Naked Shorts (3 page)

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Authors: Tina Folsom

BOOK: Naked Shorts
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Her hands played with his hair, holding him closer to her so he wouldn”t stop. When she felt his hands on the button of her trousers, easing it open, she didn”t stop him. Even when he pulled down the zipper and started moving them over her hips, she found no words or actions to stop him.

Olivia opened her eyes and looked down to him as he knelt before her, shimmying down her trousers over her thighs, his head at her core. Her gaze drifted to the desk where he”d left the gun. It wasn”t far. Maybe she could make it. Just one leap toward it, grab the gun and point it at him. She had to try.

Or was it a trick? Why had he dropped the gun so carelessly onto his desk?

But then she felt the cool air at her sex and realized he”d pushed aside the fabric of her panties. The cool air didn”t last long and was instantly replaced by his face pressed into her. His tongue dipped between the apex of her thighs, but the tight trousers stuck around her knees prevented her from opening herself up to him.

The gun was instantly forgotten. Instead, she needed to figure out a way of how he could get closer to her and let her feel his tongue inside her.

“Take me to bed,” she demanded.


Marcus dropped her onto his bed and pulled her boots off in the next instant. Who would have thought that the sexy woman from last night had been out to screw him? Now he was going to screw her. All night. Until she couldn”t walk anymore.

The shock of seeing her kneeling in front of his safe and realizing she was a burglar had dissipated and was replaced by the shock of how much she turned him on. He chalked it up to the fact that this was a dangerous situation. He”d seen her glance at the gun on his desk.

He pulled at the ends of her trousers and stripped her of them. When he saw her get busy taking off her sweater, he made quick work of shedding his own clothes. Olivia had no inhibitions. Another thing he liked about a woman.

He had given her his word not to involve the police, and he meant it. Judging by how calmly she accepted being caught, she was likely a hardened criminal. Which made her dangerous and infinitely enticing.

And he”d always had a soft spot for women who could get him hornier than a fifteen year old boy with a stack of playboys. Because he wasn”t fifteen anymore. He was thirty-five, and getting an erection generally took more than just looking at a woman for three seconds. Not so with her.

He”d been ready the moment he”d let his eyes roam over her in her tight trousers and snug sweater.

Olivia lay on the bed, her nude body stretched out and as inviting as he”d ever seen any woman. He noticed her look at him, no, not only look, admire him. Her gaze swept over his naked body as he stood in front of her. Marcus gave her ample time to look at whatever she wanted. When her eyes rested on his cock, she bit her lower lip.

“Are you going to come to bed or are you going to just stand there?” she asked.

He gave her a faint smile. “Patience. You”ll get your punishment soon enough.”

Something in her eyes flickered. Excitement? Fear? Anticipation?


“Of course. You didn”t think I wouldn”t punish you for breaking into my house and stealing from me, did you? And I have just the right kind of punishment for a naughty girl like you.”

He stroked his erection suggestively.

“How naughty do you think I am?” Her wanton smile told him that she was very naughty indeed.

Marcus crooked his finger to call her to him. She complied and crawled toward him to the edge of the bed. Her movements were those of a cat, smooth and elegant, slow, but without hesitation.

“Very naughty. Time to make amends,” he suggested as he zeroed in on her mouth.

“What makes you think I won”t bite?”

“Will you?” He wouldn”t put it past her.


“Then I”ll take your word for it.” Not that he trusted her for one second not to pull anything to get out of it, but then again, she wouldn”t get far.

A second later he felt her tongue on his cock, slowly licking the bulbous head. The way Olivia swirled her tongue around him, he could already tell she was skilled. A bolt of heat shot through him, hitting him like a back draft in a house fire.

She licked down his shaft all the way to his balls which instantly tightened at the intense sensation. Marcus groaned, and his hands went to her shoulders to steady himself.

Her tongue travelled back up to the tip of his cock, taking her bloody time and testing his control, before she closed her lips around his head and slid down, taking him inside her moist mouth.

