Natasha's Awakening (81 page)

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Authors: J. A Melville

BOOK: Natasha's Awakening
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Bending down, Eric pulled her to her feet, his arm curling around her waist when she stumbled slightly due to her legs still not being quite up to supporting her. When she could stand without nearly falling flat on her face, he took her hand and dragged her to the stairs.

Once they were upstairs he turned on the water and when the temperature was right, Eric stepped in, pulling Natasha in with him. The warm water was heavenly on her aching limbs and she stood there letting him soap up her body, his hands gentle as he slowly washed her.

After he’d washed her entire body, paying special attention to her breasts and between her legs, Natasha returned the favour, soaping up all of Eric’s body. Her hands glided over his skin, down his chest and stomach but before going lower, Natasha moved to his back and buttocks, even sliding her hand down between his cheeks, feeling Eric tense as her fingers brushed his balls when she reached forward between his legs. She touched her lips to his back as finally her hands moved to his front again and she smiled against his back when she found him already erect.

“Hmmm seems like someone’s eager for their shower.” Natasha joked and Eric chuckled, the sound vibrating through her where she stood pressed up against his back.

She ran her soapy hands up and down the length of his hard shaft, before cupping his balls and gently washing them. Once she was finished, she rinsed him off, then moved around to the front of him again. When Eric looked down at her, desire burned in his eyes and Natasha reached up to kiss him. He quickly took over, forcing her lips apart to slide his tongue into her mouth.

Passion burned rapidly between them and they broke apart, both panting. “Fuck, I want you again baby. Are you too sore? I don’t want to hurt you.” Eric’s voice was husky with his arousal.

“I want you too Eric. Fuck me now.” She gasped.

“Are you sure? You were sore baby. I don’t want to hurt you. We don’t need to do this.”

Natasha kissed Eric again, her hand reaching between them to wrap around his length. “Shut up Mr Rothman and make love to your wife. That’s an order.”

He grinned. “Well, when you put it like that Mrs Rothman. How can I refuse?”

He turned Natasha until her back was against the tiles. “Put your arms around my neck.” He said and when she did, Eric lifted her. She wrapped her legs around him and with her back braced against the cool tiles, he lowered her onto his engorged shaft.

Her slightly tender folds parted as he eased his way inside her. Once she was impaled on him, Eric paused for a moment, leaning back to search her face, looking for signs that she was in pain.

She smiled at him, before pushing her arms down on his shoulders to give herself some leverage, so she could rise up and drop down on him again.

When Eric realised Natasha wanted him to keep going, he pinned her up against the wall and began to thrust steadily into her with long deep strokes. With the water falling down over them Eric worked them both towards their release, every slam of his penis up against Natasha’s cervix, made her gasp, pleasure shooting through her.

Her eyes opened, her gaze on his face and she watched him as he thrust harder and faster into her, eyes closed, his lips pulled back from his teeth in a grimace as his own excitement grew.

“Dammit baby, I’m not going to last much longer. How the fuck do you do this to me all the time? I have no control with you, fucking none.” He growled and Natasha’s inner muscles clamped down around him at his words. “Fuck, fuck it baby……FUCK!” Eric shouted and began to pump his release into her.

He changed the angle as he thrust wildly causing friction over Natasha’s sensitive clitoris and with a few more hard thrusts that rammed the head of his penis up against her cervix, she exploded, crying out and clutching desperately at his shoulders, her nails scoring his skin as she clenched around him, her delicate tissues hugging his shaft, squeezing it until she’d milked him of every last drop.

Natasha could feel the tremors running through Eric’s body as he reluctantly pulled out of her and lowered her to the floor before they both sank down under the warm spray. He moved her over his lap and she felt his still hard penis find her entrance. He dragged her down on him until he was buried in her warm body again.

They stayed there under the spray until their breathing slowed. Eric finally stirred and when Natasha shifted his softening penis fell out of her.

He pulled her to her feet and quickly cleaned them both off before getting out of the shower. He gently dried her with a towel, taking his time, making sure every inch of her body was dry before Natasha took a dry towel to do the same for him.

