy.

Bright blue eyes, smooth honey colored skin, and lush cock-sucking lips

made her very tempting; but she wore her arrogant attitude like a second

skin. A second skin that blanketed a small, tight body in faded jeans and a

skimpy pink t-shirt that made it clear she wasn't wearing a bra. When his

gaze lingered on her pert breasts, her nipples hardened and surprisingly, his

mouth watered.

The image of her stretched out on his bed, tied down and still trying to tell him

what to do flashed through his mind and he shook his head. She'd be too

much work.

"I'll be in my office when you're ready." He strode into his office, aware of her eyes on him as he walked, and closed the door.

Spring fever had hit full force this year and he'd been fighting his

restlessness for a while. How it happened he didn't know. Work was great.

The divorce business was booming, and as one of the city's top sharks in

that pool, he was making more than enough money to make him happy.

Women had always been easy for him. He wasn't blessed with particularly

good looks—his blond hair had just enough curl to make it unruly and his

brown eyes were nothing to speak of—but women still wanted him. Even

more so since he'd started making the big bucks.

He could get as much sex as he wanted, in any way he wanted, and he'd

enjoyed it a lot in the past. But lately, sex just didn't seem to be enough to

hold his interest, and the fighting and negotiating of high profit divorce work

was becoming tedious.

At least when he was at The Dungeon, he knew it was
the women

wanted. When the divorcées and society ladies he met through work hit on

him, he was sure they wanted the successful lawyer, not the man.


Sasha White

And yet, last night, for the third time in the last two weeks he'd left The

Dungeon alone.

The underground sex club had been his playground for many years, and his

reputation as a Dominant had grown so much that offers for companionship

were never lacking. More than a couple of offers for sexual play had been

made the night before, but he'd turned them all down.

If one of his regular playmates, Jan or Marie, had been there he might've

been into it. His girls were always eager to please, and that was always fun,

but he hadn't been in the mood for someone new. Strange considering he

used to thrive on the challenge of training a new submissive, or just having a

new girl for one night. But the usual sex games had become…boring.

Hell, his life had become boring. Something was missing.

A sharp rap on his door had him shaking his thoughts off and focusing on the

day ahead. "Come on in."

Lara strode into his office, a challenging smile on her lips and a gleam in her

eye. "Ready for your lessons?"

This one was definitely not boring.

Yet, something tightened in Karl's chest when he looked at her, and he

wasn't sure if it was annoyance, amusement, or…arousal.

* * *

ara Fox couldn't help herself, she loved flirting too much.

She'd flirt pretty much anytime, anywhere, and with anyone. It made her feel


Sasha White

good—made her feel strong and sexy, and in control.

Normally she didn't initiate flirtations unless she was looking to pick someone

up for a night, or hustling him at the pool table. But Graham's boss was pretty

yummy, and she was suddenly very hungry. Despite his obviously expensive

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