Naked on a Dare (2 page)

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Authors: India T. Norfleet

BOOK: Naked on a Dare
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“Damn it!” Frustrated, Tony ran his hand through his hair then ran after Asia. He knocked on the door before entering the room.

“Guess you don't know that you don't just enter a room without permission,” Asia said, as she slammed her belongings into her tote.

“Asia, I didn't mean-”

“Tony you have said enough, I don't want to hear anything else you have to say.”


And how dare you judge me, you know how much I love my family,” she said, as she slid into her pumps.

“Damn it, Asia, I missed you,” Tony yelled, as he crossed the room, grabbed her bag, and threw it so hard he toppled the lamp on the nightstand.

“I've missed you, Asia, you never came home to me.”

Tony wrapped his arms around Asia's waist, pulled her body close, and rested his forehead against hers.

“Don't go, please?” he whispered.

“Tony where is all this-”

Tony pressed his lips against Asia's, just like she had done to him when they were younger. Asia's eyes slid closed as she savored the seriousness of such a gentle kiss. It was just like they were kids all over again with not a care in the world.

“All this is coming from my heart, Asia, the same place it's always been all these years. So will you stay, or do I have to dare you?”

Grinning, Asia wrapped her arms around his neck and rested them on his shoulders then said, “I'll stay, but I only do dares when kissing and such is concerned.”

“Oh, well in that case how about a dirty game of Truth or Dare?” Tony said, as his hands slid down Asia's hourglass frame, until he was palming her ass cheeks, and pulled her flush against his thick growing erection.

“I say-”

Yo, Tone, whose range is that parked in the driveway?” Austin said, while closing the front door behind him.

Yo brother always did know how to fuck up my vibe.”

“Get out of here, and let me get myself together. Stall Austin until I come out.”

“Okay, but you know we're not finished here right?” Tony said, as he palmed her ass once more.

“Not by a long shot handsome. I'm coming for you.”

“You sure will, repeatedly.” Tony winked, and closed the door behind him.

Asia exhaled, as she checked her appearance in the mirror mounted behind the bedroom door. She felt like she was in high school all over again. Nervous, yet excited. She hadn’t felt this happy in a long time, and couldn't wait to see what the rest of her s
tay this weekend would bring. Though she was completely shocked by Tony’s admission, and had told herself to stay away from men like him, she’d quickly decided to through caution into the wind, if only for one night. But as she brushed her hair up into a ponytail, she had doubts about pursuing anything with Tony the playboy. The thought loomed like a potential rain cloud heavily over her heart.

“Austin, dude, where you been man? You know we got to go pick up food and shit for the party tonight,” Tony said, as he stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

“Man, I had to go see my freaks, then my aunt had me running errands the rest of the morning. We still good on time though, let's roll out.”

“Alright but-”

“Wait, whose cold ass range is that outside?”

“It's mine, Austin.”

Both Austin and Tony turned at the same time to see Asia leaning against the doorway to the kitchen.

“Happy birthday, Austin.”

“Asia, what in the hell?” Austin smiled, and ran to his twin sister, picked her up and smothered her with kisses.

“Girl, what are you doing here? When did you get home, and are you back to stay?”

“Dang, Austin, one question at a time.” Asia laughed.

“Man, my baby sister is all grown up. You look just like momma.
And happy birthday to you too.” “Thanks brother. I came home to surprise you for our birthday so we could celebrate together like we did when we were younger. Momma told me you were at Tony's, so I came right over, but when I got here, you weren't here. So I asked Tony if I could crash until you got back, cause I was so tired from that long drive. But I'm only here for the weekend.”

“Well I'm happy you’re home, and I wish you would move back
cause I'm not good without my twin. And besides, whose going to protect you from the dudes that be all up on you? Tone and I can't whoop ass from another state. Right Tone?”

“Absolutely.” Tony's eyes met Asia's briefly, as if to say let's keep what just happened between us top secret for now.

“Austin, I can take care of myself just fine.” Asia smiled.

“Whatever girl. We bout to roll out. Call me when you get rested, so you can meet up with us, and the crew, before the party.”

“I'll call you, but I'm getting ready to head out myself. I came straight here to see
you first, and you know mom is not happy about that. So I'm about to push it to the limit to see her and daddy before she forgets I'm grown and tries to ground me.”

“Yeah, you better move it then.” Austin laughed.

“Alright, I'll see ya later.”

“Okay, love you, Austin.”

“Love you too, Asia.”

You don't love her more than I do, Tony thought, as he watched Asia back out and head for the Lodge freeway.

Truth or Dare


       After the emotional and heartfelt visit with her parents, Asia dressed and headed over to Austin's. The birthday party was in full swing, and showed no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Asia finally managed to get past all the people on the front lawn, and porch,
who were reminiscing and shooting the breeze. She walked into her brother's home and was instantly transported back in time to the mid-nineties. Asia couldn't believe that someone had taken the time out to throw her and her brother a 90's throwback party complete with 90's paraphernalia. As she wandered through the house party, to find her brother, she was amazed at how many people actually participated in the throwback theme. Asia saw everything from bamboo earrings and dookie braids to gold chains, Filas, hush puppies and Cross Colours jackets. Posters of Jodeci, TLC, H-Town, and a host of other hot popular 90's artists graced the walls from the living room to the basement. A huge spread of food covered just about every surface in the house. Yo MTV raps was playing on the 50 inch in the living room, and House Party was set on repeat in the den.

