Naked Shorts (20 page)

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Authors: Tina Folsom

BOOK: Naked Shorts
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“You are one delicious morsel, Ellen. I don”t think Mr. Riley deserves you.”

When he returned to licking and sucking her willing female flesh, she moaned and arched toward him. He was feasting on her and loving every second. Once she was his wife, he”d make sure she allowed him to suck her whenever he felt the need - which he knew would be often. He felt her melt into him and turn all soft. There was no resistance.

Her hands were in his hair, ruffling it, and her thighs opened wider so he could reach wherever he wanted to. When he licked over her clit, she almost lifted off the bedroll.

“You”re staying right here, my darlin”, I”m nowhere near done.”

James fucked his tongue in and out of her beautiful pussy and stroked her clit with his thumb until she was writhing beneath him and panting heavily. Her release was imminent. “Yes, darlin”, let me feel you come apart.”

Then he sucked her engorged nub into his mouth and drew on it. She released a low moan.

An instant later, he could feel her muscles contract and her body shake. As she came, her body released more cream, and he licked it up and swallowed it.

Only when she stilled did he release her pussy and work his way up her body, drawing her into a tight embrace. He captured her lips and kissed her, letting her taste herself on his tongue.

She didn”t draw back, but pressed herself closer to him and returned his kiss. Timid she was not, and neither was she inexperienced. This woman had kissed before, and plenty. Fine, he didn”t care who she”d kissed before, as long as from now on he”d be the only one who got to taste what she had to offer.

“Make love to me,” Ellen whispered.

“I just have, darlin”,” he answered.

“With your cock,” she demanded and trailed her hand down to where his erection pressed against his denims. He”d gotten rock hard while he”d sucked her pussy, and he wanted nothing more than to claim her with his cock. God help him, her body was perfect. For the next sixty or so years, he”d be lucky if he ever made it out of bed in the mornings, what with her sleeping in his arms every night.

But first things first. He”d have to make sure she”d really want him. And what better way to make her yearn for him than to deny her what she was after.

James released her sweet lips only reluctantly. As he looked into her desire-filled eyes, he regretted his next step already. “I”d better go collect some firewood for tonight.”

Rolling off her gently, he got up. She looked at him as if he”d just dowsed her with ice cold water and jumped up.

“You jerk!” she exclaimed and stalked toward the river, looking like a water nymph, barefoot and practically naked. The sunlight behind her made her thin gown virtually transparent. He doubted that she was aware of it and soaked in the gorgeous view.

James adjusted his cock in his pants, lest it break in two from being squeezed into an ever tightening position. Maybe he should have all his pants widened by any inch or two around the crotch just to accommodate for the inevitable expansion he”d have to deal with from now on. He figured that not even closer familiarity with her would reduce the effect she had on him. No woman had ever gotten him this hot and bothered.


Angrily, Ellen stomped down to the riverbank and waded into the cool water.


How could he refuse her like that when she”d offered him a roll in the hay? She”d felt his erection straining against her. There was no doubt he wanted her. So what game was he playing?

How a cowboy like he could get her this aroused was unfathomable to her. Even the Eastern boys she”d let kiss her and touch her had never gotten her this excited. They had gotten her expelled alright, but not aroused the way James had.

Technically she was still a virgin, unless using her mouth on a man”s cock was considered losing her virginity, and she didn”t think it was. Not that she had even enjoyed sucking her roommate”s older brother”s dick, but as curious as she had been, she had at least given it a try.

Even though she had regretted the incident that had gotten her expelled from her sixth school at the time, she was now glad for the experience she”d gained. Maybe she could use it on James.

Ellen knew that she didn”t leave him cold. His kisses, his hands on her and his hard-on were all the evidence she needed. Why he still resisted her threw her for a loop. The way he”d feasted on her pussy and brought her to a most amazing climax told her that he wanted her. So why did he refuse to make love to her? Was his loyalty to Mr. Riley too strong for James to turn against his wishes and help her instead? Did he figure if he didn”t take her virginity, then it was just her word against his, and Mr. Riley might believe him more than her?

