Narcissist Seeks Narcissist (5 page)

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Authors: Giselle Renarde

BOOK: Narcissist Seeks Narcissist
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“Yes.” Szuszu sauntered into the room wearing nothing but a sheer white camisole and matching panties. She looked gorgeous, as always, but not in a glamorous way, not like she looked in the magazines. In the months since they’d known each other, Szuszu had grown into her skin. So why did Naomi still feel larger-than-life?

“Take off your clothes for me,” Szuszu insisted. Grasping Naomi’s hand, she traced both their fingers along Naomi’s jaw line and down the front of her top. “What are you so afraid of?”

Without thinking, Naomi replied, “Nothing.” But that was another childish response, the answer to a challenge. She sighed, but gave in and edged toward the hot tub in the center of the room -- this was such a movie star home. Szuszu turned the thing on and it burbled to life, humming like a beehive.

Szuszu stripped bare, climbed into the tub and let out a moan Naomi knew only too well. Szuszu’s pleasure aroused her desires, and her whole body palpitated as she watched Szuszu writhe against the bubbles. “Come in, my lover.”

Naomi hesitated, but her feet crept forward. She said, “I don’t want to,” before realizing she was already taking off her top
. Szusz couldn’t see her?
The thought was painful, yet freeing. What was she hiding from if not Szuszu’s eyes? Only herself, and she’d have to face herself sooner or later. Might as well be now. Naomi tore out of her clothing and slid over the edge and into the warm bubbling water.

“Glad you could join me.” Szuszu was on her like a leech the moment she dipped in, sucking her neck, kissing that spot behind her ear.

Naomi could hardly breathe for the pleasure. “Oh God, Szusz.” That woman really knew what she was doing. And to think how much time Naomi had wasted playing the eternal aggressor, the top, the stone dyke who gave and gave and took nothing for herself…

“You have such soft skin,” Szuszu cooed right into her ear. That breath was nearly as hot as the steam rising from the tub.

“You can’t see the zits.”

Szuszu hushed her, tracing hands along breasts, arousing new desires in Naomi’s core. Her pussy palpitated, hoping. Even with the jets beating life’s stresses out of her lower back, she could feel Szuszu’s every caress. The one did not obliterate the other. In fact, they complimented each other, the hard pressure, the soft kisses and touches. The wetness was everywhere, in her and around her, accentuating the heat between them.

“Touch lower, Szusz.” She wanted it. God, did she want it.

As Szuszu traced fingertips down her breasts and across the curve of her naked belly, Naomi felt her whole body gasp. A tingling rush of anticipation took over, and she pushed Szuszu’s hand down between her thighs. Szuszu’s fingers knew exactly what to do, tracing the borders of Naomi’s lips gently as the water swished her trim hair.

When Szuszu dipped slender fingers into that slit, so slick and wet with desire, Naomi’s back arched of its own volition. She hissed, “Yes, yes!” while Szuszu stroked her clit so slowly it was almost painful. “Please, more. God…”

The blasts of bubbles against her back were powerful as anything, yet their strength seemed dwarfed by Szuszu’s attentive fingers. Maybe Naomi had simply waited too long for this. Maybe it only felt this good, this immediate, because of all those months of deriving sexual satisfaction vicariously, through Szuszu. True, her woman’s pleasure was indeed her own, but there was nothing to equal the sensation of her girlfriend’s fingertips scouring her clit.

Naomi bucked away from the jets and against Szuszu’s hand, which rubbed feverishly against her pussy. She heard herself yelping, hollering, making all kinds of noises that weren’t particularly sexy, but she really didn’t care. When she arched so high her tits passed over the water’s tremulous surface, Szuszu leaned right down and sucked one shimmering, wet nipple into that incredibly warm mouth. That put Naomi right over the edge. She couldn’t control anything anymore. Her limbs flailed in the water, body floating toward the bubbling surface before she could urge them back down again. Only her head was still, steadied by molded plastic of the tub itself.

Naomi kissed Szuszu relentlessly, feeling the firm press of her woman’s breasts against her own. God, they were wet. They were both so wet. They were like two water sprites, nude, frolicking in a springtime pool, and that thought made Naomi’s heart race. Szuszu was so beautiful, so stunning, and they were in this together, playing together, making each other feel good. Naomi hugged her gorgeous girlfriend close without worrying how big and round her belly would feel against Szuszu’s. It was such divine liberation to feel free in body and mind.

