Naked Shorts (7 page)

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Authors: Tina Folsom

BOOK: Naked Shorts
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“Aurora, maybe you should reconsider. He seems unwilling.” Selena”s soft voice seemed to want to pacify the woman in charge.

“He will submit. I shall have an heir! And since my regular breeders only produce sons, I will try this one.” With her angry words she trained her eyes back on the scantily dressed woman in front of Leif. “
, do what I”ve asked you to do.”

The woman she”d addressed as
crossed the distance between them and continued undressing him. Once she loosened the ties that held Leif”s tunic together, it dropped to the ground. He was naked save for his trousers. To his horror, the woman made quick work of them, dropping them down to his ankles where they pooled around his iron restraints.

Always in a state of semi-hardness, his shaft had traitorously grown stiff and now jutted out. Even captured, his senses were still finely attuned to the charms of women. Seeing a half-naked woman with beautiful breasts had made him hard.

He tried to pull back when she wrapped her hand around his cock, but a crack of the whip warned him not to move. Nevertheless, he was determined not to give into them. He wouldn”t give up his seed.

Aurora”s wicked scheme of taking his seed from him so he could father her children, which was what he”d understood, would not work. He would not allow her to degrade him like that. When he spilled his seed in a woman, it would be because he wanted to, not because he was forced.

With quiet resolve, Leif clenched his jaw as the woman went to work and massaged his cock between her fingers. He concentrated his thoughts on the last bloody battle he”d fought, on the famine from the last winter where many of his tribesmen had nearly perished, on the tears of the children in their village. And then he remembered his father who”d sent him on this expedition to find alliances for trading so during the next winter their lot would be better, and they wouldn”t starve.

The thoughts helped him forget the woman”s touch.

When he looked toward the group of women, he noticed that all of them had their eyes firmly locked on his cock, all, except for one.

Selena”s lids were lowered, and she stared at the floor in font of her. Her upper body was rigid, her hands balled into fists. He wondered whether it was shyness or something else that had her avoid the sight. It intrigued him. The others appeared to have no scruples watching him being pleasured by one of their own.

Leif took a deep breath, trying to steel himself against the onslaught of sensations the woman”s hands unleashed on him.

“Use your mouth,
. It appears he”s stubborn,” Aurora ordered.

A moment later, he felt his cock engulfed in her wet heat. In the same instance, Selena looked up and met his eyes. He”d never seen anything as beautiful, yet so sad. Her eyes spoke of regret. He sank deeper and deeper into their green depth and was unable to tear himself away from her. She was more beautiful than any of the other women in the room, he realized now.

Despite her demure behavior, he saw that there was more passion buried in her than in the other four together.

His father had always told him that when he found the woman who was right for him, he would know. His father was right. This woman stirred all his senses. She was the one he wanted to give his seed to, the one he wanted to hold in his arms.

When her lips parted and her pink tongue snaked out to moisten them, Leif lost all control.
For you,
he mouthed to Selena. With a loud grunt he shoved his hard cock deep into the woman”s mouth. She instantly pulled away, and he spilled his seed over the hard stone floor of the cell, all the while keeping his gaze locked with Selena”s.

“Good,” Aurora applauded. “He will do fine. Prepare him for tomorrow night. I want him well-fed, bathed, and cleaned.”


Selena dropped her eyes and broke the contact. Her womb contracted, and she felt a hot flame shoot through her core as if he”d shot his seed into her and not onto the bare floor. The captive was a virile man, and for the first time in her life she felt the need to let herself be taken by a man, allowing him full control. But she could not allow it. He was not of their clan, and he should be free.

In her society, women ruled. Men were only kept for procreation and sexual gratification.

And even for that they weren”t allowed much freedom. The male
or love slaves were there to arouse women, but weren”t allowed to penetrate them. Only breeders were allowed to copulate with women and then only when lying on their backs. Women took the dominant position, always maintaining their position as the commanding party.