She just had to try harder. If she could make him forget himself and fuck her, his own job at the Riley Ranch would be in jeopardy, and he might be more inclined to help her knowing he couldn”t really bring her to Riley once he”d taken her virginity. Sooner or later he”d fold and give into her.

Determined to seduce him no matter what, Ellen waded to the bank. She started walking toward the camp when she heard a noise behind her and turned.

Nathanial Branson stood only several feet from her.

“Miss Irving, I”ve been looking for you,” he drawled and let his eyes roam over her figure.

James seeing her half dressed like this hadn”t bothered her, but having Branson look at her like that bothered her. Tremendously.

“Mr. Branson.” She met his predatory look and knew she wouldn”t like the reason why he was trying to find her.

“I see you are in need of protection,” he remarked pointedly. “It appears that the gentleman who kidnapped you has been mistreating you.”

She wished.

“I”ve come to rescue you.”

She didn”t want to be rescued, not by him anyway. “Mr. Branson. I”m quite alright, I have to assure you. So why don”t you go back to where you came from.” She looked behind him but couldn”t see a horse. It appeared that he had hidden it in order to approach her without being detected.

She looked toward the camp, but couldn”t see where James was. If he”d really gone to get firewood, he could be well outside of earshot.

Branson showed no intention of leaving.

“Good day, sir,” Ellen said and turned to leave toward the camp, suddenly realizing that she knew she would be safer with James. Infinitely safer.

A strong hand on her arm jerked her back. “I decide when I”m done with you, and I”m not done with you yet. First, you little hussy, you”re coming with me, and then you”re going to marry me, just like you promised. I won”t have anybody dump me as unceremoniously as you did.”

Ellen pulled away, trying to get free of his grip, but he was stronger. “Leave me alone.”

He didn”t budge.

“James!” she screamed.

Branson”s hand slapped across her cheek, burning her flesh in an instant. “We”re leaving now.”

He dragged her as she tried to resist, digging her heels into the sand. It was to no avail.

“James, help me!” she yelled.

Branson dragged her behind him, ignoring her kicking.

“Let go of her!” James” commanding voice boomed from several yards away. Ellen jerked her head into his direction. He stood at the top of the riverbank, his rifle aimed at Branson.

Branson looked at him.

“I said let her go,” James repeated and cocked the trigger.

Ellen pulled her arm out of Branson”s grip.

“Ellen, come up here.”

She followed James” command without question and ran to his side.

“Did he hurt you?”

She shook her head. “I”m fine.”

“Good. Get dressed and start saddling the horses. We”re leaving.”

She took a few steps before he addressed her again. “And Ellen, please stay with me this time. I can protect you, but if you run, you”ll be in danger. Trust me.”

“Yes, James.”


James” lips curled to a little smile. It was the first time that she”d accepted his authority. If he didn”t have to deal with the scumbag in front of him, he”d celebrate. As soon as she was out of earshot, he stepped closer to Branson, keeping his rifle trained on him.

“As you can see, the lady isn”t interested in your company,” James said.

“You”re just as much after the money as I am, so don”t pretend to be any better and give me this righteous crap you”re doling out. Maybe it works on her, but it sure ain”t working on me,”

Branson let loose.

“I really don”t give a rat”s ass about your opinion.” He pointed toward Branson”s gun belt.

“Drop the belt down and push it over here.”

“You”re going to regret this, I promise you,” Branson uttered but unbuckled the gun belt and dropped it to the ground.

“Now take off your boots.”

“My boots?”

“You heard me,” James insisted. “Take ,,em off.”

James watched as Branson reluctantly complied with his order.

“Now throw them in the river.”

“These are good boots,” Branson protested.

“Do it unless you want me to shoot you in the leg instead,” James threatened.

A few minutes later, Branson”s boots were swimming downriver, followed by his pants, jacket, and shirt. James was aware that he had a horse hidden somewhere not far from here and could eventually follow them, but without shoes it would take him longer to get to his horse. And without his gun, he would be much less of a theat.

James and Ellen would be far enough away soon. He knew enough hiding places in these parts to keep them safe until they would reach the ranch.