“Come here, Szusz.” Naomi wrangled her woman until she was seated again and Szuszu was perched on her thigh, straddling the thick flesh there. She gripped Szuszu’s hips and rocked her, feeling that familiar pussy splay in the wetness. “God, you’re my beautiful bouncing baby girl.”

Szuszu threw her head back and laughed, her smile shimmering, lips plump and glassy. Even her nose was beautiful, one of those perfect ski-jumps the model types often had, but it was Szuszu’s breasts Naomi couldn’t draw her gaze away from. Full and round, those perfect tits bounded with every jerk and jolt Naomi exerted. How could she resist leaning forward to suck those nipples? How, when they were drawn into tight pebbled buds in the cool air above the water’s surface?

Her flesh tasted of chlorine, but Naomi didn’t care, not when Szuszu was moaning with delight. She grazed her fingernails across Naomi’s wet scalp before latching on to hair the way a baby would, with absolutely no intention of letting go. Szuszu was moving her hips on her own now, grazing her pussy against Naomi’s thigh faster and faster, until she was breathless and pressing Naomi hard against her breast. Naomi sucked, licked, bit, gave her everything she could possibly desire in rapid succession, rapid fire.

The exultation in Szuszu’s shrieks brought Naomi right to the edge. When Szuszu let go of her hair long enough to tweak her nipple, that was enough to send her over. Naomi burst up from the water, standing, Szuszu still clinging to her, their bodies writhing together in the water. Hot and cold now, they kissed, they cried and sighed into each other’s mouths, and rode the wave together until it ebbed entirely.

Szuszu turned off the bubbles, and they sat together, Szuszu in Naomi’s lap. Her tall body curled so she could rest her head on Naomi’s shoulder. Naomi still expected, at times, to see that bleach-blonde bouffant and it was a surprise to realize her Szuszu’s hair was darker now, amber and honey with a smattering of grey, a short and funky cut. She looked quite different than she had, and the more Naomi thought about it, the more she realized Szuszu was different now. Very different.

“Are we meeting Babette at the airport?” Naomi asked. The still pool tinkled as water dripped from their hair, disrupting the calm surface.

Szuszu’s relatively slight form tensed against Naomi’s, only for a moment, and then melted back into her body. “No, darling. She lands wretchedly late at night. We’re meeting at Bayview for a late brunch tomorrow.”

Naomi hesitated before asking, “Can I come too?”

As before, Szuszu laughed, but this laugh rang maudlin to Naomi’s ears. “Oh darling,” Szuszu sighed, “Babette will not be fond of you.”


Chapter 7



Szuszu didn’t realize until they arrived at Bayview that she and Naomi had worn what amounted to matching outfits. Even in the blur and the fuzz, she could make out the subdued red of Naomi’s blouse, and the mahogany of her skirt set against leopard print stockings. The top Szuszu had worn was rather more pink, and the skirt rather more chocolate -- no animal prints, except the tiger stripe of her shoes -- but even so, Babs would never let her live down the similarities.

“Stop, Szusz.” Naomi pulled her toward a brightly-lit shop. “Come in here for a sec.”

“Darling, we’ll be late for Babs.” She tried not to let on how anxious she was to see Babette again -- no use in getting Naomi all upset -- but her heart was hammering now. She couldn’t deny how she’d missed her dear friend.

Naomi led her by the hand, and she followed. “How are you going to see Babs if you can’t see at all?”

“Not specs, darling.”

“Yes specs, darling.” When Naomi hugged her around the middle sheer warmth flooded her veins, and she couldn’t but listen. “Let’s talk to someone who works here and see if you need a prescription or how this works.”

When Szuszu picked up a pair of glasses at random, a smart woman with a shiny gold name badge approached to say she was just with another customer. Before that new information could sink in, another voice shattered the peace of her hope: “Szuszu, darling! Szusz? Is that…that’s not you, is it?”

Instinctively, Szuszu put the glasses on, and in seconds a much less fuzzy than usual Babette was standing before her, sickly, gaunt, arms outstretched, planting Hollywood kisses on the air all over her face.

“Babs…God, I’ve missed you!” She couldn’t think what else to say. After so long, so many months, Babette was back. “You look wretched, darling! Perfectly wretched!”

“Yeah, well, I’ve been in India, darling. You look wretched too. What’s your excuse?”

“I’ve been eating, darling. Food!” Once she’d grasped her oldest friend against her chest, her heart remembered the thing she’d been dreading. “Oh darling…darling, I must tell you…do you recall the personal ad you wrote up for me? I must introduce you…”

Szuszu backed away to meet a look of regulated horror in Babette’s eyes. “Don’t tell me there’s another of you tucked away in this specs shop. Go on then, introduce Mini-Me. Let’s have a look at her.”

