Natural Solutions to Things That Bug You (29 page)

BOOK: Natural Solutions to Things That Bug You
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Soak 2 ounces of fresh “syringa leaves” in 4 cups of cold water for about 24 hours then strain and use in a sprayer. Test a few leaves and leave overnight. If the mixture is too strong it can burn your plants.
The fruit is very poisonous, so use with caution.



One of the best insecticides for mites is to use sulfur powder from your drug store. There are a number of different preparations that contain sulfur.
Use with caution.



Unlike most bugs, spider mites love marigolds and are not repelled by the plants.



The boxwood plant; can be damaged by boxwood mites. The leaves will become withered, bronzed and may drop to the ground making the plant look scraggly. The best method of eliminating the problem is to squirt the plant with water several times during the spring and summer months.



These mites love bulbs and can do significant damage. They are whitish and have a few brown spots and grow up on onions and potatoes and then go on to the bulbs. While the mites will not do a lot of damage they allow decay organisms to enter and damage the plant. When the mite enters a stage where it develops a hard shell it will stop eating and look for a free ride aboard a mouse or fly looking for its next location. If you have a problem, just dip the bulbs in hot water for 20 minutes and make sure that you clean up any rotting or old bulb material.



A glue spray really does the job, just mix 2 quarts of tap water in 4 ounces of Elmer’s Glue and allow it to stand for about 12 hours. Spray the solution of the infected plants.


This will glue the mites, killing them and will not harm the plants. As the glue dries, it will just flake off. This should only be done in the evening and not in the hot sunlight. Be sure and clean out your sprayer immediately afterwards.




General Information:

    The cheese mite will cause dermatitis (skin irritation) and is larger than the grain or mold mite. It needs an ideal temperature of 73
and humidity of 83% to thrive.



    Make sure you inspect cheeses that are not wrapped.

Inspect pet food that is purchased in bulk.

Store foods in a clean, dry area.             

Never place new grains on top of old grains in storage bins.

Store foods in well-sealed containers.

Vacuum up spills and never leave them around.



If you think that you have mite-infested foods, just place the foods in the freezer at 0
F for seven days or in a shallow pan at 140
F for 30 minutes in the oven. If you wish to use a microwave place the foods in there for 5 minutes on high.



Dust mites will be killed by direct sunlight. If you place upholstered furniture in the sun for a few hours it will kill any mites that may reside there. Bedding should be washed and changed weekly and washed in water that is at least 120



Plush animals are usually loaded with dust mites and need to be placed in a plastic bag in the freezer for 24 hours once per week. If they are washable they should be washed once per week.



Pillows are one of the most common items that contain dust mites. Almost 25% of all pillows are contaminated and should at least be replaced every 4-6 months. If you ever had your bed evaluated for the dust mites you would probably never sleep in it again or buy a new one.





These microscopic insects can be found anywhere in your home and are related to other mites, and ticks, in the class Arachnida, which also includes spiders, scorpions, daddy-longlegs, and similar eight-legged creatures.

Mites can be distinguished from insects by a lack of wings and antennae, and by having eight legs (though larval mites may have only six legs). Mites can be distinguished from spiders by the fact that mites have only one body segment, as opposed to the two body segments spiders have.


One of the problems to the identification of house dust mites is their invisibility. Even the adult mites cannot be seen with the naked eye.


They measure a mere 1/100
of an inch, or 250-300 microns, one-fourth to one-third of a millimeter. The larvae and nymphs are even smaller and it takes a powerful microscope to see them.


What dust mites lack in size they make up for in sheer numbers and densities of dust mites in the typical used mattress after only 2-3 years can range from 100,000 to ten million individual mites. House dust mites feed and grow almost exclusively on the dead, shed skin cells that are shed by humans daily by the hundreds of thousands. While your bed is their favorite location the majority of house dust mites can also survive in pillows, stuffed animals, overstuffed furniture, even rugs and carpeting. The place where your pet sleeps is also a favorite location.












They thrive on dead skin cells and may be a hazard to people with allergies or asthma. It is best to reduce their numbers as best you can. There are 35 million people who have allergies to dust mites.
Every home collects about 40 pounds of dust per year, which contains 15 species of dust mite.
One ounce of dust can contain 42,000 dust mites. In England 33% of all cereals inspected was contaminated with dust mites.













General Information:

Vacuuming works great on mattresses and pillows.

Bedding should be washed in very hot water. Detergents and soaps will not kill the mites unless the water temperature is very hot.

The bedroom should be kept clear of stuffed animals, clothes hampers and throw rugs.

Stuffed animals should be periodically washed in very hot water.

Problem areas should be dusted with tannic acid powder since this neutralizes the allergens. This is available at most health food stores.

All mattresses and pillows should be covered with laminated covers so that the mites cannot penetrate them.

Fabric-covered headboards are a perfect place for mites.

Heating ducts should be covered with a special filter that can trap dust particles smaller than 10 microns.

Mites love humidifiers and thrive on the warmth and moisture.


The majority of dust mites in your home reside in your mattresses. Place 3-4 anti-static dryer sheets between the mattress pad and the box spring then place duct tape around the legs of the bed and around the base of the bed, sticky-side out. You also need to place an airtight plastic cover over the mattress and pillows.


EAR MITES             



    This is a very tiny infectious organism that looks like a tick and must be identified through microscopic examination. It usually results in a black discharge that resembles coffee grounds.

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