Once they were both dry, Eric brushed Natasha’s hair for her, something he seemed to love doing and she was happy to let him.


The next day Eric suggested they go to Launceston so he could show Natasha Cataract Gorge. It was a beautiful sunny day, but the air had a definite wintery chill to it so they were both dressed in jeans and sweaters.

Eric brought the Ferrari around from the garage and opened the door so Natasha could get in. As she looked at the car and then her husband, she couldn’t help smiling when she thought of the last time she’d been in his pride and joy.

He noticed the smile hovering on her lips and raised his eyebrow. “I know that look baby. Don’t even think about saying anything bad about this car. It’s yours too now you know.”

Natasha laughed. “I didn’t say a word. What on earth would make you think I’d diss your car?” She asked.

“Maybe because you did last time you saw it.” Eric replied dryly.

She was still smiling when she got in the car and waited for Eric to climb in the driver’s seat. They headed off to Launceston, the powerful car chewing up the kilometres.

Cataract Gorge was amazing. They rode over on the chairlift with Natasha madly taking photos. The views from the chairlift gave her plenty of photo opportunities of the river, the suspension bridge and when they got off the chairlift and started walking, she was delighted with several male peacocks which seemed quite happy to mix and mingle with the people.

They walked along one of the numerous scenic tracks, one which followed the river. The path they were on was much higher than the water so it was fenced off all along the way. At various points there were areas built out towards the river so people could get a better view over the river and she photographed Eric from them, then he took her photo. They stopped a couple of tourists and got them to take photos of the two of them together before continuing on with their walk.

They ended up spending several hours at Cataract Gorge before finally heading back home. Maggie had invited them both over for a BBQ at their home and that would give Natasha a chance to see the twins and put her mind to rest that they were actually doing fine.

Eric stopped along the way to buy alcohol so they wouldn’t arrive empty handed. Maggie had insisted that they bring nothing, but Natasha wasn’t comfortable with that given they had Erica and Nathaniel staying with them.

When they arrived at Maggie and Thomas’s house Natasha looked around with interest. She’d never been to their home before even though they actually lived on a small parcel of land that had once been part of Eric’s property. He’d given it to them and had their home built as a gift for all the years that Maggie had taken care of him as a child and for the work they did even now, looking after the country home when he was on the mainland.

Everyone greeted them with hugs and kisses all round. Natasha was pleased to see the twins were doing well and didn’t seem at all upset over being left with Maggie, Thomas and Beverly. Still it didn’t stop her showering them with kisses until they were both giggling at her.

Maggie instructed Thomas through the whole cooking of the BBQ which made Natasha smile to herself. When it came to those two, Maggie definitely wore the pants, but Thomas seemed quite happy to take his orders from his wife. They’d been happily married a long time and Natasha could only hope that her and Eric continued to be as happy as long as the older couple had been.

Once they’d all eaten, Natasha tried to help clean up but was ordered out of the kitchen by Maggie so after another hour of sitting around chatting, her and Eric said their goodbyes and headed back to their home.

They spent the rest of the evening making love until finally falling asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

The next few days were spent doing the tourist thing. Eric drove Natasha to Hobart so she could look around and do some shopping. They went to the Botanical Gardens which were stunningly beautiful and on their way home, he took the coastal route so they could see the Blowhole and several other beautiful examples of Mother Nature along the way.

Their time in Tasmania had given Natasha and Eric some much needed time alone together and by the time they headed back to the mainland they were feeling well rested and ready to resume their normal daily lives.


                                                                Four Years Later.

“Daddy, daddy, Nathan’s trying to put a frog on me.” Erica screamed running towards Natasha and Eric with her brother hot on her heels. Her long auburn hair streaming out behind her.

“Nathan leave your sister alone.” Natasha warned as Erica made it to them, wrapping her arms around Eric’s leg and sticking her head out from behind her Father as Nathan skidded to a halt, a large green tree frog in his hand.

“It’s just a frog Mummy.” Nathan tried to reason looking up at his Mother. Erica peered up at her parents too and Natasha smiled at them.