When Szuszu glanced in Naomi’s direction, she saw the girl for the first time -- saw her for everything she truly was: plump, yes, certainly bigger than Szuszu herself. She had the face of a cherub, cherry lips and cheeks nearly as red. Her dark hair was streaked at the front, done up in a youthful style that matched her quirky jewelry and purse. The girl wasn’t anything like the image of Naomi that lived in Szuszu’s mind, and yet she found she wasn’t concerned. The girl was absolutely glowing, eyes glimmering as she stuck her hand into the lion’s den of Babette’s reach.

“Darling, is that what you look like?” Szuszu heard herself asking Naomi.

Babette was laughing -- cackling, in fact, very like a witch. “Just what the doctor ordered, hey? Look at the pair of you, with your au natural makeup and your short hair and your…hips! I mean, really, Szusz, honest-to-God hips? And a butt to boot!”

Szuszu hardly knew how to respond. For the first time in a very long while she felt happy with herself. But it took a certain type of person -- a type of person like Naomi -- to understand what that meant. How could she explain herself to Babs? The gap had grown too expansive since she’d been gone.

“You’ve spent ninety percent of your life fighting flab,” Babette went on. Szuszu’s heart seemed to shrink in her chest as she watched the expression of moderated anger on Naomi’s pretty face. “What happened, Szusz? Suddenly little miss blubber here comes along and you’re bathing in tubs of mayonnaise every night? Is that it, darling?”

Count on Naomi, the eternal saviour. Of course she stepped to Szuszu’s defence. “I know we’ve just met and you’re Szuszu’s oldest friend and I shouldn’t be rude to you and all that crap, but people aren’t supposed to be stick figures. Her weight is just right for once in her life, and she’s happy and healthy and in love.”

Again, Babette cackled, flicking her hair behind her shoulders. “Darling, you’re kidding yourself if you think this will last.”

“Excuse me?” Naomi looked as though she was tempted to throw a punch, and the shop assistant raced out onto the floor at the sound of escalating voices. “I know your game, lady. You’re jealous. Fine, whatever, but if you’re married to someone else you don’t get to hold Szuszu’s love life hostage forever and ever, amen.”

“That’s rich,” Babette spat back. “Thank you, Dr. Freud, for your brilliant analysis. Yes, that must be it: I’m jealous. I want my Szuszu all to myself. You’ve hit it on the head, haven’t you?”

The smartly-dressed shop assistant looked to Szuszu with a pleading gaze, and Szuszu could only feel joy in being able to see the girl’s expression clearly. The whole world felt revitalized, even if her oldest friend and her lover were making a scene in the specs shop.

“Can’t you be pleased your friend is eating more and drinking less?” Naomi was terribly close to Babs now, right in her face, tits smacking tits, and the image was inarguably quite arousing. “Instead of drowning her sorrows, she’s talking about them. And I think she looks incredible -- better than ever, in fact.”

“Better than ever? And you’ve known her, what, a grand total of two weeks? I’ve known her all her life, little miss. We were children together, and the bloody messes we went through bonded us in a way you’ll never understand, so don’t tell me…”

Szuszu noticed a mirror inside the shop and wandered toward it, mesmerized and perplexed, while Babette berated Naomi. She didn’t want to hear any more. She closed her ears to their harsh words and gazed at her own reflection. Had she perhaps worn specs when she was young? Yes, in fact, she had. She'd worn them when she was a child. How strange to have forgotten a thing like that, but seeing herself now, wearing minimal make-up, her hair its natural shade, her cheeks sporting the healthy swell of a girl who’s been clearing her plate, she recognized herself for the first time in more years than she cared to think.

“This is really me?” She pawed at the mirror like a cat. She couldn’t believe her eyes.

Babette and Naomi both fell silent and turned their heads in one fluid motion to meet her gaze in the mirror. Finally, Babs was civil enough to cut short her haranguing of someone who meant a great deal to Szuszu.

“It’s you,” Naomi replied. “You look great, don’t you think? So healthy.”

Judging from the downy expression in Babette’s eyes, she was sincere when she said, “Yes, darling, you look…well, you look rather…healthy, like the girl here said.”

The girl
is very important to me, Babs.” Szuszu’s voice was much steadier than she felt. Even her heart trembled when she saw Naomi’s broad, elated smile.

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