“Bloody hell!” he shouted out. He felt lightheaded all of a sudden, unable to think or make any kind of decision. Her lips and her tongue were silken, warm, moist and the best thing he”d ever felt. When she suddenly let go of him it felt like a loss.

“Lie down on the bed, this is going to take a while.” She smiled seductively. Not that it would take that long for him to come, not the way she was working him, but his legs already felt jittery, and he was losing control over his movements.

Marcus did as she asked and stretched out on the bed as she shifted next to him. He couldn”t wait for her mouth to continue where she”d left off.

When he felt the mattress move under her weight, he instantly realized what she was really up to. Instead of getting back to the task at hand, she jumped off the bed, snatched her sweater and trousers off the floor and headed for the door.

Marcus lazily turned his body toward the door and watched her try to rip the door open.

Olivia jerked when the door didn”t move. He”d locked the bedroom door when he”d carried her in, and he doubted that she”d noticed since she”d been too busy kissing him. The key lay safely in the laundry basket next to it.

“Just a little precaution,” he told her.

The look on her face when she turned back to him was priceless. She”d been outsmarted. He figured it didn”t happen to her too often.

He got up from the bed and strolled to where she stood. There was no rush. He”d already established that she wouldn”t go anywhere unless he allowed it. It was time for her to accept it.

Deliberately slowly, he snatched a condom off the nightstand. She watched his every move as he opened the package, pulled out the condom and sheathed himself.

“If you”d rather do it standing up, I don”t mind.”

Marcus stopped only inches from her. He touched her face.

“I was going to taste you first, but it”ll have to wait. First you”ll have to learn who”s in charge tonight.”

Marcus wasn”t going to force himself on her. By God, he wasn”t a brute. But he sure would do whatever it took to melt her resistance. He”d make her beg for it too.

Olivia”s lips were moist and warm when he tasted them again. He didn”t push his tongue in, but rather licked her lips. First he nibbled on her lower lip then on the upper one.

A shiver went through her body, and she moved toward him. A second later, her puckered nipples rubbed against his chest. Her clothes fell to the floor, released by her trembling hands.

Still he didn”t deepen his kiss, but continued to caress only her lips. He pressed his hands behind her onto the door. Her desperate moan made him smile. She wanted to be touched, but he wouldn”t comply, not yet.

“Say my name,” he ordered.

She pulled him closer, but Marcus held her back, denying her his body. She had to learn first.

“Say my name,” he repeated.

Again she tried to pull him into her body, but he shook his head.

A barely audible sigh escaped her before she whispered, “Marcus.”

“Good,” he praised and slid his tongue between her parted lips. Her taste was intoxicating, but he didn”t want to lose control. No, she”d be the one to lose control. That was the plan.

He pulled back, and she instantly came after him, sweeping her tongue into his mouth, tangling with him, exploring him. Her hands went to his neck, pulling him closer, demanding he deepen his kiss. Damn it, he couldn”t resist, so he took over.

Pressing her into the door, his body flush against hers, his erection pressed into her stomach, he plundered her mouth as if he was the burglar, not she. He was losing himself in her when he felt that all her resistance had melted away.

Her soft breasts molded into his chest. He needed to touch her. Using all his strength, he pried himself away from her, she was holding him that tightly. She pouted when he released her from the kiss.

“Please, don”t stop.”

He wouldn”t. He took her breasts into his hands and kneaded them gently. “Beautiful.”

His mouth descended onto her nipple. Olivia moaned when his tongue swept over the

hardened little bud before he sucked it into his mouth. Moments later he inflicted the same torture onto her other breast. The familiar scent of vanilla and citrus wafted into his nose.

She”d messed with his dinner plans, so now he”d be feasting on her instead.

The scent of her arousal beckoned, and he moved lower. His lips blazed a trail to her navel, then further south through the jungle of her curly mound of hair, then lower yet. Kneeling on one knee he lifted one of her legs over his shoulder.

“I thought you wanted to show me first who”s in charge.”

Marcus looked up at her hooded eyes. “That”s what I”m doing right now, baby.”


And did he show her who was boss!

