Natural Solutions to Things That Bug You (31 page)

BOOK: Natural Solutions to Things That Bug You
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General Information:

When you disturb thrips they will fly or hop for a very short distance and have the tendency to flip their abdomen over their head like a scorpion to try and scare you away. They will lay their eggs on leaves and plants and look like a walking spot that is only about 1/16
of an inch long. They may be yellow to black in color and there are over 600 species in North America.


They prefer to feed on beans, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, cucumber and squash. They also like gladioli and roses. If you see a silvery spot or streak it may very well be thrips that have settled in.



There are two predatory mites that can be purchased to control thrips. They are
Amblyseiulus mackenseii
Euseius tularensis
. Dragonflies also like to feast on thrips. Using Nc nematode mulch around the base of plants may also do some good.



Check with your garden supply store for a spray that contains sabadilla dust, which is usually combined with sugar. Soap sprays early in the morning are also very effective as well as yellow sticky traps.



Thrips are attracted to the colors yellow and blue. If you use some construction paper and place a sticky substance on it they will go over for a look see and get all stuck up. If you place the sticky substance on the plant stems it will stop them from climbing up the plant. Tanglefoot™ is excellent to use as the sticky substance.



Foil collars work great for low-lying plants. Make sure that they extend at least 12 inches around the plant on all sides to be effective. If the plants are over 2 feet tall, you will need to place stakes around the plants and extend the foil from the stakes.





This resembles a miniature greenhouse and is used for seedbeds and very young plants as well as acting as a barrier against insects and pests. The cloche must be opened every day to allow watering, especially on hot days. However, this is a negative since when it is opened it may allow insects and pests to enter. It is, however, an excellent method of allowing plants to get a good start.


The healthier the plant the less likely insects stand a chance of damaging them. Check with your garden supple house about building plans or purchasing a ready-made cloche.



The following formulations will be effective against most pest insects. Place the formula in a spray bottle and either spray on the insect or into its home.


Water to fill the bottle ¾ full, then add 4 drops of Ivory liquid soap, ¼ teaspoon of hot pepper sauce and ½ crushed garlic clove. This formula will need to be strained before you place it into the spray bottle.


Finely crush 2-3 habanero peppers, 2 large yellow onions and 1-large garlic clove. Place the mixture into 1 quart of very hot water and allow it to steep overnight before straining and using in a sprayer.


Mix together 1 tablespoon of Ivory liquid soap and 1 teaspoon of canola oil in 1 quart of tap water.


Finely crush 15 garlic cloves and allow them to soak in 16 ounces of mineral oil and 4 drops of Ivory liquid soap for 12 hours, then strain and add 3 pints of water. Best to test on a leaf or two before using this formulation on the whole plant.


Finely crush ½ cup of Serrano peppers in 2 cups of warm water, strain well and spray.


Place 2 cups of rubbing alcohol in 1 quart of water and spray the plants that are infected. Best to allow the mixture to remain on 1-2 leaves overnight and then check for damage.


Crush up some rhubarb or oleander leaves and place them into 1 quart of warm water. Allow it to stand overnight then strain before using.
This is very toxic so keep it away from pets and children.









This method uses lightweight opaque materials, which are draped over the entire garden bed. The material allows sunlight and water to pass through, but will keep insects and birds from damaging your plants. Since the material is so light, the plants will push it up as it grows. The edges are anchored with a heavy object such as a rock, to avoid being pushed up by the wind. The material will break down after a few years and is sold in rolls and is fairly inexpensive.



These are biological mating hormone scents given off to attract other insects of a particular species. Pheremones are sold by garden supply stores and can be placed on flypaper or in traps to attract insects. This method is a very effective method of ridding your garden of insects.

































One of the best methods of getting rid of caterpillars is to just pick them off and drive them at least 10 miles away from your garden and release them.



This naturally occurring bacteria, is used to kill the young ones of the gypsy moth. Just spray them with
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt),
a good natural biological caterpillar control weapon that you can purchase in a garden supply house.



Blackjack is an annual weed that has flowers with white and yellow centers. The seeds are small, black and thin with tiny claws on one end. They usually stick to people’s clothes or pets fur. A spray can be made; by using the mature seeds if you just take a cupful in water and allow it to boil for about 8-10 minutes or allow them to soak for 24 hours. If you boil them allow them to cool then add 1 quart of water and 1 teaspoon of liquid soap and spray immediately. This will also eliminate aphids, beetles, cabbage root flies and whiteflies.



    To prepare a spray using pawpaw (Carica papaya), use 2 pounds of shredded leaves and add them to 4 cups of water and mix well. Strain and add the juice to 2 pints of water then add 2 teaspoons of paraffin and 3 drop of liquid soap. Spray into the soil to get rid of caterpillars and cutworms.



Jimson weed (purple stink weed) can be used to combat aphids by just drying and then powdering the stems and leaves, then using the powder to dust the plants. This plant has also been called thorn apple.


This plant is poisonous to humans and animals so handle it with caution.




This caterpillar lives in a silk cocoon that looks like a bag. It has small pieces of leaves attached to the outside as camouflage and carries the bag with it when it is feeding. The bag is about 2 inches long when it is fully matured. They lay their eggs in the fall and they hatch in May or early June.



    One of the best methods of getting rid of the bugs is to hand pick them from the trees or plants and burn them.

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