“Your sister doesn’t like frogs though Nathan so don’t chase her with one please.” Her voice was firm.

“But Mummy…” Nathan started to argue, shoving the frog towards Erica who squealed, trying to climb up the front of her Father in a desperate bid to get away from the object of her terror.

Eric swung his daughter into his arms and kissed her soft cheek, reassuring her that she was safely removed from the frog. All three of them turned to Natasha and her breath caught as it always did when they were looking at her. Three sets of stunning, intense blue eyes gazed back at her. Eric’s held amusement, Erica’s still showed her fear over the frog and Nathan was looking distinctly annoyed that his sister didn’t share his love of frogs and his Mother wasn’t letting him continue trying to force his love of them on his sister.

The twins had grown so much. They were only a few days off their 5
birthday and arrangements had been made for their party with a jumping castle, petting zoo and everything that a pair of 5 year olds could possibly want for their birthday.

Natasha put her hand out to push Erica’s long auburn hair back off her face. She had her Mother’s colouring, except for the eyes and Nathan was like his Father, except his hair was more a strawberry blonde, with strands of red that glinted in the sunlight.

“Nathan, how about you go and find a nice safe place to let the frog go. You can’t carry it around all the time, you might make it sick honey.” She told him. “You don’t want to make it sick now do you?”

Nathan looked down at the frog in his hand and his eyes were serious when he looked back up at her. “Do you really think he could get sick Mummy?” He asked.

“He could Nathan. How about we go and find a nice place fit for a frog to live? I think the pond would be perfect. He can swim and sun himself and there’s food. I know I’d love it there if I was a frog.” Natasha told her son.

With a wide smile on his face, Nathan ran off towards the pond that was under the trees down one side of the property with Eric and Natasha following. Now that Erica didn’t feel threatened by the frog anymore, she was walking with them, holding tightly to her Father’s hand.

Natasha smiled. Erica was such a Daddy’s girl and would shadow Eric when he was home. He was putty in her hands too, indulging her to the point where Natasha didn’t know whether to laugh or lecture him about letting their daughter have her own way too often.

Nathan was more in need of his Mother for reassurance although he still loved to do things with Eric but despite the odd incident like with the frog, he and his sister shared a close bond. It never ceased to amaze Natasha how Erica was growing into the more outgoing, loud one whereas Nathan was quieter, calmer and he tended to think things through a bit more than his sister.

They found a nice spot by the pond for the frog’s release and once it was done to Nathan’s satisfaction, he ran off with his sister to go and see if the latest edition to their family, Charlie, a dalmatian puppy they had bought for them a couple of months ago, wanted to play.

Eric came up behind Natasha wrapping his arms around her, dropping a kiss to the side of her neck, which caused the usual shiver of awareness to chorus through her body.

“Can you believe we’re going to be going through all this again soon baby?” Eric asked. “Are you ready for that?”

Natasha laughed softly. “Of course Eric. We’re going to be parents again soon. What I never expected was that we’d be having twins again. You know, we really are over achievers when it comes to the whole baby making thing.” She laughed.

“I’m not sure my blood pressure is going to be able to cope trying to keep oversexed teenage boys away from our three daughters down the track baby. I think a shot gun might be a good investment.” He joked and Natasha grinned.

“Just give them your best CEO face and you’ll scare them off.” She touched her palm to Eric’s cheek.

It had certainly been a surprise when the doctor told them they were expecting twins and that they were both girls this time. Natasha had worried that Eric might be disappointed he didn’t have another son, so potentially two to take over his business one day, but he’d told her not to be silly.

“If our daughters want to run the company, they can baby. If our son does, great, but I won’t be pushing them to do anything other than what they want. I got to live my dream and I want them to have the same opportunity one day. That’s important. I refuse to be like some parents who push their children to be something they don’t want to be. Don’t think for one moment that I’m upset over the prospect of us having three daughters baby. Look at Erica. You know it, she knows it and I do too, she has me right under the thumb.” He grinned. “If she’s got that kind of power at almost 5, then she’s going to make a great CEO one day.”

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