Olivia shuddered at the first onslaught of his tongue on her sex. The man knew how to punish a woman. She was a naughty girl, alright. If that”s what she”d get every time she was a little bad, she was planning to be really, really bad.

She”d wanted to escape, not because she didn”t want to have sex with him, but because she wanted it too much. She knew the instant she”d licked his amazing cock that she was doomed if she let him inside her. If she thought Marcus was gorgeous with his clothes on, the sight of his naked body had stirred up all kinds of emotions in her, many of which she had no intention of dealing with.

“Hmm, you”re so wet,” he commented and licked at her moist center. There was a certain roughness to his tongue as he moved over her clit and made her gasp with pleasure. She pressed her back firmly against the door, desperate not to lose her footing. The heat that suddenly engulfed her made her skin perspire.

He nipped at the engorged nub, sucked it into his mouth and twirled it with the tip of his tongue, all the while driving any sane thought out of her mind. Just as she thought she couldn”t take it a second longer, he moved lower and drove his tongue into her core.

A loud moan ripped from her throat and she could feel his lips twist into a smile. But she felt helpless and couldn”t stop him. Didn”t want to. She wanted nothing more than his tongue to explore her, to tease her, and to please her. And he was doing a damn good job so far.

Olivia felt more moisture ooze from her sex, and relished the moan Marcus released as he drank from her. At least she wasn”t the only one losing her mind.

His mouth moved back to her clit, and while he sucked her harder now, he slipped a finger into her and moved it back and forth, slicing through her as if she was butter, and he was a hot knife.

Seconds later he added a second finger and increased the intensity with which his tongue stroked her, working the hardened nub into a frenzy.


She twisted and flexed under his mouth and pushed against his fingers as her body

combusted into a firestorm of sensations, all of them rippling through her at once. Her orgasm gripped her, wrung her out and spit her boneless body out, but not before turning her brain into mush.

The only reason she didn”t collapse onto the floor was because Marcus caught her in his arms as he jumped up from his crouching position.

“See, I told you I was in charge,” he whispered, full of himself.

“Tosser!” Olivia cursed him and nibbled on his neck.

Marcus chuckled softly. “Not tonight,” he answered and nudged his erection at her sex.

He was still as hard and as big as when she”d had him in her mouth. Something she would be glad to repeat. Obviously he had other ideas at this moment.

She moaned quietly and wrapped one leg around his thigh allowing him to get closer. With one slow move he breached the entry to her body and slid into her, inch by rock hard inch, filling her perfectly as if custom made for her.

His hand touched her jaw and his fingers brushed her cheek as he looked at her as if he couldn”t believe what they were doing. It was as if he wanted to say something, but his lips stayed mute. Instead he kissed her, took her mouth with his as if to brand her. Hard and demanding. All she could do was surrender to him.

With every slow movement of his erection he ignited yet another cell in her body, until her entire body burned from pleasure. Every thrust he made into her slick folds made her catch her breath. And then he picked up speed, pumping faster and harder. Sliding in and out, grabbing her ass to haul her closer into him, he pounded into her relentlessly. And kept on going.

Olivia could feel that he wanted to get deeper when he pulled up her other leg and supported her weight as he pressed her against the door. She tightened her grip around him, holding onto his neck, and crossed her ankles behind his back.

“Yes, baby!” Marcus groaned.

She laughed, knowing his control would snap any moment. She had the upper hand now.

“See who”s in control now.”

There was a glint in his eyes, but it vanished in a split second. He obviously wasn”t going to argue with her, instead he slammed into her even harder, his body rubbing against her sensitive clit hurtling her toward another orgasm. When her muscles contracted around his shaft as her climax rolled over her, she felt him pulsate inside her, jerking for several seconds and then explode.

“Bloody hell!” Marcus collapsed against her, breathing heavily as he nuzzled at the crook of her neck.


“Just out of interest, what were you going to steal from me?”

They lay in his bed, Olivia”s body partially draped over his after they”d burned up the sheets, this time actually in bed rather than out of it. Marcus couldn”t get enough of the exciting woman in his arms, and the night was long. There was much more in store for her. She just didn”t know it yet.

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