He continued holding Branson at bay until he heard Ellen call for him.

“James, we”re ready.”

Good girl.

“Now, walk into the river,” James ordered.

“You”ll pay for this,” Branson threatened, but waded into the river until it reached his waist.

James rushed back to the camp. Ellen was already in the saddle of her mare.

“Thank you, Ellen.”

He swung himself up onto his mustang. His pack horse in tow, they broke into a gallop. He didn”t look back. They had to put some distance between them and the misguided gambler who thought he had rights on Ellen just because she”d accepted his offer at first.

When James had seen her in Branson”s clutches, his heart had briefly stopped. If anything would ever scare him, it was the thought of Ellen getting hurt. He couldn”t let that happen. Fun and games were over. No matter how much he”d wanted to spend some more time alone with her before they arrived at the ranch, he couldn”t risk it. He would have to deal with the consequences later. Ellen was by no means his yet, but he”d have to bring her back to the ranch nevertheless.

He hoped that once she knew who she was supposed to marry, she would take the news with grace.

For several hours they rode in silence. The day turned to night, and they kept riding. He glanced at Ellen again and again, realizing that she was tiring, and so were the horses. They needed to rest, all of them.

He found a suitable place to hole up for the night.

“We”ll stay here and rest,” he told her. She gave him a grateful look.

As he helped her off the horse, she fell against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her.

“I”m sorry this is so hard on you. Go, sit by the tree, I”ll take care of the horses.”

She shook her head. “I”ll help you.”

Together they unsaddled the horses and secured their reins to the branches of the tree. James rolled out the bedrolls at the base of the tree, then sat down leaning against the trunk.

“I can”t make a fire tonight. If he”s following us he might spot us,” he apologized to her.

She sat down next to him. “I understand.”

“I can warm you,” he said and spread his legs apart. “Come, sit in between my legs and lean back.”

Without protest she did as he said. The moment he felt her lean back into his chest, he pulled the blankets around her, then slid his arms underneath them and held her. Her body against his soothed him for the first time since they”d left the camp site and Branson behind.

“Are you okay?” James whispered in her ear.

Ellen shook her head.

“You don”t have to be scared anymore. We”ll be at the ranch tomorrow afternoon.

Everything will be alright. He can”t get to you there,” he tried to calm her.

“Please don”t make me go to Riley”s ranch. Please, I can”t marry him,” she begged, her voice thick with tears.

He turned her in his arms and put his hand under her chin. “Don”t cry, darlin”. You”ll be safe at the ranch. I promise you, you won”t have to marry anybody you don”t want to. Trust me, please. I”ll take care of you, I will.”

Her big eyes looked at him, tears rolling down her cheeks. “There”s nothing you can do,” she wailed.

“Yes, there is. I promise you. Please believe me.”

He captured her wet lips with his and kissed her tenderly. “Everything will be ok, Ellen.”

She swallowed hard and pressed her body closer to his. He felt her breasts mold into his chest. Her hands ran up his chest.

“Ellen?” James tried to read the expression in her eyes.

His mouth found hers in a greedy kiss. She returned his kiss with the same passion and desire. He took her face into his hands and devoured her mouth, invading her with his tongue, plundering her sweet caverns. Her unrestrained moans encouraged him even further.

“Oh God, Ellen,” he groaned as he pulled away from her mouth for a few seconds. “When Branson had you in his grip, I was so scared he”d hurt you. I”m so sorry I wasn”t there for you immediately.”

“You”re here now.”

“I”ll keep you safe from now on,” he promised.

“Make love to me, please,” she begged.

“Anything you want, my love,” James whispered and brushed his lips to hers. As he locked her in a fierce kiss, his hands tangled in her hair feeling the softness of it.

How could he deny her now? Deny them both? He wanted to feel her. His body needed

confirmation that she was alright, that she would he his. But he knew he couldn”t do this to her, not without knowing who he was. With regret he pulled his lips away from hers.

“Ellen.” He stroked his hand over her soft hair. “I can”t let you do this. It”s not right.”

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