She”d secretly dreamed of a man finally using his power on her and not the other way around. But their males had become so docile, they”d lost their sexual prowess. And should anybody ever find out about her secret fantasy, she would be punished.

Selena looked back at the warrior. He was different. His body was larger than that of all other males she”d seen. His muscles were toned and strong, his skin smooth and virtually devoid of hair except of the nest of dark blond curls that surrounded his proud manhood. He was large, and the thought of him impaling her with his instrument made her perspire.

Selena wasn”t sure whether she”d read his lips correctly just before he”d come so

violently, but it had appeared as if he”d wanted to tell her that this was for her. Had he wanted to tell her that his seed was meant for her?

It wasn”t right that Aurora would kidnap men to get what she wanted: a daughter so her succession to the throne was assured. Only once she bore a daughter would she take the throne, and their mother would step aside as queen.

It was one thing to accept the way their society worked - which Selena had many times tried to rebel against without success - but it was another thing altogether to force men from other tribes and clans to submit to their hierarchy. Selena couldn”t allow it. If she allowed this to continue, she wouldn”t be any better than the women who”d ambushed this warrior”s group on Aurora”s orders.

The next day, after a restless night during which she”d planned out how to convince Aurora, she stomped into her sister”s bathing chamber. She would have to listen to her, once and for all. The reason their society had developed the way it had was because men had mistreated women, and now the same was happening the other way around.

Aurora lay in a large tub of warm water from which a pleasant fragrance of flowers rose.

She was preparing herself to conceive another child. It would be her fourth. Already at the age of twenty-five she”d borne three sons - all by different breeders. None had so far managed to give her a daughter.

Selena looked at her sister whose eyes were closed. She was beautiful, no doubt, and desirable. But her obsession about bearing a daughter had changed her over the years. She”d turned bitter.

The love slave Aurora had engaged to bathe her kneaded her voluptuous breasts. His hands looked dark on her white skin - foreign, as if they didn”t belong there. Nevertheless, her sister seemed to enjoy the young man”s ministrations if her parted lips and soft moans were anything to go by.

“Suck them,” she ordered.

Selena stayed between the columns at the entrance, too enthralled by the erotic picture to stop watching. The events in the captive”s cell had aroused her, and all night she”d tossed and turned. But she”d resisted calling for a love slave to service her needs, feeling it wasn”t right.

As the
sank his lips onto Aurora”s nipple, his hands went underwater. Selena could clearly see what he was doing. He used both hands to spread Aurora wide before he pressed himself flush against her core. His erect cock rose between their bodies, and he ground against her rhythmically.

Aurora panted. “Take me!”

In an instant the love slave had turned her in his arms so she faced away from him, lifted her upper body out of the water and pressed her onto the stone that surrounded the sunken tub.

Then he stood erect behind her, his loins lining up with her round buttocks, and plunged his hard shaft into her depth in one fast stroke.

Aurora groaned loudly. Selena gasped behind the hand she”d clamped over her own

mouth. This couldn”t be! What the love slave did wasn”t allowed in their society. No
was allowed to copulate with a woman. Their seed was considered inferior. And besides, not even a breeder was allowed to take a dominant part in the sex act. They were rarely allowed to be on top and for certain never permitted to take a woman like a dog would. It was considered degrading to women if the man rutted like an animal. It gave him too much power and could re-awaken his desire to dominate a woman.

Selena couldn”t believe she was seeing her own sister in this forbidden act. But here it was happening right in front of her, the love slave pumping his long cock into her sister from behind, both his hands on her hips allowing her no control over her own movements. He was in charge, and Aurora seemed to enjoy it.

“Do you like to be fucked, mistress?” he uttered. The man was bold to address her like that, and for sure Aurora would strike him down. But nothing of the like happened. Instead, her sister begged, “Fuck me, fuck me hard. I need it. Yeah, ram me with your hard rod.”

This couldn”t be her sister. Was this what her desperation had turned her into, a wanton woman who let herself be degraded by a man? Selena gasped.