         When Asia had finally found Austin he was in the basement in the middle of a heated debate about why Biggie had better delivery, and Pac, had better flow. Shaking her head, she couldn't help but smile, as she walked over to the end of one of the dessert tables where beverages were stacked up, grabbed a straw from a huge white bowl, and popped open an original can of Pepsi. “Unless you want me to carry you upstairs, and have you moaning so loud everyone in this house will hear, stop sucking on that straw 'n' drink out of a cup like everybody else. Are you deliberately trying to give me a hard on?” Tony walked up behind her and whispered.

Caught off guard Asia swallowed hard and almost choked on her drink.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Tony.”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. You come here with these tight jeans cupping your ass, with your red pumps, and red silk shirt. And please stop sucking on that straw Asia, I am so serious.”

“Is it my fault that your mind is in the gutter?” Asia smirked.

“No, but it is your fault that I can't get my mind out of it.”

“Well, Tony, that sounds like a personal problem. I have some lotion in my purse if you need to go take care of that.”

“Keep talking like that, and you will leave out of here panty-less.”

Asia winked, and turned around just in time to see her brother approaching them. “Asia, finally, what took so long?” Austin kissed Asia's cheek.

“You know how momma can talk, also I stopped by to see Natalie on the way my way here, and we got to talking.”

“Is she still coming?”

“Yeah, but not until later tonight.
Then I saw some of the crew at the park when I was leaving mom’s. Later on, they'll all be here too.”

“Okay cool. Did you make the
Jello shots for me?”

“Yeah, but you don't even drink those shots.”

“I know, but my new chick loves them.” Austin laughed, and slapped five with Tony.

Yo Austin, happy birthday dude. Austin’s frat brother said as he walked up to them.

DeShawn, my man, thanks bro. And thanks for coming to party with me.”

“Hey, anytime man. You know I always got you. Plus you always get the fine chicks to come to your joints. And speaking of fine, hello beautiful, how about a dance?”

“Naw, not her man, that's my baby sister.”

“Oh my fault man.”

“Uh, Austin, I'm grown, I can speak for myself. And, DeShawn, while I do love being called beautiful, and I perfectly define the word on the inside and out, my name is Asia, and I would like to only be called Asia. If you can handle that, then I would love to dance with you.”

“Damn girl, guess you can hold your own.”

“Yes, I can, but I'm no fool. I have you 'n' daddy on speed dial.

“Alright then, as long as you know. Come on Tone, you got to come and talk to
Tish's sister, so I can get her alone.”

“Man, if she crazy, you on
ya  own.” Tony said as he crossed the room with Austin.

He looked back hoping to catch Asia's eye, but she only had eyes for
DeShawn. Instantly a frown appeared on his face, and he gritted his teeth. He had to find a way to ditch the chick they were approaching and get back to Asia. They may have been interrupted, but their interlude was far from over. After two hours of listening to this woman's horribly dull conversation, Tony knew he'd had enough and used the bathroom as an excuse to go find Asia. As soon as he climbed the stairs and rounded the corner, there she was talking to some guy with a glass of red wine in her hand. Before he could tell dude to get lost, the guy was already walking away as he was approaching.

“Good, now that that's over, come take a ride with me,” Tony said, as leaned against the wall beside Asia.

“I'd rather ride you, Tony.”

“You will, let's go now.”

Asia swallowed the remainder of her wine in one gulp and headed out the side door with Tony fast on her heels. Tony had just made it to the end of the block when Asia realized that she’d left her purse and phone on Austin’s bed.

“Shit, Tony we have to turn around, I left my phone.” Asia sighed.

“Asia, if you make me turn back around, I will follow you to his room, lay you down in the middle of Austin’s bed, and I will not move until you’ve come at least five times. And that’s not including all the times I’ll make you come with my tongue. Is that what you want?” Tony asked. He stood at the yield sign at the end of Austin’s block, as he kept looking for approaching vehicles out of his rearview.

Speechless, and suddenly very wet between her thighs, Asia squeezed her legs together as an image of her and Tony in one of her favorite positions flashed across her mind. She didn’t know what she wanted more, to go back to Austin’s, or see what Tony had in store for them at his place.

“Asia, baby, please tell me what you want me to do right now, because my dick is painfully hard, and only being inside of you will quench my need”

After a few more minutes passed, Asia whispered, “Keep going, and don’t stop.”

As Tony pulled the gear into drive, Asia wondered if he’d caught on to her double meaning. But she no longer had to wonder when he said,

“Be careful what you ask for, Asia, I’ve been dreaming of this moment for nine years. I want you something terrible woman. Matter of fact, let’s not wait any longer, we need to start making up for lost time now. How about we finish our little game of Truth or Dare?”

“Alright.” Asia grinned.

“Truth or Dare, Austin?”


“Are you in love with me?”

“Very much so.”

“But-” She started to say, as he cut her off.

“Truth or Dare Asia?”


“Is it true that you want me, as much as I want you?”

“I want you more.”

“Truth or Dare?”


“Why didn’t you tell me that you felt this way a long time ago? And where the hell are we going? “I thought-”

“I came to your house to tell you that I was in love with you, but you had already left for college. I’ll never forget that day.
Truth or Dare?”

“Tony, we need-”

“Truth or Dare, Asia. I don’t want to talk about that right now.”

“Dare,” Asia spat with attitude.

“I dare you to get naked and ride me.” Tony said, as he pulled up to the back of a mattress store behind a closed strip mall.

Tony climbed into the back seat, pulled his shirt over his head, and unbuckled his pants, then began stroking his massive dick. And just like that, Asia’s attitude disappeared. Her mouth began to water, as she sat still in the passenger seat enjoying the view. After a few moments of trying
to digest Tony’s confessions, she gave up trying to wrap her head around it deciding that she just wanted to feel him inside of her, and she'd figure out everything else later.

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