Aurora”s head snapped up, and she saw her. Her eyes went wide. With one quick

movement she lashed out against the man at her back and kicked him into the tub. “Guards!” she screamed. Within seconds three of her female guards came running into the chamber.


Aurora pointed toward the man in the tub. “Take him to the dungeon. He took liberties and will be punished.” As she gave her order to the guards, she locked eyes with Selena. There was a silent threat in them - Selena knew it all too well. If she ever breathed a word of what she”d seen, Aurora would find a way to hurt her.

Selena turned and ran to her chamber.

Chapter Two

They”d bathed him. They”d fed him. They”d clothed him in clean garments. Leif didn”t want to think about the bath they”d given him. Under other circumstances he would have enjoyed having two women wash him and touch every part of his body. But he was a proud man, and as such he felt humiliated by the way they treated him as if he was a piece of meat.

And to their leader - queen or whatever she was - that”s all he was: a piece of flesh that would soon impregnate her. All he could do was try to resist, but he knew he wouldn”t be able to fight the submission. After all, they were women, and his body reacted to touches and caresses like any other man”s: it aroused him.

It was with dread about the inevitable that he looked at the door when he heard the key turn in the lock. An eternity later, the door opened. Only one person entered, a person he hadn”t expected: Selena. She carried a small satchel with her.

The look she darted over her shoulder told him that she wasn”t here on her leader”s orders.

“What do you want?” Leif asked, apprehensive about her motives. Maybe what she

wanted wasn”t that different from the other woman. After watching him ejaculate over the stone floor, maybe she wanted his seed too.

“Shh, stay quiet, or they”ll hear us.” She approached him quickly. “I”m getting you out.”

Surprise rocked through him. She was here to release him? “Why?”

She stilled instantly. “You mean you want to stay and impregnate my sister?” Outrage was clearly written on her face.

“No! Of course not!” he objected.

“Then let me help you.” Selena took the first restraint on his wrist and stuck an iron key into it, twisting it. The shackle sprung open, and Leif pulled his hand out.

“Why are you helping me?”

She worked on his second wrist. “People should not be treated like animals.”

“Is this what your clan does, capture men to procreate?”

She shook her head as she released the second shackle. “Never before. This time Aurora has gone too far. We have our own men - she has plenty of breeders to choose from.”

“Breeders?” he asked as he watched her kneel in front of him to open the chains around his ankles.

“Yes, men who will provide our women with offspring. But her breeders have only

provided her with sons. She”s desperate for a daughter. Without a daughter she can”t take the throne.”

“She needs a daughter, like an heir?”

Selena nodded. “Yes. And she thinks that because our men are so docile, they don”t have the strength to give her daughters.”

Leif freed himself from the last chain and stood. “What kind of society is this? How do your warriors allow this?”

“Our warriors are women. Men have no rights. They are only here to serve us.”

He put his hands to her shoulders before she could head for the door. “You mean they are slaves?”

Her eyes met his, and again he was drawn into their green depth. Selena didn”t answer, but she didn”t have to. Her sad look was all the answer he needed.

“What happened to the men who were with me?”

“Most of them were captured, some escaped.”

“Where are they? Are there more cells like this one?” Leif asked, waving his hand

toward the empty room behind him.

“Not here in the castle. This is only for Aurora”s personal prisoners. There is another building in the compound. And there”s the infirmary - some of your men are there. But we have to go now before the guards come back from their rounds.” She urged him toward the door, and they stepped into the dark corridor outside.

“I have to free my men.”

Selena instantly put her hand onto his mouth, instructing him to be silent. Her fingers were soft and sweet, and Leif captured them with his hand. With wide eyes she stared at him.

Then she jerked away. “We have to leave now,” she whispered and grabbed his arm. “Here,” she pressed the satchel into his hand, “you”ll find food and a map in it. The map will show you a safe way to the coast. There”s a friendly tribe who will help you cross the fjord.”

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